Wikimedia Foundation Policy

Wikimedia Foundation Policy

Non-profit Organizations

We advocate public policy that promotes free and open knowledge for everyone, everywhere.

About us

We are the Wikimedia Foundation's Global Advocacy team. We advocate public policy that promotes free and open knowledge for everyone, everywhere. Learn more:

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Public policy, Free knowledge, and Global advocacy


  • Hello, and nice to meet you! 👋 We are the Global Advocacy team at the Wikimedia Foundation: a mix of regional policy and human rights, anti-disinformation, communications, and community-organizing experts. Our mission is to help reach the Foundation's vision of a world where everyone, everywhere, can safely create and share knowledge without fear of consequence or barriers to access. 🌐 In this space, we will share our work to promote and protect public policies, laws, and regulations that support the right to access free and open, reliable and accurate knowledge. Get to know our team:! We look forward to seeing you around!

    Meet the Wikimedia Foundation Global Advocacy Team

    Meet the Wikimedia Foundation Global Advocacy Team

  • Our quarterly newsletter is out! Learn how we collaborate with Wikimedia volunteers worldwide to educate policymakers and legislators on how to protect Wikimedia's model, platform, and people. Our newsletter is for everyone interested in learning what policies and laws can address online threats while supporting participation in the sum of all human knowledge. It is also a bridge between active volunteers (who create, moderate, and curate Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects) and people who care about protecting neutral, reliable, and freely accessible information online. 📨 You can read the most recent issue of the newsletter at:  If you want to receive our updates, sign up at: You will receive the most important advocacy moments and issues that we face, forecasts on noteworthy topics on the horizon, and upcoming events worth attending!

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  • Our team is getting ready for a very “Wiki” week! Collaborating with the Wikimedia community is at the heart of our advocacy work. We’ll be traveling to Brussels, Johannesburg, Bangkok, and Indianapolis, to connect with our community partners and co-design policy initiatives to protect Wikimedia’s model, people, and values. Read more about who will be where, and what we'll be discussing.

    Co-designing Policy Change: the Wikimedia Foundation at Key Community Events

    Co-designing Policy Change: the Wikimedia Foundation at Key Community Events

    Wikimedia Foundation Policy on LinkedIn

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    How can you help shape the digital world for the public interest? 🌍🌏🌎🌐 Watch the livestream of the “The Power of the Commons: Digital Public Goods for a More Secure, Inclusive, and Resilient World” side event this Saturday, 21 September, 2024, from 11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m EDT (8:15 a.m.–9:30 a.m. PDT):

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    🌏 The upcoming Global Digital Compact (GDC) at the #SummitoftheFuture in New York aims to set global standards for digital transformation, urging tech firms to enhance transparency and accountability while protecting digital rights and inclusion. As we approach the GDC's 2025 implementation, aligned with Malaysia's ASEAN chairmanship, it’s crucial to explore the intersection of digitalisation and the right to development. With the Asia-Pacific digital economy set to hit US$1 trillion by 2030, now is the time to ensure a rights-based, inclusive digital future. Join us for a discussion at the 2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific on how we can ensure responsible, transparent digital growth. 📢 Speakers: - Edmund Bon Tai Soon, Representative of Malaysia to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human RIghts (AICHR Malaysia) - Rachel Arinii J., Lead Public Policy Specialist for Asia, Wikimedia Foundation - Lorenzo Urbinati, Strategic Advisor - Rights in Digital Space and Data Justice, Oxfam in Asia - Dio Herdiawan Tobing, Head of Digital Policy, World Benchmarking Alliance Find out more about the session, co-hosted by Wikimedia Foundation, CARL, AICHR Malaysia and WBA: #CorporateAccountability #GlobalDigitalCompact

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    🌐 How can we ensure that the internet of the future will be by the world's people and for the world's people? Join us to discuss this issue at the United Nations Summit of the Future Action Days. 🗓️ The Summit of the Future takes place right before the 2024 United Nations General Assembly. It's a time when world, industry, and civil society leaders will convene to debate and vote on documents to shape the future of the internet. Ahead of the summit, the Wikimedia Foundation and partners will host an event to explore the transformative potential of digital public goods like Wikipedia in fostering sustainable development around the world. Join the conversation live on 21 September, at 15:15 UTC. Learn more ➡️ 🤝🏾 In partnership with Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Republic of Poland, United Mexican States, Federal Republic of Germany, Access Now, Wikimedia Deutschland e. V., Wikimedia CZ, Wikimedia Europe, Wikimedia Polska, TUM Think Tank, Global Network of Centers #SummitOfTheFuture #OurCommonFuture #UNGA79

    • Event: The Power of the Commons: Digital Public Goods for a More Secure, Inclusive, and Resilient World. Summit of the Future Action Days side event. On 21 September 2024, 15:15 to 16:30 UTC.
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    ¿Qué nuevos y persistentes retos y oportunidades trae el rápido desarrollo tecnológico a la región de Latinoamérica? 🌎 Amalia T., nuestra Especialista Líder en Políticas Públicas para América Latina y el Caribe, se unió a organizaciones, activistas y personas investigadoras de derechos digitales a discutir ésta y otras preguntas clave para la región en la 12ª edición del Taller Anual organizado por el Center for Studies in Freedom of Expression and Access to Information (CELE) de la Universidad de Palermo a finales de agosto. Las discusiones abarcaron: 🗞️ los códigos de negociación de medios de comunicación; 🤖 la inteligencia artificial; 🗺️ el impacto de la geopolítica en los debates internacionales sobre políticas relacionadas a Internet; ♀️la libertad de expresión y violencia política de género; 🌐 la regulación de plataformas y derechos humanos; 📶 la conectividad significativa y ecosistemas de información. El evento de dos días fue una valiosa oportunidad para conectar los puntos entre el trabajo que hacemos en la Wikimedia Foundation y las agendas de otras organizaciones latinoamericanas. Muchos de los intercambios se enfocaron en la libertad de expresión y asimismo en los desarrollos regulatorios y sus implicaciones a nivel regional y global. Dado el interés de las organizaciones de sociedad civil regionales en las evaluaciones de impacto en derechos humanos, presentamos los hallazgos de la Evaluación de Impacto sobre los Derechos de la Niñez ( que la Fundación encargó. También explicamos lo que la Fundación y sus comunidades están haciendo para: 1️⃣ Mitigar los riesgos para el ejercicio de los derechos de la niñez en los proyectos Wikimedia; 2️⃣ Recibir y considerar comentarios sobre este trabajo; 3️⃣ Cumplir con nuestra obligación de consultar y compartir información con otras partes interesadas. Tuvimos discusiones estimulantes sobre cómo las aproximaciones de género, interseccionales, e indígenas pueden ser incorporadas en las evaluaciones de impacto a derechos humanos. Nos alegró cuánta curiosidad hay sobre la manera en que el modelo liderado por personas voluntarias y descentralizado de Wikimedia continuará respondiendo a las recomendaciones de la evaluación. Felicitaciones por el aniversario de los 15 años del CELE, y muchas gracias a su directora, Agustina Del Campo, y su equipo entero por la invitación y oportunidad de discutir nuestro trabajo. ¡Esperamos seguir la colaboración muchos años más!

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    What new and persistent challenges and opportunities does rapid technological development bring to the Latin American region? 🌎 Amalia T., our Lead Public Policy Specialist for Latin America and the Caribbean, joined digital rights organizations, activists, and researchers to discuss this and other key questions for the region at the 12th Annual Workshop organized by the Center for Studies in Freedom of Expression and Access to Information (CELE) at the Universidad de Palermo in late August. The discussions covered: 🗞️ news media bargaining codes; 🤖 artificial intelligence; 🗺️ geopolitical impacts on international internet-related policy debates; ♀️freedom of expression and gender-based political violence; 🌐 platform regulation and human rights; 📶 meaningful connectivity and information ecosystems. The two-day event was a valuable opportunity to connect the dots between the work we do at the Wikimedia Foundation and the agendas of other Latin American organizations. Many exchanges focused on challenges to freedom of expression as well as regulatory developments and their implications at the regional and global levels. Given the interest that regional civil society organizations have in the creation and details of independent impact and risk assessments, we presented the findings of the Child Rights Impact Assessment ( that the Foundation commissioned. We also explained what the Foundation and volunteer communities do to: 1️⃣ Mitigate risks to the exercise of children's rights in Wikimedia projects; 2️⃣ Receive and consider feedback on these efforts; 3️⃣ Fulfill our obligation to consult and share information with other stakeholders. We had stimulating discussions on how gender, intersectional, and Indigenous approaches can be incorporated into human rights impact assessments. We were pleased with how much curiosity there is about the way in which the volunteer-led, decentralized Wikimedia model will continue responding to the assessment's recommendations. Congratulations to the CELE on its 15th anniversary, and many thanks to its director, Agustina Del Campo, and her entire team for the invitation and chance to share and discuss our work. We look forward to continuing our collaboration for many years to come!

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  • ¡No se pierdan la oportunidad de participar en el Diplomado Internacional sobre Procesos Políticos de Política Pública en Sociedades Digitales, que organizan en alianza Flacso México Oficial, Wikimedia México y Wikimedia Foundation! El diplomado cubre temas de relevancia para los debates actuales en torno a la cuarta revolución digital, sus impactos en nuestras sociedades y el papel que pueden jugar las políticas públicas. 📖🤓 El diplomado dura 4 meses (5 de septiembre–19 de diciembre), se llevará a cabo en español y de manera virtual. 🔎👉🏼 Más información: 👈🏼🔍

    Diplomado Internacional Procesos Políticos de Política Pública en sociedades digitales.

    Diplomado Internacional Procesos Políticos de Política Pública en sociedades digitales.

  • The Wikimedia Foundation is one actor in a larger ecosystem that promotes freely accessible and open knowledge. We sponsor regional digital rights organizations, individuals, and events to give back to those who advocate expanding access to reliable information online and promoting knowledge equity in historically underserved regions. For three years in a row, we have supported the Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum (DRIF), hosted by the Paradigm Initiative. This annual conference brings together digital rights activists and scholars from across Africa to work toward a rights-respecting and digitally inclusive online future for the African continent. In 2024, DRIF had the largest attendance of Wikimedia volunteers ever. We also granted scholarships for the first time so volunteers could attend. 🌍🥳 Hosted this past April in Accra, Ghana, the conference also brought together organizations such as UNICEF Ghana, the Mozilla Foundation, ARTICLE 19, and Women of Uganda Network. Over 20 Wikimedia volunteers attended DRIF, speaking about preventing electoral disinformation, promoting access to education in offline environments, and supporting the inclusion of women in online spaces. We talked with the people who represented the Wikimedia community there: booth organizers, speakers, and scholarship recipients. Learn about their experiences, what they took away, and why they think supporting regional conferences like DRIF is important. ✊🏾

    Reflections from Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum 2024 (DRIF24): A conversation with Wikimedians

    Reflections from Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum 2024 (DRIF24): A conversation with Wikimedians

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