Distant Strike
At 11th level, you gain the ability to pass between the planes in a blink of an eye. When you use the Attack action, you can teleport up to 10 feet before each attack to an unoccupied space you can see.
If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, you can make one additional attack with it against a third creature.

This is a great ability, that is often interpreted different ways by different DMs.  It is however written very clearly, and this mod implements the ability strictly Rules as Written.  This article will explain the rules and how they unfold in BG3.

Let's start with the last sentence and work our way backwards.  

Distant Strike Extra Attack

If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, you can make one additional attack with it against a third creature.

This portion of the ability stands on its own, referencing the Horizon Walker's Attack Action (from the ability description's second sentence) with the action.  Even if you would like to interpret this as only applying when the teleport is used, the teleport is optional (as stated by you can teleport, not you must teleport), so the extra attack can happen regardless.  

When you gain this ability at level 11, it will start watching the targets you attack (does not matter if you hit).  Once you attack 2 different targets with your Attack Action (more on that below), you will be able to make another attack against a different third target.  Targets in the context of this portion of the ability must be creatures, not objects or locations.

/ / A Note on the Attack Action in 5e / /

We are using the tabletop 5e definition of an Attack Action instead of what BG3 natively considers it to be.  That means an Attack Action consists of a melee or ranged attack, a shove or a grapple (partial list relevant for BG3).  Casting a Spell, even if it is a Spell Attack, is not an Attack Action.  Bonus Actions are not a part of the Attack Action, but they can happen during an Attack Action *IF* they trigger off of an "Attack," like the Bonus Action Attack from dual wielding.  Moving can be broken up and executed before and after each attack in the Attack Action.  

So when determining and keeping track of targets for Distant Strike and unlocking the third attack, we are looking at only "main hand" melee weapon, ranged weapon, thrown, unarmed and improvised attacks, OR a shove or a grapple.  These last two require the optional mods I mentioned to add Grapple as an Action, and to change Shove into an Action instead of a Bonus Action (which is why I recommended using them to better account for tabletop action economy).  

Once the target conditions are met during the Horizon Walker's Attack Action, the Distant Strike Extra Attack container will unlock on your hotbar, and you can select one of the valid types of Extra Attack Actions for your third Attack.  You will not be able to target one of the previous two Attack targets with this new third Attack.

/ / A Note on Multiple Action Points / /

If you can take more than one Action due to something like Haste or Action Surge, you will lose your Distant Strike Extra Attack if you begin another Action (by doing something that costs an Action Point).  This is because the Distant Strike Extra Attack is a part of the original Attack Action from which it was triggered.  It cannot just hang around when you initiate *another/new* Action.  So use the Extra Attack when it is available, and then take your next Action that turn.  And yes, you can trigger another Distant Strike Extra Attack during a second Haste/Surge Action if you have one available.

Distant Strike Teleport

When you use the Attack action, you can teleport up to 10 feet before each attack to an unoccupied space you can see.

The key here is before each attack.  This is tricky in BG3, so in order for the teleport to be selectable on your hotbar a few conditions need to be met:  

  • You must be in combat
  • You must have the ability to make a 5e attack (see above for that breakdown) with an Action Point or as an Extra Attack (from either your class feature or some other mechanism).  Again, Bonus Action attacks do not count.
  • You must not be in the middle of a teleport-attack sequence (see below)

By teleporting you have declared the intent to attack (remember the teleport can only occur before each attack).  So, once you teleport you are then locked into making your 5e rules Attack Action attack, moving, and free actions.

Attacks / Movement (using Combat Actions mod where Jump costs movement only like in 5e)

Making your 5e rules Attack Action attack completes the teleport-attack sequence, and you can continue your turn.  If you have Extra Attacks available, you can teleport again and the process repeats.  

NOTE:  You may see some hotbar spells locked out with a crazy high Action Resource cost.  This is not a bug.  It was done this way to help isolate only certain Attack Actions were usable, in the case where certain spells are improperly not Tagged as Spell.

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