As of version 1.0.0, this is what is written in in the stats file (aka KAYCircleOfArtifice_Armor.txt)

type "Armor"
using "ARM_Circlet"
data "Level" ""
data "Slot" "Helmet"
data "ValueOverride" "1"
data "ValueLevel" ""
data "ValueScale" ""
data "ValueRounding" "1"
data "Weight" "0.1"
data "Rarity" "Uncommon"
data "RootTemplate" "0ce43a83-b0d8-4666-be03-7cd804421dc6"
data "Boosts" "UnlockSpell(Target_RiseUndead_DeathShepherd)"
data "PassivesOnEquip" "MAG_Myrkulites_CircletOfMyrkul_Circlet_Passive; MagicResistance"
data "ArmorType" ""
data "Shield" "False"
data "Armor Class Ability" ""
data "ArmorClass" ""
data "MinLevel" ""
data "Proficiency Group" ""

If you want to change the slot, then on the data "Slot" line, you change "Helmet" to the slot you want.
Cloak - "Cloak"
Body - "Breast"
Gloves - "Gloves"
Footwear - "Boots"
Camp Clothes - "VanityBody"
Camp Shoes - "VanityBoots"
Underwear - "Underwear"

Technically, you could also stick it in the "Ring", "Amulet", "MusicalInstrument", or various weapon slots ("Melee Main Weapon", "Melee Offhand Weapon", Ranged Main Weapon", "Ranged Offhand Weapon"), but you won't get the visuals, just the spells. And it won't actually work as a weapon or instrument unless you add the weapon attacks to the boost line, and even then I doubt the animations would work right.

If you want to keep the original but also have a copy that occupies a different slot, then you can either just copy-paste the whole entry & change the slot, OR you can add this:
new entry "CIRCLE_OF_ARTIFICE_Cloak"
type "Armor"
data "Slot" "Cloak"
But with whatever slot you want. Make sure the entry name is somehow different from the original entry & that you also add it to the TreasureTable.txt (if you don't add it to the treasure table, it won't appear in game; you'll have to use the Script Extender console to spawn it)

Other lines you can edit (not that I don't explain every line here because I honestly don't 100% understand every line):
ValueOverride - You can change how much gold it's worth (Note: I do NOT recommend selling mod items if you ever want to remove the mod from that save, unless you want to go buy the item back & destroy it before you uninstall the mod.)
Weight - You can change the weight (it is currently set to 0.1 which is basically the minimum weight, so it can't get any lighter)
Rarity - Set the rarity to "Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Very Rare", or "Legendary". Basically just changes the icon box outline. (I have it set to Uncommon so it's green, since Shel is a Fallen Aasimar)
RootTemplate - DO NOT TOUCH THIS.
Boosts - For adding spells and other non-Passive boosts (like having advantage on certain skill checks). I usually use the multitool's index search to search the in-game name (which is usually only in English.loca so you could just open that right away to search the name), then search the handle that goes with that name and open whatever Spell_Type.txt it's in (i.e. "Hail of Thorns" handle is hec3e702ege82bg4096gb1f0g71c07209f8da, which is found in Spell_Projectile.txt because it is a projectile spell), search the handle within that file and then whatever the new entry name is, is the spell's file name (i.e. Hail of Thorns is called Projectile_HailOfThorns; most spells' file names are Type_Name but sometimes the name you see in game is different from the file name)
PassivesOnEquip - What ever passives you want to be applied to the character when wearing the item. You can find then the same way as finding spells, but they'll be in Passive.txt.

For example, the TreasureTable.txt for this mod looks like this:
new treasuretable "TUT_Chest_Potions"
CanMerge 1
new subtable "-1"
object category "I_CIRCLE_OF_ARTIFICE",1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
But if you made two copies of the item in the Armor.txt that are named "CIRCLE_OF_ARTIFICE_Cloak" and "CIRCLE_OF_ARTIFICE_Underwear", then you need to add the following to the treasure table:
new subtable "-1"
object category "I_CIRCLE_OF_ARTIFICE_Cloak",1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
new subtable "-1"
object category "I_CIRCLE_OF_ARTIFICE_Underwear",1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Alternatively, you could add the original or any copies to other treasure tables. Majakale posted a spreadsheet of the treasure tables.

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  1. mistahJz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    where to find armor.txt?????????
  2. belthezaire
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Nice. I love discovering these types of tutorial files. Very helpful, and very much appreciated.