Quality of Life

  • Overhauled all item and ability descriptions, made the keywords more consistent and improved (hopefully) general readability.
  • New items come with their own lore with a tiny touch of DnD’s existing lore, enhancing overall immersion as a Scrounger.
  • New lore have their own keywords explaining certain concepts.

Prior to 2.0, keywords were really messy. You have “Silenced”, “Silent”, “Silence” all referring to the same effect. Some keywords aren’t even proper keywords. 2.0 changes that by making the keywords more unified. When you highlight them (Press T by default on PC), they now show the actual name of the effect.


Scrounger's Fabricator
  • Updated description to include newly added items, called Toolkits.

Battery Cells
  • Renamed to Biofuel, updated description to reflect this change.

There is nothing wrong with “Battery Cells”, but the term doesn't quite suit the style I am aiming for. I want the class to feel more Biopunk and Lovecraftian. Energy sources are akin to chemical tanks filled with you-name-it fluids, hence the term change.

Class Resources

  • Changed description for each tier. Prior to 2.0, they were simply “Battery Capacity Tier 123456”, now they have a bit more personality.

Structural Integrity
  • A new class resource, required to use Toolkits. It has a fixed value of 10 and does not change with leveling. Toolkits do not require Biofuel to fabricate, but they do require their respective components.

Dreadful Components & Sinister Components
  • Each has 1 charge and replenishes after long rest. Dreadful components are required to fabricate the toolkit of the scholars, and sinister component for the toolkit of a vivisectionist.

Fusion Core
  • 1 charge, replenishes on long rest. Required to fabricate Handheld Supernova.

Fusion Core, Dreadful Components and Sinister Components do not show up on the resource panel, as I don't want to clog up the ui. Since these resources only have 1 charge, their purpose is essentially limiting their respective abilities to once per long rest.


  • Fixed an issue where the tooltips of Uncanny Husk, Eldritch Dynamite, Improvised Chemstick, Canister of Atrophic Structure and Handheld Supernova have incorrect surface effects displayed.

Oozing Biomass
  • Foul Pseudopod now applies Silenced for 2 turns, up from 1 turn.
  • Ochre Sputum has been renamed to Foul Spit. It now deals a mix of poison and acid damage, and applies Poisoned status.
  • Adjusted stats.

Oozing Biomass is already decent, but that’s mainly due to its damage and tankiness. In terms of its abilities, they don’t feel that useful or interesting. I tuned some numbers and added another status effect to this summon, and hopefully gives it some more utility.

Malformed Experiment
  • Tenderize the Meat no longer does full damage regardless of saving throws. A successful save will now halve the damage. Save DC increased to 20, up from 16.

Tenderize the Meat just feels way overtuned, especially given how easy it is for Malformed Experiment to go Berserk. On top of that, this  multi-attack deals force damage, one of the best damage types in the whole game. I think it's appropriate to add a saving throw to this attack.

Shell of Absolute Zero
  • Save DC for Deep Freeze increased to 20, up from 18.

Similar to Tenderize the Meat, neither of them uses player character's primary stat for their save DC, and instead uses an arbitrary value. I decided to bump it up a little as enemies tend to have high Constitution in this game.

Canister of Atrophic Structure (Canister for short)
  • Increased its tick damage to be on par with Improvised Chemstick.

Canister used to deal less tick damage than its poison counterpart, Improvised Chemstick. The reason was that Brain Rot (Canister's status effect) would keep a target within the area of effect, while Hallucination (Chemstick's status effect) couldn’t do that. So naturally the Canister had an easier time delivering its tick damage. But Improvised Chemstick already had the potential for more damage by tricking enemies into attacking each other via Hallucination, so I decided to buff the tick damage of the Canister.

Eldritch Dynamite & Shell of Blast Furnace
  • Damage reduced by one die.

They were simply too destructive for their availability, so they received a slight damage nerf.

Handheld Supernova
  • Burning surface duration is halved. A successful save against it now also negates Prone.
  • Added a new class resource called Fusion Core, required to fabricate Handheld Supernova.

Handheld Supernova was intentionally designed to be an outlier in an otherwise mostly balanced kit, because who doesn’t love setting off some big firework? Now that I have calmed down a bit, I think this ability is due for some tuning. The damage remains unchanged, but a restriction is imposed on how often you can use it via the new class resource.

Motion-assist Prosthesis
  • In addition to its base effect, this evolution feature now grants you an extra bonus action at level 10.

I really like the theme of engineered evolution, and making the most basic evolution evolve as you level just feels fitting for this class. So why level 10 for Scrounger, when Thief gets Fast Hand at level 3? My reason is that Motion-assist Prosthesis already enables more offensive tactics due to the amount of aoe a Scrounger has access to. An extra bonus action means 3 huge aoe attack in a round, without any buff such as Action Surge, Hastes, etc. I decided to postpone this bonus to level 10.

Optical Melanophores
  • In addition to its base effect, this evolution now also grants a +10 bonus to stealth checks.
  • Biofuel cost increased to 3, up from 2.

Optical Melanophores did not really satisfy my fantasy of evolving like a chameleon, partly due to Dexterity isn't a primary stat for Scrounger, therefore stealth capability was limited for this class. Nonetheless, a +10 to stealth check is a risky change that might throw off its balance, so I bumped up its cost. This evolution feature is now more powerful but also more resource intensive.

Deep Anchor
  • Added two new abilities, Depth Tow and Baleful Blow.
  • Depth Tow transforms the weapon into a mechanical hook that can pull a target towards you for a distance of your choice, dealing cold damage and applying Chilled.
  • Baleful Blow costs a bonus action. It functions like a basic attack with some extra effect. First is Hydraulic Pressure, which roots an enemy in place and deals a tiny amount of force damage each turn. Second is Sheltered by the Deep, which grants you temporary hit points and some bonus AC until your next turn, or when your temporary hit points is depleted for whatever reason.

I always felt there wasn't much reason to use the pickaxes over the crossbows. It doesn't help that bolts and shells are only available for the crossbows. They make up 24% (20% now with new items) of a Scrounger's arsenal! These two new abilities are my attempt at making pickaxes (at least Deep Anchor) more interesting.

I am a huge fan of Bloodborne's trick weapons, and want to make one in BG3. There are two problems, though:
  • First, transitions between different forms don't feel smooth enough. Let's say I make two weapons, each has an ability to summon the other weapon (aka transform). In Bloodborne, when you transform a weapon, if you are in an attack animation prior, the transformation will turn into a special attack, making the whole moveset fluid. This is not the case (at least for me) in BG3. Summoning weapons is just...summoning weapons. There is an awkward downtime that clearly tells you "These are two separate items" and pulls you out of the fantasy.
  • Second, complementarity. I thought of some weapon combinations, like a sword and a bow, each can summon (or "transform into") the other. While it sounded cool on paper, I felt they didn't really complement each other. If I am using a bow, I am most likely to keep using it for an extended period. Same for the sword.

Deep Anchor isn't a trick weapon of any sort, but the newly added Depth Tow ability does give it a faint flavor of such. This ability  "transforms", attacks and applies its functionality all with one click of a button. It definitely feels more fluid.

Baleful Blow on the other hand is much simpler, without a need of explanation.

Weapon damage
  • All fabricable weapons now deal a mix of piercing + poison/acid damage, instead of pure poison/acid like 1.0 version. Weapon enchantment has been removed from superior weapons, and their base damages are increased to compensate. They do overall same damage as before.

New Items
Ever since the release of 1.0, something felt missing. I have white (basic), green (advanced), blue (superior) and orange (legendary), so naturally I need something red/pink.

Coming with 2.0 update are seven new items, six of which are divided into two subcategories:
  • Toolkit of the Scholars
  • Toolkit of a Vivisectionist

These new items are heavily influenced by Bloodborne/Lovecraftian elements. You can think of them as hunter tools from Bloodborne, albeit more utilitarian than offensive .

The story of these items started with Helstorboren College, a now-defunct academy, founded by some remnants of the old University of Cimbar (mostly known as The University), which was destroyed in 1370DR. They were particularly interested in Cosmology, but their study eventually led them to the Deep. College members rejected the three major Cosmology models and proposed their own model, Veil Cosmology.

Veil Cosmology suggests that all planes exist only because of the angle they are being perceived. A thin veil curtains all realities. Beyond it, all beings are perceived as non-beings, yet simultaneously give rise to everything.

These scholars believed the Veil lay somewhere in the Deep, and relocated the college to an undisclosed location underground in the early 1400s.

In 1482DR, 10 years prior to the event of Baldur's Gate 3, you went on an expedition under the request of Cult of Witch Machinatio. Its biology division acquired a sample of a brand new species of aberrations, and traced them all the way to The Cold Lands. During your expedition, you picked up a total of six useful blueprints, three belonged to the scholars, and three belonged to a vivisectionist.

Abductor Parasite
  • You found this in an abandoned laboratory. A dusty lab journal describes them as some kind of parasitic monopod creature. They would latch onto a victim, or drag the victim towards them with surprising strength, albeit at a cost of damaging their own body. The parasite's pod messes with the victim's brain, and temporarily disables their verbal organ. Scholars from the college cultivated them upon learning its potential connection with the Deep. Such activity may be the culprit of rampant missing person cases during their time.

Abductor Parasite can be used to pull an enemy for a distance of your choice, deals psychic damage and applies Silenced. A successful save will negate Silenced, but not the displacement and the damage.

A Gaze Beyond
  • This one was found in a ruined lighthouse near the college. It was actually a wick of the lighthouse's lamp. The scholars imbued the wicks with knowledge from the Deep, and turned them into observing devices for their study. A layer of security was also added to the wick to protect the observer by masking their precise location. Shortly afterwards, the lighthouse became a haunting place for the locals as fishermen and travelers alike recited creepy encounters on the water.

A Gaze Beyond can reveal invisible enemies at a particular location, while simultaneously blur the user and grants a bonus to insight and perception. The wick needs time to recalibrate afterwards, so it can only be used once per short rest. 

Vile Communion
  • Found in the half-collapsed dining hall of the college. The abhorrent scene started with a faint moan, followed by gruesome body horror. Some of the scholars seemed extremely fragile, like a walking piece of glass. While others conveyed twisted features, such as bloated heads, abnormal upper limbs, etc, and are more destructive than usual. The source of the incident appeared to be the meal the scholars ingested. Inside the iron bowl, the still twitching larvae of unknown origin were seething their teeth in anguish.

You can choose a target, and let both of you partake of a vile communion. Doing so will establish a link between you. Entities gains a large bonus to their damage, while becoming your ally for a brief period. When the link is active, you are vulnerable to all damage. 

Ghastly Reagent
  • A tool you found inside a deserted clinic. The vivisectionist spent years perfecting its formula, making it useful for almost any alchemical brewing. One of the key ingredient was an eerie organism, purchased from a shady scholar who claimed to be a member of Helstorboren College. The organism was sealed inside a bottle of reagent, which then became its incubation chamber. The reagent never fully depletes, and will replenish from time to time via unknown methods.

Using this reagent will grant a buff that lasts a short period. During this time, you gain a bonus to medicine check, and a medicine check will take place when crafting alchemical solutions. Should you succeed, the yield will be doubled.

Counterfeit Documents
  • Found in a cracked safe, still intact to an extent. Within it is a densely packed forgery kit, with stamps, seals and papers tailored to bypass any checkpoint. The items endured excessive usage by the Vivisectionist and weren't as effective anymore.

You can disguise yourself for a short duration and gain a bonus to deception and performance.

Vivisection Instrument
  • This one was found on the perished Vivisectionist, a surgery kit that tasted the blood of many. The Vivisectionist was once a respectful doctor, but also an egotistic individual. It all began with a botched surgery, and their life went downhill from there. The Vivisectionist eventually alienated everyone close to them and succumbed to narcissism and paranoia. They died a lonely death on a pile of filth, a fitting end many would say.

Conduct a surgery with the intention of removing various negative status effects. Your lack of experience causes a medical malpractice and reduces the target's max hp. If they succeed a save then max hp reduction is prevented, and instead taking half the value as slashing damage. Regardless of the saving throw, the target will be cured of various negative effects.

After the expedition, you were accepted into the cult. Cult of Witch Machinatio is an organization dedicated to a powerful yet puzzling being and worship her as their Patron. Her followers are often described as biomechanical creatures who are commonly found scavenging in dubious places, and can seemingly pull things out of thin air. People refer to them as Scroungers. Most of them specialize in chemical and bio-engineering, though there are exceptions. The exact pursuit of this cult is currently unknown to outsiders, as the cult members aren't pushing any agenda. As a result, this cult is usually viewed as chaotically neutral.

Scrounger's Field Manual

Last but not least, is a new item called Scrounger's Field Manual. This is purely a utility item, a new readable book. Included in it are some tips for the class, creative ways of using your items, etc. I originally wrote down the tips in the comment section of the mod, but I wanted to make it more immersive, so I added this new item.

It can be obtained via a new ability called Fabricate Scrounger's Field Manual. Note that this book will not be automatically added to your hotbar like the rest of the items.

That wraps up the 2.0 patch notes, I wish you a fun playthrough!

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