  • Read the Necromancy of Thay (obtain Forbidden Knowledge)
  • Use the spell Path of Undeath - Reflections
  • Use the hag potion Faltering Will, then Missing Pets, wait until you succeed
  • Kill yourself at night
  • Wait 10 turns to get raised back automatically (if resurrected before this ends, the transformation will fail)
  • Done

  • Considered Undead, you can’t be targeted by most healing spells, and can be affected by Turn Undead or Control Undead
  • Resistance to Poison and Necrotic
  • Advantage against Charm 
  • Immune to Disease
  • Advantage on Death saving throws

Foul Defiler: Defile the corpse of a living being to feed your own unlife and regain 1d4 x (Proficiency Bonus – 1) (costs a Bonus action)

Corporeal Denial: Interrupt the spell Corpse Grenade from Valkrana's Spellbook - 11 New Necromancy Spells by Sailor Cat. Fun interaction intended for spicy multiplayer.

Dark Undeath(Dark Urge): Get a +1 to necrotic damage (primary) sources (+1 per Undeath stage)

Celestial Undeath (Fallen Aasimar): Immunity to Necrotic

Inured to Undeath (Deathsong Set or Necromancer 10): Immunity to Necrotic

Perfected Undeath
 (Having both the above): +1 damage reduction

Dread Overlord
: All effects desecrating corpses trigger Foul Defiler (Commit Corpse also cots a Bonus Action when Undead)

PF2e Spells: Harm2e properly heals undead from this mod

  • All sources of healing from Blackguard have been made compatible with Path of Undeath
  • Undeath + Shadoweaver 3: doubles the resistance to necrotic damage (~75%)
  • Undeath + Shadoweaver 3 + Fallen Aasimar/Reborn/Inured to Undeath: +1 damage reduction

Obtainable powers:
Undead Scourge
Obtention: Obtain and destroy Loviatar's Mace with the given spell (Abdirak)
Effects: Add 1d6 necrotic splash damage on melee weapon attacks (2m area, toggleable, affects allies and self)

(Dread Overlord):
Obtention: Get afflicted by the Shadow Curse (rank 4)
  • Adds half your proficiency bonus on every roll you're not proficient with (like Jack of All Trades), including saving throws (unlike Jack of All Trades)
  • Grants immunity to the Shadow Curse

Shadow Mastiff Summon:
Obtention: Approach the Shadow Mastiff Alpha and try to tame it. If you succeed, it will become a companion. When it dies, you can summon him again
(The follower version and the summon version are different, the former can be edited by other mods)
He's called Grimsworth by default, there's an optional file available for custom names. To use it:
  • Unpack that add-on with multitool
  • Open the localization (xml) file
  • Change the name to the one you want
  • Save
  • Repack the add-on with multitool
  • Load the add-on after main file using BG3MM
This will ensure your custom name carries over the mod updates.

Unholy Mantle:
Obtention: Complete the Punish the Wicked quest in act 2. Obtention is retroactive. Only available when tagged as Paladin (Blackguard qualifies).
Effects: Crusader's Mantle but necrotic.
If used alongside Spells Enhanced - Crusader's Mantle, it will benefit from the same treatment (no concentration, until long rest duration, scaling d4 camage). It will consider you use the all inclusive version whatever you pick though.

  • Requirement: Be Undead (see above)
  • Read The Dawn's Shadow (new book, found in Temple of Lathander, next to Inquisitor)
  • Use the spell Secrets of Vampirism - Reflections
  • Use the hag potion Butterflies in the Stomach, then Insanity's Kiss, survive for the duration of the effect (you need Temporary HP for this)
  • Use the hag potion A Mother's Loathing, then bite a living humanoid with the given spell
  • Long Rest
  • Done

  • Any Necrotic damage you deal on the living heals you for 1 HP 
  • +1.5m of movement
  • Gain Vampire Bite (now deals 1d4 * Proficiency Bonus)
  • Darkvision (12m)
  • Gain Vampire Flight (8m, requires obscurity at both ends)

Edge of the Night: Gain Hidden Threat when Obscured (+1 bonus to critical and DC)

Sunlight Weakness: Disadvantage on attack rolls & saving throws while in the sunlight

RunningWaters Weakness: Take increasing Acid damage the longer you stay in water

VampireRegeneration: When not in sunlight and not recently hit by radiant, regain 1 HP every turn (toggleable)

Burgundelight: When stepping in blood, absorb it to heal yourself for 1d4 (toggleable)

Enthrall: Cast this spell on an undead ally or neutral to make it considered minion for most intents and purposes (like Alhoon aura, Dread Overlord features, Deathsong ring, etc).
Also steals 1 of all ability scores from the target.
You can only have one thrall at a time.
Base range is 3m.

At Greater Undeath stage, it gains +1.5m range and can be used on enemy undead too. If they fail a Wisdom saving throw, they become your thrall until they die or you enthrall another entity.

At Lichdom stage, it gains another +1.5m range.

On a neutral or enemy target, it takes control of the entity. 
On an ally target, if they resist the spell, the target can willingly plead a Grim Allegiance to the vampire caster (avoiding being enthralled in the future). 
Grim Allegiance:
  • Both characters become irreversibly bound
  • The Lord gets +1m of movement per Liege at stage Vampirism
  • The Lord gets +1 DR per Liege at stage Greater Undeath
  • The Lord deals +1 necrotic damage to non allied targets per Liege at stage Lichdom
  • The Liege is tagged as an undead summon, possibly allowing some effects to target them (like a regular thrall)
  • The Lord can have multiple Lieges at once
  • There is no ability drain between them
  • Lieges don't count as Thralls, so the Lord can still have a regular Thrall on top

AdvancedVampirism (Astarion): +1d4 (scales like a cantrip) necrotic damage on bite instead of unlocking it (also applies to Ascendant bite)

Sadistic Vampirism (Dark Urge): Bite makes the target Bleed for 3 turns

Scarlet Revelry (Dark Urge): When someone bleeds because of you, a small blood poolforms at their feet

Dread Overlord’s Vampirism (Dread Overlord): Casting Necrotic Armaments, you and ally undead summons around you gain 1d4 healing on damaging attacks and spells on the living

Enhanced Lifedrinker (Warlock Invocation): Warlock’s Lifedrinker double its damage on targets with <50% HP (compatibility patch with OneDnD Warlock - Pacts as Invocations available)

Enhanced Lifedrinker (Deathsong): If you already are full HP when getting healed by Deathsong’s sword Lifedrinker, get the amount as (decaying) temporary HP instead (caps at 20)

Nightmares: Every night, get a 25% of having a Nightmare. There are 10, each apply a unique debuff for the day

List of Nightmares:
  • Warmth Longing: You are vulnerable to Cold for the day
  • Vision of Wither: You have Disadvantage on Charisma skill checks, except Intimidation
  • Decaying Flesh: You are vulnerable to Acid for the day
  • Lost Innocence: When undead ally minions are nearby, you are distracted wondering who they once were, and have disadvantage on concentration checks
  • Rotten Feast: You have 25% lesshit points for the day
  • Vivisection: You are vulnerable to Slashing for the day
  • Brittle Skin: You are vulnerableto Bludgeoning for the day
  • Buried Alive: When someone uses a shovel nearby, you must succeed a wisdom saving throw or flee in fear. If you are the one using the shovel and fail, you take 2d8 Psychic damage
  • Failed the Clan: You can't taker eactions while an ally is close to you
  • Sewn Lips: You are silenced and talk or cast verbal spells for the day
The Nightmares themselves are from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, credits to Bethesda Softworks for them.

Nightmares can be forever prevented by consuming Noblestalk after you became a vampire.

  • Vampire + Shadoweaver 7: Unlock Blood Knight aura
  • Vampire + Blood Knight 7: Unlock Shadoweaver aura
  • Vampire: Sanguine Smite heals for 1d6 per spell level

Obtainable powers:
Obtention: Obtain and destroy Woe with the given spell (Cazador Szarr)
  • Arcane Enchantment: +1 to spell DC and spell attack rolls
  • Arcane Vampirism: When an enemy fails a saving throw agains one of your spells, regain 1d4 * (proficiency bonus -1)
  • Blight (no spell slot cost, once per long rest)

Obtention: Enter the Shadowfell as a Vampire
  • +4m range on Vampire Flight
  • Darkvision becomes Superior Darkvision
  • Disables Weakness to Sunlight

Shadowbound(Dread Overlord):
Same as above, with enhanced effects:
  • +8m range on Vampire Flight
  • Darkvision becomes Devil's Sight
  • Disables Weakness to Sunlight
  • Shadowshroud: Gain a damage reduction based on obscurity level (slighlty obscured = 2, heavily = 4, Darkness cloud = 8)

Ascendant Vampire: 
You can steal the power from Astarion.
  • Find and read the book called "On Blessings" (new book) in Sorcerous Vault (same room as "Caution before the Seelie")
  • Find and read the Black Mass Scroll in Cazador's Dungeon
  • Read "On Blessings" again, get a spell
  • Cast the spell on Astarion before the ritual
  • Let Astarion ascend, get a second spell
  • Cast the second spell on Astarion

This will steal the powers from Ascendant Vampire from him. He won't like it and will turn hostile, leaving the party. But, you also have the opportunity to resolve this peacefully:
  • A new "conversation" is availble with him (through spells you're given)
  • Go through with it to try to convince him to relinquinsh the powers to you willingly
  • If you succeed, he will do that, and the game will consider him as non ascended

If having Power Hunger installed, its change to the passive will carry over.

Associated powers:
  • Add your Proficiency Bonus to Charisma
  • Legendary Resistance (3 charges per day)
  • Vampire Swarm: deal 2d12 piercing damage, on failed save pushes them and applies Swarmed on them for 2 turns (slowed 50%, vulnerable to piercing, take 1d8 piercing each turn, the damage dealt by this heals the vampire) 
  • Winged Escape: toggle ability that turns you into a bat when hit below 30% HP. It has 1 HP, +5AC and doesn't trigger attacks of opportunity 

For every vampire rank from the progression system from Interesting Origins:
  • +1 bonus damage per rank as Ascendant (1~7 last rank gives +2)
  • +0.5m of movement and jump distance per rank as Ascendant (0.5~3.5m)
  • +1AC every 2 rank as Ascendant (1~3)
  • +1HP regen per turn per rank as Ascendant (adds to Vampire Regeneration)
  • No fall damage

The Scales of Kelemvor:
Is a trinket (musical instrument slot) item found in Cazador's dungeon. It is well hidden.
It deals 1d10 radiant damage to the undead the wielder hits, but deals 1d10 necrotic damage to the wielder in return.
It deals 1d10 necrotic damage to the living the wielder hits, but deals 1d10 radiant damage to the wielder in return.
An undead wielder can surely make the necrotic self damage part become irrelevant, or even beneficial (see Unholy Rejuvenation).
A Vampire Ascendant wielder will ignore the radiant self damage part.

Greater Undeath
  • Requirement: Be Vampire (see above)
  • Read Balthazar's Chronicles (new book, found in his secret room at Moonrise Towers)
  • Use the spell Secrets of Greater Necromancy - Reflections
  • Use hag potions Lover's Avarice and Wilted Dreams
  • Long rest several times. Each time, make a wisdom (DC 20) saving throw
  • If you fail, have a Nightmare, take 3d8 psychic damage and the night is failed and doesn't count
  • If you succeed 3 times in total, the trial is complete


Greater Undeath:
Immune to Poison and Necrotic
Resistant to Cold
Immune to Charm, Mad, Frightened, Laughter and Control Undead
Vulnerable to Radiant, Fire and Acid

Grave Magic
: +1d8 necrotic damage to your spells

Undead Fortitude
: Can't be downed unless by Radiant, Fire, Acid or critical hit. When this effect triggers and you get back up, you regain your movement and bonus action(s), but not action(s). So even if your foes can't kill you, they can give you a hard time.

Nightmares & Dreams
  • Unlock 10 new night events
  • 5 are new Nightmares
  • 5 are Dreams, with positive buffs
  • 4 are specific to Dark Urge, and specific to if you are giving into the Urge or resisting it
  • Nightmares will still be prevented from happening if you took the Noblestalk
  • 20% to trigger a Greater Undeath night event, 5% to trigger a Vampirism one

List of Nightmares & Dreams:
  • Whispering Void: While heavily obscured, you have disadvantage on Stealth checks
  • Forgotten Reflection: Your Charisma is reduced by 1 for the day
  • Plague: You are feeling sick, and can’t take Bonus Actions for the day
  • Oasis: You ignore damage up to 5 points, until you attack. It refreshes after combat
  • Peaceful Forest: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Charisma checks for the day
  • Inner Library: You have advantage on Arcana, History and Religion checks for the day
  • Wolf Among Sheep (Good Dark Urge): When an enemy enters your territory, they must succeed a wisdom saving throw or be Frightened for the turn
  • Harbinger of Death (Bad Dark Urge): When killing a creature, you enter a state of frenzy until the endof your next turn. You deal extra physical damage and have a bonus to attack rolls of 2
  • Candy Weapons (Bad Dark Urge): Your attack rolls suffer a 1d6 penalty, and when you miss, you take 2d6 Psychic damage
  • Evil Within (Good Dark Urge): Every minute, you get to pass a Wisdom saving throw against becoming mad for a turn, until you get Content/Happy


Greater Celestial Undeath (Fallen Aasimar): No Radiant vulnerability

Inured to Greater Undeath
(Deathsong Armour or Necromancer 10): No Fire and Acid vulnerability

Perfected Greater Undeath
(Having both of the above): +2 Damage reduction

Greater Will of the Everliving
(Deathsong headgear): Turn Resistance (advantage against Turn Undead)

Dread Overlord’s Favor
 (Dread Overlord): Necrotic Armaments can be cast for free

Murderous Reminder
(Dark Urge): When you land a Critical Hit against a creature, that creature and any nearby enemies must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened until the end of their next turn. They also are basked in an Aura of Murder, and become vulnerable to Piercing if they are not resistant or immune to it

  • Greater Undeath + Shadoweaver 3 + Fallen Aasimar/Reborn/Inured to Undeath: +2 damage reduction
  • Greater Undeath + Blackguard 9: Unlock Black Knight (instead of 15)
  • Greater Undeath + Shadoweaver 9: Unlock Shadowblend (instead of 15)
  • Greater Undeath + Blood Knight 9: Unlock Bloodlust (instead of 15)

Obtainable powers:
Staff of Cherised Necromancy:
Obtention: Obtain and destroy the Staff of Cherished Necromancy with the given spell (Mystic Carrion)
  • Heightened Necromancy: Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against your Necromancy spells
  • Life Essence Harvest
When you kill a creature with a spell, absorb its energy and gain Life Essence
Life Essence can be used to make next Necromancy spell cost no spell slot
New: Life Essence stacks, and is consumed one stack at a time (number of stacks based on spell level)
New: Upon long rest, remaining stacks are absobed into permanent max HP (7 stacks for 1)

Dreadful Envoy (Dread Overlord):
  • Get castigated by a divinity (steal from the Stormshore Tabernacle)
  • Defeat the Godly Paladin sent after you 
  • He is extremely strong, and only the Undead can fight him, be prepared
  • You can get a buff to become immune to Radiant for an hour by bringing a Desecrated corpse before the altar, this will help immensely
  • You can summon Azardon, Herald of the Dracolich, as a static, invulnerable summon for 10 turns, shooting Necrotic blasts at your foes
  • You get to have Shroud de Aeternus Vitae at level 6 instead of 10...
  • ...or get a +1d4 damage to it if you already have it

  • On Tactician or Honor mode, during the fight with Mystic Carrion, hit him to trigger his Mortal Uncoiling reaction 
  • The Wayward Undead condition can be broken with a saving throw when applied, and another chance every turn 
  • When broken out of this way, it grants the Overlord passive feature

  • Requirement: Be Greater Undead (see above)
  • Decipher the Necromancy of Thay using the Tharchiate Codex (obtain Danse Macabre) to gain Apocryphal Secrets
  • Purchase a receptacle for your soul from Helsik (can't be obtained otherwise, you basically order her to steal it from an Archdevil's treasure)
  • Use the spell Begin Rite of Ascension by night
  • Use the hag potions Lost Time and Heart of Stone
  • Cast the spell Begin Trial
  • Survive the trial, you must succeed 10 wisdom (DC 25) saving throws out of 20, else you die for good (unless you're friends with some deity or something)

+3 DC

Phylactery Mechanic:
As long as your Phylactery is filled with power, you have:
  • 100% HP revival on death
  • No vulnerability to Radiant, Fire and Acid
  • Immunity to Curse, Silence and Bleeding
  • Resistance to non-magical attacks (Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeonning)
  • Advantage on saving throws against spells

When you are revived, your Phylactery is depleted of its power, and you lose all the above (meaning you get back the vulnerabilities, notably)
The Phylactery needs a long rest to replenish
You can replenish it manually by sacrificing 100% of your HP (need temporary HP)

Undead Fortitude: Now you also regain your action point(s) when it triggers.

Dreams & Nightmares:
  • Unlock 5 new Dreams
  • 20% to trigger Lichdom night event, 4% to trigger Greater Undeath night event, 1% to trigger Vampirism night event

List of Dreams:
  • Surge of Power: Get +2 to a random Ability score for the day
  • Dominion: Nearby undead ally summons get a bonus to Attack Rolls equal to your Proficiency Bonus
  • Relentless Ascension: Reroll every 1 you roll, once
  • Contemplation of Eternity: Your HP are increased by 25%
  • Solace of the Moment: You get a+1 to all skill checks, attribute checks and saving throws for the day

Celestial Lich (Fallen Aasimar): Resistance to Radiant (neutral with Phylactery down)

Inured to Lichdom (Deathsong Armour or Necromancer 10): Resistance to Fire and Acid  (neutral with Phylactery down)

Unholy Rejuvenation (Dread Overlord): If you have Unholy Vigor, Necrotic damage aimed at you heal you for an amount equal to your Constitution
modifier per instance of damage (once per attack)

Deathbringer’s Legacy (Dark Urge): When your Phylactery is filled, you can cast a custom version of Power Word Kill on a living target. There is no HP requirement, but
a wisdom saving throw. On failure, the target is killed, on success, it takes 5d6 +20 necrotic damage
(this depletes your Phylactery)

Mindslayer (Illithid Powers Overhaul 2): If you have Psychic Fortress, you become Immune to Psychic damage, and Resistant to Force damage

  • Vanilla: Illithid Powers deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic damage (the damage dealing, active ones)
  • Illithid Powers Overhaul 2: Same as above (modded powers) + 1 damage per Rank

  • Vanilla: Undead minions deal +1d4 Psychic damage
  • Illithid Powers Overhaul 2: Same as above +1 damage per Rank

  • Black Knight + Phylactery: grants immunity to physical damage types
  • Lichdom + Blackguard 11: Unlock Improved auras (instead of 18)

Obtainable powers:
There are 3 powerful stones available in Act 3. They grant a passive feature to their wielder, and can also unlock deadly spells.
Passives are available to anyone. Spells require to have Apocryphal Secrets.
The spells cost 6th level Shadow Weave Spell Slots.
Apocryphal Secrets gives one, each stone gives another.
These spell slots can be used to cast other spells too, but the reverse isn’t true.

Phlegethian Emberstone
Obtention: Raphael’s Vault in House of Hope
Passive: Hellfire Malevolence: Adds 1d6 Hellfire (irresistible) damage to everything you do (toggleable)
Spell: Oblivionize:
  • 12d6 Hellfire (irresistible) damage (half on save) on a single target
  • Applies Hellfire Burn for 2 turns, ignites/melts the ground and makes a small Hellfire surface for 3 turns
  • Hellfire Burn is refreshed for 1 more turn when target starts turn in Hellfire
  • Damage of Hellfire Burn is halved when not standing in Hellfire

Abyssal Heartstone:
Obtention: Ancient Lair, under the city
Passive: Unlife Pulse: Every turn, emit a pulse of 1d6 (non-buffable) necrotic damage and 1d6 heal for alliedundead in 6m around you (toggleable)
Spell: Mortisurge:
  • AoE Harm on organic enemies, 7d6 Necrotic damage on save or on inorganic enemies
  • 2d6 damage to living allies
  • 4d6 healing on undead allies
  • Creates a small Cloudkill on each enemy target for 3 turns
  • Applies Brink of Death for 3 turns, preventing healing

Deathplane Umbralshard:
Obtention: Cloister of Sombre Embrace
Passive: Shadow Weave Veil:
  • You are naturally more obscured
  • You are immune to any kind of Blindness
Spell: Weavewane:
  • Summons a 6m area around you for 10 turns
  • Applies Weavewaned (antimagic field)
  • The living take 1d6 Cold damage at start & end turn, applies Chilled
  • 1d6 Necrotic damage at start & end turn on magical beings (except undead)
  • Consumes the highest available spell slot on enemies at the start of their turn, and deals 1d6 Necrotic damage per spell slot level
  • No damage from this spell is buffable 

Stones interactions:
  • Casting Oblivionize on a target on the Brink of Death propagates to a nearby entity on the Brink of Death (this can chain)
  • Casting Oblivionize on a Weavewaned target burns all its available spell slots, dealing the corresponding amount of damage
  • Casting Mortisurge on a Hellfire Burnt target creates a large Hellfire explosion for 5d10 Hellfire + 5d10 Necrotic
  • Casting Mortisurge on a Weavewaned target pulls enemies towards the centre
  • Enemies on the Brink of Death and Weavewaned are executed when falling below 15% HP
  • Hellfire Burn on enemies will last as long as they remain Weavewaned

Aeonian Being:
  • After defeating Ansur, you are called to a great challenge
  • While near the dragon’s corpse, you can perform a ritual to accept the challenge, and face an Avatar of the Dracolich
  • As achallenge, you shall face it alone, for the living shall perish it its presence
  • This combat has a few specificities to uncover so you can win
  • Upon defeating it, you gain this ability
Effects: Reroll any roll below 10 on anything you have proficiency with (similar to Reliable Talent)

(Dread Overlord):
Obtention: Same as above
Effects: When casting a necromancy spell for an action, once per turn, get back the action point

Dracolich Form (Dread Overlord):
Obtention: Same as above
  • Transform into an Avatar of the Dracolich
  • Cast an explosion of Blackflame while transforming, for 5d10 Hellfire + 5d10 Necrotic damage (Hellfire, so irresistible) (Blackflame = Hellfire + Void)
  • While transformed, you leave a trail of Blackflame upon flying/jumping
  • Might of the Dracolich: Add your Strength modifier to weapon attacks, double that on melee
  • Magic of the Dracolich: Add your Spellcastingmodifier on spells, double that on Necromancy
  • Blackflame Breath: Spew forth a cone of Blackflame breath on 12m for 5d10 Hellfire + 5d10 Necrotic damage, and ignite the ground with Blackflame for 3 turns

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  1. adaalif
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    • You can get a buff to become immune to Radiant for an hour by bringing a Desecrated corpse before the altar, this will help immensely

    i tried putting a Desecrated corpse in front of the statue but it doesnt do anything can someone help?
    1. schiffinor
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      D'you figure this out?
    2. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      You need to get close to the altar first yourself (you'll have a popup when you trigger the thing).
      The range for both you and the desecrated corpse is pretty small, try putting the body closer if you've done the right things before.
      Also, just in case, this is only available for a Dread Overlord character.

      Haven't tested this in a while myself, I'll test it when I can.
    3. adaalif
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ohh thanks it worked now, one more question after we defeat the dracolich we should unlock dracolich form but i cant use the action to transform for some reason i got all the passives though its just that i cant transform
    4. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      The only case I've seen before where this spell was missing was PoU was loaded before Dread Overlord instead of after (it has to be at the bottom of load order).
    5. adaalif
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it worked! god bless you thanks for the amazing mod and for the help
  2. GoldenFoxy05
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Another question.
    I got in the ShadowFell as a Vampire, but nothing happen, finished freeing NightSong, and still, nothing...
    I did killed Balthazar before entering, not sure if that had some impact. Also playing as a Dread Overlord Fallen Aasimar.
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      It is fixed in the beta version on Discord, among other things. I'll upload it later, as I am still working on some stuff. 
      Feel free to join and grab the file. See Posts section for links in some posts, or for where to find the thread in the sticky.
    2. Kyrito44
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you
  3. Kyrito44
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I didn't get apocryphal secrets even tho i have danse makabre how do get the stone abilities now?
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Are you Greater Undead?
      Did you get a popup message in the ~10 seconds after closing the book?
      Can you read it again?
    2. Kyrito44
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Im already a Lich did i have to read the book before that?
    3. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      To become a lich you already did already read the book, and you should have gotten the Apocryphal Secrets at the same time. 
      When using the following command, does the console return 0 or 1?
      _D(Osi.HasActiveStatus(GetHostCharacter(),"PATHOFUNDEATH_L_THAYAN"))Consider joining the Discord thread for troubleshooting.
    4. Kyrito44
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I didn't need the necromany of thay for some reason i quickly switched to a save before the ritual amd now i have it
      Edit: i only read the necromany of thay once
  4. GoldenFoxy05
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do you tame the Shadow Mastiff Alpha?
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      When getting close to him, you'll get a popup and unlock a spell to that effect.
    2. GoldenFoxy05
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  5. Zakyza
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    • While near the dragon’s corpse, you can perform a ritual to accept the challenge, and face an Avatar of the Dracolich

    I cant use skill on dragon corpse,why?
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Are you on 1.6 or above?
  6. NaujJkk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having a problem with the second step to undeath, the spell 'Path of Undeath - Reflections' does not appear for me.
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Probably a load order issue. Make sure Path of Undeath is at the bottom of load order when you read the book.