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Snek sorcerer, inspired by Pathfinder and a bit of Vampire the Masquerade. Имеется русская локализация/Has russian translation

Permissions and credits
  • Spanish
Has some features for levels 13+, requires a level unlocker and 5eSpells for that.
Compatibility Framework is supported.

Moved the optional file here.

AnteMaxx for the icon templates.
havsglimt for the mod page decor ideas.
KiderionLykon for the class icon LoRA for SD.
DiZ91891 for Expansion and 5eSpells.
ImprovedUI and Compatibility Framework teams.


BG3 Mod Manager

Your bloodline carries the lingering stain of ancient serpent races that ruled when the world was young. The treacherous and yet hypnotic serpent's blood that flows through you taints your magic with a sinuous and seductive grace.

Class Spells
(ones marked with * are homebrew)
1st level:Speak with Animals, Awe*
3rd level:Calm Emotions
5th level:Bestow Curse
7th level:Freedom of Movement
9th level:Constricting Coils*
Awe (Action, Enchantment)
Make a creature more receptive to your words and actions, and gain Advantage on Charisma checks in dialogue for 1 minute. If the creature is hostile (or is attacked while Awed), it is Frightened for 2 turns instead.
Affects 2 more targets per spell level on upcast.
Constricting Coils (Action, Concentration, Enchantment)
Paralyse a creature with suffocating coils for 1 minute. It can't move, act or react, and takes 2d6 Bludgeoning damage on apply and at the end of its turn. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits.


Level 1:
  • Proficiencies: Simple weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, Light armour
  • Flaw: passive selection (list below)
  • Snakeskin:
Your skin toughens. Opportunity Attacks against you have Disadvantage, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 at Sorcerer levels 8 and 15.
Level 2:
  • Skill proficiency and expertise chosen from the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight Of Hand, Stealth
Level 3:
  • Heritage Ability: passive selection (list below)
Level 5:
  • Heritage Ability
Level 6:
  • Scheming:
Your Intelligence increases by 2.

You gain a bonus to Deception and Persuasion checks equal to half of your Intelligence Modifier (rounded up, minimum of 1). If you have at least 15 Intelligence, you gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC.

Your actions become more effective against weakened* targets.
While attacking such a target, you gain a bonus to the attack rolls equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1), and the number you need to roll a Critical Hit is reduced by 1.
Whenever you deal damage to such a target, it is increased by your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1).

* - charmed, frightened, poisoned, blinded, restrained, knocked prone, stunned, incapacitated, slowed,
suffering chest trauma, maimed, dazed or off balance
Level 7:
  • Heritage Ability
Level 9:
  • Heritage Ability
Level 11:
  • Heritage Ability
Level 13:
  • Heritage Ability
Level 15:
  • Heritage Ability
Level 17:
  • Heritage Ability

Your exceptionally powerful heritage manifests in a debilitating way. If you take a flaw, your Charisma increases by 1.
  • Nothing: no penalties, no bonuses.
  • Cold-blooded: You have Disadvantage on Saving Throws against Cold spells. Unless you are Resistant to Cold damage, suffering it causes Hypothermia (blocked reactions, -2 AC and Dexterity Saving Throws, halved Movement speed) for 1 round.
  • Eerie Presence: Something is off about you. You have a penalty to Animal Handling, Deception, Performance and Persuasion checks, and a bonus to Intimidation checks. Both values are equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
  • Morbid: You have a penalty to Death and Constitution Saving Throws equal to half of your Proficiency Bonus.
  • Otherworldy: You struggle to understand people. You have Disadvantage on Insight checks, and Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed.
  • Shadowbound: You are Vulnerable to Fire and Radiant damage.
  • Torrential Knowledge: You can get overwhelmed by the amount of information your senses catch. You take a -5 penalty to Initiative. This penalty is reduced by half of your Intelligence Modifier (rounded up).

Heritage Abilities:

Level 3:
  • Eyes of the Serpent: You gain Darkvision up to a range of 3m. If you already have Darkvision, its range increases by the same amount. You can use Hypnotic Gaze as a bonus action or reaction interrupt on being attacked.
Hypnotic Gaze (Bonus Action/Reaction, 1 Sorcery Point)
Immobilize a creature until the end of your next turn. Its peripheral vision is reduced and it has to look at you. You can maintain your Hypnotic Gaze each turn to extend its duration.
Is removed on damaging the target. Starting at Sorcerer level 11, requires a successful Wisdom save to be removed as well.
Can be used for free once per Short Rest, and for 1 Sorcery Point afterwards.
  • Obfuscation: Your magic conceals your presence. You can add your Charisma Modifier to Stealth checks, and hide using a bonus action (this gives you both a BA Hide ability, and a toggled passive that changes the basic Hide cost). You also learn Cloak of Shadows cantrip and new spells at Sorcerer levels 3 (Disguise Self and Invisibility), 5 (Nondetection), 7 (Greater Invisibility) and 9 (Veil the Gathering).
Veil the Gathering (Action, Abjuration)
Call forth a veil of shadow and silence that gives you and nearby allies a +10 bonus to Stealth checks until Long Rest.
(Pass without Trace, but level 5 and no concentration)
  • Venomous: You learn Serpent Fang and Envenom abilities. Spells you cast and attacks you make ignore Resistance to Poison damage. At Sorcerer level 6, the venom from Serpent Fang, Envenom and Toxic Metamagic bypasses poison immunity of most organic creatures, and you can ignore Immunity to Poison damage of those affected by it. You also learn Lesser Restoration (at Sorcerer level 3) and Greater Restoration (at Sorcerer level 9).
Serpent Fang (Action, 1 Sorcery Point)
Bite a target, injecting it with stage III
Serpent Venom for 3 turns. If a target is already affected, it doesn't get to save, and the venom's potency increases by 3 stages.
Can be used for free once per Short Rest, and for 1 Sorcery Point afterwards.
Serpent Venom
Has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks. Takes 1d6 - 1d12 (dice scales up at levels 5, 10, 16) Poison damage at the end of its turn and suffers additional effects based on the venom's current potency.

II: Can't take reactions.
III: Movement speed is halved, has Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws.
IV: Has Disadvantage on Strength Saving Throws.
V: Can only take either an action or a bonus action. If the venom is applied again while the creature is at this stage, it takes extra tick damage.

Can only be cured by Greater Restoration, or a successful Constitution Saving Throw at the end of the victim's turn.
Envenom (Bonus Action, 1 Sorcery Point)
Imbue your main hand weapon with magical venom. It retains potency for a number of attacks equal to half of your Sorcerer level, or dries up after 2 minutes.
Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become afflicted with it for 3 turns. If a target is already affected, it doesn't get to save, and the venom's potency increases by a stage.
  • Metamagic: Toxic Spell: Targets that take initial spell damage become afflicted with Serpent Venom on a failed Constitution save. If a target is already affected, it doesn't get to save, and the venom's potency increases by a stage. You can use Toxic Spell in combination with other Metamagic. Costs 2 Sorcery Points per spell.
  • Ophidian Heart: Your hit point maximum increases by 2 for each Sorcerer level. You become Resistant to Poison damage, and gain Advantage on saves against being Poisoned. At Sorcerer level 11, you become Immune to Poison damage and Poisoned condition. At Sorcerer level 13, you add Regenerate (self cast only version) to your known spells list.
  • Whispered Glimpses: Your heritage blesses you with uncanny insight into others’ presence and motives. You can add your Charisma Modifier to Insight and Perception checks, and add half of that value (rounded up) to Initiative. At Sorcerer level 6, you can no longer be Surprised. At Sorcerer level 17, you add Foresight (self cast only version) to your known spells list.
Level 7:
  • Ophidian Aspect: Spend 3 Sorcery Points to gain the feature for 1 minute.
Ophidian Aspect (Bonus Action, 3 Sorcery Points)
Take on more vicious and frightening serpentlike features, gaining the following benefits:

-You can't be knocked Prone and take only half Falling damage.
-You can add your Proficiency Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution raw Ability Checks and Saving Throws, as well as to Athletics, Acrobatics and Intimidation Skill Checks.

-All incoming damage is reduced by 1, and by 1 more at Sorcerer levels 8 and 15.
-Killing an enemy or dealing a Critical Hit makes your next Dash, Disengage, Hide, Hypnotic Gaze, Serpent's Fang or Envenom ability cost no Actions, Bonus Actions and Sorcery Points.
-Targets you have Advantage against become eligible for your Scheming. Also works if you have an ally adjacent to the target and don't have Disadvantage.
  • Sorcerer's Extra Attack: Spend 3 Sorcery Points to gain the feature until your next Long Rest. While under the effect, you can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack, or casting a leveled spell. If you gain the Extra Attack feature from more than one class, they don't add together. At Sorcerer level 13, this activates on cantrip use as well.
  • Serpent's Reflexes: You gain the benefits of Evasion. Missing an attack against you makes the attacker eligible for your Scheming until the end of your turn. At Sorcerer level 11, you gain an additional reaction.
  • Slippery Mind: You gain Proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves. You have Advantage on Saving Throws to maintain Concentration, and against being Charmed. At Sorcerer level 15, you add Mind Blank (self cast only version) to your known spells list.
Level 11:
  • Forked Tongue: You can target 2 creatures with Enchantment spells that would normally only target 1 creature. (Stacks with Twinned metamagic)
  • Heart of Deceit: If you reach 0 HP, instead of becoming Downed you regain 1 HP, get THP equal to your Sorcerer level, and become Invisible for 2 turns. While Invisible, you are Resistant to all damage but Fire and Radiant. Only works once per Long Rest.