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About this mod

This mod adds a number of unimplemented spells into the game, some of which require Norbyte's Script Extender and can be partially configured to gain access to some spells rather than all at once.

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With this release, I've setup the ability to configure what spells you can gain through a .json file, the details of which will be found below. I'll soon™ be coming off my hiatus and start adding new spells since I've finished the game and finalizing a few other mod projects I've been working on.

This mod is one of the many that serve to add an additional selection of spells from 1st level spells up to 9th* level (including cantrips) for all classes and their spell list. Additional lists include the Spell Sniper and Ritual Caster spell lists for spells made in this mod. My purpose in creating this mod was to be implemented in a number of other mods (most  especially my own) to enable additional options, though it is entirely capable of being used alone for the 1st to 6th level spells for the base game. Some specifically require the script extender to work, which should be noted below in the list of spells but for those unable to use the script extender, there are the optional 5e Spells Spell List and 5e Spells Cantrip List mods.

Additionally of note, the spells that would serve as ritual spells added by this mod operate in a similar fashion by only those considered ritual casters, being Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard and Warlocks with the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation. Wizards in particular gain a separate ritual spell under the Common tab of the hotbar that allows them to cast any of the applicable ritual spells without needing to prepare them (includes Find Familiar as well for the time being). These work based off the DnD source material works rather than Larian's method for those using the script extender. There might be some hiccups that occur, however, so let me know if you run into issues with those ritual spells (Detect Magic, Unseen Servant, Water Walk and Commune With Nature).

* To gain access to spells above 6th level, you must use a mod that includes the spell lists from this mod. Otherwise, they will be unavailable.


If you're using the script extender, when the mod is loading up and just before reaches the startup menu, it'll create a 5eSpells.json and 5eSpells,RAW file at the following location if there currently isn't one located there: AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender\5eSpells. You can modify either file using any text editor like Notepad, Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code. Below is a description of each file:

5eSpells.json - Within this file, by default, you'll see a number of options falling under the "Spells" category, being "Cantrips", "TCoE"* and "5e", along with various levels from 1st to 9th for the latter two. Everything in the ,json is enabled by default due to being set to "true". If you change the text for one of the options to false or leave it empty, that should prevent spells of that given option from being added to spell lists. If you would prefer to set it up beforehand, you can also simply download the .json to abovementioned location from my github here by clicking the "Download raw file" towards the upper right hand corner underneath the History button. Be sure to create the "5e Spells" folder in "Script Extender" if doing it this way.

5eSpells_RAW - Within this file are currently two option but there is a chance I'll add more for the purpose of bringing some base game spells closer to how they work in DnD, such as their durations or range. By default, both are set to "false". If "Spare the Dying" is enabled to "true", the Help action should be modified so it requires a DC 10 Medicine check to successfully stabilize a downed creature (also without granting the 1 hit point).  If "Raise Dead" is set to "true", the Revivify spell and its respective scrolls should only be allowed to resurrect a creature that has been dead for 10 turns.

* This option, which is abbreviated from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, are a number of spells that were optionally opened up to other classes that were originally limited when the aforementioned book was released some time following Dungeon and Dragon's 5e edition first Player Handbook and the list of such can be found here for clarity or other websites. These are specifically limited to the base game spells. Additionally, enabling any of this section's 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th level spells will result in every TCoE spell being added to the Bard's Magical Secrets (same applies to the "5e" section for this mod's spells).

List of Commonly Asked for Mods

  • Expansion - Created by me, contains level 13-20 progressions for all base game classes and some of their subclasses and includes the Wizard Bladesinger subclass. It is also configurable for some features
  • Unlock Level Curve - Another level 13-20 mod
  • Zerd's Rules as Written (RAW) - This mod changes spells to be closer to DnD 5e and is one I've contributed most of the spell changes from the 5e Spells Adjust optional mod to. FYI, you can select which features of the mod to enable so if you don't want everything it provides, you don't have to.
  • Homebrew Spells - Created by me, this mod adds additional spells not found in 5e at all as they are created by third party individuals.
  • War Caster (2014 and UA2) - Useful for those wanting the feat to work with more than just Shocking Grasp. 
  • 5e Spells - Larian Durations - Adjusts durations for various spells to match that of base game spells.
  • 5e Spells References: Valdacil's Spell Adjustments - A mod that makes quite a number of balance changes to spells in this mod and the base game.
  • Secrets Scrolls for 5e Spells - Adds scrolls with spells contained in this mod.
  • Actual Green Flame Blade - Name says it all. I've added a version of green to the cantrip but it offers alternatives.
  • Spell List Sorter - Helps in arranging the spells in alphabetical order and by level if that's desired since my method of adding the spells through the script extender goes against it (and have no idea where to start even attempt that on my own).
  • Minthra's Configurable Enemies - Adds spells from this mod to enemies.
  • Combat Extender - Another mod that add spells from this mod to enemies (personally in a better way).
  • Summon Initiative Fixer - If you would like to allow the applicable summons in this mod to share their turn with their summoner like they do in DnD 5e, this mod enables that. Applicable summons are Unseen Servant, Dust Devil, Healing Spirit, Summon Beast, Summon Shadowspawn, Summon Aberration and Summon Elemental.

Miscellaneous Features and Changes

There are a number of additional changes and fixes along the lines of quality of life this mod offers which includes the following:

  • Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade have been adjusted to account for the Damage Sources and Damage Riders mechanics of certain features and items in the game.
  • Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade also grant Sneak Attack and Divine Strike variants to allow you to combine their use with interrupts that would otherwise conflict, such as Sneak Attack and Divine Strike. Will also introduce Smite as well at some point and potentially add even more combinations such as BB/GFB + SA + DS to be used with Smite or BB/GFB + DS + Smite to be used with Sneak Attack, etc.
  • Added Toll the Dead to the Potent Spellcasting feature to add Wisdom modifier to its damage through script extender.
  • Changed many of the base game conditions that check specifically for the Frightened condition to a general Frightened status group which would include things like the Feared effect, etc.
  • Added a feature that allows Shadow Blade to be switched to the main hand when its summoned if you're dual wielding.

With all of that said, the spells added in this mod are:


  • Booming Blade
  • Control Flames
  • Create Bonfire
  • Druidcraft - This cantrip can grant advantage on the next Intimidation check and remove/apply fire to items like torches.
  • Frost Bite
  • Green-Flame Blade - Finally has a green VFX thanks to VladmirXII. Check out a lot of his other awesome, VFX related mods!
  • Gust - This cantrip can push creatures or objects and can create a gust of wind that briefly distracts some creatures in an area.
  • Infestation - Requires the script extender to cause the random movement.
  • Lightning Lure
  • Magic Stone - Requires script extender to correctly apply the spellcasting ability modifier of the caster.
  • Mind Sliver - Credit to havsglimt for the tooltip icon.
  • Mold Earth - This cantrip creates mud surfaces or removes them.
  • Prestidigitation - This cantrip can clean dirt, blood and sweat off creatures, can remove some surfaces and can remove/apply fire to items like torches.
  • Primal Savagery
  • Shape Water - This cantrip can freeze water surfaces, can create an ice block to stand on and can teleport a water surface from one location to another.
  • Spare the Dying - This spell operates largely the same way the Help action does. Use the 5e Spells RAW.json to configure the Help action to operate like it does in DnD so it gives Spare the Dying a use case for those interested in such.
  • Sword Burst
  • Thunderclap
  • Toll the Dead
  • Word of Radiance

1st Level Spells

  • Absorb Elements
  • Beast Bond
  • Catapult
  • Cause Fear
  • Ceremony - The Bless Water spell container requires the script extender to work. You or the target must have a "Water" item in your inventory in order for it to be converted into Holy Water.
  • Chaos Bolt - Requires the script extender to work. Also, specifically haven't accounted for the ability to target a third creature or more currently (maybe never).
  • Detect Evil and Good
  • Detect Magic - You gain an aura that places a status on creatures that have spell slots within 9m of you. You also gain a temporary spell on the right side of the hotbar that allows you to place an effect on a creature that prevents them from hiding or becoming invisible while they remain within the aura's radius.
  • Earth Tremor - Specifically creates a mud surface to simulate the difficult terrain.
  • Frost Fingers
  • Snare
  • Tasha's Caustic Brew
  • Unseen Servant - This spell summons an invisible creature that cannot attack but can use the Prestidigitation cantrip and can interact with objects similar to an Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand. Considering adding in the ability to throw objects but without causing them to deal any damage (which excludes throwing healing potions).
  • Zephyr Strike

2nd Level Spells

  • Aganazzar's Scorcher
  • Alter Self
  • Borrowed Knowledge
  • Continual Flame
  • Dragon's Breath - Requires script extender to correctly apply the spellcasting ability modifier of the caster. Besides that, non-humanoid creatures don't have the appropriate animations from using the Dragon Breath action since it is made for humanoids (derived from Dragonborn's Breath Weapon attack).
  • Dust Devil - As a replacement for the secondary part of this spell's effect, it creates a fog cloud that follows it around after it enters a mud surface.
  • Flock of Familiars
  • Healing Spirit - Summons a (cat) spirit that must be within 5 feet/2m of a creature to allow the summoner to heal a creature. Due to certain limitations with checking for spellcasting ability modifier, simply gave the healing 6 charges, which is the max it would've given otherwise.
  • Kinetic Jaunt
  • Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
  • Mind Spike
  • Nathair's Mischief - Requires the script extender to work.
  • Rime's Binding Ice
  • Shadow Blade
  • Snowball Storm
  • Suggestion - Removed from spell lists for the time being until I think of a suitable enough effect.
  • Summon Beast
  • Tasha's Mind Whip
  • Vortex Warp
  • Warding Wind
  • Wither and Bloom - While the script extender works, the creature using the healing spell will gain an additional amount of hit points equal to the caster's spellcasting ability modifier. Without the script extender, it'll use the creature's own Constitution modifier. If the character is a class that hasn't been accounted for, the healing die will be a d8.

3rd Level Spells
  • Antagonize - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell.
  • Ashardalon's Stride
  • Catnap - Requires the script extender to work.
  • Create Food and Water
  • Enemies Abound
  • Erupting Earth
  • Flame Arrows
  • Intellect Fortress
  • Life Transference - Requires the script extender to work.
  • Magic Circle - Credit to sumradagnoth8 for the creation of this spell. This spell is only close-ish to RAW for a few reasons. It can't exactly prevent teleportation or flying into the area but it will force the creature to make a Charisma saving throw or get knocked 5m out of the circle. Currently, you can't pick specific creatures to affect and there's no option to like "trap" creatures in the circle while everyone outside get the benefits but those two are potentially doable so will look into them in the future.
  • Melf's Minute Meteors
  • Motivational Speech
  • Nondetection
  • Spirit Shroud
  • Summon Fey - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell.
  • Summon Shadowspawn - These summons can't climb various things like ladders and such due to the shadow creatures in the game lacking those animations, so you might run into issues on that front. To remedy this, I've given it the ability to fly and teleport to the summoner while outside of combat but the latter only works through the script extender.
  • Thunder Step - The explosion at your previous location has been accounted for in the script extender due to system limitations with teleporting another creature with you.
  • Water Walk

4th Level Spells

  • Arcane Eye - If it's not clear, this spell's sole purpose is scouting, allowing you to foresee potential danger wherever you guide it. Decided against the RAW action use for the purpose of a streamlined and limited use in BG3.
  • Aura of Life - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell.
  • Charm Monster
  • Guardian of Nature
  • Raulothim's Psychic Lance
  • Shadow of Moil - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell.
  • Storm Sphere - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell. The projectile shot by the Storm Sphere is handled through the script extender to line up appropriately with the timing of the damage dealt. Without the script extender, it's done through the summon's interrupt which has a timing delay with the damage dealt but still works ultimately.
  • Summon Aberration - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell. Note, only the Beholderkin option is available currently.
  • Summon Construct - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell. Note, only the Metal option is available currently.
  • Summon Elemental
  • Vitriolic Sphere - Credit to nysisyn for the creation of this spell.
5th Level Spells

  • Commune with Nature - Since it working exactly like RAW isn't all that doable, it instead grants the caster expertise in the Nature and Survival skills for 100 turns. Not much but when comparing it to Skill Empowerment, which is 1 hour and requires concentration and lets you pick any skill, doesn't seem entirely outlandish. Especially with it being a ritual spell. Alternate suggestions are welcome however.
  • Conjure Volley
  • Far Step
  • Holy Weapon
  • Maelstrom - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell. Note, this spell involves the modification of the Deep Water surface to apply only burning to vampires (as it originally did during Early Access and was done to limit damage to everyone since that didn't make sense outside of the aforementioned vampires). As such, it'll conflict with any mod that similarly modifies the Deep Water surface unless compatibility is made.
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Raise Dead - This spell operates largely the same way the Revivify spell does. Use the 5e Spells RAW.json to configure Revivify to operate like it does in DnD so it gives Raise Dead a use case for those interested in such.
  • Rary's Telepathic Bond Potentially fixing later.
  • Skill Empowerment
  • Steel Wind Strike - The teleport action you gain after using the spell must specifically target one of the previously targeted creatures, even if the spell missed one/any of them.
  • Swift Quiver
  • Summon Draconic Spirit Currently fixing up. Credit to johauna for the use of her dragon assets from her Half Dragon mod linked in her profile here. Check it out if you're interested in dragons!
  • Synaptic Static

6th Level Spells

  • Tenser's Transformation - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell. It mentions causing exhaustion but that won't actually come into effect unless you're using a mod with exhaustion rules and such since its not in the base game and I didn't feel it was needed to implement in this mod.
  • True Seeing - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell.

7th Level Spells

  • Finger of Death
  • Regenerate

8th Level Spells
  • Dominate Monster - Using the script extender, this allows you to fully dominate a creature so you can control it unlike the base game's Dominate Beast and Person.
  • Feeblemind
  • Holy Aura
  • Mind Blank

9th Level Spells

  • Foresight
  • Power Word: Heal - The part about the target being able to use a reaction to stand up from being prone is handled through the script extender.
  • Power Word: Kill
How to Install

I would recommend installing mods using the BG3 Mod Manager, full stop.