About this mod

A complete class rework/overhaul of the monk and its subclasses using LaserLlama's Alternate Monk homebrew

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Adaptation of LaserLlama's Alternate Monk and Alternate Monk: Expanded homebrews into BG3
Attempts to balance between the homebrew and vanilla monk implementation as best as possible alongside what was actually feasible to implement. I recommend reading the original homebrew to see a more comprehensive explanation of the class mechanics.

There is an article explaining the deviations from the source material in this mod.

Currently Adds 11 Subclasses, Changes the 3 Vanilla Subclasses and adds 30 Techniques.

Also adds Unarmed Attack (can be used whilst melee weapon is equipped) and Decoupled Flurry of Blows to all subclasses.

Standalone versions of most of the subclasses are linked in the titles of each class.


Adds 30 Total Techniques, which work similarly to Battlemaster Maneuvers to enhance the monk's versatility and choices in and out of combat. They can be chosen at certain levels and you have a limited total amount (a table is available in the pictures, or written below in the Base Class synopsis). A brief synopsis for each technique is below:

Level 3+:
  • Arresting Strike (Dexterity Save - Target Speed becomes 0)
  • Disabling Strikes (Constitution Save - Target is Blinded or Silenced)
  • Empowered Strike (Strength Save - Knocked Prone & Pushed back 5m. Large+ Creatures have advantage on the save, Smaller- Creatures have Disadvantage)
  • Mystic Healing (Heal yourself or an ally - similar to Cure Wounds)
  • Patient Defense - From Vanilla
  • Slow Fall* - From Vanilla
  • Step of the Wind - From Vanilla (Both Dash & Disengage) - With no Ki Cost
  • Whirling Strike (AOE melee attack surrounding the user for 1 Ki point)
  • Spiritual Armour (Gain Temporary HP equal to your Wisdom Modifier, the first time the temporary HP is damaged you can cause 1 roll of Martial Arts Force damage against the attacker using your reaction)
  • Improvised Throw (Use Martial Arts die for improvised weapon throw attacks - 1 roll for light and 2 for medium-heavy objects)
Level 5+:
  • Deflect Missiles* - From Vanilla
  • Gentling Touch (No Save - Target falls asleep)
  • Seeking Strike (Reroll Attack if you missed - Similar to Reckless Attack)
  • Slowing Strike (Charisma Save - Target is Slowed)
  • Stunning Strike - From Vanilla
  • Adept Fighting Style (Choose out of 8 Fighting Styles to apply to your character)
  • Crushing Strike (Increase unarmed strikes damage by 1 roll of Martial Arts die per Ki Point spent up to your wisdom modifier)
  • Divine Light (Pick two cantrips from the Cleric spell list)
Level 9+:
  • Aura Sight* (Blindsight 20ft & See Invisibility)
  • Heavenly Step* (Difficult Terrain doesn't affect you and you can jump further)
  • Indomitable Spirit* (Bonus to Acrobatics checks equal to your Wisdom Modifier)
  • Mantle of Courtesy* (Persuasion Proficiency, Bonus to Persuasion checks equal to your Wisdom Modifier)
  • Monastic Fortitude (Reduce incoming damage by 2 Martial Arts die rolls for 2 Ki Points)
  • Friend of Beast and Leaf* (Cast Animal Friendship at will, Dominate beast or Plant Growth for 4 Ki Points)
  • Commune With Self* (Cast Astral Knowledge, Heroism for 2 Ki, or Mirror Image for 4 Ki)
Level 11+:
  • Tranquility* - From Vanilla
  • Mystical Integrity* (You cannot be moved against your will and Advantage against being Restrained)
  • Tongue of Sun and Moon* (Cast Speak with Animals and Speak with Dead at will, can Comprehend Languages)
  • Banishing Strike (3 Ki, Charisma Save for damage of 3 Martial Arts die rolls, Half damage on save. If damage brings target under 50hp they are banished until the end of your next turn)
  • Conjure Previous Life (5 Ki, Cast Guardian of Faith)

The DC for these techniques is 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier. You can replace a learned technique with a different one each time you level up (With the exception of Wu Jen Monks).

As of v5.0.0 passive techniques (marked with *) are automatically given when selected in the Techniques menu. When you level up a 2-minute timer is started, then the passive techniques chosen are assigned to you. If this fails for any reason you can add them by initiating a pickpocket with anyone (such as Withers).

Base Class
  • Level 1: 1d6 Martial Arts Die
  • Level 2: Ki Points (Monk Level + Wisdom Modifier), Flurry of Blows
  • Level 3: Subclass, 3x Techniques
  • Level 4: Ability Score Improvement
  • Level 5: Extra Attack, 1x Technique, 1d8 Martial Arts Die
  • Level 6: Enlightened Fist, Subclass Feature
  • Level 7: Evasion, x 1 Technique
  • Level 8: Ability Score Improvement
  • Level 9: Spirit of Tranquility (Reaction: Add Wisdom Modifier to Saving Throw for 1 Ki Point), 1x Technique
  • Level 10: Subclass Feature
  • Level 11: Ki Adept (Use Technique that costs 1 Ki once per combat for free), 1x Technique, 1d10 Martial Arts Die
  • Level 12: Ability Score Improvement
Ki Points scale according to Monk Level + Wisdom Modifier

Vanilla Subclasses
Way of the Open Hand - (Way of the Open Hand)
While all Monks are warriors, the disciples of the Open Hand train relentlessly, honing their body itself into a weapon. They don't neglect their spiritual training but pride themselves on their skill with martial arts, and it is exceedingly rare to see an Open Hand Monk using a weapon other than their fists.
Level 3:
  • Empowered Strike Technique
  • Practiced Strikes (Use Technique that costs 1 Ki once per turn for free up to Wisdom Modifier per long rest)
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Ebb & Flow (When an enemy misses you can either make an unarmed attack or knock it prone and set its speed to 0 until the end of its turn)
Level 9: 
  • Indomitable Spirit Technique
Level 10: 

Way of the Shadow Arts - (Way of the Shadow)
While most traditional martial artists value honorable tactics and combat styles, disciples of the Shadow Arts exploit every weakness, no matter how dishonorable. Assassins, spies, and infiltrators, Shadow Monks twist darkness to their advantage and will only strike when their success is absolutely assured.
Level 3: 
  • Slow Fall Technique
  • Eyes of Night (Darkvision/Superior, Advantage on Stealth checks in darkness/dim light)
  • Shadow Arts (can cast Darkness, Darkvision, Pass Without Trace, Silence)
Level 5: 
  • Gentling Touch Technique
Level 6: 
Level 9: 
  • Heavenly Step Technique
Level 10: 

Way of the Wu Jen - (Way of the Four Elements)
Rather than focus inward, some Monks attune themselves to the forces of nature. Known as Wu Jens, these primal sages augment their skills with the power of the five elements; Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Wood. Through meditation, they can learn to channel their Ki into displays of elemental power.
Level 3:
  • 2x Cantrips
  • 2x Wu Jen Spell 
  • 1x Wu Jen Spell Slot
  • Ki Casting (Regain a Wu Jen Spell slot using 2 + Slot Level Ki)
Level 4:
  • 1x Wu Jen Spell Slot
Level 5: 
  • 1x Wu Jen Spell
Level 6: 
  • Fist of the Five Ways (Elemental Unarmed Attack with extra reach)
Level 7: 
  • Existing Wu Jen Slots become Level 2  
  • 1x Wu Jen Spell
Level 9:
  • 1x Wu Jen Spell
Level 10:
  • 1x Cantrip
  • Spiritual Flow (Can use 2 Ki to cast Action spell as a Bonus Action)
Level 11:
  • Existing Wu Jen Slots become Level 3
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Wu Jen Spell Slots function identically to Warlock Spell Slots. (a table is provided in the images on amount of Wu Jen slots & Levels)

New Subclasses
Way of the Wuxia - (Way of the Kensei)
While all Monks are able to wield the weapons of their style to great effect, those who follow the Way of Wuxia dedicate their lives to complete mastery over a chosen few weapons. These warriors are known for their extreme focus and are always seeking progressively stronger warriors to challenge and test their skill with their chosen weapons of war.
Level 3: 
  • Patient Defense Technique
  • Choose 1 Melee and 1 Ranged Wuxia Weapon
  • Gain 2 Features that can be used with the Wuxia Weapons.
Level 5: 
  • Seeking Strike Technique
Level 6:
  • Ki Infused Weapons (Wuxia Weapons become magical, Can do additional damage with a ki point and Flurry of Blows can do 2 Wuxia Weapon attacks)
  • Additional Wuxia Weapon
Level 9: 
  • Heavenly Step Technique
Level 10:
  • Spirit Blade (Empower attacks with 1-3 ki points to lower the Critical Hit threshold by 1-3)
Level 11:
  • Additional Wuxia Weapon

Way of the Rising Dragon - (Way of the Ascendant Dragon)
Often found in the service of ancient dragons, disciples of the Rising Dragon learn to use their Ki to mimic the power of dragons. These draconic warriors vary greatly based on the dragons they emulate, but despite differences, they all carry themselves with the regal bearing of a great dragon.
Level 3: 
  • Step of the Wind Techniques
  • Choose Draconic Element (For Unarmed Attacks, Flurry of Blows and Elemental Breath)
  • Draconic Spirit (Persuasion/Intimidation buff)
  • Gain Draconic Elemental Breath (Higher Levels unlocked based on Wisdom Modifier, Choose 9m Line or 6m Cone)
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Ascendant Step (Can fly when you use Step of the Wind)
Level 9: 
  • Indomitable Spirit Technique
Level 10:
  • Draconic Mantle (You and nearby allies gain resistance to your draconic element and have advantage on saving throws against charmed or frightened, you gain an Elemental Breath damage bonus equal to your Wisdom Modifier)

Way of the Astral Warrior - (Way of the Astral Self
Focusing almost completely on the development of the spirit, disciples of this Tradition learn to manifest their inner selves into the world through Ki. With great dedication and practice these esoteric warriors learn to manifest their Astral Self, a luminescent projection of their Ki that covers them in armor
Level 3:
  • Mystic Healing Technique
  • Gain Astral Self Ability (Deal damage in an area around you on activation, Replace Strength/Dexterity attack and damage rolls with Wisdom, further reach for unarmed strikes, use Wisdom in place of Strength for Saving throws and Skill Checks)
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Astral Visage (Gain Thaumaturgy cantrip, bonus to Insight checks equal to 1 roll of Martial Arts die, When astral self is active you gain blindsight for mundane and magical darkness)
Level 9: 
  • Mantle of Courtesy Technique
Level 10:
  • Mystical Defense (Can extend the use of your deflect missiles to fire, acid, cold, force, thunder or lightning damage. Once per turn when your astral self is active you can deal an additional roll of your martial arts die of force damage)

Way of Radiance - (Way of the Sun Soul
Legends tell of wandering sages that channel bursts of light from within their bodies. These students of Radiance have such fine control over their spirit that they can assault others with luminous blasts of Ki. These wondrous warriors travel the land promoting harmony and justice among all peoples.
Level 3:
  • Empowered Strike Technique
  • Radiant Bolt (Ranged attack that can replace your unarmed strike)
  • Light Cantrip
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Searing Blast (AOE cone of Radiant blast, Dex saving throw)
Level 9: 
  • Indomitable Spirit Technique
Level 10:
  • Luminous Burst (Long line blast of Radiant energy, Dex saving throw, can be upcast up to Wisdom Modifier and used Wisdom modifiers per long rest, can be cast with no charges left by using 3 Ki points)

Way of the Reaper - (Way of the Long Death
While most monastic orders teach their students to live their lives to their full potential, those who practice the Way of the Reaper are obsessed with the ending of lives. Reaper Monks learn to channel deathly Ki to fuel their own martial prowess and are experts at using fear and other sinister techniques to drain the life force from others in order to prolong their own.
Level 3:
  • Disabling Strikes Technique
  • Frightful Touch (Wisdom Save, Target becomes Frightened)
  • Necrotic Spirit (Unarmed can deal Necrotic, Resistant to Necrotic Damage, Advantage against being frightened)
Level 5: 
  • Slowing Strike Technique
Level 6:
  • Sinister Vitality (Gain Temporary Hit points, whilst active you are resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing)
Level 9: 
  • Aura Sight Technique
Level 10:
  • Armour of the Grave (When you drop to 0 hit points, spend 1 ki to regain 1, each subsequent time costs 1 additional Ki)

Way of the Drunken Fist - (Way of the Drunken Warrior) 
Where most Monks are serious and contemplative, students of the Drunken Fist seek out joy wherever they go. Masters of a style that mimics the unpredictable movements of a drunk, these Monks will use their considerable skills to play the fool and make others laugh or to embarrass haughty nobles.
Level 3:
  • Step of the Wind Techniques
  • Jovial Performer (Proficiency in Performance & Deception, Gain Throw/Improvised weapon attack that uses Martial Arts die for damage)
  • Drunken Style (Each melee hit grants 5ft/1.5m of movement, Each melee hit gives the target disadvantage on opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn)
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Unpredictable Sway (When you are prone you can get up with only 5ft/1.5m of movement, When a creature misses you you can spend 1 ki to redirect the attack to an enemy within melee range)
Level 9: 
  • Heavenly Step Technique
Level 10:
  • Chaotic Luck (Toggleable passive that gives advantage on any ability check for 1 ki, Reaction that lets you reroll a failed attack roll or saving throw for 1 ki)

Way of Yin and Yang - (Way of Mercy) 
Balance in all things. This is the mantra of Monks that devote their lives to the Way of Yin & Yang. Known for their mystical abilities to manipulate Ki to heal wounds, cure disease, and even disrupt powerful curses, these Monks keep all things in balance. However, when creatures look to extend their lives through unnatural means or cheat death, these warriors will use their powers to destroy said creatures, restoring balance.
Level 3:
  • Mystic Healing Technique 
  • Monastic Healer (Proficiency with Insight and Medicine, Bonus to these checks equal to your Martial Arts die)
  • Touch of Life (replace an unarmed strike with a healing effect equal to your Martial Arts die + WIS mod)
  • Touch of Death (add necrotic damage to an unarmed strike equal to your Martial Arts die)
Level 5: 
  • Gentling Touch Technique
Level 6:
  • Precise Manipulation (When you use Touch of Life you end: Blinded, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Stunned on the target. When you use Touch of Death you cause the target to be poisoned)
Level 9: 
  • Mantle of Courtesy Technique
Level 10:
  • Mystical Touch (Can scale Touch of Life and Touch of Death up to your WIS modifier to empower them)

New Subclasses - Expanded
Way of the Boulder
As ancient as the mountains themselves, this Tradition has been passed down from master to student since the earliest days of civilization. Building their monasteries on mountain peaks and in deep caverns, students of this Tradition focus on becoming as large and immovable as the mountains.
Level 3:
  • Spiritual Armour Technique
  • Unarmoured Defense formula of 10 + CON mod + WIS mod
  • Use Constitution instead of Strength/Dexterity for Attack and Damage Rolls for Martial Arts Attacks
  • Spend 1 Ki point when you make a Strength Check or Saving Throw to add your CON mod to the roll - free at level 11
Level 5: 
  • Crushing Strike Technique
Level 6:
  • Rebounding Defense (Spend 1 ki to reduce damage of a melee attack by Monk Level + CON mod + Martial Arts die, if reduced to 0 you can make a melee attack at the target)
Level 9: 
  • Friend of Beast and Leaf Technique
Level 10:
  • Ki-Infused Bulk (Choose a damage type resistance per short/long rest, can use a 2 ki point bonus action to change the resistance prematurely)

Way of the Flowing River
Novices who adopt the Way of the Flowing River are taught a style of martial arts that emphasizes nonviolence and the use of force only when necessary. Named for the masterful grace and fluidity that these warriors exhibit in battle, practitioners of the Flowing River are often known as dancing Monks.
Level 3: 
  • Patient Defense Technique
  • Flowing River stance (Gain extra reactions based on your level for 1 turn as an action - (1 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 3 at level 10), When in this stance and a creature misses you, you can use a reaction to force it to roll a dex saving throw, on a fail its knocked prone and movement set to 0 until the start of your next turn)
  • Monastic Acrobat (Proficiency in Athletics & Performance, gain bonus to these rolls equal to your martial arts die, Use dexterity for performance checks instead of charisma)
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Enchanting Flow (When you enter Flowing River Stance, you can spend 1 ki point to taunt all enemies within 10 feet, giving them disadvantage on attacking anyone but you)
Level 9: 
Level 10:
  • Graceful Step (When you enter Flowing River Stance, you gain the effects of Patient Defense at no cost)

Way of the Hurricane
Where most traditions of martial arts focus on quick strikes and elusive movements, disciples of the Hurricane technique master mighty weapons. These Hurricane Monks wield their heavy weapons to great effect. On the battlefield they become tempests of steel, cutting down all who stand against them.
Level 3:
  • Whirling Strike Technique
  • Heavy Warrior (Gain Proficiency with all weapons with the Heavy property, they count as martial arts weapons, when wielding a heavy weapon you have advantage against being restrained or slipping)
  • Tempestuous Strike (When wielding a heavy weapon Whirling Strike doesn't cost a ki point and you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the rolls)
Level 5: 
Level 6:
  • Crushing Counter (When wielding a heavy weapon and are hit with a melee attack you can make a melee weapon attack against the creature, on a hit its speed is set to 0 in addition to the melee damage)
Level 9:
  • Monastic Fortitude
Level 10:
  • Buffeting Winds (When you hit a creature with a heavy melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki to force it to make a saving throw, on failure you can either force it back 5m or make it fall prone) - In Addition Whirling Strike can do additional thunder damage equal to 1 martial arts die for a Ki Point

Way of the Sacred Inks
Initiates of the Sacred Inks spend years practicing celestial calligraphy. Once they are ready, the Monks ceremonially mark their bodies with increasingly complex celestial tattoos, granting them access to divine power. As the Monk's spiritual connection to the divine grows, so does the beauty of their celestial tattoos.
Level 3:
  • Spiritual Armour Technique
  • Celestial Light (Proficiency in Insight and Religion, Roll bonus equal to martial arts die)
  • Divine Conduit (Once per short rest can regain HP equal to martial arts + WIS mod + Monk Level, 
  • Divine Brand - Spend Ki points up to WIS mod to empower unarmed strikes for bonus radiant damage, gain Mystic Healing technique)
Level 5: 
  • Divine Light Technique
Level 6:
  • Heavenly Protection (Passive toggle - Once per long rest when you reach 0 hit points you can choose to fall to 1 hit point instead)
Level 9: 
  • Commune With Self Technique
Level 10:
  • Light of the Heavens (Add WIS mod to any healing received and damage dealt from Divine Brand)


Script Extender
ImprovedUI Assets

I recommend installing using BG3MM

If you are already a Monk you will need to respec from Withers.


Incompatible with ANY monk mods changing Monk class progressions. Most commonly feat mods. Subclasses can likely be merged to run however some core monk abilities (Such as Ki Adept) may not function correctly as they are hardcoded to specific spells/abilities. This mod also overrides some vanilla monk features & attacks.

UnlockLevelCurve 13-20 is compatible with the core mod, however, it overrides the Martial Arts die formula from the core, so load the core after UnlockLevelCurve

Changes the following items:
Drakethroat Glaive to allow Rising Dragon breath weapons
Corellons Grace to work with Radiance's Radiant Bolts

Patches Available for:
5e Spells
Level 13-20 / UnlockLevelCurve Patch (Check Articles for Changes & Supported Subclasses)
Hiding Dragon Scales for Rising Dragon
Draconic Bloodline Dialogue options for Rising Dragon
Level 2 Feat
Feat Every Level
Choosing a Deity
Musical Instrument Proficiency

Known Bugs / Shortfalls:
  • The DC shown at the spell/technique selection/character level up screen is wrong as it uses the vanilla DC calculation
  • Wu Jen Empowered Unarmed Strikes show incorrect Bludgeoning damage in the tooltips
  • Disabling Strikes container spells sometimes collapse into subcontainers
  • Tavern brawler causes the extra damage done to be bludgeoning (Unavoidable - hardcoded by Larian)

Future Plans:
  • Possibly add techniques & Subclasses from Alternate Monk:Expanded
  • LaughingLeader, Norbyte, Lykon & ShinyHobo - For creating Modding Tools
  • Larian Discord server modding community - For any questions
  • Kaz for Collaboration with the Monastic tag - Check out their Githzerai race mod!