About this mod

Play through Baldur's Gate 3 as a Namekian, Saiyan, Z Fighter, Frieza Clan, Timelord or Android.

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A Baldur’s Gate 3 Class Mod

By: MrTC89  
Current Version 1.9
Released 2/4/24

Welcome to all fellow BG3 and DBZ fans out there, thank you for visiting this mod! 


This is a standalone class, "Dragonball Warrior", with 6 subclasses: 

"Nameless Namekian"

"Saiyan Elite"

"Z Fighter"

"Frieza Clan Mutant"

"Android Alpha"

This mod requires Norbyte's Script ExtenderShivero's VFX and Icon mods, and Vlad's VFX mod. Place them all above my mod in the load order.

This mod was designed with tactician or honour mode in mind.

Using mods that increase difficulty are encouraged. (I was going for fun > balance.)

I personally use a combo of Absolute Wrath, Player Level Scaling, and Combat Extender.

!!!!!!     WARNING  !!!!!!!!!!
If you are updating this mod from 1.8 mid playthrough, respec your characters down to a level 1 GENERIC CLASS first, in 1.8. Then save, update to 1.9, then level up! Otherwise respec screen will crash due to the changes between versions.

There are no custom races yet, so for now the classes work best with:

Green Githyanki or Drow for a Namekian
Tiefling for Frieza Clan
Human for Saiyan/Z Fighter
Anything for Timelord or Android

This is still a work in progress mod/passion project that I'm constantly improving.

I welcome any feedback, ideas or bug reports in the comments!

You can support me (MrTC89) here:
Buy Me a Coffee


(The first 6 images are the suggested starting attributes for each subclass.)

-All classes have STR as the primary ability except Timelord (DEX) and Android (INT)

-All classes have DEX as the spellcasting ability except Android (INT). (Spellcasting ability modifier is barely used, look at progression list to see important move modifiers.)

-All characters have Barbarian, Monk and Wizard tags activated.

-The classes were designed without weapons in mind, but all of them have proficiency with all weapons and armor. 

-Each class has the unique resource "Energy". All actions & attacks consume a set amount of Energy. 

-Combat focuses heavily on Energy management and constant use of boosting Energy for big ki attacks.

-Most physical attacks are considered melee unarmed attacks and perform a normal unarmed attack roll.  

-Most ki blasts make enemies take saving throws.  Enemies still take lesser damage from Ki blasts on a save. 
Ki blasts are not considered spells for counterspell/spellslot purposes. 

Here are some highlights of the subclasses to get an idea of the playstyles, but definitely check out the progression list for the full detail, or the videos for the move showcases:

-Starting Armor: Vest of Soul RejuvenationBoots of Uninhibited Kushigo
-Highest Tank HP, Low Energy
-Heal every turn
-Reusable heal technique in & out of combat
-Can clone every turn
-Can melee attack from distance
-Can easily inflict dazed with many attacks
-Can easily CC dazed opponents with psychic powers
-Has the best energy replenishing technique
-Can grow to Huge size 
-Orange Form
-Popular moves like Special Beam Cannon, Masenko, Hellzone Grenade, Light Grenade 

-Starting Armor: Luminous ArmorMonastic Boots
-Low HP, Highest Energy
-Can self revive every battle
-Auto-kill low hp enemies
-Restores resources on kill
-Most expensive but most damaging attacks
-Can summon 3 Saibamen
-Dominates in melee range with reactions and free attacks
-Super Saiyan forms are gamechangers
-Choose between SSG & SSB OR LSSJ
-Choose between Ultra Instinct or Ultra Ego
-Popular moves like Galick Gun, Big Bang Attack, Final Flash, Super Kamehameha, Dragon Fist

Z Fighters
-Starting Armor: Drunken ClothBoots of Aid & Comfort
-Balanced HP & Energy
-Best healing technique and received early (Senzu)
-Passively helps nearby allies
-Free attack on enemies who attack nearby allies
-Kaioken forms deal Reverb and can lower crit threshold significantly
-Restore Energy and extra die on Crit
-Can get drunk easy, but a special kind of drunk
-Has instakill at higher levels (ECW)
-Popular moves like Spirit Bomb, Kamehameha, Destructo Disc, Solar Flare & Tri Beam
-Sponsored by Capsule Corp, who graciously contribute 6 pieces of world-class tech

Frieza Clan
-Starting Armor: Cerebral Citadel ArmorDark Justiciar Boots
-High HP & Energy
-Auto crits on frightened enemies
-Can explode or convert weak enemies
-Can easily inflict fear and frost
-Immune to cold and poison and prone
-Has unique paralytic Frost Poison
-Has 2nd, 3rd, Golden and Black transformations
-Can easily create ice, lava, darkness
-Damage reduction on kill
-Popular moves like Death Beam, Imprisonment Ball, Death Ball, Supernova

-Starting Armor: Spidersilk ArmorSpiderstep Boots
-Very Low HP & Energy
-Can lock and unlock anything at lv. 1
-Can hide and disguise as free actions
-Can time freeze everything at once
-Most melee attacks warp to enemy location
-Has most reactions in the game
-Unique non-lethal perks, including disarming anyone easily 
-Timeskip makes you nearly unhittable in a 1v1 situation
-Can instantly retreat from battle when low on health
-Can prevent imminent death
-Popular moves like Time Skip, Hold Breath, Heart Disruptor

-Starting Armor: Rippling Force Mail, The Speedy Lightfeet
-Lowest HP & Unlimited Energy
-Cannot bleed out
-Immune to most statuses that affect living beings
-Can absorb ranged spell attacks
-Resistant to physical attacks 
-Progresses up to Super Perfect form
-Can summon drone at will (arcane eye)
-Can gather Lightning Charges & Force Conduit easily
-Can deploy explosive mines and hellfire missiles
-Learns 20+ popular moves from other classes


(If you're on a phone, open it in the Google Docs app then make sure to hit the 3 dots and view in "Print Layout" for best viewing results!!!!!!!!!)

Click here to view the detailed Progression List in Google Docs

Manual Link:


Coming soon

-Strength In Numbers is now learned at level 5 instead of 6
-Tornado Kick & Wolf Fang Fist have Class Level added to Bludgeoning damage

-Clone and Double Clone are now once per turn, instead of once per combat.

-Bonebreaker and Uppercut apply their effects for 2 turns instead of 1
-Volcano Explosion deals 1d10 instead of 1d6 Fire.
-Fixed Limit breaker animation

-Added cooldowns to Death Slicer, Psycho Blitz and Subzero Mist
-Fixed sound effect lingering after 2nd transformation

- Added Class Level to the damage of Intercept and Counter.
- Limited Mind Freeze to 1 per combat, lasting 3 turns, and can only target a lower level enemy

-Redid energy boost animations to make them shorter.

-Added 6th subclass- Android Alpha! This universe's version of Cell.

-Rebalanced starting HP/Energy and HP/Energy per level of most classes

-Removed Hp cost per turn from Kaioken forms, added Mental Fatigue.
-Added extra crit damage to Destructo Disc
-Added Capsule Corp: Translator to level 2

-Added +10 Energy per turn to Super Namekian passive.

-Fixed Cheapshot to accurately be once per turn, and it only refunds Bonus Action, not energy.

-Changed Instant Transmission from "teleport to any spot within 30m", to "teleport to any person within 50m".

-Added reaction points on hotbar

-Added 5th subclass: Timelord (Guldo/Hit inspired class)

-Made all starting armors way better

-Did away with splitting files between "normal feats" and "feats every level". Now feats for all subclasses are: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20.

-Changed Blind from Solar Flare from 1 to 2.
-Increased Tri Beam area from 6x8 to 8x10.
-Made Taunt force break enemy concentration
-New move Scattering Bullet added at level 6.
-Rebalanced spell lists for levels 4-9
-Redid all Kaioken auras. 

-Changed range for Stretch attacks from 7m to 10m.
-Increased damage on melee attacks
-Added damage to Stretch Arm Pull
-Added Telekinesis at level 6
-Added new move Stretch Arm Hold at level 2.

-Volcano Cooldown now works
-Dragon Fist damage reworked so it now registers as unarmed damage. Range increased & aura changed.
-Removed temporary HP from SSJ transformations, instead added small healing on transformation- combat only.
-Added new move Limit Breaker to level 7
-Rebalanced spell list from levels 4-7

-Added new 4th subclass: Frieza Clan!

-Added Detect Thoughts to all subclasses

-Each class now has different starting armor

-Added skill check advantage & expertise as follows:
Namekian: Perception & Insight
Saiyan: Intimidation
Z Fighter: Persuasion
Frieza: Intimidation & Deception

-Rebalanced all ranged attacks so they are considered ranged spell attacks. This allows critical hits, and removes the previous saves mechanic.
-All classes now use Dexterity as spellcasting ability. Still, Saiyans get most benefit from STR & DEX, Namekians gain bonuses with CON & WIS, and Z Fighters gain bonuses with CHA.
-Redid all Super Saiyan animations and auras. Added extra 2 layers of auras from previous (including an upgrade to the hair... not completely gold or spiked, but kind of shiny now) , and made them progressively better with SS2 having electricity sparks and SS3 having a ton of electricity effects. Still no fix yet for the marks left on the ground... a necessary evil!
-Redid all Kaioken animations and auras. All 4 levels have different aura effects. Removed "lethargic when lost" and added scaling HP per turn cost and initialization.
-Added animation to Force Wave
-Overhauled Rage Barrage: changed from ranged attack to melee attack, now learned at level 8 instead of 9. Changed animations and damage.
-Anger aura for Saiyan subclass is different
-Namekian clone and double clone correctly cost HP and both now cost 1/4 of your current HP.
-Neo Tri beam now costs 1d4 HP per enemy hit
-Polished the language in numerous tooltips
-Made many minor fixes as mentioned in comments
-Fixed Battle AI and Super Namekian so they properly give action/bonus points, but only when in combat/TB mode.

-Fixed for patch 4

-Added 2 cosmetic ki auras for each class at Level 1. (Respec to get, if you're not starting a new game)
-Fixed Saiyan HP per level from 10 to 6. 
-Fixed Levitate (it wasn't being given at level 1)
-Changed Volcano Explosion to level 5 instead of 4. Changed damage from (1d6+STR Mod) Fire & Force to (1d6, Fire), (STR Mod, Force). Changed blast radius from 5m to 4m. Changed cost from (A) + 25 EN to (A&B) + 30 EN.
-Changed Force Wave from level 5 to level 4.
-Changed Big Bang Attack damage from (10d6+STR Mod) to (8d6). Changed range from 30m to 25m, and blast radius from 11m to 9m. Changed cost from (A)+30 EN to (A&B) + 40 EN. 

-Rebalanced all melee attacks to enable modifiers like tavern brawler to work

-Enabled Multiclass & Fixed Selection bug 


A big shoutout to NellsRello and/or the team at the Community Library. The tutorials over there were foundational to me learning how to do this: 
Link to BG3 Community Library Class Mod Tutorial 

Also a huge shoutout to Vickman/Greatestfighters/Chevisan and the team behind Ancient Saiyan Warrior. It was that mod that even gave me the idea this was possible. Link to Ancient Saiyan Warrior mod

And a big shoutout to VivaSortiara! His mods are the cream of the crop and the overall polish and custom presentation inspired me to build something cool. Link to VivaSortiara's mods 

Last but not least the BG3 Modding Discord is excellent and the people over there seem so generally willing to help novices like me. I was lurking there forever just soaking up how to do random things.


-Constantly improve sounds/animations/moves
-Make Races

-Making actual Saibamen (right now they are default Danse Macabre ghouls, which are surprisingly decent saibamen ootb) 