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About this mod

This mod adapts LaserLlama's excellent Alternate Fighter homebrew class to Baldur's Gate 3.

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This mod adapts LaserLlama's Alternate Fighter homebrew class to Baldur's Gate 3. This homebrew takes the idea of the Battle Master subclass' maneuvers and uses it as the template for the base Fighter class, in the form of Exploits. It contains the base Fighter class and four subclasses: the Champion, the Arcane Knight, the Marksman, and the Master at Arms. It includes 13 new or altered Fighting Styles and 40+ Exploits. The best way to get an idea of how the class works is probably to read LaserLlama's original homebrew. Many features/abilities are changed in subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways in order to accomodate the limitations of the game engine (see the lists below).


Make sure you have all the requirements: BG3SE, ImprovedUI + the ImprovedUI Assets optional file, and BuLib. Make sure that BuLib is higher in your load order (i.e. loads before) than this mod.

I strongly recommend using BG3ModManager

If you are already a Fighter, you need to respec with Withers to see the changes from this mod.


Incompatible with any other mod that changes the base Fighter class. Mods that change Fighter subclasses probably won't crash the game, but they won't do anything.

This mod uses the Battle Master's Superiority Dice for the Exploit Dice. It might be incompatible with other mods that modify this resource, though the most likely result of this is merely a wrong description (unless the other mod changes things like when Superiority Dice recharge, then the last mod in the load order will "win").

Some compatibility with level 13+ mods. You MUST multiclass beyond level 12.

The Arcane Knight will have its spell lists updated with spells from the 5e Spells mod, if it is present. 5e Spells should be ABOVE BU_LaserllamaFighter in your load order.

I will not add compatibility for other spell mods, however I have provided a ScriptExtender function to allow others to make compatibility patches if they wish. To use it, a mod can put the following call(s) in its BootstrapClient.lua file: Mods.BU_LL_Fighter.RegisterArcaneKnightSpell(<modName>,<spellId>,<spellLevel>), where <modName> is a readable name identifying your mod (for logging clarity in case of conflicts), <spellId> is the name of the spell in the stats (e.g. "Projectile_MagicMissile"), and <spellLevel> is either 0 (cantrip), 1 or 2. Your submod should be below this mod load order (and also below the spell mod in question, if you are making a compatibility patch for a different spell mod). If you don't understand what any of this means, there are other places where you can learn to make script extender mods.


Fighter base class progression

  • Level 1: Fighting Style (see below), Second Wind
  • Level 2: Martial Exploits: gain 2 Exploit Dice (gain more as you level up; these dice start as d6's, become d8 at level 5 and d10 at level 11), and choose two Exploits (see below)
  • Level 3: Choose a subclass, gain an Exploit
  • Level 4: Ability Score Improvement or Feat
  • Level 5: Extra Attack, gain an Exploit
  • Level 6: Action Surge
  • Level 7: Subclass feature, gain an Exploit
  • Level 8: Ability Score Improvement or Feat
  • Level 9: Indomitable (instead of rerolling, you can now choose to succeed on one failed saving throw once per long rest), gain an Exploit.
  • Level 10: Subclass feature
  • Level 11: Improved Extra Attack, Martial Superiority (regain an Exploit Die when you use second wind), gain an Exploit
  • Level 12: Ability Score Improvement or Feat

Champion subclass

  • Level 3: Additional Exploits: Feat of Strength, Ruthless Strike; Mighty Warrior (reduce Critical Hit threshold by 1); Remarkable Strength (add one roll of your Exploit Die to all Strength and Constitution checks and saving throws).
  • Level 5: Additional Exploits: Concussive Blow; Heroic Will
  • Level 7: Peak Athlete: increase jump distance by 3m/10ft., and when you use Second Wind, you gain the benefits of the Dash action.
  • Level 9: Additional Exploit: Mythic Athleticism
  • Level 10: Devastating Critical (whenever you critically hit with a weapon attack, you deal additional damage equal to your Fighter level)

Arcane Knight subclass

  • Level 3: Weapon Bond (as the vanilla Eldritch Knight feature), Spellcasting (Int-based)
  • Level 7: War Magic (when you use an action to cast a spell, you can attack as a bonus action)
  • Level 10: Enchanted Strikes (when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on its next saving throw versus a spell you cast)
  • Spell List:
    • Cantrips: Acid Splash, Blade Ward, Fire Bolt, Light, Poison Spray, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
    • Lvl. 1: Burning Hands, Chromatic Orb, Compelled Duel, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection From Evil and Good, Searing Smite, Shield, Thunderous Smite, Thunderwave
    • Lvl. 2: Branding Smite, Flameblade, Gust of Wind, Magic Weapon, Misty Step, Protection From Poison, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Shadow Blade

Marksman subclass

  • Level 3: Additional Exploits: Arresting Strike, Inquisitive Eye; Elite Training (can expend an Exploit Die to add it to any Dexterity check or saving throw); Marksman's Focus (can choose to Focus at start of turn - before move or ability use - to gain advantage on ranged weapon attacks until the first hit, and reroll 1's and 2's on damage).
  • Level 5: Additional Exploits: Crippling Strike, Volley
  • Level 7: Cunning Shot (add your proficiency bonus to Initiative, and ranged weapon attacks ignore piercing resistance)
  • Level 9: Additional Exploit: Thunderous Shot
  • Level 10: Reposition (when you use second wind, your movement speed increases by 3m/10ft, and opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage)

Master at Arms subclass

  • Level 3: Advanced Technique (gain 1 extra Fighting Style; gain 1 extra Exploit Die; your Exploit Dice increase one size; gain 2 Exploits of your choice)
  • Level 5: Additional Exploits: choose two
  • Level 7: Master of Forms (gain two Exploits from any class - obviously there is currently only one class with Exploits but that will hopefully change in the future);Additional Fighting Style
  • Level 9: Additional Exploit: choose one
  • Level 10: When you Action Surge, you gain one Exploit Die that must be used before the end of your next turn, or it is lost.

Fighting Styles

  • Archery: gain +2 bonus damage with ranged weapons (unchanged from vanilla)
  • Classical Swordplay: gain +1 bonus to attack rolls and AC while wielding a Finesse weapon and not wearing heavy armor or a shield
  • Defensive Fighting: gain +1 AC when wearing armor or a shield
  • Dueling: while wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, gain +2 to damage rolls (NOTE: this will not work when you are wielding a versatile weapon without wielding a shield)
  • Dual Wielding: whey you use the attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make the off-hand attack without using a bonus action, and you add your ability modifier to the damage of this attack. (NOTE: The "Toggle Dual Wielding" toggle must be OFF for this fighting style to work properly. If it is on, the game will automatically eat your bonus action before I can do anything about it.)
  • Featherweight Fighting: while wielding only light weapons, gain +3m/10ft. movement speed, and gain +1 bonus to your damage rolls if also not using medium or heavy armor or a shield
  • Great Weapon Fighting: when wielding a heavy two-handed (NOTE: not versatile) weapon, a total roll of 5 or lower on the damage dice is treated as a 6 (NOTE: this does *not* suffer from the vanilla bug with minimum damage and will *only* increase base weapon damage, not the rolls of any additional magical/coating damage)
  • Improvised Fighting: once per turn, roll damage twice and take highest when making an improvise weapon attack (attack with object or throw an object or a weapon that does not have have the thrown property)
  • Melee Marksman: no disadvantage when ranged attacking in melee (NOTE: this suffers from the same bug as the vanilla Crossbow Expert feat: you only lose disadvantage if the only creature threatening you is your target. This is a hardcoded limitation right now), and you make a ranged attack in melee range, you can use a bonus action to make an unarmed melee attack against it, dealing 1d4+Strength mod on hit.
  • Protector: when a creature attacks you or an ally within 1.5m/5ft., you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to the target's AC. You must be wielding a shield or a melee weapon.
  • Strongbow: you can use your Strength modifier on attacks with shortbows and longbows, and if you do, you gain +1 bonus to damage.
  • Thrown Weapon Fighting: +2 damage to throw attacks with weapons that have the thrown property
  • Versatile Fighting: +1 bonus to attack rolls while wielding a versatile weapon and no shield.

NOTE 1: unless otherwise noted, all of these require the use of one Exploit Die
NOTE 2: a big change from LaserLlama's homebrew, is that all abilities that allow you to add a roll to an ability or skill check work like Guidance in BG3: you cannot do it as a reaction to a skill check, but instead gain the roll bonus for the next 10 turns. This does work in conversations, obviously. This is due to engine limitations
NOTE 3: IMPORTANT: Some of these Exploits have ability score prerequisites. These are listed in-game when selecting the Exploit, but this cannot be enforced on the level-up screen. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THESE ABILITIES UNTIL YOU MEET THE ABILITY SCORE REQUIREMENTS. Normal abilities will show as disabled, but Interrupts/Reactions will simply not show up until you meet the ability score requirements, again due to engine limitations.
NOTE 4: These are obviously crudely summarized descriptions, to save space. The descriptions are more clear in-game.

Level 2+:
  • Aggressive Sprint: rush in a straight line up to your movement speed towards an enemy. From level 5, make an attack at the end of this movement.
  • Arresting Strike: set target speed to 0 on hit
  • Brace Up: gain temp HP equal to max roll of your Exploit Die
  • Commanding Presence: add Exploit Die to Persuasion and Intimidation checks
  • Cunning Instinct: add Exploit Die to Perception and Survival checks
  • Feat of Strength: expend Exploit Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add all of them to Strength and Constitution checks.
  • Feint: bonus action to force enemy to make WIS save. On fail, gain advantage on all attacks until end of turn.
  • First Aid: heal ally for a number of Exploit Dice up to your profiency bonus + the ally's Constitution modifier.
  • Flaming Shot: deal additional fire damage equal to Exploit Die on ranged attack, and burn objects.
  • Heroic Fortitude: add Exploit Die to a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw
  • Hurl: throw an object (not a thrown weapon) or creature up to 18m/60ft, target must make saving throw or take throw damage + Exploit Die + your Strength modifier
  • Inquisitive Eye: add Exploit Die to Investigation and Insight checks
  • Lightstep: add Exploit Die to Acrobatics and Stealth checks
  • Menacing Shout: WIS save or frighten one creature within 9m/30ft. until end of your next turn
  • Mighty Leap: spend Exploit Dice up to proficiency bonus to increase jump distance by 3m/10ft per die expended until end of turn
  • Parry: use reaction to reduce attack roll against you by a roll of your Exploit Die. From level 5 onwards, if the attack misses you can make a melee attack as part of this reaction.
  • Precision Strike: add Exploit Die to attack roll
  • Rustic Intuition: add Exploit Die to Nature, Animal Handling, and Stealth checks
  • Ruthless Strike: on hit, expend Exploit Dice up to your proficiency modifier and add all of them to the damage roll
  • Scholarly Recall: add Exploit Die to Arcana, History, and Religion checks
  • Shield Impact: when hit, expend Exploit Dice up to your proficiency bonus and reduce the damage of the attack by the total rolled. You must be wielding a shield.
  • Subtle Con: add Exploit Die to Sleight of Hand, Deception, and Performance checks
  • Sweeping Strike: on hit, force target to make DEX save or take extra damage equal to Exploit Die and fall prone.

Level 5+:
  • Blinding Debris: bonus action to try to blind enemy within 3m/10ft. until start of your next turn.
  • Concussive Blow: on hit, target makes CON save or until the start of your next turn its speed is 0, it has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls against it have advantage.
  • Crippling Strike: on hit, target makes CON save or takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die and is Blinded or Silenced (your choice) until the start of your next turn.
  • Defensive Stance: as a bonus action, gain an AC bonus equal to an average roll of your Exploit Die (3 for d6, 4 for d8, etc..) until the start of your next turn.
  • Dirty Hit: on hit, target makes CON save or takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die and falls prone until the start of your next turn.
  • Execute: in place of an attack, target prone or incapacitated enemy and expend Exploit Dice up to your proficiency bonus. Roll 2 Exploit Dice for each die you expended, add your Strength modifier, and if the total is equal to or greater than the target's current Hit Points, it dies. Otherwise, it takes damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
  • Heroic Will: add Exploit Die to an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw.
  • Martial Focus: attack with advantage, or give yourself advantage on a missed attack that did not already have advantage.
  • Rending Strike: on hit, target makes DEX save or its AC is reduced by 1 (this stacks).
  • Volley: targets within 2m/7.5ft of a point in range of your ranged weapon must make DEX save or take damage equal to Exploit Die + your Dexterity modifier, or half damage on save.
  • Warrior's Challenge: target within 10m/30ft. must make WIS save or have disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you for 10 rounds. It can save again at the end of each of its turns. The effect also ends if you attack a creature other than the target.
  • Whirlwind Strike: creatures within melee weapon range make DEX save or take damage equal to your Exploit Die + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, or half damage on save.

Level 9+:
NOTE: all of these can only be used once per Short Rest
  • Disorienting Blow: on hit, target takes extra damage equal to two rolls of your Exploit Die and is Slowed for 10 rounds. It can make a WIS save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early.
  • Heroic Focus: as a bonus action, gain Haste for 10 rounds. This uses your concentration (as if concentrating on a spell), and the effect ends if you lose concentration.
  • Mythic Athleticism: as a bonus action, gain the following benefits for 10 rounds: treat rolls of 9 or lower on Strength/Constitution checks as 10; your movement speed increases by 1.5m/5ft times your Strength modifier; your maximum jump distance and carry capacity are doubled. This uses your concentration (as if concentrating on a spell), and the effect ends if you lose concentration.
  • Mythic Resilience: when taking damage, expend Exploit Dice up to your proficiency bonus to reduce the damage by three rolls of your Exploit Die for each die expended + your Constitution modifier, then gain 10 Temporary Hit Points per die expended (NOTE: unfortunately, you don't see how much damage you would take on the interrupt screen. I'm looking for ways around this but it is currently an engine limitation.)
  • Thunderous Shot: expend Exploit Dice up to your proficiency bonus and make a ranged attack that deals piercing damage equal to two rolls of your Exploit Die per die expended + your Dexterity modifier to each target in a line (DEX save for half damage).
  • War Cry: enemies within a 10m/30ft. cone must make a WIS save or drop their weapons and be frightened of you for 10 rounds. They can make a WIS save to end the effect early if they end their turn without line of sight to you.


LaughingLeader, Norbyte, Lykon and ShinyHobo for the Modding Tools
Norbyte for BG3SE
LaserLlama for his fantastic homebrew D&D content
All the people in the bg3-scripting channel on the Larian Discord - you're all hacks and you know it :)