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About this mod

This mod implements a homebrew class by the name of the Troubadour, a half caster with greater emphasis on the musical aspects of magic than what's touched on with the Bard.

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  • Korean

"Troubadours are magical musicians, able to tug on the strands of the weave through their music. Where a wizard relies on focused study, or a cleric prays to their deity, a troubadour has a more instinctive and intuitive grasp of how to set the threads of magic resonating directly. They can cast spells quite capably, but are also capable of more direct manipulation, empowering their allies with thunderous strikes or quickening their steps.

Troubadours are more focused than jack-of-all-trades bards, less intent on acquiring magical secrets and more reliant on arcane melodies. Troubadours get more mileage out of fewer spells, but complement their magic with two key abilities - Mystic Songs to provide boons to nearby allies, and Concordant Notes that empower those allies' strikes."


Currently, the features for the class have been implemented up to level 12 (though the progressions are up to 20 and a few other features are in but not fixed for full release from the mod's inception during Early Access) but to get an overall view for what is to come and what to compare the implementations/explanations to, check out the Troubadour on GMBinder. Definitely let me know if anything is off (even for stuff I probably already know about but can't do anything about) or anything else.


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: Three musical instruments of your choice
  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose four from Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand.

Note: Implemented as is.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
  • (a) a simple weapon
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, or (b) a simple weapon.
  • (a) leather armor
  • (a) a diplomat's pack, (b) an entertainer's pack, (c) a scholar's pack
  • Any musical instrument

Note: Similar to how the Bard is able to choose which instrument it wants to possess, I've made it so you have a choice of all the different pieces of equipment listed for a Troubadour (excluding the diplomat's pack vs entertainer's pack vs scholar's pack and the leather armor).

Expert Performer
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Performance. Additionally, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any check you make that uses one of these proficiencies.
Additionally, you are deft at managing musical instruments, even in stressful situations. You can stow or unstow a musical instrument with the same movement as drawing or sheathing a weapon, and a hand holding a musical instrument counts as free for reloading and operating ranged weapons.

Note: Implemented the Performance proficiency and the choice of expertise in two skill proficiencies. However, the stowing and unstowing instruments is perhaps kind of inherently accounted for in the system for the most part and uses many of the animations (and more) of the Bard class.

Starting at 1st level, you can empower your allies with your song. When you take the Attack action, in place of making an attack you may grant a concordant note to a creature within 30 feet. The next time they make an attack roll before the end of your next turn, they add 1d4 to the roll and deal additional thunder damage to one target. An ally may only be affected by one concordant note at a time, and the bonus to the attack roll does not stack with other abilities that add a bonus die to attack rolls. You must sing and play an instrument to grant an ally a concordant note; you cannot do so if you are deafened, silenced, or unable to use your instrument.

The additional thunder damage dealt by your concordant notes starts at 1d4 and increases as shown in the class table, at level 5 (d6), level 9 (d8), level 13 (d10), and level 17 (d12).

Note: Implemented as intended though it primarily only accounts for effects in the base game and most of my mods as far as not stacking bonuses that increase attack rolls.

Mystic Songs
At 2nd level, you may sing mystic songs that embolden and empower your allies. You may begin singing a Mystic Song as a bonus action, and it affects a number of other creatures of your choice who can hear you within 30 feet up to your Charisma modifier. You start out knowing two Mystic Songs of your choice, which are listed at the end of this class. You learn an additional Mystic Song at level 7, and again at level 12. If a Mystic Song calls for a saving throw, it is against your spell save DC.

Initially you can sing two Mystic Songs per long rest, with your uses increasing as shown in the troubadour class table. Your Mystic Songs last for 1 minute, though you can stop singing at any time (no action required). If a Mystic Song has effects that last an entire round, they are reset at the start of your turn. If targeted creatures leave the area of your Mystic Song or become ineligible as targets, you may designate new ones at the start of your turn.

You automatically stop singing a Mystic Song if you become incapacitated or silenced. If you are deafened or become so while singing a Mystic Song, you must make a DC 10 Charisma (Performance) check at the start of each round to continue singing.

Note: This was a pretty intricate implementation but I believe I've got it to 95% as intended, with part of the 5% accounting for the deafened part of the feature which wasn't accounted for in the game.

Troubadour Tradition
At 3rd level, you master the specific techniques of a Troubadour Tradition. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.

Note: As mentioned above, only up to 12 have really been accounted for. Additionally, I'll gradually implement the remainder of the subclasses.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Note: Implemented as is.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You may use your Concordance feature in place of either, or both, attacks.

Note: Implemented exactly as is, with the Concordance action glowing the same way as any other attack-oriented action you possess.

Honeyed Words
At 7th level, your music is able to shift the hardest hearts. You have advantage on the next Persuasion or Deception check you make to influence any creature who has listened to you perform for at least one minute continuously.

Additionally, you are adept at salvaging bad situations. When you or an ally within 30 feet fails a Charisma skill check, you may butt in and attempt to save face, adding 1d4 to the result and potentially changing the outcome. If you have already used this ability to influence a creature, you cannot influence that creature again until after a long rest.

Note: So this couldn't be implemented as is due to limitations with checking for specific ability checks. So rather than a Persuasion or Deception check, it simply applies to any ability check you make in a dialogue with the creature. Otherwise, to actually activate the effect, you simply use any of the Perform actions to play songs for 10 turns but it's limited to creatures within 9m of you. Can increase it more if desired but seemed a little redundant.

Otherwise, the other part of the feature grants you an action that can only be used in dialogue when choosing which spells and abilities you want to apply to your dialogue roll and successfully only works on the speaker until the next long rest.

Soothing Song
Also at 7th level, your melodies can relax your allies and invigorate their hearts. As part of a long or short rest, you sing this soothing song. Targeted creatures may reroll 1's or 2's rolled on any Hit Dice spent as part of the rest, and gain advantage on the next ability check they make.

Note: Halfway implemented as intended. Rerolling for any kind of healing isn't doable and besides that, short resting in the game simply heals you for half of your total hit points so instead on a short, rest you regain hit points equal to the troubadour's Charisma modifier. Otherwise, advantage on next ability check works as it should.

Powerful Concordance
At 11th level, your concordant notes deal an additional die of concordance damage.

Note: Implemented as is.

Shattering Song
Additionally at 11th level, you learn to channel your music with extraordinary flexibility and power. As an action, you can sing, shout, or otherwise perform a special note of power. When you do so, select one or two of the following effects:
  • You may attempt to dispel all magical silence within 60 feet. If it is a result of a leveled spell, you may attempt a Charisma (Performance) check with a DC of 10 + the spell's level, dispelling the effect on a success. If it does not originate from a leveled spell, you automatically succeed.
  • You may shatter all non-wielded or worn objects of your choice within 30 feet. Each affected object takes 12d8 thunder damage.
  • You may blast all creatures of your choice within 30 feet with a shattering echo. Each affected creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If they fail, they suffer 6d8 thunder damage and are deafened and have their movement speed reduced by half. If they fail by 5 or more, they are stunned until the end of their next turn. If they succeed, they take half damage and suffer no additional effects. They may reattempt the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, recovering on a success.
You may invoke each of these effects one time, regaining all uses after a long rest.

Note: Implement mostly as intended. Currently, there isn't a Performance check when determining if you can apply the effect for magical silence from a spell (I kind of think Silence is the only one) but will look into it later. Additionally, as previously mentioned, there's no deafened status in the game and there might be a way to check if you've failed a saving throw by 5 or more, so I'll also look into that later.

Mystic Songs

Armoring Air
Your music lifts your allies' hearts, and emboldens them to fight even harder. When you begin singing this song, and again at the start of your turns, targeted creatures gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.

Note: Implemented as is.

Deflecting Dance
You perform a cacophonous melody, with crashing waves of sound to muddle attackers. The first attack roll each round against each targeted creature is made at disadvantage.

Note: Implemented as is.

Fortifying Fandango
You sing a mesmerizing dance, easing your companions' tired muscles and lifting their spirits. Targeted creatures may use your Charisma modifier in place of their relevant ability score on Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws.

Note: Largely implemented as is through a temporary toggle that appears on the right side of the hotbar where Metamagic and other such features appear.

Poem of Possibility
You sing a rousing tale, inspiring your comrades to greater heights. When a targeted creature fails an ability check or saving throw, they may add a d4 to the result, potentially changing the outcome. A creature can only benefit from this song a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier each time it is sung.

Note: Currently we cannot check for ability checks failing but it should work for the saving throw portion which is done through an interrupt/reaction. The former, however, would grant the bonus through a temporary toggle on the right side of the hotbar.

Rollicking Rondo
You sing a lively and heartening two-step, spurring your allies to faster action. At the start of their turns, targeted creatures have their movement speed increased by 10 feet.

Note: Implemented as is.

Stunning Solo
You sing an extravagant and powerful song, turning your concordant notes into explosive punches of sound. When a targeted creature takes damage from one of your concordant notes, you may use your reaction to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they are dazed until the end of their next turn, reducing their movement by half and granting them disadvantage on attack rolls.

Note: Implemented as is through the interrupt/reaction system.

Taunting Tarantelle
You sing an irritatingly catchy dance tune, which your foes are compelled to try and silence. Targeted creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of their turns. If they fail, they have disadvantage when attacking any targets other than you until the start of their next turn.

Note: Implemented as is.

Withering Waltz
You sing a languid dance step, which lulls your foes and saps their energy. Targeted creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of their turns. If they fail, their movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of their next turn, to a minimum of 5 feet.

Note: Implemented mostly as is though we're unable to reduce the speed to a specific minimum outside some potential finagling which I'll probably look into later.

Melodist's Tradition

Melodist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Added Thunderwave at 3rd level, Calm Emotions at 5th level and Haste at 9th level.

Dedicated Performer
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check that uses your Performance proficiency. If you already selected Performance as one of the choices for your Expert Performer feature, you may choose another skill with which you are proficient.

Note: Implemented mostly as is. There's no a way to check if you already have Expertise in a given skill at the Level Up/CC screen, so you automatically gain it in Performance and can gain it in another skill of your choice.

Inspired Songs
Starting at 3rd level, when you sing one of your Mystic Songs, you may choose one target to be affected by a second mystic song you know. In addition, you learn the following Mystic Song, which does not count against your total.

Note: Implemented as is by granting a temporary spell on the right side of the hotbar that targets an affect creature after using the Mystic Song action.

Mesmerizing Melody
While you are singing this song, targeted creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of their turns. If they fail, they are charmed by you until the start of their next turn.

Note: Implemented as is.

Persuasive Performance
Starting at 6th level, when an ally deals damage with one of your concordant notes, they may add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt.

Note: Implemented as is.

Ever Adaptable
At 10th level, when you are singing a Mystic Song, you can change which Mystic Song you are singing as a bonus action without expending a use of your Mystic Songs feature.

Additionally, after a long rest, you may select one skill with which you are not proficient. You gain proficiency in that skill until you complete a long rest.

Note: Implement as is with the proficiency choice being done through a temporary spell gained on the right side of the hotbar. It'll only list the options you lack proficiency in and when the choice is made, the action disappears until your next long rest.

Skald's Tradition

Skald Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Added the Blade Mirage spell at 3rd level (only accessible while having my Homebrew Spells mod), Warding Bond at 5th level and Spirit Shroud at 9th level (only accessible while having my 5e Spells mod and will eventually create a mod for SDS version).

Battle Bard
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in martial weapons and medium armor.

Note: Implemented as is.

Songs of War
Starting at 3rd level, your Mystic Songs allow you to enter a battle trance, focused on the thrill of combat. Once per round while you are singing a Mystic Song, when you take damage from a weapon attack, you can reduce the damage taken by one roll of your concordance die.

Note: Implemented as is to the interrupt/reaction system.

Dirge of Devastation
Your song conjures a sonorous toll of destruction, able to lay waste to your foes. While you are singing this song, targeted creatures are blessed with thunderous power. Once per round when they deal damage, each of these creatures may add thunder damage equal to your proficiency bonus to a single target.

Note: Implemented as is.

Concordant Strikes
Starting at 6th level, when you use your Concordance feature, you can grant a concordant note to yourself instead of an ally.

When you target yourself with your Concordance feature, you may do so as a bonus action.

Note: Implemented as is through a toggle the appears under the "Passives" tab.

Thunderous Defense
Starting at 10th level, when a character with one of your concordant notes is damaged with a melee weapon, they may explode the concordant note in response. As a reaction, they may roll your concordance die, subtracting the result from the damage they suffer and dealing the result as thunder damage to the attacking creature.

Note: Implemented as is.

Spellsinger's Tradition

Spellsinger Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Added Magic Missile at 3rd level, Misty Step at 5th level and Counterspell at 9th level (replacement until Larian adds it or I do through my 5e Spells mod).

Arcana Artist
When you select this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, or another skill of your choice if you are already proficient. In addition, when you make an Arcana check to examine an item, perceive a phenomenon, or understand a magical effect, you can do so by singing softly to the weave itself. When you do so, you can use your Charisma modifier in place of Intelligence.

In addition, you learn the sonic blast cantrip, and one other cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list.

Note: Currently unable to check for proficiency in a skill and thusly being able to pick another skill. As such, you can pick any skill proficiency you wish but the default chosen one is Arcana. Otherwise, you gain a toggle, under the "Passives" tab, which can use your Charisma in place of Intelligence for Arcana checks. Also the Sonic Blast spell is within my Homebrew Spells mod.

Songs of Sorcery
Starting at 3rd level, your song can pull tattered threads of the weave back into usable forms. Anytime an ally affected by one of your Mystic Songs casts a spell, you may recover one spent spell slot of a lower level as a reaction. You may recover total spell levels in this way equal to your proficiency bonus plus one-third your troubadour level.

Note: Implemented as is through the interrupt/reaction system, which uses a resource that tracks the number of spell slots you've gained per long rest.

Sorcerous Shanty
Your song spins the threads of the weave itself, fortifying allies against harmful magic. When an affected creature makes a saving throw against a spell, they may reroll the d20 after they see the result but before learning the outcome of the roll. A creature can only be affected by this song once each time it is sung.

Note: Implemented as is through the interrupt/reaction system.

Concordant Casting
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a leveled spell, you may use your Concordance feature as a bonus action.

Note: Implemented as is.

Scroll and Staff
At 10th level, your understanding of the arcane, while intuitive, is advanced enough that you can translate magical scrolls into song. When you find a wizard spell of 1st level or higher, you can learn it if it is of a level you can prepare. Learning the spell takes you 4 hours per level of the spell but requires no ink or parchment, since the final form is a memorized tune rather than arcane pages.

You can learn up to 5 total levels of wizard spells in this way. This increases to 6 at level 13, 7 at level 16, 8 at level 19, and 10 at level 20. When you level up, you may forget one spell to make space for learning new ones.

Note: Largely implemented as intended though it's pretty intricate and specifically requires the Script Extender. In essence, you gain a spell container that contains the ability to target a magic scroll that's not in your inventory that has a 1st-5th level spell in it. You gain a resource that's tied to the spells in the container that keeps track of how many spells you've learned and of a given level, etc. Once you level up, you should gain a temporary spell container on the right side of the hotbar that gives you the option to forgot one of your choices or you can opt to not pick any by choosing the "Forget Nothing" option. After making your choice, the spell disappears until the next level up.

Stormcrow's Tradition

Stormcrow Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Added the Lightning Tendril spell at 3rd level (through my Homebrew Spells mod), Gust of Wind at 5th level and Call Lightning at 9th level.

Call to the Wind
When you select this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature skill, or another skill of your choice if you are already proficient. Anytime you are outdoors, you may sing to the wind and use Charisma in place of Intelligence on Nature checks. You gain advantage on all checks to understand, identify, or predict storms, weather, and other similar phenomena.

Note: Similar to Arcana Artist above but with Nature as the default option. Also added a toggle, found under the "Passives" tab, that changes Nature checks to use your Charisma in place of Intelligence while its toggled on.

Song of the Storm
At 3rd level your songs are able to command the very winds. When you begin singing a mystic song, and again as a bonus action while you sing it, you may move any creature within the song's area 15 feet in a direction of your choice. Unwilling creatures may make a Strength saving throw against your spellcasting DC to resist the effect.

Note: Implemented as is through a temporary spell that appears while singing a Mystic Song. It provides 5 different options for pushing or pulling (from your specific position) from 1m to 5m and allied creatures are automatically affected.

Lightning Lied
You sing a powerful ballad, which imbues your music with crackling energy. While you are singing this song, your concordant notes automatically deal maximum damage for their die size, and their damage type is changed to lightning.

Note: Implemented as is.

Thunderous Blasts
At 6th level, your concordant notes explode with the force of the storm. When a creature deals damage with your Concordance feature, you can create a blast of thunder or lightning as a reaction. If you do so, all other creatures within 5 feet of their target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they suffer thunder damage equal to one roll of your concordance die.

Note: Implemented as is through the interrupt/reaction system.

Tempestuous Song
At 10th level, you gain resistance to both lightning and thunder damage, and when you select targets for a mystic song, you may choose to grant each target resistance to lightning or thunder damage. Additionally, when you move a creature with Song of the Storm, it no longer requires a bonus action (you can still only do so once per round).

Note: Implemented as is with the resistance an ally is granted when using a Mystic Song is determined by a toggle that appears under the "Passives" tab.

Sunchanter's Tradition

Sunchanter Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Added Guiding Bolt at 3rd level, Aid at 5th level and Daylight at 9th level.

Voice of the Gods
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Religion skill, or another skill of your choice if you are already proficient. You gain advantage on any Charisma (Performance) checks when performing religious or liturgical material. In addition, you learn the guidance cantrip.

Note: Same as Arcana Artist and Call of the Wind above. Also, you gain advantage on Performance checks regardless and Guidance is successfully added.

Building Chant
At 3rd level, your Mystic Songs build a reserve of holy power over time. Anytime you sustain a Mystic Song for three rounds, you may cast one of your tradition spells without expending a spell slot. It must be of a level you are able to cast, but casts at the highest level you can cast as a troubadour.

Note: Implemented as is though it partly requires the Script Extender for determining the spells chosen through the 10th level feature as being tradition spells. Otherwise, the abovementioned three would suffice.

Cleansing Canticle
You sing a heartening chant, seeking to bolster your allies' spirits and strengthen their hearts. While you are singing this song, affected creatures have advantage on saving throws against charm, fear, poison, and any effect that would reduce their hit point maximum. In addition, any allies suffering from such an effect when you begin singing may immediately re-attempt the saving throw against the effect, if applicable.

Note: Largely implemented as intended but it only works against effects in the base game and most of my mods as far as charm, fear and poison effects go. Don't believe there are any hit point maximum reduction effects that require a saving throw however and not entirely sure if that could even be implemented.

Holy Guidance
At 6th level, your concordant notes grant 1d6 bonus to hit, instead of 1d4. In addition, your concordant notes can deal radiant damage instead of thunder (you choose when you grant them).

Note: Implemented as intended with the previous Concordance action being replaced by a spell container that lets you choose between Thunder or Radiant Damage on a hit.

Divine Chant
At 10th level, you learn one 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd- level spell of your choice from the Cleric spell list. These count as tradition spells for you.

You also learn the legend lore spell, which you can cast once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Note: The first portion is implemented but the second was replaced with an effect that allows you to temporarily learn the Greater Restoration spell and can cast it without expending a spell slot once per long rest. It'll disappear until the next long rest comes around.

Wildheart's Tradition

Wildheart Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Added Entangle at 3rd level, Summon Beast at 5th level (found in my 5e Spells mod and will eventually create the SDS version in another mod) and Plant Growth at 9th level (this is a replacement for Bramble Barrier but not even 100% sure that spell can be implemented).

Wild Wanderer
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you focus on channeling the music of the forest. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill or Nature skill, or another skill of your choice if you are already proficient in both.

In addition, you learn the speak with animals spell, and can cast it without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses after completing a long rest.

Note: Same as Arcana Artist, Call to the Wind and Voice of the Gods above. Otherwise, you gain a resource that allows you to cast Speak with Animals as is.

Beast Singer
At 3rd level, your Mystic Songs are able to speak directly to the independence and wildness in creatures' hearts. You learn the find familiar spell, and can cast it as a ritual.
When you begin singing a Mystic Song, you can channel your song through any creature you have summoned which you can see, centering its effect on that creature instead of on yourself. You can also use your Concordance feature on your summoned creatures, which may transfer the Concordant note to an ally when they take the Help action.

Note: A lot of this wasn't entirely doable except being able to cast Find Familiar as a ritual spell due to the intricacies involved in setting up the Mystic Songs feature to work as it does. So alternatively, when using a Mystic Song on a summoned creature, it'll "echo" the song to allies within 3m of it so you could potentially have more affected by the song than normally. Suggestions are welcome for a potential alternative. Also for BG3, the Help action is only half of what it is in DnD 5e, so in this situation, it'll be what transfers to an ally if you use it on them.

Greenwood Gavotte
You sing an aggressive and lively dance, encouraging your allies to step into the thick of combat. When a targeted creature hits an enemy with a melee attack, the next melee attack against the same enemy has advantage.

Note: Implemented as is.

At 6th level, you may command the roots and vines with your song. As a reaction when an ally deals damage with one of your concordant notes, you may summon magical roots to bind the target, as if they were affected by the entangle spell.

You can summon roots in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest.

Note: Implemented as is to the interrupt/reaction system.

At 10th level, you learn one 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd- level spell of your choice from the Druid spell list. These count as tradition spells for you.
When you cast any of your tradition spells while singing a Mystic Song, one creature affected by your song regains 1d4 hit points.

Note: Implemented as is with the first portion of the feature working through the Script Extender to apply the gained spells as tradition spells for the second portion. Otherwise, the abovementioned three will work for it, which is done through a temporary spell that appears on the right side of the hotbar.

Mindwhisper's Tradition

Mindwhisper Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts as a troubadour spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of troubadour spells you know.

Note: Substituted Sending with Hypnotic Pattern due to the aforementioned not really being doable. Pretty strong replacement but nothing else was quite as fitting haha.

Innate Psionics
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. If you and the target don't share any languages, you can communicate only in simple images and emotions. The target must know at least one language.

Note: Since telepathically communicating isn't really doable since that ties itself into the story/dialogue system, I implemented an alternate but what I feel is somewhat close enough to the theme. While you're telepathically communicating with a creature that isn't a beast, each creatures ha disadvantage on attack rolls and grants the other advantage on saving throws for any sort of attack/spell that would target/affect the other.

Mental Music
Also at 3rd level, you are able to pipe your music directly into other creatures' minds. When you begin singing a Mystic Song, you can do so silently and without any visible action at all. You can also force one creature targeted by your Mystic Song to make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn.

Note: So this was something that needed to be mostly setup through the script extender to dynamically remove any sound associated with singing Mystic Songs not just mechanically but literally as well. Ultimately functions like Subtle Metamagic in a way. Besides that, you'll gain a temporary spell on the right side of the hotbar that'll apply the Frightened status when used but currently only have it last for the turn you start singing a Mystic Song since that's the most fitting with the feature.

Disquiet Dirge
You sing a burrowing, dissonant melody, which causes self-doubt and discordance in the listener's mind. The first time each turn a targeted creature misses with an attack or fails a saving throw, it suffers psychic damage equal to your proficiency modifier.

Note: Implemented as is.

Blossoming Telepath
At 6th level, you gain access to the Telepathic Intrusion psionic power. You gain a number of psi points equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining them on a short or long rest. You can use these points to empower your Telepathic Intrusion or cast spells granted by the subclass, spending 1 psi point per level of the spell in place of a spell slot.
When you use your Telepathic Intrusion power, you can use your Concordance feature as a bonus action.

Additionally, when you grant a concordant note, you can choose for it to deal psychic damage instead of thunder.

Note: This ended up being way more work than I anticipated, despite already having it setup in my separate Psion mod, but should hopefully all be working as intended. This gives a sneak peak at how the Psion will be setup so any comments are welcome on that front as well. One issue you might encounter is with the modifier container spell. Because of the way container spells were setup to be alphabetical based on the spell's name/ID by Larian Studios, some of the container spells like to collapse in on one another, such as Meddling and Meddling Terrifying for example. Still looking into some kind of workaround for that but just a heads up.

Psychic Fortitude
At 10th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage. While you are singing a Mystic Song, you can select a number of targets up to your Charisma modifier to gain resistance to psychic damage.

Note: A temporary spell is added to the right side of the hotbar that'll allow you to use the action at any time while singing the Mystic Song to apply the psychic resistance to anyone within the Mystic Song's range.

Special Thanks/Credit/Misc.

Of course all of the credit for creating such an excellent homebrew class goes to the creator, somanyrobots. If you're interested in other homebrew projects or are curious in general about him, please check out his website which links to his discord channel, his homebrew site, patreon and others.

Also credit to AnteMaxx for all of his tutorials on armor and even providing plenty of assets in his mods.

Credit to Dragonify03 for the AI generated class icons.

And lastly, want to provide credit for the mod image of the Inspiring Bard MtG Art by Eelis Kyttanen.

How to Install

I would recommend installing mods using the BG3 Mod Manager.