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  1. RandoRuda
    • premium
    • 30 kudos

    Please comment below with any requests. The idea is mostly just to build some very basic (and likely very specific) mods for your own game that not everyone might be interested in.

    Works in progress and updates can be found in the forum.
  2. The5armamput33
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I found a mod that is no longer supported an doesn't work... The Eldritch Edge Warlock Subclass... 

    Specifically the Spider Demon... I'm not all that interested in the other subclass that came with the mod... 

    I would like to see this subclass revived or remade in some capacity... 
    The author left permission to alter it as long as credit is given... 
    1. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      I can have a look. No promises though.
    2. The5armamput33
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Understood.... Thank you for your time... 
    3. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      I've had a chance to look at the guts of the mod and it seems entirely doable, but it will take a bit of refactoring.

      It's a bit bigger of a project than I planned to put on this mod page, so I'll likely make a new page for it when it's done.
    4. The5armamput33
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you... I appreciate your time... 
    5. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      It's been on the backburner for a while, but I'm actually going to start looking into this today.
    6. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      I've done a bit of work on this and it took a bit more than expected. I hope to have it sorted out by next weekend.
    7. The5armamput33
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I appreciate your effort... Thank you for entertaining my request... 
    8. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      I've actually done a large part of it, but since I've been busy with life... I have been away long enough that it required a bit of a reminder of what needed to be finished off still. Some of the logic used for the abilities needed a bit of work and I also had to update some of the way it progressed so it adhered to the standard progressions within the game.

      Basic Standard:
      Spells: 2 Spells per level.
      Level 01 Feature: 1st Feature. Can include additional cantrips or spells known, proficiencies, etc.
      Level 06 Feature: 2nd Feature. Sometimes directly connected to the first feature.
      Level 10 Feature: 3rd Feature. Primarily defensive in nature.
      Level 14 Feature: 4th Feature. Capstone for the subclass.


      Level 01 Feature
      Level 03 Feature
      Level 04 Feature
      Level 06 Feature
      Level 08 Feature
      Level 10 Feature


      Level 01 Feature
      Level 03 Feature
      Level 04 Feature
      Level 05 Feature
      Level 06 Feature
      Level 08 Feature
      Level 10 Feature

      I've been trying to fix them up in reasonable way to fit the standard.

      I would love your feedback regarding the spells for the two Patrons though. I have my own ideas, but any feedback from you would be appreciated.
    9. The5armamput33
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      If we're talking about vanilla spells, considering the fact that they were built as Warlock subclasses, they would of course have Warlock spells....
      to set them apart from standard Warlocks, I think that they should lean into the gimmick of being a melee Warlock and use a lot of melee and self-targeting spells like 'Inflict Wounds' and 'Shield' respectively....

      I also like 'Shillelagh', 'Flame Blade', and the "Smite" spells for the Phlegethos in particular
      and 'Ensnaring Strike', 'AciSplash', 'Web', and mobility options (like 'Enhanced Leap', and 'Long Strider',) for Zanassu in particular.... 

      Phlegethos should borrow 'Fire Shield' from the Fiend Warlock spells list.... and Zanassu should get the "Black Tentacles" from the Great Old One... 
    10. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Hey Buddy.

      Just letting you know that as I've been working with the testing of the Toolkit, I have been plugging away at this. You will be able to enjoy this with the release of Patch 7 and official modding support.
    11. Eslin629
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey i was digging through warlock patron mods and saw elderitch edge, thought it looked super hype and was disappointed seeing how out of date it was. Super hyped seeing your picking it up and feel like i can’t wait till it comes (but i will have to find one i guess).

      also why do you use the yellow text?
    12. The5armamput33
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you... I'm glad to hear it and I'm looking forward to it.... 
  3. DeadPan55
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Hi, I've got a request for you:

    Could you make it so the Warlock class gains it's spell slots earlier? Still maxed at four slots, just obtained sooner. Something along the lines of: Two slots starting at first level, a third slot at fifth level and a fourth slot at ninth level.
    Level 1 = 2 slots
    Level 5 = 3 slots
    Level 9 = 4 slots

    Akin to this mod. Which works, but may have compatibility issues with other mods (concerning Warlock level progression), hence—my request.

    Thanks for your time!
    1. DeadPan55
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I also have a full mod request for you; that's seemingly right up your alley....

      Would you be willing to make a mod adding the ASI from UA2 - Expert Classes to the base game feats? Strictly the ASI, no other changes necessary. (Feats section starts from page 16.)

      Hopefully compatible with the Free Action Dual Wielding mod. But it's totally understandable if that's not possible for some reason. Thanks again!
    2. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos

    3. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Working on the ASI for feats now.
    4. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      ASI stuff is mostly done. There are some issues such as Heavy Armor Master provides the +1 to Strength through a Passive which we'll need to update the compatibility framework to sort out, but otherwise you should expect something when the next Community Library update comes out.

    5. DeadPan55
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks man, I appreciate you taking the time to do this.

      By any the issue you're referring to—the same as the one mentioned in this mod?
    6. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Yes and no. That mod highlights the issue that I'd like to solve, except I wanted to do it via the compatibility framework to keep it all contained. The problem though is framework method of removing the ability score bonus from the feat is not working correctly at the moment.
    7. DeadPan55
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Nice! I was hoping you'd say that; can I assume this mod will make that one redundant?
    8. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
  4. GrayNish
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, I've come again, this time with a very specific request, or well, a series of specific requests 

    It something that I want to implement in my next playthrough but I could see it being cool additions for others as well.

    1st, An Edit to Dark Justiciar boots - Despite being unique ability that could only be obtain through a certain (less rewarding and arguably worse) choice, Shadow Teleportation felt more like worse version of misty steps that everyone and their dogs have, with extra limitation of obscurity requirement.

    So, If possible I would like to change it to be useable once per turn instead to lightly obscured, and maybe an additional ability variant of it that is a BONUS ACTION but can only move to heavily obscured.

    2nd An Edit to Volo and Hag's eyes - This is just my headcanon but I have always felt like their abilities are off.

    Volo's eye is like a straight up upgrade of your normal eyes, according to him at least, So being able to see farther, clearer, better seem more plausible than see invisibility. It would be more like devil's sight with farther range and different (not so devil) name. with no downside at all.

    Hag eye instead could feel more "cursed" and niche, allowing you to see things you weren't suppose to see. so it make more sense for it to have see invisibility, and maybe even co-opting some other "see through" perk like dispel illusion and wooden mask as well, making it more similar to the unimplemented "True Seeing" from 5e but without additional benefit of see in dark and magical dark.
    Also, grant a once-per-long rest ability that allow you to "mark" one target, allowing you to always hit it. but upon using it, you will lose all previous seeing buff and are replaced with "blind" instead until long rest. kinda like luck of the far realm
    It could also have another downside that you will NEVER be able to hit a hag at all.

    3rd, A Ring of Deathstalker, preferably in Tutorial Chest - This one is simple. It's just that sometime I want to play with it effect, without having to be Durge or having it aesthetically visible as cloak.

    Yeah, This is like 3 separate mods, I just clump it into one comment to not clutter the page. I know it's a lot so It's understandable if some, or even all of it is not doable. as I have no idea how difficult each aspect is to mod. I just lay out ideas that I like, think it would be cool to have. and would like to see it done. Thank you
    1. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Off the top of my head, they all seem fairly simple and doable.
    2. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I see, If you feel inclined, I'll look forward to it. Thank you very much.
    3. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      #1 Edit to Dark Justiciar boots
      • Adjusted to Once Per Turn.
      • Bonus Action option available for Heavily Obscured areas.
      • Removed Sight Requirement to enable teleporting into Magical Darkness.

      #2 Edit to Volo's Eye
      This is an easy change. The distance for Devil's Sight is 24, the same as superior dark vision, so how does 30 sound?

      #3 Edit to Hag's eyes
      • The default downside is disadvantage on Perception checks and never being able to Critically hit. Do you still want to keep them?
      • Adding the ability to See Invisibility is easy to add. Pretty much copied over from Volo's eye.
      • Dispel Illusion & Wooden Mask: This is a lot more difficult. It looks like the adjustments for the Wooden mask are hidden behind the scenes.
      • Marking a Target: We are kinda getting beyond the scope of some simple adjustments. I don't want to commit development time in creating a new spell and such, so if you can provide an example ability you'd like it based off, I could maybe do it, but otherwise I might not do it at this stage.
      • Unable to attack Hags: I actually did a bit of digging into this one because it sounds interesting, but once again I think it would take a lot of development time to make work properly. There are certainly ways of preventing being able to attack characters, but my quick look through the code has it relating to being unable to attack an entity based on a "source" rather than any particular creature type. I did look at Shadowheart's Fear of Wolves for inspiration, but that actually involved an Aura applied to all wolves and once again, making sure to edit all the Hags is beyond scope.

      #4 Deathstalker Effect
      Edit: I have made an Amulet and Ring version for you for now.

      I can certainly attach the effect to a ring, but it doesn't need to be linked to a piece of equipment. If you're just hoping to add the effect to a character, I can look at mimicking LostSoul's CYS Mod to instead add a consumable to add the effect to a character instead?
    4. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Wow, This is amazing. and was quickly done too. I never thought I would be able think about mod I would like to have, and then actually have it. thanks so much

      as for #2 I think 30 is about sweet spot. superior to normal version but not too gamebreaking.

      #3 regarding the hag's eye. well, the request is indeed quite handful. maybe wooden mask effect aren't needed. while it would be quite neat, it's not that relevant to the rest of the game.

      about the marking power, I was thinking of something akin to the implementation of the vow of enmity from the vengeance paladin. if we're not counting it bugged or unintended usage, It was suppose to let you "mark" an enemy, and for 10 turn that single character would have an advantage against that single enemy. This would instead last permanently until long rest, or until the caster died.
      As for the effect, it could be similar to proficiency bonus, or oil of accuracy. both works by boosting your Attack rolls bonus. so if we boost that bonus to something like 100 it should sure hit everything, nothing have AC that high afaik. pair that with the effect similar to thief's reliable talent or halfling luck to avoid ever rolling critical missed. 

      and for unable to attack, could you modified the already existed disadvantage on hag and then integrate reverse version of reliable talent, so that you can not roll higher than 1, forcing you to always critical miss on hag no matter what bonus you have

      Speaking of the ability to crit, as far as I known, that was only in early access and no longer existed is it not? (please tell me, because many people say many things but you who look at the code itself know the truth) but to make it clear for what I wanted. I would like to keep the perception debuff, maybe -2 even because when you gaze into what wasn't there too much, you kinda lose touch with what was there. but remove the unable to crit. after all, my good man wyll can still crit just fine with his one eye.

      Instead, the unable to crit could be implemented as a debuff after using said power instead. on top of blind. the idea is that you really focus that eye on one enemy, effectively make you useless against everything else.

      #4 I just learn today that you can have effect directly on to character like that. without linking them to equipments. a potion like that would be good. But I think it depends on roleplay really. like a different between character that depends on equipment for power, or those that have innate ability.
      For example, it would make sense for slayer form to have this always active because the finest of bhaalspawn shouldnt have to depend on some cloak for ability.

      All in all, if there is any part you that you don't want to do. either by technical or time-consuming, you can adjust it as you see fit, or just drop that part altogether. I'm already grateful with what you already done.
    5. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Volo's Eye is all done. I am heading to bed now, but I'll likely ponder the Hag Eye a little bit more throughout the day tomorrow. Feel free to share any thoughts or ideas for it if they come to mind.
    6. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you, nothing new come to mind at the moment but I will surely tell you if anything come up.
    7. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Btw, if it's not too much too ask could I perhaps request a little adjustment in shadow teleportation again. making the main one a bonus action, on par with misty step, and the heavily obscured one no cost extra action instead.
    8. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Btw, if it's not too much too ask could I perhaps request a little adjustment in shadow teleportation again. making the main one a bonus action, on par with misty step, and the heavily obscured one no cost extra action instead.

      I'm not at home at the moment, so I won't be able to test it, but I should have it shortly.
      Edit: The information age is awesome. I've uploaded a new version which I have tested as well.
    9. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Uploaded already? that is very great of you. though, I still haven't seen the new file. perhaps nexus were still at it with their scanning and checking. even the awesomeness of information still can't bypass that, sadly
    10. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Not sure what happened with the uploaded file, but I've reuploaded it now.
    11. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I've got the file now, thank you very much
    12. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hi, have you able to come up with anything regarding the hag's eye? or do you consider it undoable/beyond the current scope?
    13. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Life has just been busy this month. I haven't had as much time to Mod in general, so I haven't had the longer downtime to spend on this at the moment. I intend to dig deeper into it next month once we are past the Modathon.
    14. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      sorry, I didn't mean to rush. please, take your time. and rest well
  5. izanagi29
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    Add Ultimate Pact Blade Invocation for level 15 to work with the expansion 13-20 mod.

    Ultimate Pact WeaponSource: Unearthed Arcana 29 - Warlock & Wizard
    Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Blade feature
    You can use any weapon you summon with your Pact of the Blade feature as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.
    In addition, the weapon counts as a magic weapon with a +3 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, unless it is already a magic weapon that you transformed into your pact weapon.
  6. jonathancross91
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Was wondering if you could make a OneDnD expanded spell list file for This version of Celestial Warlock, as it goes above level cap, and is more recently updated.
    1. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Luma and I are working together to have something out with the release of the next patch.
  7. JCLgaming
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    One thing that should be relatively easy to add, I think ( Not that i know how) is devouring blade from One Dnd. Lvl 12, gives an extra attack to pact of the blade for 2 additional attacks total. Can't find it anywhere. Might be harder to make than I think. or perhaps there simply isn't any interest beyond me.
    1. TzarAnthony
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also wanted to request this. I was hoping it was in your OneDnD Warlock - Pacts as Invocations mod, but unfortunately it isn't. I think it'd be a good addition to that mod.
  8. timey30
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, Could you make Feats every X level compatible with the Mind Weaver Class? 

    Specifically the one thats only 2nd level
  9. camb00zle
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to add Feats every 2 Level support for Pugilist and Death Knight Classes? If anyone knows the way to do it manually I'd love to do it myself aswell.
  10. KenoattX
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    :) Thank you for the mods you have already created. I love your modding work.

    I have a request. I would like spell slots on a long rest to be added instead of being set. Example, as a Sorcerer you make extra spell slots using metamagic, then you long rest and you lose your spell slots. I would like the spell slots you get back to added to your current pool. 
  11. KittyDorkling
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please may I make a request?  Can I get a bag to go in the Tutorial Chest that contains a set of every type of underwear?

    Thank you!!
  12. Eiriiiiiii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! Would it be possible to add some accesories to the cc horn/beard section?
    I would really like to have some more choices for accesories but don't have enough slots to do what I would like.
  13. MortalDandelion
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, thanks for doing what you do. I think it's admirable :)

    May I make a request for starting/meeting Lae'zel & Karlach in padded armor like Wyll's, in pak form with a json?
    1. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Hi there. I'm not entirely sure what you're requesting. Do you want to change their starting armour?
    2. MortalDandelion
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, I was hoping to change their starting armor. I like the idea of Karlach and Wyll having armor that looks the same.

      For Lae'zel, any armor that doesn't have a boob plate or a metal triangle over her stomach would be cool. It could be padded armor, a chain shirt, scale mail, etc.
    3. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      The girls meeting up.

      Kinda suits her...

      I ended up making a a new version that's clothing rather than Armour as an option. Due to her default stats and as a Barbarian, this ends up better for her AC.

      Do we also want to wear gloves?

    4. MortalDandelion
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Lae'zel looks rad! I would go with gloves. Thank you for your work on both of them!
    5. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      No worries. I have a spare 15 minutes, so I'll finalise it now for you.
      Edit: All done.

    6. RandoRuda
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      Just thought I'd let you know that one of your request mods was made through the official tools. Used primarily as an example and also a simple test mod.
  14. Zeglostia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! I was wondering if the feat per level mod worked on the  the warrior class mod? It would be amazing if they were implemented some time in the future, love all the work!
