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About this mod

Adaptation of Shaman by LaserLlama.

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This subclass mod was done as personal project to bring the Shaman Class by LaserLlama to BG3 to allow even more variety to the game and bring in a different flavor of pact caster. There are a fair few changes done both for adaptation to an entirely different system as well as to slightly improve the smoothness of the levelling and progression.


You NEED VFX Library by Shivero  I'm putting this first to make it absolutely clear that I do not know what will happen if you try to use it without it. Maybe it will just look janky, maybe it will crash instantly. You NEED it.

Shaman Class

Before the gods took notice of mortals and bestowed power on Clerics and Paladins, Shamans served as protectors and guides. Using ancient techniques, Shamans were able to bind spirits to Totems, small objects of spiritual significance, and channel that power for good of their people. This ancient art was passed from elder to elder in a continuous chain, down to the Shamans of today. Those who master the powers of shamanism are part of a truly ancient spiritual tradition.

Base Stats

-HP 8 starting 5 + Con per level
-Proficiencies: Light Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons,  Wisdom and Charisma Saves
-Skills: 2 of Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Performance, or Religion
-Spellcasting Modifier: Wisdom
-Dialogue Tags: Druid, Ranger

1st Level

-Sacred Focus: Choose which part of your body you channel magic through.
Body: Gain +1 HP per level
Heart: Advantage on saves against Charmed and Frightened
Mind: Whenever you would make an Intelligence check or Saving throw you use Wisdom instead
Soul: Your Unarmored AC is 10+Dex+Wis as long as you don't equip a shield.
-Totems: You start with 2 totems from the starting list at the end of this description. You may swap one totem for another on each odd level and you gain an additional totem at levels 4, 6, 9, and 12.
-Totemic Assault Cantrip: Targeted Enemy must make a Charisma Save or take 1d8 necrotic. Gains an additional die at 5 and 10 and can be improved by various class features.

- Spirituality: These are your subclasses, your current options are Curse Binder, Spirit Warrior, and Witch Doctor

2nd Level

- Spellcasting: You gain 2 cantrips from the shaman cantrip list and learn an additional cantrip at levels 4 and 10. You gain 2 first level Primal Magic Spell Slots which upgrade in level at levels 3, 5 , 7, and 9 and you gain a third 5th level slot at level 11. These behave exactly like Warlock Slots. Learn 3 spells of your choice from the shaman spell list. You may swap a known spell for a new one at each even level and learn an additional spell at levels 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11.

4th/8th/12th Level

-Feat/ ASI

11th Level

-Greater Totem Spirit: You bind a greater spirit which will allow you to cast a 6th level spell once per long rest. Your options are Death for Flesh to Stone, Life for Heal, Moon for Globe of Invulnerability, Sun for Sunbeam, Inferno for Investiture of Flame, Tundra for Investiture of Ice, Hurricane for Investiture of Wind, Storm for Chain Lightning, or Sea for Freezing Sphere.

Curse Binder Subclass

While most Shamans use the power of spirits to work magics and heal the sick, some twist this connection, binding sinister spirits to their foes. Known as Curse Binders, these Shamans wield the sinister spiritual power present in the world. Often apprentices of hags or entities from the Shadowfell, they use ancient techniques to afflict their foes with hexes and curses.

Subclass Spells
Level 3: Blindness, Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 5: Bestow Curse, Vampiric Touch
Level 7: Blight, Phantasmal Killer
Level 9: Contagion, Negative Energy Flood

1st Level

-Evil Eye: When an enemy nearby makes an Ability Check, Saving Throw, or
Attack Roll you may use your reaction to give them disadvantage. You may
do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier per long rest

3rd Level

- Totemic Curse: When an enemy fails it's save against your Totemic
Assault you may impose an additional effect until the start of your next
turn. Either reduce their speed by 5*your Wisdom Modifier in feet,
cause it to take an additional 1d4 necrotic whenever it's hit, or give
it a penalty to it's Attacks and Skill Checks equal to you Wisdom

5th Level

-You get the Totem of Wrath as an extra Totem, adding your wisdom modifier to your Totemic Assault's Damage

10th Level

-Shamanistic Ward: Once per long rest gain Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire,
Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder damage until
your next long rest.
- Shamanistic Rebuke: When you take damage of a type you resist you can use your reaction to cast Totemic Assault
against the creature that damaged you

12th Level

-Foul Conjuration: Once per long rest you may cast Create Undead without using a spell slot.

Spirit Warrior Subclass

Serving as the guardians of sacred groves and places of great spiritual power, Spirit Warriors draw on the power of ancient spirits to enhance their physical form. When they allow these incorporeal beings to walk the world through their physical bodies, they gain increased physical and martial abilities.

Subclass Spells
Level 3: Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
Level 5: Spirit Shroud, Ashardalon's Stride
Level 7: Guardian of Faith, Staggering Smite
Level 9: Banishing Smite, Steel Wind Strike

1st Level

-Ancestral Knowledge: Proficiency in Medium Armour and Martial Weapons

3rd Level

- Totemic Weapon: You may bind your weapon to your totemic spirits. It uses Wisdom for it's Attack and Damage rolls and gets one of 3 extra effects. Either: When you hit a creature with it it receives disadvantage on attacks against other targets until your next turn, once per turn you may use an attack that deals necrotic damage and gives you temp HP equal to your Wisdom Modifier, or gain a bonus to all Strength Checks or Saves equal to your Wisdom Modifier and gain Advantage on attacks against a creature grappled by you. (For use with Dr Kekylls Grappling Framework)

6th Level

-Extra Attack and you may use a cantrip or Totemic Assault in place of one of the attacks.

10th Level

- Once per Short Rest if you would be downed you are reduced to 1 instead.

12th Level

-Spiritual Champion: As a bonus action enter a possessed state once per Short rest or additional uses by using your Spell Slots. While posessed you can Dash as a Bonus Action, you gain the effects of Blade Ward, and once per turn you can add your Totemic Assault damage to one of your attacks

Witch Doctor Subclass

Long before the gods took notice of mortals, Witch Doctors wandered the land, providing spiritual healing and medicine. Working in tandem with spirits of life, Witch Doctors heal the wounded and grant their allies mystical abilities. These sages are peaceful in nature and can often be found traveling the wilds tending to the spiritual needs of those they meet.

Subclass Spells
Level 3: Lesser Restoration, Warding Bond
Level 5: Mass Healing Word, Beacon of Hope
Level 7: Death Ward, Resilient Sphere
Level 9: Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds

1st Level

-Lifebearer: Heal a creature you can touch by 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier. You can use this once per Shaman level per Long Rest. Your Totemic Assault does Radiant Damage

3rd Level

- Totemic Blessing: You may grant one of your Totems to an ally. You lose it's effects and your ally gains it until the next long rest. You can do this a second time per long rest at level 6 and a third at level 12. A creature can only be blessed by 1 totem at a time.

6th Level

-Mystical Focus: When you use your action to cast a leveled spell or use Lifebearer you may cast Totemic Assault as a Bonus Action

10th Level

- Empowered Blessing: Any ally that is blessed by your totems may also cast Totemic Assault as an Action on their turns. You gain +1 to all saving throws for each totem you have bestowed.

12th Level

-Spiritual Awakening: When a nearby ally is downed you may heal them for your level + wisdom modifier as a reaction. Once per long rest for free, additional uses cost a Spell Slot.


Some totems require you to have a specific sacred focus, these are noted in the below list and in their in game descriptions. If you do not meet the requirement they will do nothing and cannot be bestowed by a Witch Doctor. Because I needed all totems to both be replaceable and usable for Totemic Blessing any passive effects are added to your character via a script shortly after level up. If this stalls or fails you may use the ping button located next to your minimap in order to force the game to recheck and give the appropriate effect.

1st Level

-Bear: You may grow claws as a bonus action unlocking a special unarmed attack that does 1d6 + Strength Slashing damage or 1d8 if both hands are empty. You may end the effect as a bonus action.
-Crossroads: Requires Heart Focus, you always have Speak with Animals active.
-Eagle:  Proficiency and Advantage on Perception Checks.
-Earthquake: Once per turn when you hit with a melee attack add 1d6 damage to the attack. Becomes 1d8 at 5th level and 1d10 at 10th.
-Harvest: Requires Soul Focus, Once per short rest free cast of Goodberry
-Hound: Proficiency and Advantage on Survival Checks.
- Mountain: Requires Body Focus, Unarmoured AC is 13+ Con Modifier
- Panther: Proficiency and Advantage on Stealth Checks.
- Quagmire: Requires Mind Focus, proficiency in Deception and Intimidation
-Rains: Resistance to Poison and Acid damage
-Twilight: Superior Darkvision which upgrades to Devil's Sight at level 5
-Winds: Gain 5 feet of movement, and an additional 5 feet at levels 5 and 10

5th Level

-Bloom: Requires Soul Focus, Once per long rest cast of Conjure Food and Water
-Eruption: Once per turn when you hit with a melee weapon you may expend a spell slot to deal 1d8 damage of either Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder per spell slot level
-Growth: Requires Body Focus, Once per short rest you can Enlarge yourself as a Bonus Action without spending a spell slot. No concentration required
-Grave: You know Animate Dead
-Hunt: Once per turn on a miss you can gain advantage on the attack as long as an ally is threatening your target
- Light: When you heal someone other than yourself you gain Temp HP equal to your Wisdom Modifier
- Mirth: Requires Heart Focus, Once per long rest gain Temp HP equal to your Level
-Mystic: Requires Mind Focus, You always have Detect Thoughts active
-Wild: You may cast Summon Beast once per long rest at a level equal to your Primal Magic Slots without expending them
-Wrath: Add your Wisdom to your Totemic Assaults Damage
-Whirlwind: When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon you can spend your reaction to attack the same target again

9th Level

- Dawn: Once per long rest cast Death Ward for free
-Wild: You may cast Summon Shadowspawn once per long rest at a level equal to your Primal Magic Slots without expending them
- Sun: Once per short rest reroll a failed saving throw
- Vine: Unlimited no spell slot casts of Melee Ensnaring Strike as a first level spell

12th Level

-Binding: Once per long rest spend an action to restore a Primal Magic Slot
-Eclipse: You have resistance to all damage from spells
-Elements : You may cast Summon Elemental once per short rest at a level equal to your Primal Magic Slots without expending them
- Sapling: As long as you are below half your HP but not downed you regain hp equal to your Wisdom Modifier each turn
- Skies: You may fly at will

Spell List

Spells added by this mod are marked with an * and detailed after the list

Cantrips: Blade Ward, Bone Chill, Control Flames, Create Bonfire, Frostbite, Guidance, Gust, Magic Stone, Mold Earth, Otherworldly Grasp*, Poison Spray, Prestidigitation, Primal Savagery, Produce Flame, Shape Water, Shillelagh, Thaumaturgy, Thorn Whip, Thunderclap, Toll the Dead

1st Level: Animal Friendship, Armor of Agathys, Bane, Beast Bond, Bless, Cause Fear, Caustic Brew, Ceremony, Command, Cure Wounds, Detect Evil and Good, Dissonant Whispers, Entangle, Expeditions Retreat, False Life, Find Familiar, Fog Cloud, Ghastly Flight*, Heroism, Hex, Inflict Wounds, Longstrider, Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Sleep, Witchbolt

2nd Level: Aid, Barkskin, Continual Flame, Darkness, Dust Devil, Enhance Ability, Flame Blade, Gust of Wind, Heat Metal, Misty Step, Moonbeam, Pass without Trace, Phantasmal Force, Protection from Poison, Shatter, Spike Growth, Totemic Cowl*, Warding Wind

3rd Level: Daylight, Dire Wail*, Elemental Weapon, Feign Death, Gaseous Form, Haste, Life Transference, Nondetection, Plant Growth, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Sleet Storm, Slow, Speak with Dead, Spirit Guardians, Stinking Cloud, Thunderstep

4th Level: Banishment, Fire Shield, Freedom of Movement, Grasping Vine, Guardian of Nature, Ice Storm, Stoneskin

5th Level: Cloudkill, Commune with Nature, Dawn*, Dispel Good and Evil, Far Step, Planar Binding, Skill Empowerment, Spiritual Sundering*,

New Spells:

-Otherworldly Grasp: Cantrip, Melee Spell Attack, Deal 1d8 Necrotic Damage and gain 1d4 Temp HP until your next turn. Both dice scale

- Ghastly Flight: Level 1 Conjuration, Line based area attack, each creature makes a Con save or takes 2d8 necrotic and cannot heal until your next turn. Half damage on a successful save. +1d8 damage per level for upcasting

-Totemic Cowl: Level 2 Abjuration, Concentration, Until you lose concentration your target takes 1 less damage from all sources. 1 additional point of mitigation per level for upcasting.

-Dire Wail: Level 3 Necromancy, Area around you all enemies must make a Con save or take 4d10 Thunder Damage and start bleeding. +1d10 damage per level for upcasting

-Spiritual Sundering: Level 5 Enchantment, Circular targeted area spell(Think Shatter), All creatures in the area make a Charisma Saving throw or take 8d6 Necrotic damage and receive -1d6 to all Int, Wis, and Cha Saves for 1 minute or until they successfully pass the save on their turn. Half damage on a save

-Dawn: Level 5 Evocation, Moonbeam except roughly 3 times as much area, and counts as sunlight. 4d10 damage on a failed save half damage on a successful one

- Investiture of Flame: Level 6 Transmutation, Concentration/Until Short Rest, You are immune to Fire and resistant to cold, any enemy who moves next to you or ends it's turn there takes 1d10 fire damage, and you gain an additional ability which takes 1 action to shoot out a line of fire. All creatures make a Dex save or take 4d8 Fire Damage, Half on a successful Save

- Investiture of Ice: Level 6 Transmutation, Concentration/Until Short Rest, Immune to Cold, Resistant to Fire, Cannot slip on ice, the ground around you freezes at the start of each turn. You gain an additional ability which costs one action to emit a cone of ice. Creatures must make a Cont save or take 4d6 cold damage and have their speed halved until your next turn. Half damage on a successful save

- Investiture of Wind: Level 6 Transmutation, Concentration/Until Short Rest, Ranged weapon attacks against you have disadvantage, You may fly at will, You may use your action to make creatures in an area make a Con save or take 2d10 bludgeoning and be shoved away from the centre of the effect. Half damage on a passed save


Each subclass starts with a conduit weapon which gains effects as you gain Shaman levels. If respeccing into the class the items are in the tutorial chest.

Curse Bringer: Finesse Quarter Staff default stats,
Level 4: +1 to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls
Level 6: Totemic Assault can target up to two creatures
Level 8: Add Wisdom Modifier to Totemic Assaults Damage
Level 10: +2 to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls, replacing the Level 4 bonus

Witch Doctor: Finesse Quarter Staff default stats,
Level 4: +1 to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls
Level 6: When you heal a creature with a leveled spell or Lifebearer add your Wisdom Modifier to the amount regained
Level 8: Your Life Bearer gains a range of 30 feet
Level 10: +2 to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls, replacing the Level 4 bonus

Spirit Warrior: Finesse Club 1d8 damage not light
Level 3: +1 Weapon
Level 4: When bound as your totemic weapon gain 1d4 damage, Psychic for Challenge, Necrotic for Draining, Force for Might
Level 7: +2
Level 10: Totemic Weapon Damage increased to 1d6
Level 11: +3 Weapon


This mod is not compatible with other mods that add a new resource to the spell slot group and must be loaded below them. Working with the compatibility framework people to resolve the issue. Until then I am adding manual compatibility. So far the only issue class has been Magus and I have fixed that as of 1.0.1. Please report any further issues so that I can fix them asap!

Compatible with Unlock Level Curve but you have to multiclass after level 12. There's an empty level 13 to allow that but if you go to 13 and try to level again you WILL crash

Special Thanks:

Shayedd who helped immensely with testing and with working through several less straightforward abilities and ideas
The larian discord as an invaluable tool to find resources and troubleshooting
And Darthren and their Discord Server who have been incredibly friendly, welcoming and encouraging throughout this and other projects


If you enjoy this or any other mod I make I would appreciate any small donations to my KoFi you feel able to make so that I can keep creating things for this game we love. Any small requests just feel free to ask and for larger class requests I'm often available for commissions if you contact me via discord at Skyeborne.
