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About this mod

A Surgebinder mod based of Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive.

Permissions and credits

Only Windunner, Skybreaker, Dustbringer. Edgedancer, Truthwatcher, Lightweaver and Elsecaller are available for the moment. Other subclasses will be added in time.

The Surgebinder gains Stormlight every long rest, that Stormlight can be used to cast some spells or create Spell Slots to cast their own spells or another classes' in case of multiclassing.

Added Unbalanced Tag because i feel it can get a little too OP sometimes with the amount of spells you can cast per long rest but i haven't tested it against bosses or on the overall story so i accept any feedback. (Altough Knight Radians are OP by themselves so i'd rather replicate the feeling of being a Knight Radiant rather than a more balanced and nerfed class)

Windrunner's Spellcasting Modifier is Charisma.
Skybreaker's Spellcasting Modifier is Wisdom.
Dustbringer's Spellcasting Modifier is Wisdom.
Edgedancer's Spellcasting Modifier is Wisdom.
Truthwatcher's Spellcasting Modifier is Intelligence.
Lightweaver's Spellcasting Modifier is Charisma.
Elsecaller's Spellcasting Modifier is Intelligence.

Stormlight Per Level
1- 4p
2- 6p
3- 14p
4- 17p
5- 27p
6- 32p
7- 38p
8- 44p
9- 57p
10- 57p
11- 66p
12- 66p

Spell Slot cost Per Level
1- 2p
2- 3p
3- 5p
4- 6p
5- 7p
6- 9p (only once per long rest)

Level 1
Summon spren (Mage hand but invulnerable and doesn't require concentration)
Create Spell Slot 1

Level 2
Stormlight Healing ((1+Constitution)*Stormlight spended up to 10, once per turn)

Level 3
Shardblade (Pact weapon that deals Radiant damage +1 enhancement and reduces Attack roll necesary for a crit by 1, but you have to be proficient)
Create Spell Slot 2

Level 4

Level 5
Choose between:
-Extra Attack
-Rhythm of war (reaction that adds 1d8 to attack roll/damage/heal)

Create Spell Slot 3

Level 6

Level 7
Improved Shardblade (+2 and ignores Radiant resistance)
Create Spell Slot 4

Level 8

Level 9
Create Spell Slot 5

Level 10
Shardplate (A lot of buffs, AC to 15 + Spell casting modifier, resistance to most elemental damage, mov. speed, Temporary HP, when Temp HP reaches 0, you lose all buffs, can be resummoned spending 10 Stormlight)

Level 11
Improved Shardblade (+3 and adds 1d4 to damage)
Create Spell Slot 6

Level 12

Level 1
Enhanced Leap
Redirect (reaction, impose disadvantage to you and near allies to ranged weapon attacks until next turn)

Level 2

Level 3
Gravitational Imprisonment (enemy will fall prone at the end of turn if fails DC)
Warding Wind (5e spell, same as redirect, but lasts longer and will impose difficult terrain)

Level 4

Level 5
Grant Flight
Invested Strike (add 3d6 radiant dmg to attack, can upcast +1d6)

Level 6
I Will Protect Those Who Can't Protect Themselves (reaction, reduce damage on an incoming ranged weapon attack to near allies, doesn't consume Spell slots)

Level 7
Launch (throw creature/item at another creature, both take damage, can upcast)
Wind Stream (Gust of wind but deals damge)

Level 8

Level 9
Tie up (may change this one in the future, everyone inside an area may become restrained up to 10 turns)
Flying Strike (mark 5 targets, teleport and strike each one once + 2d10 force dmg, can upcast +1d10)

Level 10

Level 11
Strength of the Squires (Up to 10 allies, buff AC to 18, +4 to attack rolls and gets temporary HP at the beggining of your turns)

Level 12

Level 1
Enhanced Leap
Flaming Strike (adds 1d8 to attack, can upcast for +1d8)

Level 2

Level 3
Gravitational Imprisonment
Scorch (Burn an area, those inside will receive fire dmg, if they end their turn, they'll recieve further dmg, can upcast for extra dmg)

Level 4

Level 5
Grant Flight
Combustion (Fireball in a cone in front of you, can upcast)

Level 6
Insightful Judge (expertise in Wisdom)
Justice Will Be Served (Add half your Wisdom modifier to attack rolls agains Fiends, Aberrations, Monstrosities and Undead)

Level 7
Fire Shield: Warm

Level 8

Level 9
Destructive Wave: Radiant
Flying Strike

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Dustbringer (Wisdom)
Level 1
Awesome (Gain 20 feet movement speed for 100 turns)
Slickness (Movement speed cannot be reduced by Difficult terrain for 100 turns)
Flaming Strike
Subclass spell: Create heat (on fail Saving Throw, put Fire vulnerability for 1 turn, between 2 to 4 times per long rest)

Level 2

Level 3
Pass Without Trace
Hold Person

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6
Brave Destruction (Counters attacks to nearby allies and deals 1d10 extra Fire damage)

Level 7
Freedom of Movement
Fire Shield: Warm

Level 8

Level 9
Destructive Wave: Radiant
Hold Monster

Level 10

Level 11
Vaporization (up to 4 times per long rest, enemies' next Saving Throw against your attack will be done with disadvantage)

Level 12

Edgedancer (Wisdom)
Level 1
Cure Wounds
Gift of Nature (Poison Inmunity and Advantage against enemies that had not had a turn yet)

Level 2

Level 3
Pass Without Trace
Hold Person
Lesser Restoration
Healing Spirit (5e spell, Summon creature that heals allies)

Level 4

Level 5
Warden of Vitality
Plant Growth

Level 6
Natural Growth (Advantage on Athletics checks, Disadvantage on incoming Opportunity attacks and gain 10 feet of movement speed)

Level 7
Freedom of Movement
Guardian of Nature (5e spell, either become tankier or capable of doing more damage)

Level 8

Level 9
Mass Cure Wounds
Commune With Nature (5e spell, ritual, gains expertise in Nature and survival)
Hold Monster

Level 10

Level 11
Heroes' Feast
Slippery (Advantage on Str and Dex Saving Throws, Inmune to Restrained and cannot be moved by others)

Level 12

Truthwatcher (Intelligence)
Level 1
Minor Illusion
Color Spray
Disguise Self
Cure Wounds
Improved sight (inmunity to blindness)
Reality (Advantage against saving throws of illusion spells)

Level 2

Level 3
Mirror Image
Phantasmal Force
Lesser Restoration
Healing Spirit 

Level 4

Level 5
Warden of Vitality
Plant Growth

Level 6
Lecture (Reaction, costs 2 stormlight, impose disadvantage or advantage on saving thows or attack rolls made near you, up to 3/4 times per long rest)

Level 7
Phantasmal Killer
Guardian of Nature 

Level 8

Level 9
Mass Cure Wounds
Commune With Nature

Level 10

Level 11
Truthwatcher's Eye (Passive See Invisibility but doesn't require saving throws just like Faerie Fire)

Level 12

Lightweaver (Charisma)
Level 1
Minor Illusion
Color Spray
Disguise Self
Create and Destroy Water
Fog Cloud
Frost Fingers
Get instrument

Level 2

Level 3
Mirror Image
Phantasmal Force
Heat Metal 

Level 4

Level 5
Create Food and Water
Sleet Storm

Level 6
Inspirational Visions (Can use Motivational Speech, up to 3/4 times per long rest)

Level 7
Phantasmal Killer

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11
Mental Prison
Master Illusionist (Can use Mirror Image on up to 4 targets, up to 4 times per long rest)

Level 12

Elsecaller (Intelligence)
Level 1
Transposition (Swap places with another creature, if not ally, they have to fail an int saving throw)
Create and Destroy Water
Fog Cloud
Frost Fingers
Planar Movement (can teleport a short distance instead of moving)

Level 2

Level 3
Misty Step
Heat Metal 

Level 4

Level 5
Thunder Step (5e spell, teleport yourself and an ally and dealing damage to creature near your original position)
Create Food and Water
Sleet Storm

Level 6
Planar Displacement (Can force a creature to teleport to a place you can see, if not ally, they have to fail an int saving throw, once per short rest)

Level 7
Dimension Door

Level 8

Level 9
Far Step (5e spell, Misty step that can be used many times during 10 turns)

Level 10

Level 11
Flesh to Stone
Realmatic Conjunction (If hit points reach 0, spend 5 Stormlight to heal 20 and become Ethereal until the beginning of your next turn)

Level 12