• Open the mod's .esp file using Lazy Voice Finder
  • Filter the voice type that you want to replace by clicking the down arrow button next to the Voice Type column header (e.g.: to replace male protagonist's voice, filter playervoicemale01 so other voice types besides playervoicemale01 won't show in the table; use playervoicefemale01 for female protagonist)
  • Filter the Dialogue 1 column and choose Non Blanks so you won't have blank lines in the table
  • Export the table as .csv
  • (Optional) You may need to manually filter out words that aren't supposed to be pronounced (e.g.: *Whisper*, *Sigh*, (Persuade), etc)
  • Use the .csv file to generate the .fuz voice files with XVASynth
    (Please refer to the guide from Alternate Player Voices (APV) mod by Dan Ruta under the Step-by-Step on how to generate voice files using a .csv file with XVASynth)


  • Put the generated .fuz files into this following folder structure anywhere in your PC: /Sound/Voice/{plugin name}.esp/playervoicemale01/ where {plugin name} is the name of the plugin (without the {...} parenthesis) you're replacing the voices of. If you're replacing a female voice, then replace /playervoicemale01/ with /playervoicefemale01/
  • With Creation Kit installed, open /Fallout 4/tools/archive2.exe
  • Drag the /Sound/ folder (from step 1) and drop it into Archive2 and save as into any folder of your choice
  • The .ba2 file should be created


  • Copy the empty dummy plugin's .esp file to the same location as the newly-created .ba2 file
  • Rename the .esp file into MyModPatch.esp and the .ba2 file into MyModPatch - voices_en.ba2. You can replace MyModPatch with any name you want. Both names have to match and shouldn't contain spaces or symbols.
  • Copy the .esp file into /Fallout 4/Data/ folder
    (Step 4 - 7 are all optional)
  • (Optional) Open FO4Edit and open the copied .esp file
  • (Optional) In the View tab, right click on Description and click Edit to change its description
  • (Optional) Do the same as (5) for Author
  • (Optional) Right click on the .esp file on the left panel of the App, and click Add Masters to add requirements to other mods
  • Move the .esp file back to the the original folder (same location as the new .ba2 file)
  • Pack both the modified .esp and new .ba2 in in .7z format
  • Mod is ready to be installed with mod managers

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  1. hovak2017
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is this close to how you would use eleven labs instead of xvasynth?
  2. Alundra
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    This is really helpful!
    The mods I want to add voice lines for are blank when it comes to the voice type....I know from playing with the mod the lines are used by all sorts of characters and genders, and are even used by companions (Fallout 4). If I add the voice type in myself can I export the lines for each type that I think is applicable and then if the actor has a type that matches they'll use it? Or is there no hope that these lines will ever be able to be voiced?
    1. MrNicoras
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      You have to take the mod you want to voice, and override the NPC entries in xedit into a new plugin.  So if the original mod file is Mod_I_Want.esp, then you'd override the NPC entries into a new plugin, probably called Mod_I_Want - Voiced.esp.

      Then in the new plugin you created, you need to assign vanilla voice types that are available with a program like xVA Synth.  In each NPC entry, in the left most column, you'll see an entry for Voice Type, or vtype.  It probably has some silent voice type created by the mod author.  Just open the drop down and scroll until you find the vanilla voice type you want. Do that for each NPC you want to give voice files to. Save when you're done.

      Make sure to override, and not create new record. Otherwise your plugin won't recognize the original mod, and you will lose all the dialogue from the mod.