WARS - Mod Features

This is the exhaustive list of changes and additions made by WARS.

***Mod Features Table of Contents***

- Ammo - General
- Ammo Types
- Ammo Sub-Types
- AmmoTweaks v1 Integration
- Physical Mags System (optional)
- Weapon Mechanics Changes
- Melee Changes
- Explosives Changes
- Weapon Mods
- Universal Weapon Mod System
- Gameplay Changes - General
- Gameplay Changes - Survival Mode
- Levelled List Changes
- Crafting
- Factory Crafting (Contraptions)
- Misc Changes
- Automatron Robot Construction Changes
- Settlement Changes
- Legendary Effects Changes
- Legendary Enemy Changes
- Misc Fixes
- Perk Changes

***Ammo - General***

- Ammo types have more descriptive, real-world names. E.g. "5.56" becomes "5.56x45mm".

- Ammo types have real-world weight values, where possible. Compared to vanilla, most rounds are heavier - but some are lighter.

- Ammo type changes:
--- .38 is considered to be .380 ACP FMJ in WARS.
--- 10mm was changed to be 9x19mm FMJ so that all instances of 10mm in the base game are automatically "replaced" with 9x19mm FMJ.
--- 5mm was changed to be 7.62x51mm Surplus. (See the info on the CZ53 Minigun in the Weapons section for details.)

- New ammo types:
--- .38 Special (.38 Spc)
--- 10mm Auto. Technically a new ammo type since vanilla 10mm was replaced by 9x19mm FMJ. (See above.)
--- 7.92x33mm Kurz (7.92x33mmK). Used by the Volkssturmgewehr (Radium Rifle) and the Pipe Rifle.
--- 40x46mm Grenade

- Bulk ammo items added:
--- As in Fallout New Vegas, certain surplus ammo types can now bought in bulk. E.g. in "battle packs" or "spam cans".
--- These are found in the Aid section of the Pip-Boy. Using them will unpack the ammo.
--- Available at vendors and (rarely) in loot, or can be manufactured in the Bulk Ammo factory builder. (See the Factory Crafting section.)
--- These are based on real-world bulk ammo cans/packs, with new art assets.
--- Bulk ammo items:
----- Ammo - Can - .38 Spc Surplus x600
----- Ammo - Can - 9x19mm Surplus x800
----- Ammo - Can - .45 ACP Surplus x600
----- Ammo - Can - 12 Ga 00 Shot x120
----- Ammo - Can - 7.62x39mm Surplus x700
----- Ammo - Battle Pack - 5.56x45mm Surplus x300
----- Ammo - Battle Pack - 7.62x51mm Surplus x140

- Misc changes:
--- Cannonball and Harpoon ammo models now actually incorporate propellant. (They're not going anywhere without that.)
----- The Swivel Gun/Broadsider reload animation was edited slightly to resolve some clipping that this introduced.
--- Harpoons can no longer be recovered after firing.
----- As far as I can tell, recovering a projectile that has stuck into something will return an ammo item that is ready to fire again, which doesn't make sense here since WARS changes harpoons to actually require propellant to fire.
----- (This is distinct from the solid cannonball, which in WARS can be recovered after firing, since it's technically a Misc Item spawned on impact, rather than a projectile that has stuck in something. They're handled differently behind the scenes.)

***Ammo Types***

Here's a list of ammo types used in WARS, plus their sub-types. For information on ammo "types" vs "sub-types" - and how the various sub-types differ - see the "Ammo Sub-Types" section below.

- .380 ACP
--- FMJ
--- FMJ +P
--- FMJ +P+
--- JHP
--- JHP +P
--- JHP +P+
--- Surplus (SURP)

- .38 Special (.38 Spc)
--- FMJ
--- FMJ +P
--- JHP
--- JHP +P
--- JSP
--- Surplus (SURP)

- 9x19mm
--- AP
--- FMJ
--- FMJ +P
--- FMJ +P+
--- JHP
--- JHP +P
--- JHP +P+
--- Surplus (SURP)

- .45 ACP
--- FMJ
--- FMJ +P
--- FMJ +P+
--- JHP
--- JHP +P
--- JHP +P+
--- Surplus (SURP)

- 10mm Auto
--- FMJ
--- Hardcast (HC)
--- JHP

- .44 Magnum (.44 Mag)
--- FMJ
--- JHP
--- Spc
--- SWC

- 12 Gauge (12 Ga)
--- 00 Buckshot (00 Shot)
--- Dragon's Breath (DRAG)
--- Flechette (FLCH)
--- FRAG-12
--- Magnum 00 Buckshot (Mag 00 Shot)
--- Pulse Slug (PLSE)
--- Radshot (RAD)
--- Slug

- 5.56x45mm
--- AP
--- FMJ
--- JHP
--- Match
--- Surplus (SURP)
--- Tracer

- 7.92x33mm Kurz (7.92x33mmK)
--- FMJ
--- Surplus (SURP)
--- Tracer

- 7.62x39mm
--- AP
--- FMJ
--- JHP
--- SP
--- Surplus (SURP)
--- Tracer

- .308 Winchester (.308 Win) / 7.62x51mm
- (.308 and 7.62x51mm are similar enough that - in WARS at least - any firearm that can use one can also use the other.)
--- .308 Win FMJ
--- .308 Win JHP
--- .308 Win JSP
--- 7.62x51mm AP
--- 7.62x51mm Match
--- 7.62x51mm Surplus (SURP)
--- 7.62x51mm Tracer

- .45-70 Government (.45-70 Govt)
--- FMJ
--- JHP
--- JSP
--- Surplus (SURP)
--- SWC

- .50 BMG
--- AP
--- API
--- FMJ
--- Match
--- Surplus (SURP)
--- Tracer

- Microfusion Cell (MFC)
--- Bulk
--- Max Charge (MC)
--- Over Charge (OC)
--- Optimized (OPT)
--- Standard (STND)

- Cryo Cell (Cryo)
--- +P Overpressure (+P)
--- +P+ Overpressure (+P+)
--- Standard (STND)
--- Underpressure (-P)

- Gamma Cell (Gamma)
--- Bulk
--- Max Charge (MC)
--- Over Charge (OC)
--- Optimized (OPT)
--- Standard (STND)

- Plasma Cartridge (Plasma)
--- Bulk
--- Over Charge (OC)
--- Standard (STND)
--- Unstable (US)

- 2mm Electromagnetic Cartridge (2mm EC)
- Note: 2mm EC uses MFCs as a power source, so they have the same sub-types as MFC:
--- Bulk
--- Max Charge (MC)
--- Over Charge (OC)
--- Optimized (OPT)
--- Standard (STND)

- Fusion Core
--- (Standard only. No variants.)

- Flamer Fuel (Fuel)
--- Homemade (HM)
--- Optimized (OPT)
--- Standard (STND)

- 40x46mm Grenade (40x46mm)
--- Buckshot (00 Shot)
--- Cryo
--- High Explosive (HE)
--- High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP)
--- Incendiary (INC)
--- Nuka
--- Plasma (PLAS)
--- Practice (PRAC)
--- Pulse (PLSE)

- Missile
--- Cryo
--- High Explosive (HE)
--- High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
--- Hive
--- High Velocity (HV)
--- Incendiary (INC)
--- Plasma (PLAS)
--- Pulse (PLSE)

- Cannonball
--- Canister (CAN)
--- Carcass (CARC)
--- Explosive (EXP)
--- Shrapnel (SHRP)
--- Solid (SLD)

- Harpoon
--- Barbed (BARB)
--- Explosive (EXP)
--- Flechette (FLCH)
--- Poisoned (POIS)
--- Sharpened (AP)
--- Standard (STND)

- Railway Spike (Spike)
--- Barbed (BARB)
--- Explosive (EXP)
--- Flechette (FLCH)
--- Poisoned (POIS)
--- Sharpened (AP)
--- Standard (STND)

- Mini Nuke
--- Big Kid (BK)
--- Bowling Ball, Modified (BOWL)
--- Low Yield (LY)
--- MIRV
--- Nuka-Nuke (NN)
--- Practice (PRAC)
--- Standard (STND)
--- Timed (TIME)
--- Tiny Tots (TT)

***Ammo Sub-Types***

As in Fallout New Vegas, each broad "ammo type" (9x19mm, 12 Gauge, Microfusion Cell, etc) now has a range of "ammo sub-types" (AP, FMJ, JHP, etc). A weapon that can fire the 9x19mm ammo type, for example, can switch between being loaded with any of the 9x19mm ammo sub-types, via hot-key. The various ammo sub-types have different effects, strengths and weaknesses. One sub-type may be good against un-armoured opponents, while another may be better against heavily armoured opponents. Yet another may be kind of crappy all-round, but relatively cheap and plentiful.

These ammo sub-types replace the ridiculous "armour-piercing receivers" and similar from vanilla Fallout 4. Being able to swap between ammo sub-types at any time both makes more sense and offers greater tactical versatility.

Here's a summary of the various ammo sub-types and what they do.

Conventional Ammo Sub-Types:

- Armor-Piercing (AP)
--- -10% DAM
--- -75% Target DR
--- AP rounds typically have a penetrating core made of a hard metal, like steel. They do less damage by virtue of a greater tendency to hold their shape on impact (i.e. they make smaller holes), but they pierce armour; bypassing some of the target's Damage Resistance (DR). Best used on armoured targets, unsurprisingly.

- Armor-Piercing Incendiary (API)
--- -10% DAM
--- -75% Target DR
--- 10 Fire DAM/s vs ER for 3s
--- 25% Chance target will flee for 3s (Does not affect huge enemies, feral ghouls, robots, Legendary enemies or people in power armour.)
--- An armour-piercing round with an incendiary effect similar to the Tracer rounds (see below).

- Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
--- A soft-cored bullet - often of lead - fully coated ("jacketed") in a harder metal/alloy, like copper. Considered the standard against which the other sub-types here are compared.

- Hardcast (HC)
--- +20% DAM
--- -20% Target DR
--- +10% Wear Rate
--- A solid bullet cast of a single metal, alloyed to increase its hardness and penetration. Often with a flat nose to increase its damage on impact.

- High Explosive Incendiary Armor Piercing (HEIAP)
--- -10% DAM
--- -75% Target DR
--- 10 Fire DAM/s vs ER for 3s
--- 25% Chance target will flee for 3s (Does not affect huge enemies, feral ghouls, robots, Legendary enemies or people in power armour.)
--- 100 EXP DAM
--- 200 EXP Radius
--- 60x 25 DAM Shrapnel
--- Sometimes it's not enough to just shoot something. Sometimes you want to also pierce its armour, blow it up AND set it on fire.

- Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)
--- +65% DAM
--- +600% Target DR
--- 25% Chance of 6 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s
--- Bullets with an exposed hollow tip that deforms/expands on impact, making a bigger hole but lacking penetration - drastically increasing the target's DR vs. this round. Best used against soft targets with little or no armour.

- Jacketed Soft Point (JSP)
--- +30% DAM
--- +300% Target DR
--- 25% Chance of 4 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s
--- Bullets with the soft core exposed at the tip. Similar to JHP, but with less expansion and more penetration, relatively. Still not great against armour, increasing the target's DR vs. this round.
--- (Considered in WARS to be the same as SP; a slightly different naming convention for the same thing.)

- Match
--- +15% Accuracy
--- +15% DAM
--- -15% Wear Rate
--- Match Grade ammo manufactured to more exacting requirements. Generally assumed to be FMJ in WARS - just better made than regular FMJ.

- Overpressure (+P)
--- +10% DAM
--- +5% Recoil
--- +X% Velocity (Varies depending on calibre.)
--- +20% Wear Rate
--- Rounds that have been loaded to produce higher pressure when fired, increasing damage and velocity (but also recoil and wear on the firearm). Typically seen in pistol cartridges.
--- In WARS, these are usually seen in FMJ and JHP varieties, combining the effects of those varieties with the +P effects listed here.

- Overpressure (+P+)
--- +20% DAM
--- +10% Recoil
--- +Y% Velocity (Varies depending on calibre.)
--- +50% Wear Rate
--- Basically the same thing as +P, but more-so. Even higher pressure, damage and velocity. (And recoil and wear.)

- Semiwadcutter (SWC)
--- +20% DAM
--- -20% Target DR
--- +10% Wear Rate
--- Similar to Hardcast rounds, above: a flat nosed bullet - cast of a single metal, often lead. Semiwadcutter bullets often incorporate lubricant in a groove around their perimeter, to help prevent lead being deposited in the barrel rifling.

- Soft Point (SP)
--- +30% DAM
--- +300% Target DR
--- 25% Chance of 4 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s.
--- Bullets with the soft core exposed at the tip. Similar to JHP, but with less expansion and more penetration, relatively. Still not great against armour, increasing the target's DR vs. this round.
--- (Considered in WARS to be the same as JSP; a slightly different naming convention for the same thing.)

- Special (Spc)
--- -25% DAM
--- -10% Recoil
--- -40% Velocity
--- -30% Wear Rate
--- Here referring to .44 Special, a shorter and less powerful cartridge than .44 Magnum, but otherwise similar enough that it can be fired from revolvers that can fire .44 Magnum.

- Surplus (SURP)
--- -15% Accuracy
--- -15% DAM
--- +25% Target DR
--- +25% Wear Rate
--- Cheap and plentiful, but generally inferior to other sub-types. Poor quality powder gunks up the weapon faster. Surplus rounds for some calibres have different performance, as below:

- Surplus, .45-70 Government
--- -15% Accuracy
--- -33% DAM
--- +25% Target DR
--- -33% Velocity
--- +50% Wear Rate

- Surplus, 7.62x39mm
--- -15% Accuracy
--- -15% DAM
--- -40% Target DR
--- +25% Wear Rate

- Surplus, 7.62x51mm
--- -15% Accuracy
--- -33% DAM
--- +25% Target DR
--- +25% Wear Rate

- Tracer
--- -10% DAM
--- 10 Fire DAM/s vs ER for 3s
--- 25% Chance target will flee for 3s (Does not affect huge enemies, feral ghouls, robots, Legendary enemies or people in power armour.)
--- Bullets with a pyrotechnic charge in their base that burns during flight, making the bullet's trajectory visible. Tracer rounds for some calibres have different performance, as below:

- Tracer, 7.62x39mm
--- -10% DAM
--- -40% Target DR
--- 10 Fire DAM/s vs ER for 3s
--- 25% Chance target will flee for 3s (Does not affect huge enemies, feral ghouls, robots, Legendary enemies or people in power armour.)

Conventional Ammo (Shotgun Shell) Sub-Types:

- 00 Buckshot (00 Shot)
--- Nine pellets of 00 buckshot. Considered the standard against which the other shotgun rounds here are compared, broadly speaking.

- Dragon's Breath (DRAG)
--- -80% DAM
--- +75 Energy DAM
--- 15 Fire DAM/s vs ER for 5s
--- 25% Chance target will flee for 5s (Does not affect huge enemies, feral ghouls, robots, Legendary enemies or people in power armour.)
--- Three incendiary projectiles.

- Flechette (FLCH)
--- -75% Target DR
--- Twenty tiny steel flechettes that offer improved armour penetration, but do spread the damage out considerably, given the high number of individual projectiles.

- FRAG-12
--- 100 EXP DAM
--- 200 EXP Radius
--- 60x 25 DAM Shrapnel
--- A finned explosive projectile, turning a shotgun into a miniature grenade launcher.

- Magnum 00 Buckshot (Mag 00 Shot)
--- +30% DAM
--- +15% Recoil
--- +15% Velocity
--- +40% Wear Rate
--- Nine pellets of 00 buckshot, with a higher powder load, increasing damage, velocity, recoil and wear on the weapon.

- Pulse Slug (PLSE)
--- -50% Impact DAM
--- 250 Energy DAM vs Robots, Synths, Turrets and Vertibirds
--- Disables Power Armor for 3s
--- 200 EXP Radius
--- A finned projectile that produces an electromagnetic pulse on impact, like a miniature pulse grenade. Devastating against robotic targets, but harmless to biological targets. Temporarily disables power armour. (Generally causing the user to fall over as the unit's joints freeze up.)

- Radshot (RAD)
--- -50% DAM
--- +100 RAD Damage
--- Nine radioactive pellets.

- Slug
--- +10% DAM
--- +15% Recoil
--- A single large slug projectile. All that energy focussed in one spot can help to overcome armour through raw power.

Energy Ammo Sub-Types:

- Bulk
--- -15% DAM
--- -15% Wear
--- Bulk ammo. Cheap and plentiful, but generally inferior to other sub-types.

- Max Charge (MC)
--- +50% DAM
--- +150% Wear Rate
--- Energy cells that have been charged far beyond recommended safe levels. Places considerable stress on the weapon.

- Optimized (OPT)
--- +25% DAM
--- +10% Wear Rate
--- Optimised energy cells. As powerful as Over Charge rounds, with only moderately increased stress on the weapon - but they are more difficult to produce.

- Over Charge (OC)
--- +25% DAM
--- +50% Wear Rate
--- Energy cells that have been charged beyond recommended safe levels. Places increased stress on the weapon.

- Overpressure (+P)
--- +10% DAM
--- +5% Recoil
--- +20% Wear Rate
--- Similar to conventional overpressure rounds, these Cryo Cells store their liquid nitrogen at a higher pressure, increasing both damage and weapon degradation.

- Overpressure (+P+)
--- +20% DAM
--- +10% Recoil
--- +50% Wear Rate
--- Like +P, but more-so in all respects.

- Standard (STND)
--- The factory-standard round against which the other sub-types here are compared.

- Underpressure (-P)
--- -10% DAM
--- -5% Recoil
--- -15% Wear Rate
--- The opposite of overpressure Cryo Cells. Less damage and weapon degradation than standard rounds.

- Unstable (US)
--- +50% DAM
--- +25% Recoil
--- +150% Wear Rate
--- Unstable Plasma Cartridges. Very powerful, but place considerable stress on the weapon.

Heavy Weapon (40x46mm Grenade) Ammo Sub-Types:

- Buckshot (00 Shot)
--- Fires 20 pellets of 00 Buckshot in a spread.
--- The 40x46mm M576 round is essentially a large shotgun shell loaded with buckshot.

- Cryo
--- 100 EXP Damage
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- Slows targets for 10s.
--- 40x46mm Cryo rounds explode on impact, but otherwise produce an identical effect to Cryo mines and hand grenades.

- High Explosive (HE)
--- 150 EXP DAM
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- 180x 35 DAM Shrapnel
--- The "standard" 40x46mm round, with an explosive grenade that detonates on impact, also producing fragments that allows for secondary damage beyond the explosive radius.

- High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP)
--- +500% Impact DAM
--- -75% Target DR
--- 150 EXP DAM
--- 250 EXP Radius
--- 150x 30 DAM Shrapnel.
--- "Dual Purpose" means this round both produces fragments in an area like the HE round (though with a smaller explosion, and less fragments), AND utilises a shaped charge to do very high, armour-piercing impact damage to targets it hits directly.

- Incendiary (INC)
--- 150 Energy DAM over 15s
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- Sets the target/s and the ground on fire. Biological creatures on fire are inclined to flee in panic.

- Nuka
--- 300 EXP DAM
--- 100 RAD DAM
--- 700 EXP Radius
--- 40x46mm Nuka rounds explode on impact, but otherwise produce an identical effect to Nuke Mines and Nuka Grenades.

- Plasma (PLAS)
--- 150 EXP DAM
--- 150 Energy DAM
--- 300 EXP Radius
--- 40x46mm Plasma rounds explode on impact, but otherwise produce an identical effect to plasma hand grenades and mines.

- Practice (PRAC)
--- Impact DAM only
--- 0 EXP DAM
--- An M781 practice round for sighting or attracting attention. Produces an orange puff of smoke on impact.

- Pulse (PLSE)
--- 1000 Energy DAM vs Robots, Synths, Turrets and Vertibirds
--- Disables Power Armor for 10s
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- Produces an electromagnetic pulse on impact that is devastating against robotic targets, but harmless to biological targets. Temporarily disables power armour. (Generally causing the user to fall over as the unit's joints freeze up.)

Heavy Weapon (Cannonball) Ammo Sub-Types:

- Canister (CAN)
--- +60% DAM (Impact Damage)
--- A large can (or "canister", as it were) containing thirty lead balls that spread out when fired. (Similar to "grapeshot".) Essentially a giant buckshot shell.

- Carcass (CARC)
--- 2s Fuze
--- 10 Poison DAM/s for 10s
--- 256 EXP Radius
--- A primitive chemical weapon. Explodes (a couple of seconds after impact - as with the Explosive round, below) in a cloud of noxious fumes that do Poison damage over time.

- Explosive (EXP)
--- 2s Fuze
--- 200 EXP DAM
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- AKA "Shell". A hollow steel shell - hence the name - packed with explosives and sporting a fuze. Will explode a couple of seconds after impact. (The impact itself doing a lot of damage too.)

- Shrapnel (SHRP)
--- 2s Fuze
--- 150 EXP DAM
--- 400 EXP Radius
--- 120x 75 DAM Shrapnel
--- Similar to explosive shells, but also packed with lead balls that explode outwards upon detonation - allowing for secondary damage beyond the explosive radius.

- Solid (SLD)
--- +60% DAM (Impact Damage)
--- A solid steel cannonball. Packs a hell of a wallop if you can hit something with it. Can be recovered after firing (though it will, of course, lack propellant at that stage).

Heavy Weapon (Flamethrower) Ammo Sub-Types:

- Homemade (HM)
--- -10% DAM
--- +100% Wear Rate
--- Biodiesel. Much more renewable than standard Flamer Fuel, but (at least in WARS) places increased stress on the weapon, since it wasn't designed for it.

- Optimized (OPT)
--- +30% DAM
--- +10% Wear Rate
--- Optimised Flamer Fuel. Makes the weapon run a bit hotter, but does more damage.

- Standard (STND)
--- The standard Flamer Fuel against which the other Fuel sub-types here are compared. Considered in WARS to be diesel, basically.

Heavy Weapon (Harpoon/Rail Spike) Ammo Sub-Types:

- Barbed (BARB)
--- +50% DAM
--- +500% Target DR
--- 20 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s for harpoons. 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s for rail spikes.
--- -25% Range
--- -50% Velocity
--- A nasty barbed projectile for increased damage and bleeding. Not great against armour, however.

- Explosive (EXP), Harpoon
--- 150 EXP DAM
--- 250 EXP Radius
--- 150x 30 DAM Shrapnel.
--- -25% Range
--- -50% Velocity
--- An explosive projectile, turning this weapon into a grenade launcher.

- Explosive (EXP), Rail Spike
--- 100 EXP DAM
--- 200 EXP Radius
--- 60x 25 DAM Shrapnel
--- -25% Range
--- -50% Velocity
--- An explosive projectile, turning this weapon into a grenade launcher.

- Flechette (FLCH)
--- -75% Target DR
--- -50% Range
--- -75% Velocity
--- Seven smaller flechettes that offer improved armour penetration, but do spread the damage out somewhat.

- Poisoned (POIS)
--- 10 Poison DAM/s for 10s for harpoons. 3 Poison DAM/s for 10s for rail spikes.
--- Like the standard variant, but coated with a deadly poison.

- Sharpened (AP)
--- -10% DAM
--- -75% Target DR
--- The armour-piercing equivalent; sharpened to a fine tip. Goes through armour and internals more cleanly - for better and for worse.

- Standard (STND)
--- The standard against which the other harpoons/rail spikes here are compared.

Heavy Weapon (Mini Nuke) Ammo Sub-Types:

- Big Kid (BK)
--- 1000 EXP DAM
--- 100 RAD DAM
--- 850 EXP Radius
--- A heavier, higher yield warhead for increased damage.

- Bowling Ball, Modified (BOWL)
--- +60% DAM (Impact Damage)
--- A bowling ball that has been modified so that it can be launched from the M42 Fat Man. Packs a hell of a wallop if you can hit something with it, and can be recovered after firing.

- Low Yield (LY)
--- 500 EXP DAM
--- 100 RAD DAM
--- 850 EXP Radius
--- A lighter, lower yield warhead for decreased damage.

--- 6x
----- 250 EXP DAM
----- 100 RAD DAM
----- 600 EXP Radius
--- "Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle" round. Splits into 6 smaller "mini-mini nukes" mid-air that rain down on the ground below.

- Nuka-Nuke (NN)
--- 1125 EXP DAM
--- 100 RAD DAM
--- 850 EXP Radius
--- Especially high-yield mini-nuke, thanks to the addition of Nuka-Cola Quantum.

- Practice (PRAC)
--- Impact DAM only
--- 0 EXP DAM
--- A practice round for sighting or attracting attention. Produces an orange puff of smoke on impact.

- Standard (STND)
--- 750 EXP DAM
--- 100 RAD DAM
--- 850 EXP Radius
--- The standard against which the other mini nukes here are compared.

- Timed (TIME)
--- 750 EXP DAM
--- 100 RAD DAM
--- 850 EXP Radius
--- 5 second timer, does not explode on impact; may bounce. Otherwise identical to standard mini nukes.

- Tiny Tots (TT)
--- 6x
----- 250 EXP DAM
----- 100 RAD DAM
----- 600 EXP Radius
--- Fire 6 smaller "mini-mini nukes" in a spread pattern, like a shotgun.

Heavy Weapon (Missile) Ammo Sub-Types:

- Cryo
--- 100 EXP Damage
--- 750 EXP Radius
--- Slows targets for 10s.
--- Missile with a cryo warhead; like a more powerful cryo grenade.

- High Explosive (HE)
--- 250 EXP DAM
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- 120x 35 DAM Shrapnel
--- The "standard" missile with an explosive warhead.

- High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
--- +500% Impact DAM
--- -75% Target DR
--- 250 EXP DAM
--- 250 EXP Radius
--- 100x 30 DAM Shrapnel.
--- With its shaped charge warhead, the HEAT missile has a smaller explosive radius, but punches through armour with high direct-hit damage.

- Hive
--- 9x
----- 50 EXP DAM
----- 200 EXP Radius
----- 30x 25 DAM Shrapnel
--- Fires a swarm of nine micro-missiles.

- High Velocity (HV)
--- 200 EXP DAM
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- 120x 35 DAM Shrapnel
--- +35% Velocity
--- A smaller, less powerful warhead results in increased velocity for this missile - making more mobile or more distant targets easier to hit.

- Incendiary (INC)
--- 200 Energy DAM over 15s
--- 750 EXP Radius
--- An incendiary warhead sets the target/s and the ground on fire. Biological creatures on fire are inclined to flee in panic.

- Plasma (PLAS)
--- 200 EXP DAM
--- 200 Energy DAM
--- 300 EXP Radius
--- Plasma warheads trigger a smaller but more intense explosion that does both Physical and Energy damage.

- Pulse (PLSE)
--- 2000 Energy DAM vs Robots, Synths, Turrets and Vertibirds
--- Disables Power Armor for 15s
--- 500 EXP Radius
--- A warhead that produces an electromagnetic pulse on impact that is devastating against robotic targets, but harmless to biological targets. Temporarily disables power armour. (Generally causing the user to fall over as the unit's joints freeze up.)

***AmmoTweaks v1 Integration***

WARS uses the AmmoTweaks v1 framework to handle things like weapon condition and ammo switching. This integration was handled in a separate plugin in order to make it easier to potentially switch to TweaksFramework (AmmoTweaks v2) for these things should it become available, but at this stage I'm unlikely to have time to make such a significant switch.

So for now, WARS makes substantial changes and additions to the way AmmoTweaks v1 works in order to have it do what WARS needs. (Like adding fire-mode cycling and launcher mode toggling.)

There are also some WARS features that are heavily intertwined with AmmoTweaks, and those are covered in this section too.

Here are some notes on AmmoTweaks v1 related features:

- Features operated via custom hotkeys (hotkeys defined in the AmmoTweaks-WARS MCM menu):

- Ammo Swapping:
--- As in Fallout New Vegas (and the STALKER games), but with a quality-of-life tweak in the form of the Ammo Swap menu.
--- Pressing the Ammo Swap button will either:
----- Open the Ammo Swap menu if you have at least 2 different ammo sub-types for your equipped weapon that you could swap to, letting you select the ammo sub-type you want, or:
----- Cycle through those ammo sub-types without the menu, if you have only one you could swap to (or you've disabled the Ammo Swap menu).
--- Ammo swapping will prompt a weapon reload, and the Ammo Swap function will be locked until that reload is complete. (So you'll probably want to leave the Ammo Swap menu enabled.)
--- NPCs are also able to swap ammo sub-types if they run out of the one they're currently using.
----- NPCs seem to favour Damage Per Second over Damage Per Attack when evaluating which weapon/ammo type to use; something to keep in mind.
----- NPCs carrying multiple weapons (that they have ammo for) are more likely to switch weapons first, then swap ammo sub-types later, if they need to.
----- For an NPC to be able to swap ammo sub-types for a weapon, they need to equip that weapon at least once - so when giving an NPC (e.g. a follower or settler) a weapon, tell them to equip it, too.
--- Some weapons have different coloured electrical tape on their mags according to which ammo sub-type is currently loaded. Useful to see which ammo your allies (and potentially enemies) are currently using.

- Fire/Attack Mode switching:
--- As in the STALKER games.
--- Pressing the Fire/Attack Mode button will cycle through the available fire modes (typically semi-auto and full-auto) for your currently equipped ranged weapon.
--- This function also cycles melee weapons through their attack modes.
----- (Typically cycling through any two or three of "Swing", "Sweep" and "Thrust" - depending on the weapon.)
----- See the Melee Changes section for more info.

- Launcher Mode switching:
--- As in the STALKER games.
--- Pressing the Launcher Mode button will toggle between using the under-barrel attachment on your equipped weapon and firing the weapon normally.
--- Once in Launcher Mode, pressing the Ammo Swap button will cycle through the ammo sub-types for the launcher. (Again, as long as you have some of that ammo sub-type in your inventory.)

- Extra Weapon Info:
--- Pressing the Show Extra Weapon Info button shows a message-box with info on the equipped weapon:
----- Current Strength and STR REQ for the weapon.
----- Weapon COND: current and max. (As literal values, not a percentage. Useful for comparing the reliability of different weapons.)
----- Wear Rate, in COND loss per shot/hit.
----- COND Thresholds: The COND values at which the weapon enters different condition levels. (See below.)
----- Penalties for not meeting the STR REQ for this weapon.

- The AmmoTweaks HUD element shows the current ammo type and sub-type (e.g. 5.56x45mm JHP) loaded in the equipped weapon.
--- This HUD element also shows the current Fire Mode of the weapon; listed after the ammo type, in brackets. E.g. 5.56x45mm JHP (A)
--- Key:
----- (S) = Semi-auto or Single
----- (A) = Auto
----- (B) = Burst
----- (L) = Launcher (i.e. an under-barrel launcher like the M203 on the AR-15)
----- (DF) = Dumb Fire (i.e. a missile that flies straight, not homing in on a target)
----- (HM) = Homing Missile

- For melee weapons, the AmmoTweaks HUD element shows the current Attack Mode.
--- Typically this will be Swing, Sweep or Thrust.
--- Additional key:
----- 1H = One-handed attack
----- 2H = Two-handed attack

Weapons have a "condition" stat ("COND" on the HUD) that decreases as the weapons are used. Ranged weapons get dirty, and melee weapons get damaged. These condition levels are as follows:


- Filthy (Inoperable)
--- Can't be fired until it's cleaned.

- Very Dirty (Damage Risk)
--- -10% Accuracy
--- -10% Reload Speed
--- -10% Fire Rate (Launchers only)
--- +10% VATS Cost (Launchers only)
--- Increasing chance of permanent damage to weapon.

- Dirty
--- -5% Accuracy
--- -5% Reload Speed
--- -5% Fire Rate (Launchers only)
--- +5% VATS Cost (Launchers only)

- Clean
--- No effect.

- Pristine
--- +5% Reload Speed
--- +5% Fire Rate (Launchers only)
--- -5% VATS Cost (Launchers only)


- Broken
--- -99% Damage

- Weathered
--- -20% Damage

- Worn
--- -10% Damage

- Good
--- No effect.

- Reinforced
--- +10% Damage

- Ranged weapons in "Very Dirty" condition have a chance (that increases as the weapon gets dirtier) to suffer permanent damage when they are reloaded.
--- When damaged, the weapon's receiver quality level (Awful, Poor, Average, Good, Perfect) is stepped down one level. E.g. from Good to Average.
--- Weapons with an "Awful" receiver will still function, and can't receive any further permanent damage. (The weapon will still stop working if it becomes "Filthy", however.)
--- The only way to repair this damage is to swap in a better quality receiver at a workbench.
--- The check for permanent damage occurs on reload (as opposed to when the weapon is fired) in order to avoid a few technical issues, and also just to be less harsh.
----- Note that swapping ammo prompts a reload, however.

- Weapons can be cleaned/repaired one level at a time:
--- At a workbench.
----- Weapons require less materials to clean/repair at a workbench when at higher COND levels, so keeping weapons in good condition (if you have access to a workbench) is more efficient.
--- Using a Weapon Cleaning Kit or Repair Kit, as appropriate.
----- Using one of these kits advances in-game time. Configurable in MCM menu; see below.

- Weapon mods (and ammo sub-types) can impact the rate at which weapons lose COND - described as "Wear Rate" in weapon mod and ammo descriptions.
--- Suppressors increase Wear Rate on semi/auto weapons by 50%, to represent them getting dirty faster due to more gas being vented into the action. Bolt/lever/pump-action guns do not suffer from this problem since the gas is vented before the action is cycled.
--- There are many other weapon mods that increase or decrease Wear Rate. It will be noted in their descriptions. (Same with ammo.)

- Recoil Control System:
--- Weapon skill perks (E.g. Gunslinger, Commando) now reduce recoil for those weapons. See the Perk Changes section for more info.
--- Not meeting the STR REQ for a weapon will increase its recoil by 100%.

MCM Menu Options:

- Swap Ammo Menu
--- Off = Always cycle ammo type. On = Show menu if you have more than 1 ammo type that could be swapped to.

- Time Cost - Using Cleaning/Repair Kit
--- Time cost in minutes. Range: 0-240. Default: 15. Set to 0 to disable.

- Time Passed Message - Using Cleaning/Repair Kit
--- Show "time passed" message when you perform this action?

- Physical Mags - Player
--- Never drop mags. (Or switch to larger mags. Vanilla behaviour, basically.)
--- Always drop mags.
--- Only drop mags in combat. (The default. This setting still results in switching to larger mags on reload when out of combat as a quality of life feature, however.)

- Physical Mags - NPCs
--- Should NPC reloads drop mags containing casings? ("Off" will have casings added to their inventory directly.)

- Physical Mags - NPCs Reserve Last Mag?
--- Off = NPCs can run out of mags, like the player. On = NPCs will keep using their last attached mag if out of extra mags.

- Physical Mags - Hide Loss/Gain Notifications?
--- Hide notifications for ammo/mags being dropped/picked up? Off = Show. On = Hide.

- Physical Mags - Spawn Chance
--- Toggles spawning of spare mags on NPCs/in loot/at vendors. 0 = Enabled (Default). 100 = Disabled.
--- This uses "ChanceNone", which is the percentage chance that something will NOT spawn. It's just how the game works. I'm sure it made sense to some coder at BGS at some point.
--- This should be left at 0 (enabled) unless you are disabling the Physical Mags system for both the player and NPCs.

- Ammo Recovery Cost Multiplier
--- Cost multiplier for using the Ammo Recovery Post. Default = 0.5x, or 50% base value of the items recovered.

***Physical Mags System (optional)***

- Reloading a magazine-fed weapon will now drop a physical magazine into the game-world.
--- If the magazine wasn't empty when the reload happened, whatever ammo was still in the mag will be dropped along with it.
--- If you can find the magazine, you can recover the ammo.
----- Dropped mags are technically containers, so you can see their contents and use quick-loot on them.
----- Emptying a dropped mag "container" will remove the container and add a spare mag of that type to your inventory. You're picking the mag up, in other words.
----- Dropped mags are cleaned up and removed upon being emptied, or when you leave the area. (To avoid save bloat.)
--- A random number of spent casings - up to the number of shots fired from the mag - will also be found in the mag. (As an abstracted representation of gathering them up after firing the weapon.)

- Reloading a magazine-fed weapon now requires having spare mags in reserve.
--- No more attaching a single magazine "mod" to a weapon and magically having infinite spare mags!
--- The player (or NPCs) will automatically switch to a larger mag on reload, if they have one - or to a smaller mag, if out of the current type.
--- If completely out of spare mags, reloading will switch to "no mag", which gives the weapon a capacity of only one round.
--- Mags are now carried by NPCs, found in loot, available from vendors, craftable using factory machines, etc.
----- Mags can be crafted at both the Weapons Workbench (as usual) and in factory builders, but the latter usually has lower perk requirements, and makes it easier to craft mags in bulk.
--- Spare mags are simply the "loose mod" items gained when detaching a weapon mod from a weapon - changed to appear as magazines, rather than a generic crate.
--- Known issue: Reloading with "no mag" attached will usually look janky, as creating specific "no mag" reload animations for all the weapons this system applies to would be an *enormous* amount of work.

- NPCs can drop magazines on reload too.
--- Mags dropped by NPCs will only "contain" spent casings. (Typically they only reload when empty anyway.) Ammo they haven't fired yet will be in their inventory.

- Whenever a reload happens that doesn't involve a dropped mag - either due to MCM settings or due to the weapon type - the appropriate number of spent casings are instead automatically added to the player (or NPC's) inventory.
--- Note that empty casings are added to inventory silently, to avoid message spam. Most of them are extremely light, but that weight may still add up over time...

- Ammo Recovery Post can now be built at settlements:
--- This is a container with an alternate activation option that allows you to pay a fee to have any unrecovered dropped mags - and the ammo/casings in them - added to the container.
--- The fee is based on the value of the recovered items, multiplied by a configurable multiplier. (See the MCM Menu Options above.)
--- Note that only ammo/mags/casings that were specifically cleaned up by the Physical Mags system will be recovered. I.e. any mags dropped while reloading that were unrecovered when you left the area.
----- This does cover mags dropped by NPCs too.
--- Requires Local Leader rank 1 to build.

- "Dropped Mag Tracking" recipe added to the Chem Station.
--- This is a dummy recipe that requires 1000000 of each ammo and casing type that can be found in dropped mags. It's designed to be used with the "Tag For Search" function that highlights containers with these items, if you have rank 2 of the Scrapper perk.
--- The upshot of this is that you can highlight dropped mags to make them easier to find.
--- As mentioned in the Recommended Mods section, Tagging Assistant is recommended as it fixes some limitations of the vanilla highlighting system, and gives you more control over how it works. E.g. you can assign a hotkey to toggle highlighting, so you can switch it on when you're trying to find a magazine dropped in the heat of battle, and then switch it off again afterwards.

- Tips on finding spare mags:
--- Spare mags are found in loot, carried by NPCs, and sold by vendors.
--- Spare mags dropped on the ground by NPCs can also be recovered (if you have eagle-eyes).
--- They can be recovered (for a price) by building and using an Ammo Recovery Post at a settlement.
--- Spare mags can be crafted at a Weapons Workbench as usual, though making more than one at a time is fiddly using this interface.
--- The best way to make multiple spare mags for your weapon is to manufacture them in a factory machine.
--- Magazines currently attached to weapons can be detached at a Weapons Workbench or using a Weapon Modification Kit, or perhaps more quickly using the following method:
----- Temporarily drop or stash any spare mags for the weapon in question, then reload the weapon (by swapping ammo, for example) to drop the magazine on the ground. (Note that you'll need to be in combat - or have set the "Physical Mags - Player" option in the MCM to "always drop mags" - for this to work.) Then you can simply pick the spare mag up off the ground.

***Weapon Mechanics Changes***

- General weapon behaviour overhaul in aid of making weapons feel more believable and genuine.
--- I.e. changes to damage, rate of fire, recoil, accuracy, etc.
--- Reach values for melee weapons now differ based on the length of the weapon - rather than all melee weapons having the same reach, as in vanilla.

- Projectiles now have real-world velocities and are affected by gravity. (As opposed to bullets, for example, being hitscan in vanilla FO4.)
--- (This is assuming the scale used by BGS is accurate.)

- Weapons are given their real-world names where possible - including variant names based on what weapon mods are attached.
--- E.g. M4A1 Carbine, M16A4 DMR, Glock 17 Pistol, Glock 18C Machine Pistol, etc.
--- Fictional weapons are given more explicit names from Fallout lore where possible. E.g. AER9 Laser Rifle.

- Weapons - and even individual weapon parts - are given weight values as close to their real-world counterparts as I could manage. This mostly results in them being much lighter than in vanilla.
--- Fictional weapons are given estimated weight values based on their appearance and function.

- A weapon in your hands is not taking up space in your pack. Equipped weapons now boost your max. carry weight by an amount roughly equal to their weight plus a full load of ammo.
--- Technical limitations prevent simply reducing their weight while equipped, but this amounts to the same thing.
--- This is designed to complement the encumbrance overhaul in PEACE but should also make heavy weapons more viable in vanilla Survival Mode if using WARS without PEACE.

- Strength Requirement (STR REQ) system:
--- Using a weapon you don't meet the STR REQ for incurs penalties, such as:
----- Reduced movement speed, increased recoil, slower reload speed, reduced AGI, less scope steadiness, and reduced DAM (for melee weapons).
--- The Extra Weapon Info function (see the AmmoTweaks v1 Integration section for more info) lists the specific penalties for not meeting the STR REQ for the equipped weapon.
--- In general, bulkier weapons have more severe penalties for not meeting their STR REQ:
----- Low severity: Pistols, One-Handed Melee, Fist Weapons.
----- Medium severity: Rifles, Two-Handed Melee.
----- High severity: Heavy Weapons, Heavy Two-Handed Melee.
--- The STR REQ for a weapon is listed in its weapon mod list (for ranged weapons, as part of its current ammo sub-type). Examine a weapon as usual to see it.
--- Rechambering a ranged weapon - or modifying a melee weapon in certain ways - may change its STR REQ.
--- Minor technical limitation: you'll need to re-equip a weapon after (say) taking chems that increase STR to ensure that certain penalties (recoil and scope steadiness) are cleared.
--- Some companions had their STR increased out of consideration for these STR requirements.

- Thanks to the Bullet Counted Reload System (see the Requirements section, above), WARS features correct "round by round" reloads for the pump/lever-action weapons.
--- In the vanilla game, reload animations for weapons like this always showed the same number of rounds being inserted, regardless of how many actually needed to be reloaded.
--- For those who cannot use BCR for whatever reason, I have included non-BCR versions of the affected reload animations in Clockwork's BA2 file.
----- These anims are found in [NonBCR] sub-directories with the other animation files.
----- For anyone porting the affected weapons to XB1, it's recommended to use these non-BCR anims instead of the anims edited to support BCR.

- Weapon damage is no longer reduced when a weapon is changed to full-auto.

- Recoil recovery is no longer automatic. You need to re-acquire your target in between shots/bursts yourself.
--- In vanilla FO4, you can fire a weapon until its recoil has you looking straight up at the sky, then release the fire button and - without touching the camera yourself at any point - have the game unerringly move the camera back to where it was before you started firing. It feels really weird and off-putting (at least to me; it feels like someone else is fiddling with the controls while I'm playing), so WARS disables this.

- Sneak attack damage multiplier reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 for ranged weapons. Use your stealth advantage to line up headshots instead.

- Laser weapons have no recoil.

- More believable fatal/critical damage to extremities, based on weapon calibre. A tiny pistol bullet should not cut someone's arm off or make a super-mutant's head explode.
--- Laser weapons will now only dismember.
--- Plasma weapons will now only explode extremities.

- Fire weapon changes
--- NPCs set on fire by Molotovs and Flamethrowers will now take fire damage over time and flee in panic.
----- Some characters are immune to the fear effect. E.g. huge enemies, feral ghouls, robots, synths, Legendary enemies and people in power armour.
--- Molotovs behave more realistically now, rather than like a weaker version of a frag grenade.
----- They now have a smaller explosion radius, create pools of flame that NPCs will avoid, and light up the environment.

- Scopes
--- The fade-out time when entering aim-through-scope mode was reduced to 0.15s. (Down from 0.75s.)

- Unarmed weapons can now be used in power armour.

***Melee Changes***

Melee weapons now have several Attack Modes that can be cycled through via hotkey. (See the AmmoTweaks v1 Integration section for more info.) Below is a list of the Attack Modes available to each melee weapon type, and the effects those modes have. The default Attack Mode is at the top for each melee weapon type:

- 1H Small Blade - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance of 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. -40% Target DR. +25% Wear Rate.

- 1H Small Blade - Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% AP Cost. +20% Limb Damage. -8% Reach. +150% Target DR.

- 1H Blade - Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. +150% Target DR.

- 1H Blade - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance of 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. -15% AP Cost. +12.5% Reach. -40% Target DR. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Blade - 2H Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. +150% Target DR.

- 2H Blade - 2H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. 5% Chance to stagger. +15% Reach. -25% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +150% Target DR. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Blade - 1H Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance of 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +25% AP Cost. +15% Reach. -40% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 1H Blunt - Swing Attack
--- -25% Target DR.

- 1H Blunt - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 2H Small Blunt - 2H Swing Attack
--- -25% Target DR.

- 2H Small Blunt - 1H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. -25% Damage. +50% AP Cost. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Small Blunt - 1H Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 2H Large Blunt - 2H Swing Attack
--- -25% Target DR.

- 2H Large Blunt - 2H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. 5% Chance to stagger. +15% Reach. -25% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Wear Rate.

- 1H Axe - Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. -25% Target DR.

- 1H Axe - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 2H Axe - 2H Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. -25% Target DR.

- 2H Axe - 2H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. 5% Chance to stagger. +15% Reach. -25% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Axe - 1H Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

***Explosives Changes***

- Many explosions now also produce shrapnel that flies out in all directions.
--- Shrapnel is not hit-scan: it flies in a ballistic arc and is affected by gravity.

- Pulse explosions are now devastating to robots, synths, turrets and vehicles, and no longer harm biological creatures. They also temporarily stun people in power armour.

***Weapon Mods***

- Several new mod types - including but not limited to:
--- Laser Sight: Visible laser dot. Increases hip-fire accuracy.
--- Shell Holder/Flared Magwell/etc: Increases reload speed.
--- Tactical Light: Can be toggled on and off just like the power armour head-lamps.
--- Trigger Group: Defines whether the weapon is semi-auto/full-auto/select-fire, etc. Select-fire weapons can be switched between (usually) semi and auto via hotkey.
--- Under-barrel Grenade Launcher: Can switch to grenade-launcher mode (via hotkey) without swapping weapons.
--- Vertical Fore-Grip: Increases aim speed and decreases recoil.

- Mod descriptions explicitly list what effects they have - with numerical values - unlike the vague descriptions in vanilla.
--- E.g. "-20% Recoil" rather than "Exceptional recoil".

- Receiver mods have been simplified:
--- Each weapon now has five receiver options representing different condition/quality levels:
----- Awful (-20% DAM)
----- Poor (-10% DAM)
----- Average (No effect)
----- Good (+10% DAM)
----- Perfect (+20% DAM)
----- (There are additional effects here for some weapons, such as reload speed and fire speed. It will be noted in the description for the receiver.)
--- Semi vs full-auto options have been moved to the Trigger Group mod slot.
--- Re-chamber options have been moved to the Ammo Type mod slot.
--- "Ammo effect" options like armour-piercing have been moved to ammo sub-types.

- Many bayonets now become discrete melee weapons when detached from a weapon.
--- Likewise, these bayonet attachments are no longer crafted from components, but instead found as discrete melee weapons and then attached to a firearm.

- Some weapon mods cannot be attached unless the weapon has certain prerequisite mods already attached.
--- Most commonly this is in the form of some barrels being too short to accept under-barrel attachments.
--- Weapon mod descriptions will tell you if a particular weapon mod supports additional attachments.
--- Upon attaching a mod that supports additional attachments, you may need to exit and re-enter the workbench to see the new options in the menu.

- "Quick Eject" magazine mods were removed or replaced by more plausible reload-speed-increase mods. (See above.)

- Scope mods that were duplicates but for their zoom level were removed. (E.g. scopes with short, medium and long zoom levels that all looked the same.)
--- Aiming for a more believable and distinct range of scope options here.
--- This typically leaves weapons with short and/or long zoom-level scopes, plus short zoom-level night-vision and recon scopes. (On top of their various iron-sight and reflex sight options.)

- Weapon mods that are not currently attached to weapons (i.e. "loose mods") now have the same weight as when they are attached. (As opposed to all of them weighing 0.5 lb unattached, as in vanilla.)

- New item: Weapon Modification Kit.
--- The Weapon Modification Kit (or WMK) is a light, portable tool-kit that allows you to modify your currently equipped weapon out in the field, away from Weapons Workbenches.
--- Only previously built weapon mods (often called "loose mods") can be attached or detached. The WMK cannot be used to craft new weapon mods from scratch, or to scrap weapons.
--- Most weapon mods can be swapped out using the WMK, but not all. Receivers and other more complicated or integral parts (e.g. most barrels and stocks) can still only be swapped out at a full Weapons Workbench.
--- The WMK is crafted at the Chemistry Workbench, under the Utility category.
--- Use it from the Aid section of the Pip-Boy (exit the Pip-Boy afterwards) or hot-key it.
--- While in activation range of a full Weapons Workbench, using the WMK will open a container menu.
----- Adding loose mods to this container will make the WMK consider those mods as compatible, making them available for modification in the field.
----- Exiting the container menu will return any loose mods to your inventory.
--- (The WMK is based on the "T.A.S - Tactical Attachment System" mod by Kaelle.)
--- And yes, the name "Weapon Modification Kit" is a reference to my earlier mod "Weapon Mod Kits" for FO3.

- Many loose weapon mods were (as appropriate) given a new heavy-duty plastic box asset, colour-coded to make it easier to differentiate them (e.g. on a factory conveyor belt):
--- Barrels - Black (For pistol barrels. Rifle barrels still use the vanilla crate asset.)
--- Grips/Stocks - Red
--- Receivers - Green
--- Sights - Yellow
--- Misc - White
--- Muzzles - Black
- (Note that a number of loose weapon mods were intentionally left with the vanilla crate or box-of-junk assets if it made sense for the weapon mod in question.)

- Miscellaneous changes:
--- Long barrels no longer have hip-fire accuracy penalties.
--- Longer barrels now have damage bonuses.
--- Weapons without a butt-stock will tend to jump around a lot when fired. (I.e. butt-stocks reduce horizontal recoil.)
--- Muzzle devices (e.g. compensators, muzzle brakes and suppressors) no longer have range penalties.

***Universal Weapon Mod System***

- Where appropriate, weapon mods can now be removed from one weapon type (e.g. an AR-15) and attached to a different weapon type (e.g. a Mini-14).
--- Note that in certain circumstances, the game may not allow you to attach a universal mod when it should. Exiting and re-entering the workbench should fix this.

- Below is a list of weapons and the "universal" weapon mods that can be shared between them. There's the occasional exception, but this should give a good idea:

5.56x45mm weapons (AR-15, Mini-14, SA80)

- Muzzles
--- 5.56mm Micro Compensator
--- 5.56mm Three Port Muzzle Brake
--- 5.56mm NT4 Suppressor

Weapons with bayonets
(Some exceptions here.)

- Bayonets (Detached as discrete melee weapons.)
--- L3A1 Bayonet
--- M2 Bayonet
--- M7 Bayonet

AR-15, SA80

- Magazines
--- STANAG 20 Rd USGI Magazine
--- STANAG 20 Rd USGI Mag + Mag Pull Sleeve
--- STANAG 20 Rd USGI Mag + Mag Pull Floor Plate
--- STANAG 30 Rd USGI Magazine
--- STANAG 30 Rd USGI Mag + Mag Pull Sleeve
--- STANAG 30 Rd USGI Mag + Mag Pull Floor Plate
--- STANAG 30 Rd EMAG Magazine
--- STANAG 30 Rd EMAG + Mag Pull Sleeve
--- STANAG 30 Rd EMAG + Mag Pull Floor Plate
--- STANAG 60 Rd MAG5-60 Magazine
--- STANAG 100 Rd C-MAG Magazine

- Fore-grips
--- RIS Vertical Foregrip
--- RIS Grip Pod

AR-15, USAS-12

- Stocks
--- M4 USGI Stock

Rifles/shotguns with a Rail Interface System (RIS)

- Sights/Scopes
--- RIS Heads Up Reflex Sight
--- RIS Railway Reflex Sight
--- RIS M552 Holographic Sight
--- RIS C79 Scope (3.4x)
--- RIS AccuPoint Scope (9x)
--- RIS PVS-4 Starlight Scope (3.6x)
--- RIS PVS-4 Recon Scope (3.6x)

Misc barrel/rail attachments

- Laser Sights
--- RIS DBAL-A2 Laser Sight
--- LPC Laser Sight

- Tactical Lights
--- Rifle G2 Tactical Light

China Lake, M1911, M79, Glock, Skorpion vz. 64/68

- Sights
--- Small Reflex Sight (Dot/Circle)
----- Note that the dot/circle variants use the same "Small Reflex Sight" universal mod. If you want to switch between them, detach it first or a new one will be crafted from scratch.

Glock, Skorpion vz. 64/68

- Under-Barrel
--- Pistol UB Laser Sight
--- Pistol X2 Tactical Light
--- Pistol X2 Tactical Light + Laser Sight


- Sights
--- LPC Laser Sight
----- Note that the standard/BUI variants use the same "LPC Laser Sight" universal mod. If you want to switch between them, detach it first or a new one will be crafted from scratch.
--- Vintage Flashlight Weapon Attachment
----- Note that the standard/BUI variants use the same "Vintage Flashlight Weapon Attachment" universal mod. If you want to switch between them, detach it first or a new one will be crafted from scratch.

Mossberg 590, USAS-12

- Muzzles
--- 12 Gauge Micro Compensator
--- 12 Gauge Three Port Muzzle Brake
--- Salvo 12 Suppressor

Double-Barrel Shotgun, Marlin 1895G, Thompson SMG

- Sights
--- Nydar Gun Sight

AER9 Laser, Laser Musket

- Sights/Scopes
--- AER9 Reflex Sight
--- AER9 Scope (10x)
--- AER9 Night Vision Scope (4x)
--- AER9 Recon Scope (4x)

Pipe Bolt-Action, Pipe Gun, Pipe Revolver, Pipe Syringer (with exceptions), Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle (sights only, some exceptions)

- Grips/Stocks
--- Pipe Gun Pistol Grip
--- Pipe Gun Comfort Pistol Grip
--- Pipe Gun Sharpshooter's Pistol Grip
--- Pipe Gun Full Rifle Stock
--- Pipe Gun Recoil Compensating Stock
--- Pipe Gun Marksman's Stock

- Sights/Scopes
--- Pipe Gun Iron Sights
--- Pipe Gun Glow Sights
--- Pipe Gun Pipe Sight
--- Pipe Gun Pipe Glow Sight
--- Pipe Gun Scope (6x)
--- Pipe Gun Night Vision Scope (4x)
--- Pipe Gun Recon Scope (4x)

***Gameplay Changes - General***

- Player and NPC Health no longer scales with level. It is still affected by things like perks and Endurance, however.
--- This is intended to reduce bullet-sponginess. Weapon damage can only go so high, but in the base game, the player and many NPCs keep getting more HP as their level increases...

- NPC Health has been normalised. In the base game, humans for example can vary from 30 HP to 1300 HP - or possibly even more. That's one human taking 43 times the punishment of another, in that example.
--- Humans, mutants, creatures, robots, etc now all have a much narrower range of potential max HP values.
--- This is intended to reduce bullet-sponginess - as well as promote consistency and believability, of course.
--- Certain NPC types are still much more resilient than others. You're not going to take down deathclaws and sentry bots with a single pistol shot.

- NPC Damage Resistance (DR) and Energy Resistance (ER) values have also been normalised.
--- Specifically this is DR/ER that is not from equipped armour. In vanilla, some humans (like Triggermen) for example could be stark naked but somehow as well protected as if they were wearing a full set of heavy combat armour.
--- In other words, natural DR/ER values for different creature types were altered to make more sense and be more consistent.
----- Increased in some cases; e.g. robots, turrets and vertibirds.
----- Decreased in others; e.g. humans, feral ghouls, other animals with no natural armour from scales or chitin or whatever else.

- Feral Ghouls now have moderately fast Health regen. (Faster at higher levels, also.)
--- As above however, they have little or no DR/ER. Take them out quickly! (E.g. with JHP ammo.)

- NPCs are now generally much less outrageously accurate than in the base game.
--- This is to balance against combat now being more deadly overall. You'll get hit less, but take more damage when you do.

- Incoming and outgoing damage bonuses/penalties have been removed on all difficulty levels - including Survival Mode. Everyone does 1x damage.

- Locational damage overhaul: Attack their weak point for massive damage!
--- Generally; body takes 1x damage, head takes 4x, limbs take 0.75x.

- Melee/unarmed base sneak attack damage multiplier reduced from 3x to 1.5x. Perks that boost this value have been nerfed too; see the Perk Changes section below for more info.

- NPCs no longer have infinite ammo and grenades. No more combatants shooting at you all day long without cease and then only having ~7 rounds on their bodies.
--- NPCs have instead been given more ammo (depending on their rank/tier) and a backup melee weapon. Sometimes a backup sidearm too.
--- This does mean that turrets can run out of ammo, rendering them harmless - except for laser turrets; see below.
--- Laser turrets and robot laser weapons switch to half-damage "recharger" mode if they run out of ammo; indicated by the beam changing colour. (E.g. from red to orange, or light blue to dark blue.)
--- On a related note, you're now able to access the inventory of active enemy turrets (as with settlement turrets; see the Settlement Changes section for more info), so if you're able to get up close to one, maybe you could unload it to stop it shooting...

- Companions no longer have special non-player "companion" weapons with unlimited ammo. They have been given equivalent standard weapons instead.

- "Combat Styles" edited to make "ranged" NPCs favour ranged weapons (even) more.
--- Default multipliers are usually Melee x1.0, Ranged x10.0 for these NPCs. Melee was reduced to x0.1.
--- This is intended to offset one of the vagaries of the NPC ammo-swapping system, since it can make them more inclined to swap to another weapon (say, their backup melee weapon) rather than swapping to another ammo sub-type.

- Player's damage reduction while in VATS has been removed. (In the base game the player only receives 10% of the damage they normally would.)

- Weapon names are now generated in a more readable and convenient format.
--- The weapon's base name is now first, followed by descriptions of its attached weapon mods, etc. Offers better sorting (alphabetically) as like weapons are grouped together.
--- E.g. "Laser Pistol | Excited | Scoped" rather than "Excited Scoped Laser Pistol".

- Consumables (i.e. food/drinks/chems) changes:
--- Consumables that give "magical" bonuses to things like ranged damage had those effects removed or replaced. (Usually this means limiting damage bonuses to melee/unarmed only.)
--- Calmex and Calmex Silk had their sneak attack multiplier bonuses replaced with +10% VATS Accuracy.

- NPCs no longer take 300% damage to power armour parts; changed to 100%.

- Boulders thrown by Super Mutant Behemoths no longer magically curve through the air, seeking out their target.

- Gatling Laser ammo capacity increased from 500 to 2000 to fix issues related to the Repair Bobblehead and Nuclear Physicist perks.

- Railway Spikes can now be retrieved after a missed shot.

***Gameplay Changes - Survival Mode***

- Survival Mode flat XP bonus reduced from 2x to 1x. (Removed, in other words.)

- Adrenaline perk now gives 5% bonus Kill XP per rank, rather than 5% bonus damage - for a maximum of +50% Kill XP.

***Levelled List Changes***

- Weapon availability overhaul.
--- Different factions use more noticeably differentiated weapons. E.g. Raiders have makeshift ballistic weapons, Gunners have higher quality ballistic weapons, Brotherhood of Steel have Energy weapons, etc.
--- DLC weapons are now also found in the Commonwealth (and other DLC areas), where appropriate.

- Assaultron Blade and Mr. Handy Buzz Blade can now be found as Legendary weapons.

- Other levelled list changes as required to implement other features in WARS.


- Crafting recipes for weapon mods now generally have more believable components.
--- E.g. wooden stocks are not made of aluminium, funnily enough!

- Crafting recipe perk requirements (for weapon mods) were tweaked to account for balance/mechanics changes elsewhere in WARS.

- Component weight changes:
--- Lead reduced from 0.3 to 0.1 lb to work better in ammo crafting, where smaller amounts are needed.
----- Junk items containing Lead had their Lead count increased to compensate. (Sometimes drastically increased, in order to make more sense.)
----- Existing crafting recipes requiring Lead had their Lead count increased to compensate too.

- Most grenades, mines and other explosives can no longer be crafted at Chemistry Stations.
--- They are now crafted using factory builders instead (see Factory Crafting, below), requiring more believable components.
--- Simpler explosives like Molotovs and Bottlecap Mines can still be crafted at Chemistry Stations.
----- Molotovs can also be broken down at Chemistry Stations. The Flamer Fuel they contain may be more useful running generators, turrets or flamethrowers...
------- Known Issue: Batch-crafting via FallUI - Workbench doesn't work for this; it will only output once, but still consume extra ingredients. Just hammer the Craft button if you need to do a bunch of these quickly.

- Misc recipe changes:
--- Nuka-Cola Ammo recipe now produces 10 rounds, up from 1.
--- Nuka-Cherry Ammo recipe now produces 5 rounds, up from 1.

***Factory Crafting (Contraptions)***

The factory system added by the Contraptions DLC is great, but unfortunately doesn't deliver on its potential; for example as it relates to manufacturing weapons and ammo. Ammo crafting? Slap some steel and cow manure together and call it ammunition. Weapon crafting? Once you meet the perk requirements and have enough base components, a single machine lets you churn out as many copies of high-tier weapons as you like.

It's all pretty simplistic and not very rewarding.

From multi-stage weapon manufacture to a New Vegas-inspired ammo crafting system, WARS aims to make building weapons and ammo factories in FO4 more interesting, fun and useful. It makes a number of changes and additions in this area:

- Schematic (i.e. perk magazine) requirements for crafting ranged weapons and ammo:
--- Basic or "default" ammo sub-types (e.g. FMJ, Surplus) and some basic ranged weapons (like pipe guns) can always be crafted as long as any regular perk requirements are met, but more advanced weapons and ammo will require schematics to be found first.
--- Schematics are found in relevant perk magazines like "Guns and Bullets" for ballistic weapons/ammo, and "Tesla Science" for Energy weapons/ammo.
----- Heavy Weapons lacked an associated set of perk magazines, so WARS adds one in the form of "Big Bore" magazine. These six magazines can be found out in the Wasteland, like the existing perk magazines.
--- This all makes finding those magazines pretty important, so "sealed intel" items were added:

- Sealed Intel
--- Consumable items that give a Misc. quest pointing to the location of their associated perk magazine when their seal is broken.
--- Can be bought from vendors or (rarely) found in loot.
--- If you've already found (or are already tracking) the associated magazine, attempting to use the item will not break the seal. It can instead be sold.
--- Individual Sealed Intel items will stop spawning once you've found their associated magazine. (Already-spawned intel items will still be there, however.)
--- Note that these intel items only exist for magazines that are used as schematics in WARS; not for all perk magazines.

- Perk magazine location changes:
--- Relevant perk magazines that were only available after certain quest stages - or with certain faction requirements - had their locations changed slightly. (They're still very near to where they were.)
--- Affected magazines:
----- Guns and Bullets #08
----- Guns and Bullets #10
----- Tesla Science #05

- "Guns and Bullets" unlocks by issue number:
--- 01 - 9x19mm - Glock 17
--- 02 - 5.56x45mm - Mini-14, AR-15, SA80
--- 03 - 12 Ga - Mossberg 590, USAS-12
--- 04 - .45-70 Govt - Marlin 1895G
--- 05 - .38 Spc and .380 ACP - Walther PPK, S&W M1905 Revolver, Skorpion vz. 64/68
--- 06 - .50 BMG - Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle, M107 Anti-Materiel Rifle
--- 07 - 7.62x39mm and 7.92x33mm Kurz - Volkssturmgewehr, Handmade AKM
--- 08 - .45 ACP and 10mm Auto - M1911, Thompson SMG
--- 09 - .308 and 7.62x51mm - R700
--- 10 - .44 Mag - S&W M29 Revolver

- "Tesla Science" unlocks by issue number:
--- 01 - Gamma Cell - Gamma Gun
--- 02 - 2mm EC
--- 03 - Fusion Core
--- 04 - Microfusion Cell
--- 05 - Plasma Cartridge
--- 06 - XM76 Gauss Rifle
--- 07 - MPL Plasma Gun
--- 08 - AEG10 Gatling Laser
--- 09 - AER9 Laser Gun

- "Big Bore" unlocks by issue number:
--- 01 - Flamer Fuel - FT13 Flamethrower
--- 02 - 40x46mm - China Lake Grenade Launcher
--- 03 - CZ53 Minigun
--- 04 - Missiles - VMLS Missile Launcher
--- 05 - Cannonballs, Harpoons, Railway Spikes - Greener Harpoon Gun, Swivel Gun
--- 06 - Mini Nukes - M42 Fat Man

- Weapon Forge overhaul:
--- Now called "Builders" rather than "Forges". (Standardising many machine names as "Builder" and "Scrapper" types.)
--- Now require less power due to the added requirement for Weapon Part Builders. (See below.)
--- Weapon Builders divided into the following types:
----- Pistol/SMG Builder
----- Shotgun Builder
----- Rifle Builder
----- Energy Weapon Builder
----- Heavy Weapon Builder
----- Bladed Weapon Builder
----- Blunt Weapon Builder
----- Fist Weapon Builder

- Weapon Builders now build (ranged) weapons from a full set of loose mods for that weapon, rather than base components.
--- These lists of loose mods adhere to strict "factory default" configurations. This is a factory line, after all; not a gunsmith's workshop, producing custom pieces.
--- The Weapon Builders will accept loose mods sourced from anywhere, but a range of Weapon Part Builders have been added, allowing you to mass-produce them:
--- (Note that these Weapon Part Builders are also mostly limited to producing basic "factory default" parts, and are further divided into the same types as the Weapon Builders themselves.)
----- Barrel Builder
----- Grip/Stock Builder
----- Magazine Builder (Can produce all types of detachable magazines; not just "factory default" ones.)
----- Muzzle Device Builder
----- Receiver Builder
----- Sights Builder
----- Trigger Group Builder
--- If the "factory default" form of a weapon only calls for one loose mod (or no loose mods), that weapon will be built directly from base components, as in the base game.

- Ammo Builder overhaul:
--- Ammo Builder machines were separated out into one machine per calibre/ammo type. E.g. one machine for 9x19mm, another for 5.56x45mm, another for Microfusion Cells, etc.
----- Each Ammo Builder covers all the sub-types for that calibre. (FMJ, JHP, AP, etc.) The sub-type to be built can be selected via a connected terminal, as usual.
----- This means that - unlike in the base game - machines producing different calibres can now exist on the same power grid at the same time.
--- Ballistic ammo is now built from (and can be broken down into) more believable components; inspired by Fallout New Vegas.
----- These include newly added components like Brass, Pistol/Rifle Powder, Casings and Primers of various types, Incendiary and Explosive Material, etc.
--- Grenades and Mines are considered ammo types here, for the sake of categorisation.

- Ammo Parts Builders added:
--- These machines build the components used by the Ammo Builders (above):
----- Casings Builder
----- Primers Builder
----- Explosives Parts Builder
----- Explosives Shells Builder

- Repair Item Builder added:
--- Builds Robot Repair Kits. (From Automatron.)
--- Builds Weapon Cleaning Kits and Melee Weapon Repair Kits.

- Ammo Scrapper machine added:
--- Breaks ammo, grenades, mines and fireworks down into their components.
----- This includes "normal" components like Brass and Steel, as well as things like primers, casings and explosives parts.
--- Many ammo types only require small amounts of (say) Lead; for example only one or two units of Lead per ten rounds of ammo - so when less than ten rounds of ammo are processed, fractions of these components will be stored until there are enough to dispense. (At least one full unit.)

- Ammo Parts Scrapper machine added:
--- Breaks items like casings, primers and various explosives parts down into their components.
----- E.g. casings into Brass, primers into Brass and Explosives.
--- As with the Ammo Scrapper, component fractions will be stored until there are enough to dispense.

- Builder (and Scrapper) machine changes:
--- Now incorporate signs that indicate what the machine does, plus the input and output direction.
----- Vanilla builders were different colours, but that's it. Now you can see at a glance what a builder/scrapper does; especially useful with the increased variety of these machines available in WARS.
--- Now snap to standard floor pieces, making it much easier to build factory lines that don't gradually veer off into a wall because you couldn't align the first piece properly.
----- (Technical details: They have 4 P-Balcony01-Dif2 snap points in a square pattern, so they'll snap to the centre or edge of 256x256 floor pieces, for example. The floor must have at least one free edge when placing the Builder, but other pieces can generally be snapped to that edge once the Builder is placed.)

- Terminal changes:
--- Terminal menus now list items that you don't currently meet the perk requirements for, with a "(Locked)" suffix. Selecting those entries will tell you the requirements for the items.
----- Vanilla behaviour was to not even tell you that there was something that could be selected if you were to meet the requirements, let alone what the requirements were.

- Other machines that now also have descriptive signs and snap to standard floor pieces in the same way as Builder/Scrapper machines: (See above.)
--- Conveyor Storage
--- Sorters
--- Vacuum Hoppers

- Added Splitter (Left) and Splitter (Right).
--- Machines that take items (either entering via their input belt or that have been placed in their inventory) and split the output, alternating between their side belt and straight belt outputs.
--- Based on the Sorter machines.
--- Useful when you have multiple builders that require the same components, as is likely the case when manufacturing ammo and weapons in WARS.
--- Snap to standard floor pieces in the same way as Builder/Scrapper machines. (See above.)

- Added "Conveyor Belt - Straight, Short" - both elevated and floor variants.
--- Existing straight conveyor belts were renamed to "Medium" and "Long" respectively, to differentiate them.
--- The new Short belt is 64 units long: half the length of the Medium belt, which in turn is half the length of the Long belt.
--- The Short belt adds much needed flexibility to belt layouts.
----- E.g. it makes it possible for a belt split off from a main belt via a Sorter/Splitter to curve back in and rejoin the main belt via a Conveyor Belt Y Joiner (from Better Manufacturing).

- Conveyor Belts received a minor retex to add painted arrows on the belt, making it easy to tell their travel direction, even when unpowered.
--- Known minor issue: This conveyor belt texture is also used in the vanilla game (e.g. in factories like Beantown Brewery), and can result in arrows pointing the wrong direction in those locations. (Let's assume that someone refitted the belt at some stage and just didn't care about the arrow direction.)

- Misc:
--- IEW Laser Guns (Institute Laser Guns) and their related loose mods require the completion of the "Mankind - Redefined" quest before they can be manufactured.

- Technical issues:
--- Casings, Primers, Powder, etc are set up as components (like Steel, Copper, Rubber, etc), but are (intentionally) not treated as such by Component Sorter machines.
----- Component Sorters use a relatively heavy script to function (a vanilla script), and they can't keep up with the pace of other factory machines when the script also has to account for all the casings, primers, etc.
----- Standard "Object" Sorters use a much faster script, and work just fine with the Casings, Primers, etc - so just use Object Sorters for those items.

***Misc Changes***

- Various things like messages, loading screen descriptions and Help entries have been edited (or added) to reflect changes made by WARS.
--- Edited and added Help entries can be identified by (WARS) appearing in their titles.

- Pipe guns have had their palette file edited so that their metallic parts look less like orange cardboard and more like metal.

- Thrown grenades no longer still have the pin in them. (I'm assuming that in vanilla, the grenades self-destructed out of sympathetic embarrassment for the person who threw them without pulling the pin first.)

- Weapons no longer use generic sounds in VATS or slow-motion. Instead they use their normal sounds, slowed down. (As you might expect.)

- NPCs' detection view cone reduced from 190 to 160. (The default of 190 meant NPCs just about had eyes in the back of their heads.)

- Tesla Rifle projectiles now have impact decals.

- Increased Super Mutants' base Strength from 6 to 12.

- Ejected shell casing related settings changed:
--- fGunShellCameraDistance increased from 512 to 2048.
--- fGunShellDirectionRandomize reduced from 0.45 to 0.20.
--- fGunShellEjectSpeed increased from 160 to 320.
--- fGunShellLifetime increased from 5 to 120 (seconds).

- Projectile and impact related settings changed:
--- fGunParticleCameraDistance increased from 2048 to 20480.
--- fProjectileMaxDistance increased from 32768 to 65536.
--- iProjectileMaxRefCount increased from 15 to 256.
--- iDebrisMaxCount increased from 25 to 250.
--- iMaxAttachedArrows increased from 3 to 10.

***Automatron Robot Construction Changes***

- Player-built robot weapons now require ammo.

- Robot laser weapons require Microfusion Cells, but will switch to "Recharger" mode if they run out.
--- Recharger mode requires no ammo, but does half damage.
--- Laser beam changes colour (e.g. from red to orange or light blue to dark blue) to indicate Recharger mode.

- Detached robot weapons now have more reasonable weight values. (Rather than all weighing 0.5 lb, as in vanilla.)

- Sentry Bot miniguns:
--- Standard miniguns use 5.56x45mm ammo.
--- "Unstable Explosive Miniguns" are no longer explosive, but instead use the same .308 Win/7.62x51mm ammo as the regular minigun, with a commensurate damage increase.

- Misc robot part changes:
--- Regeneration Field torso mod HP regen reduced from 3HP/s to 0.3HP/s.

***Settlement Changes***

- Workshop Menu changes:
--- Most Workshop objects that are newly added or significantly changed by WARS appear under the Workshop menu category "WARS".
--- This new category is safely added via Settlement Menu Manager (SMM). See the Requirements section.

- Player-built turrets now require ammo. (Same goes for all turrets.)
--- Turrets have a secondary activation option that lets you access their inventory in order to give them this ammo.
--- Retrieve ammo (or anything else) in a turret's inventory before scrapping/stashing it, or it will be lost.

- Player-built turrets are no longer levelled. You can now select the specific model to build (Mk I, Mk III, etc) and these models will use a specific ammo type (denoted in their name):
--- Ballistic Turret Mk I - 9x19mm - 5 Defence
--- Ballistic Turret Mk III - 10mm Auto - 8 Defence
--- Ballistic Turret Mk V - 5.56x45mm - 12 Defence
--- Ballistic Turret Mk VII - .308 - 15 Defence
--- Laser Turret - Microfusion Cell - 8 Defence - Will revert to "Recharger" mode if out of ammo; needs no ammo but does half damage.
--- Heavy Laser Turret - Microfusion Cell - 10 Defence - Will revert to "Recharger" mode if out of ammo; needs no ammo but does half damage.
--- Shotgun Turret - 12Ga - 12 Defence
--- Missile Turret - Missile - 16 Defence

- Player-built turret component, perk and power requirements increased.
--- All turrets now require Science! rank 1 (or higher, for laser turrets).
--- Turrets that don't require power now require some Flamer Fuel (considered to be diesel, in WARS) to build. (I know it's not an ongoing fuel requirement, but at least it's something.)

- Small/Medium/Large Generators had their material requirements increased, but now produce more power.
--- Power generated was doubled:
----- Small: 3 -> 6
----- Medium: 5 -> 10
----- Large: 10 -> 20
--- These generators now all require Flamer Fuel to build, as above with the turrets that don't require power.
--- Windmill generator had its material requirements reduced slightly to make it more likely as an entry-level generator. (On a related note.)

- The Fusion Generator and Vault-Tec Reactors now require much more Nuclear Material to build, to balance against the usage of Nuclear Material in ammo crafting/breakdown. (Notably to match the way that Fusion Cores can be produced in a factory machine using 150 Nuclear Material, since the Fusion Generator ostensibly uses a Fusion Core.)
--- Generator - Fusion: 150 Nuclear Material
----- Now requires Science! rank 3, down from rank 4.
--- Vault-Tec Reactor: 200 Nuclear Material
----- Now requires Science! rank 3.
--- Vault-Tec Super-Reactor: 600 Nuclear Material
----- Now requires Science! rank 4.

***Legendary Effects Changes***

Many of the vanilla FO4 Legendary effects would only be possible if literal magic existed in the Fallout universe. Firearms are not magic wands, so WARS removes the overtly "magical" Legendary effects and replaces them with more believable effects. Some effects have also been re-balanced to better fit WARS. Some replacement effects appear more than once, as there were a LOT of magical effects to replace.

Note that if you don't start a new game after installing WARS (as recommended), some of these changes likely won't be initialised, potentially leaving you with weapon/Legendary effect combinations that don't make sense and were not intended.

Changed effects:

M4 Carbine (used by December's Child) - Reduced from +25% to +10% Fire Rate and +15% to +10% Reload Speed.
Powerful - Reduced from +25% Damage to +10% Damage.
Irradiated - Now also does 5 RAD damage to user on attack.
Rapid - Reload speed increase removed. Reduced from +25% to +15% Fire Rate.

Effects now for melee/unarmed weapons only:


Replaced effects:

Defiant -> Accurised: +20% Accuracy.
Resolute -> Back-Heavy: +10% Aim Speed. +10% Recoil.
Hitman's -> Balanced: +5% Aim Speed. -5% Recoil.
Steadfast -> Comfortable: +10% Scoped Stability.
Deadeye -> Custom: +15% Reload Speed.
Resilient -> Ergonomic: +10% Aim Speed.
Stalker's -> Front-heavy: -10% Aim Speed. -10% Recoil.
Violent -> Heavy (Ranged, Light): -10% Aim Speed. +20% Bash Damage. -10% Recoil. +0.5lb Weight.
Explosive -> Heavy (Ranged, Medium): -10% Aim Speed. +20% Bash Damage. -10% Recoil. +2lb Weight.
Incendiary -> Heavy (Ranged, Heavy): -10% Aim Speed. +20% Bash Damage. -10% Recoil. +10lb Weight.
Nimble -> Light (Ranged, Light): +10% Aim Speed. -20% Bash Damage. +10% Recoil. -0.5lb Weight.
Plasma Infused -> Light (Ranged, Medium): +10% Aim Speed. -20% Bash Damage. +10% Recoil. -2lb Weight.
Two Shot -> Light (Ranged, Heavy): +10% Aim Speed. -20% Bash Damage. +10% Recoil. -10lb Weight.
Never Ending -> Tight Tolerances: +10% Accuracy. +10% Damage. +20% Wear Rate.
VATS Enhanced (Ranged) -> Back-Heavy: +10% Aim Speed. +10% Recoil.
Lucky Weapon -> Rugged: -25% Wear Rate.
Freezing -> Rugged: -25% Wear Rate.
Junkie's -> Balanced: +5% Aim Speed. -5% Recoil.
Instigating -> Comfortable: +10% Scoped Stability.
Nocturnal -> Custom: +15% Reload Speed.
Hunter's -> Ergonomic: +10% Aim Speed.
Exterminator's -> Front-heavy: -10% Aim Speed. -10% Recoil.
Ghoul Slayer's -> Heavy (Ranged, Light): -10% Aim Speed. +20% Bash Damage. -10% Recoil. +0.5lb Weight.
Assassin's -> Heavy (Ranged, Medium): -10% Aim Speed. +20% Bash Damage. -10% Recoil. +2lb Weight.
Troubleshooter's -> Heavy (Ranged, Heavy): -10% Aim Speed. +20% Bash Damage. -10% Recoil. +10lb Weight.
Mutant Slayer's -> Light (Ranged, Light): +10% Aim Speed. -20% Bash Damage. +10% Recoil. -0.5lb Weight.
Quickdraw -> Light (Ranged, Medium): +10% Aim Speed. -20% Bash Damage. +10% Recoil. -2lb Weight.
Relentless -> Light (Ranged, Heavy): +10% Aim Speed. -20% Bash Damage. +10% Recoil. -10lb Weight.
Blazing -> Heavy (Melee, Light): +15% Damage. +0.3lb Weight.
Charged -> Heavy (Melee, Medium): +15% Damage. +2lb Weight.
Frigid -> Heavy (Melee, Heavy): +15% Damage. +10lb Weight.
Bloodied -> Light (Melee, Light): -15% Damage. -0.3lb Weight.
Berserker's -> Light (Melee, Medium): -15% Damage. -2lb Weight.
VATS Enhanced (Melee) -> Light (Melee, Heavy): -15% Damage. -10lb Weight.

Named weapons with changed effects:

Partystarter: Assassin's -> Custom
Eddie's Peace: Crippling -> Rapid
Wastelander's Friend: Crippling -> Ergonomic
The Last Minute: Crippling -> Ergonomic
Good Intentions: Enraging -> Comfortable
Spray n' Pray: Explosive -> Rapid
Kiloton: Explosive -> Powerful
Reba II: Exterminator's -> Light
The Problem Solver: Furious -> Powerful
Splattercannon: Furious -> Powerful
Ashmaker: Incendiary -> Front-heavy
The Gainer: Incendiary -> Balanced
Old Faithful: Instigating -> Rugged
Sentinel's Plasmacaster: Instigating -> Balanced
Admiral's Friend: Instigating -> Light
Sergeant Ash: Kneecapper -> Light
Virgil's rifle: Mutant Slayer's -> Irradiated
Prototype UP77: Never Ending -> Rapid
Wazer Wifle: Never Ending -> Rugged
Aeternus: Never Ending -> Rugged
Death From Above: Nimble -> Light
Radical Conversion: Penetrating -> Heavy
Defender's Harpoon Gun: Penetrating -> Back-Heavy
Kellogg's pistol: Relentless -> Balanced
Butcher's Hook: Relentless -> Wounding
Cito's Shiny Slugger: Relentless -> Wounding
Skipper's Last Stand: Resilient -> Custom
Justice: Staggering -> Heavy
Tinker Tom Special: Stalker's -> Accurised
General Chao's Revenge: Troubleshooter's -> Crippling
Big Boy: Two-Shot -> Back-Heavy
Old Reliable: Two-Shot -> Rugged
Overseer's Guardian: Two-Shot -> Back-Heavy
Deliverer: VATS Enhanced -> Powerful
Rockville Slugger: VATS Enhanced -> Heavy
The Fish Catcher: VATS Enhanced -> Crippling
Le Fusil Terribles: Violent -> Back-Heavy
AX90 Fury: Mutant Slayer's -> Rapid
Hub's Alien Blaster: Lucky Weapon -> Powerful
Righteous Authority: Lucky Weapon -> Rugged

***Legendary Enemy Changes***

- Removed "Legendary Enemy has mutated!" message. The accompanying music sting is still in for now, though.

- Changes to Legendary enemy mutation effects:
--- Mutation no longer triggers an instant full heal, but instead heals 50% of max HP over 5 seconds.
--- Double Damage now only affects melee attacks.
--- Legendary Accuracy nerfed from giving absolutely zero spread with weapons to a 40% hip-fire accuracy bonus instead. Damage bonus removed.

***Misc Fixes***
(Fixes for vanilla bugs.)

- Added collision geometry for some weapon parts that were missing it. Weapons affected:
--- Handmade AKM (Handmade Rifle)
--- Marlin 1895G (Lever Action Rifle)
--- S&W M29 Revolver (.44 Pistol)

- Flamer and Plasma Gun Flamer Barrel fix:
--- Removed VATSWeaponLongBurst keyword, which prevented subsequent shots in VATS from doing damage.

***Perk Changes***

A number of perks have been changed; primarily perks that involve damage bonuses. Ranged weapons no longer receive damage bonuses from perks as that simply doesn't make sense. A bullet fired from a gun will impart the same energy regardless of the skill of the person holding the weapon. Melee and Unarmed weapons still receive damage bonuses from perks, but generally with a lesser magnitude than in the base game.

Note that things like base damage and player/NPC HP values have been altered to account for these perk changes (among other things, covered elsewhere).

Any perks changed by WARS have also been given more explicit descriptions if necessary. (E.g. listing the percentage chance something will happen rather than just saying "a chance".)

Here are the perks that have been changed (along with notes on what's been changed and what remains the same):



Iron Fist
- All ranks now increase Unarmed damage by 5% each rather than 20% each, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Ranks 3-5 still give a chance to chance to do bonus limb damage, but the bonus was reduced from 9999x to 2x.
- Unchanged: Chance to disarm and paralyse enemies.

Big Leagues
- All ranks now increase Melee damage by 5% each rather than 20% each, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Rank 4 ability to hit all targets in front of you was removed, as this is now part of the "Sweep" attack mode for certain melee weapons. (See the Melee Changes section for more info.)
- Rank 5 still gives a chance to chance to do bonus limb damage, but the bonus was reduced from 9999x to 2x.
- Unchanged: Chance to disarm enemies. Chance for grand slam attacks.

Heavy Gunner
- Ranged and Explosive damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases recoil by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases scoped instability due to not meeting the weapon's STR REQ by a cumulative 10%, up to a max of 50% at rank 5.
- Unchanged: Chance to stagger enemies.

Steady Aim
- Rank 1 hip-fire accuracy bonus reduced from 20% to 10%.
- Rank 2 hip-fire accuracy bonus reduced from 40% to 20%.
- Rank 3 hip-fire damage bonus removed and replaced with hip-fire accuracy bonus of 30%.

- Now has a chance to knock down opponents that are roughly human-sized or smaller, as follows:
--- Rank 1: 20%.
--- Rank 2: 30%.
--- Rank 3: 40%.
--- Rank 4: 50%.
- Rank 1 gun-bashing damage bonus reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Ranks 2-4 now do an additional 5% gun-bashing damage each, down from 25% each - for a total bonus of 25% at rank 4.
- Rank 4 gun-bashing critical hit chance removed.
- Ranks 2-4 still give a chance to chance to do bonus limb damage, but the bonus was reduced from 999x to 2x.

- Rank 1 damage bonus reduced from 25% to 5%, and Damage Resistance bonus reduced from +25 to +10.
- Rank 2 damage bonus reduced from 50% to 10%, and Damage Resistance bonus reduced from +50 to +20.
- Rank 3 now gives total damage bonus of 15% and Damage Resistance bonus of +30.
- Unchanged: Chance to automatically disarm attacking enemies.


- Now only affects manually-operated (revolver and bolt/pump/lever/break-action) rifle-sized ballistic weapons. (Including the Gauss Rifle.)
- Armour penetration and damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases recoil by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases scoped instability due to not meeting the weapon's STR REQ by a cumulative 10%, up to a max of 50% at rank 5.
- Ranks 4-5 still give a chance to chance to do bonus limb damage, but the bonus was reduced from 9999x to 2x.

- Rank 2 damage bonus removed.
- Unchanged: Ability to view target's damage resistances in VATS. VATS accuracy bonus.

Demolition Expert
- Explosion damage and scale bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank now reduces damage taken from explosions by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 20% at rank 4.
- Perk description now makes it clear that each rank unlocks a higher tier of explosives crafting recipes.
- Unchanged: Grenade throwing arc. Explosives crafting recipes unlocked.

Night Person
- Rank 3 health bonus reduced from +30 to +20.
- Unchanged: INT and PER bonuses at night.

- Rank 2 knock-down chance (while using scoped, non-automatic rifle) reduced from 15% to 10%.
- Unchanged: Increased scope steadiness and breath-holding time at rank 1, increased head-shot accuracy in VATS at rank 3.

Concentrated Fire
- Rank 2 was fixed so that it grants +15% accuracy per VATS attack, as per its description - rather than +15% damage.
- Rank 3 damage bonus removed.
- Unchanged: Successive attacks in VATS increasing VATS accuracy.


Life Giver
- Rank 3 HP regen reduced from 0.5%/s to 0.05%/s.
- Unchanged: +20 max HP per rank.

Adamantium Skeleton
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their limb damage reductions reduced from 30%, 60% and 100% to 25%, 50% and 75% respectively.

- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their incoming-radiation-healing rates reduced from 50%, 100% and 150% to 25%, 50% and 75% respectively.
- Rank 4 now has an incoming-radiation-healing rate of 100%.
- Unchanged: Chance for feral ghouls to become friendly. Rads slowly decreasing with Rank 4.

Solar Powered
- Rank 2 Rad reduction rate reduced from 1%/s to 0.2%/s.
- Rank 3 HP regen reduced from 0.5%/s to 0.1%/s.
- Unchanged: STR and END bonuses during the day.


Black Widow/Lady Killer
- Damage bonus now only affects melee/unarmed attacks.
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their damage bonuses reduced from 5%, 10% and 15% to 2%, 4% and 6% respectively.
- Unchanged: Increased persuasion success chances.

Lone Wanderer
- Damage bonus, Damage reduction bonuses and carry weight bonuses removed.
- New Rank 1 description: "You move more quickly and quietly on your own. When adventuring without a companion, you move 5% faster and are 5% harder to detect."
- These bonuses increase by a cumulative 5% for each rank, up to a max of 20% at rank 4.
- Unchanged: Bonus AP with rank 4.

Attack Dog
- Rank 4 damage reduction removed.
- Rank 4 now doubles both Dogmeat's chance to cripple enemies and the bleeding damage he does. (To 20% and 4 HP/s for 5s, respectively.)
- Unchanged: VATS accuracy bonus on enemies held by Dogmeat.

- The "player can't hurt companions" and "companions can't hurt player" effects were removed. No such thing as friendly fire.
- Damage bonus now only affects melee/unarmed attacks.
- Unchanged: Companion damage resistance and carry weight bonuses.


- This is now the weapon skill perk for all Energy weapons (barring Heavy weapons).
--- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 20% at rank 4.
--- Each rank decreases recoil by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 20% at rank 4.
--- Each rank decreases scoped instability due to not meeting the weapon's STR REQ by a cumulative 10%, up to a max of 40% at rank 4.
--- Rank 3 gives a 1% chance to knock opponents down (by "overwhelming their senses"). Rank 4 increases this chance to a total of 3%.
- Unchanged: Ranks 1-4 unlock high-tech crafting recipes.

Nerd Rage!
- Damage bonus now only affects melee/unarmed attacks.
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their damage bonuses reduced from 20%, 30% and 40% to 10%, 20% and 30% respectively.
- HP restored by killing an enemy while raging reduced from 50 to 25.
- Unchanged: Damage resistance bonuses.


- Now affects all pistol-sized ballistic weapons (full-auto or otherwise).
- Damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Rank 2 and 3 range bonuses removed.
- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases recoil by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases scoped instability due to not meeting the weapon's STR REQ by a cumulative 10%, up to a max of 50% at rank 5.
- Rank 5 still gives a chance to chance to do bonus limb damage, but the bonus was reduced from 9999x to 2x.
- Unchanged: Chance to disarm enemies.

- Now affects all semi/burst/full-auto rifle-sized ballistic weapons.
- Damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases recoil by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.
- Each rank decreases scoped instability due to not meeting the weapon's STR REQ by a cumulative 10%, up to a max of 50% at rank 5.
- Unchanged: Chance to stagger enemies.

Mister Sandman
- Silenced weapon sneak attack damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Silenced weapons now have a cumulative 3% chance to do 2x limb damage per rank, to a max of 9% at rank 3.
- Unchanged: Ability to instantly kill a sleeping person.

- Ranged weapon sneak attack damage multiplier bonuses were removed.
- Rank 1, 2 and 3 Melee/unarmed/bashing sneak attack damage multipliers reduced from 4x, 5x and 10x to 2x, 2.5x and 3x respectively.
- Vanilla bugfixes:
--- All ranks now consistently affect all melee and unarmed weapons, plus bashing attacks with ranged weapons.
--- Bonuses are now multiplicative rather than additive, avoiding order of operations inconsistencies when combined with other perks.

Quick Hands
- Rank 1 Reload Speed bonus reduced from +35% to +20%.
- Rank 3 AP bonus increased from +10 to +15. (Since you can gain 10 AP - and more - simply by increasing AGI by 1.)
- Unchanged: Reloading guns costing no AP in VATS.

- Rank 1 and 2 damage bonuses reduced from +25% and +50% to +5% and +10% respectively.
- Rank 3 now gives you +15% damage to your fourth VATS target and beyond.
- Rank 3 no longer gives you automatic critical hits against your fourth VATS target and beyond.


- Rank 4 no longer has a 5% (+Luck) chance to somehow spontaneously manifest ammo out of thin air when you fire the last round in your weapon.
- Rank 4 now increases your chances of finding extra ammo in containers beyond what Rank 3 does.
- Unchanged: Chance of finding extra ammo in containers.

Bloody Mess
- Damage bonuses are no longer certain, but instead:
--- Rank 1 has a 5% chance for +5% damage.
--- Rank 2 has a 10% chance for +5% damage.
--- Rank 3 has a 15% chance for +10% damage.
--- Rank 4 has a 20% chance for +10% damage.
- Rank 4 no longer has a chance to cause your enemies to literally go to pieces at the mere sight of their allies somehow exploding when shot in the toe with a pistol bullet.
- Unchanged: Enemies sometimes exploding when gently nudged. (As much as I'd like to remove this effect, it's kind of integral to the whole concept of the perk.)

Better Criticals
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their extra damage bonuses reduced from +50%, +100% and +150% to +10%, +20% and +30% respectively.

Bobblehead perks:

Big Guns Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with heavy weapons to cripple a limb.

Energy Weapons Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with energy weapons to cripple a limb.

Explosives Bobblehead
- Damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with explosives to cripple limbs.

Melee Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with melee weapons to stagger opponent.

Small Guns Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives +5% stability when aiming with scopes on ballistic weapons.

Unarmed Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for unarmed attacks to stagger opponent.

Magazine perks:

Astoundingly Awesome 1
- Health regen removed.
- Now gives +10 max HP.

Astoundingly Awesome 2
- Damage bonus with scoped weapons removed.
- Now gives +5% stability when aiming with scopes.

Astoundingly Awesome 3
- Damage reduction vs. robots removed.
- Now gives +5% DAM vs. robots.

Astoundingly Awesome 7
- Damage bonus at night removed.
- Now gives +5% Kill XP at night.

Guns and Bullets
- No longer increases critical damage with ballistic weapons.
- Each issue now unlocks crafting for different ballistic weapons and ammo sub-types. See the "Factory Crafting (Contraptions)" section above for more info.

Tesla Science
- No longer increases critical damage with Energy weapons.
- Each issue now unlocks crafting for different Energy weapons and ammo sub-types. See the "Factory Crafting (Contraptions)" section above for more info.

- Chance to avoid all damage from an attack removed.
- Each rank now gives +2% XP gained.

Companion perks:

Know Your Enemy
- Damage bonus vs. Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants and Synths reduced from +20% to +10%.

Cloak & Dagger
- Sneak attack damage bonus removed.
- Now makes you 10% harder to detect while sneaking.
- (Stealth Boy duration bonus was unchanged.)

- Having 250 rads or more now gives you +25% AP regen rate rather than +20% Critical Hit generation rate.

Hunter's Wisdom
- Damage/Energy Resistance reduction for animals and sea creatures reduced from 25% to 15%.

United We Stand
- Damage bonus removed.
- Damage Resistance bonuses reduced from +20 to +10.

- Melee damage bonus when below 25% HP reduced from +20% to +10%.

Far Harbour perks:

Crusader of Atom/Inquisitor of Atom
- Damage bonus when irradiated now only affects melee/unarmed/bashing attacks.
- Damage bonus per 100 rads reduced from +10% to +5%, for a max of +45% at >900 rads.

Destroyer of Acadia
- Damage bonus (20% chance when HP falls below 20%, lasts for 30s) now only affects melee/unarmed/bashing attacks.
- Damage bonus reduced from 4x to +40%.
- Vanilla bugfix(?): perk animation should now play when effect is triggered.

Far Harbor Survivalist
- Vanilla bugfix: now actually works. (Gain +5 to all resistances.)

Protector of Acadia
- Damage/Energy Resistance bonuses (20% chance when HP falls below 20%, lasts for 30s) reduced from +1000 each to +100 each.
- Vanilla bugfix(?): perk animation should now play when effect is triggered.

Nuka-World perks:

Ace Operator
- Damage bonus with silenced weapons removed.
- Gives 3% chance for attacks with silenced weapons to cripple limbs.
- Unchanged: +10% stealth while in shadows.

Pack Alpha
- Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 5%.
- Damage bonus with melee/unarmed weapons reduced from +25% to +5%.

SCAV! - Bladed Bravado
- Damage bonus with Combat Knife and Switchblade reduced from +25% to +5%.

SCAV! - Cautionary Crafts
- Damage bonus with explosives removed.
- Now gives 5% damage reduction from explosions.

Non-player perks:

Courser perks
- Courser versions of the Commando and Gunslinger perks were altered in the same way as the player versions of those perks. (See above.)
- Courser "Accuracy" perk nerfed from giving them absolutely zero spread with weapons to a 40% hip-fire accuracy bonus instead.

crDamage (and similar) perks
- These perks were used to give certain characters/creatures a blanket damage penalty or bonus; ranging from 50% to 300% of normal damage.
- These perks now do nothing, as you shouldn't have to look at two people holding identical firearms and wonder if one is going to magically do three times the per-shot damage of the other.

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