WARS - Conflicts/Known Issues


- A note on conflicts: WARS is going to conflict with a lot of mods, as it's an overhaul. Changing a lot of things is the whole point, really. Mods associated with weapons and certain aspects of combat are the most likely to conflict. WARS also edits a number of NPC and Race records in order to normalise HP/DR/ER values, so this is another likely conflict area.

- Mods that add new NPCs set to spawn with a specific weapon in their inventory (as opposed to one of the existing general "weapon pool" levelled lists like "LLI_Weapons_Citizen" or "LLI_Raider_Weapons") will likely spawn with no ammo - so mods like these will need a compatibility patch to resolve that.

- Any compatible changes from the following mods that would otherwise be overridden by WARS were brought forward into WARS:
- Note 1: Only changes that didn't require making the mod an explicit requirement were brought forward.
- Note 2: Load WARS after these mods.
--- Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P)

***Known Issues***

- Load times:
--- LATER NOTE: As of the WARS v1.0.1 update, this appears to be fixed, or at least dramatically improved. (The thing is, I don't know what fixed the issue.) So the below may not apply anymore.
--- With WARS installed, time to load saves will likely gradually increase as a playthrough progresses. For example, ~76 hours into a test playthrough, load times were around two minutes - up from around 45 seconds at the start of the playthrough. (And at 240 hours, load times were up to around five minutes.)
--- To be clear, this only impacts time to load save-games; once you're in the game, load times when going through a load door will be as usual.
--- I'll also note that this was with storing the game on a traditional hard drive, not an SSD. You can probably expect faster load times with an SSD, obviously.
--- This appears to be due to the more complex "weapon loadout" levelled lists (LVLIs) required by WARS being in the inventories of the high number of NPCs used by the game.
--- These loadout LVLIs were already simplified during testing, reducing load times by ~60%. They can't practically be simplified any further while maintaining WARS' functionality.
--- Additionally, these increased load times would be apparent right from starting a new game (rather than gradually increasing over time) if WARS didn't clear out the weapon LVLIs of the majority of NPCs and then inject the loadout LVLIs from WARS into them, via script.
--- To any wizards out there who know the game engine well enough and can create DLLs and whatnot: This apparent weirdness in the way FO4 evaluates the inventory contents of all(?) NPCs in the game upon loading into the game (if that is what is happening) would be an excellent thing to fix, if possible.

- Notes on animations: Weapons with new animations have new first-person animations in and out of power armour, and new third-person animations when out of power armour. They don't have new third-person animations for when inside power armour, at this stage. (Instead using vanilla animations, which don't always match perfectly.) Making third-person power armour animations requires a dedicated power armour skeleton rig, and one didn't exist when most of the animation sets in WARS were made. Dedicated third-person power armour animations aren't planned for now, as even with a rig now available, the relevant animations (e.g. reloads) would all have to be done basically from scratch, as far as I can tell, which is quite a lot of work.

- Physical Mags System animations: Currently there are no dedicated reload animations for weapons that have "no mag" attached, leading to some janky reload anims in that case. It'd be great to have them, but a new, unique reload animation for this for every detachable-mag weapon would be a ton of work, so this isn't planned for now.

- M1911 animation issues:
--- In the "vertical foregrip" first-person power armour animations, the left hand doesn't grip the foregrip (instead supporting the main hand as usual) - even though the same animation files have the correct grip when out of power armour. No idea why at this stage.
--- In the "off-hand knife" third-person animations, the knife is essentially glued to the pistol rather than moving with the left hand, as in the first-person animations. I'm not sure if the game's setup for third-person animations would support this working as intended.

- The Skorpion vz. 64/68 is somewhat bigger than it realistically should be. This is due to it initially being set up to use Hitman's Kiparis animation set, requiring it to be a certain size. Later when I did my own animations for it, I decided against resizing the weapon. I didn't feel great about the decision, but it would have required a lot of extra work to resize it - e.g. editing or even replacing all the attachments to fit.

- Fiddling with the inventory of a turret while it's actively shooting at something - notably taking the ammo it's currently using - may confuse it and prevent it from firing for a while. Prompting it to reassess its ammo options seems to fix it; e.g. by adding something to its inventory, or perhaps when combat stops/starts.

- The system that allows NPCs to swap between ammo sub-types might not work perfectly if the NPC is carrying more than one copy of a particular weapon. (However it probably won't be very noticeable.)

- The ammo sub-type/fire-mode/attack-mode indicator on the HUD will not update on switching weapons if the weapons are currently holstered. It will update when the weapon is drawn, however, so this is mainly just cosmetic.
--- This is a side-effect of blocking "events" like swapping ammo or switching fire modes from taking effect while a weapon is holstered, which had the potential to cause problems.

- "Fire Mode Switch Failed". Seemingly rare issue only encountered once in testing so far. The effect controlling Fire/Attack Mode switching for a weapon had gotten stuck on the player somehow, instead of being removed as usual when un-equipping the weapon. In my case the stuck effect was from a melee weapon. To fix it, simply equip and un-equip that weapon again. (Another copy of the weapon should work too.) The easiest way to identify which weapon was the culprit is to install Active Effects on HUD, and look at the new "Effects" tab it adds to the Pip-Boy, in the STAT section. Any active Fire Mode effects will be listed there, with the weapon name showing in the left column.

- The ammo swap menu showing up more than once when you hit the Swap Ammo button, with the extra menu/s listing an ammo type not used by your currently equipped weapon. I haven't been able to reproduce this one on my end; seems rare. Seems similar to the "Fire Mode Switch Failed" issue above - effects from previously equipped weapons getting stuck on the player somehow - and can be solved in the same way. Identify the weapon/s in question using the "Active Effects on HUD" mod (if it shows up there when you don't have it currently equipped, you've got this bug), then equip/unequip one of those weapons. It's been reported that any weapon of the same type will work, but just in case: "Active Effects on HUD" will list specific effects like "9x19mm JHP" or "Condition: Very Dirty". If it turns out that you need to equip/unequip a matching weapon with those exact effects, that's how you'll be able to tell what you need.

- Weapons sometimes seem to get "stuck", refusing to swap ammo or potentially even reload. Seems pretty rare so far. Loading a save seems to fix it. (Possibly along with swapping weapons back and forth?)
--- Possibly related to having more than one copy of that weapon in inventory? Usually that's fine and causes no problems, but I don't know the cause of this issue yet, so maybe it can be a problem sometimes?

- Potential minor issue with the Physical Mags system: Ammo that was picked up from the game world or produced in a factory machine (rather than found in a container or bought from a vendor) can become "fragmented". (If you try to drop a stack of it from your inventory, it may drop as multiple stacks.) This can lead to what seems to be a vanilla bug with script functions where only one of an item is taken from the player, instead of the correct amount. The worst this seems to do re: the Physical Mags system though is occasionally cause only one round of ammo to drop in a mag, when a higher number should have dropped.

- Another minor issue with the Physical Mags system: It can cause spare mags to show up in inventory menus as two separate stacks, rather than the usual single stack. This doesn't seem to have any other effect on anything, so... mostly just cosmetic.

- Loose Mods that are part of the "Universal" weapon mod system are treated as "junk" items when pressing the "Store all junk" button while interacting with a Workshop-linked container.
--- A prominent example would be the STANAG mags used by the AR-15 and SA80.

- Ballistic bubble turrets use hitscan projectiles, as actual ballistic projectiles were impacting the surface the turret was attached to, due to them originating from behind the turret meshes.

- The Extra Weapon Info function can be triggered if the key it's bound to is pressed while renaming something (e.g. an Automatron robot), causing its window to show up on top of the renaming window. Annoying, but it doesn't actually prevent you from renaming whatever it is.

- NPCs set to spawn with a weapon record placed directly in their inventory (as opposed to the weapon being in a levelled list) may result in the weapon script/s not initialising on that weapon, as the OnEquipped event doesn't appear to fire in that case. Rare and probably not that noticeable to the player. (This more concerns mod authors than mod users.)

- During the closed beta, one tester reported that the HUD widget in AmmoTweaks would not show up for them. (Technically an issue with AmmoTweaks rather than WARS, but worth mentioning.)

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  1. antistar
    • premium
    • 1,603 kudos
    I've locked the comments here since the notifications system doesn't currently work well for comments on articles. (The notification takes you to the mod page generally, and doesn't even say which article the comment was made on, let alone take you to the article.)

    Please post in the general comments section instead, found under the Posts tab.

    Edit: Never mind! The "Lock This Thread" button doesn't seem to actually work! Instead I'm going to just have to repeat in big ugly red text:

    Please post in the general comments section instead, found under the Posts tab.
  2. Dragoninja0915
    • member
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    The model for the assault rifle breaks when it is equipped
    The magazine is floating outside of the rifle and when I aim the gun moves to the bottom of the screen
    IDK if it's because I did something wrong or forgot to download a required mod
    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,603 kudos
      If you could post screenshots or a video of what you're talking about, it may help me to be more specific, but that sounds like you've got a conflicting mod installed. Please see the FAQ and WARS installation instructions for more info.

      I'm going to lock the comments here (unrelated to your post - see the post I'll make in a moment for why), so please post in the regular comments section under the Posts tab if you need to follow up on this.
  3. J3plan3
    • member
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    Hi Antistar,

    Encountered an issue when a mag drops. I can no longer pick it up. It becomes a storage.

    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,603 kudos
      See my reply to UltoraRed66669 below.
  4. UltoraRed66669
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    everything works perfectly fine except there are no spent casings dropped in my mags. i have to load it up with ammo and then pick it up. any advice?? 
    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,603 kudos
      That sounds like an issue with Lighthouse - most commonly due to having let FO4 update to the "next-gen" version, since Lighthouse hasn't been updated for that version. See the sticky comment in the Posts tab (at the time of writing) for more info.
  5. Ulitka123
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    My mags not detaching even settings set to 2 - always drop mag. It can be tied to me using older UF4 patch and older F4SE + game downgraded by F4 Downgrader?
    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,603 kudos
      That sounds most likely to be an issue with Lighthouse and/or its requirements. E.g. they're not installed correctly or at all.

      (If it's not a simple conflict, that is. See the WARS installation instructions for info on identifying conflicts.)
  6. attarZHR
    • member
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    i cant switch ammo type what up with this?
    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,603 kudos
      Could be due to a problem with one or more of WARS' required mods - or the requirements for those mods.

      Could also be due to the install/deployment order of WARS relative to AmmoTweaks being incorrect. You should see the MCM entry as "AmmoTweaks-WARS" rather than just "AmmoTweaks".

      Could also be due to a simple conflict - and/or due to not disabling/deleting the AmmoTweaks "default" plugins. (Because that is a conflict, in this case.)

      See the installation instructions for more info on all these things.