Version 2.02

  • Added "Valenti Station - Lower Level," which has a friendly subway town, modified from Frost. Also added portions of the connecting tunnels from Frost.
  • Connected Valenti Station in between Postal Square Station and Boston Airport Station.
  • Added lights where missing for fire barrels and lanterns
  • Changed ambient light in tunnels to the standard of vanilla stations, resolving minor conflict with certain lighting mods
  • Added FOMOD option for darker tunnels and minor compat patches.
  • Added Bypass to go around the station of "The Dig" for the tunnel from Postal Square to Medical Center.
  • Locked doors to "The Dig" behind key found in "The Dig" to prevent quest stage skipping.
  • Renamed "The Dig <-> Medical Center" to "Medical Center <-> Postal Square" and "Abandoned Tunnel" to "Postal Square <-> Medical Center"
  • Boston Airport Station wall tiles, red to blue to match Boston Airport Ruins.
  • Swapped layout of Fenway Station and University Point Station
  • Fenway Station wall tiles, red to green.
  • Filled University Point Station with Synths

Version 2.01.1
  • Changed lighting in new stations to be in line with vanilla stations.
  • Changed lighting in tunnels to be moodier/darker, borrowed settings from ELFx.
  • Connected Vault-88 to "West Roxbury <-> Scrap Palace" Tunnel. Door is locked behind key found in Vault-88.
  • "West Roxbury <-> Scrap Palace" renamed to "Abandoned Tunnel" -- Scrap Palace isn't a station.
  • Fixed Fenway Station door to outside sometimes placing the player behind the door.
  • Made Fenway Station interior door match the exterior door.

Confirmed Plans:
  • Custom random encounters in the tunnels to give the tunnels increased variety and replayability.
  • Connect and expand Kenmore Station, use additional cell to keep vanilla precombines intact, CC integration?
  • Open up inaccessible doors at Valenti Station. Add a water source and glow fungus processing area, maybe into Radaway?
  • Generally increase variety and flavor of new tunnels and stations, reduce cookie-cutter vibe some of them have.
  • Fleshout Fenway Station in particular -- structures, better lighting, maybe vendor(s), fortification, especially in adjoining tunnels
  • Quest for BoS to take over Boston Airport Station, player clears ghouls, is rewarded, BoS move in, brings equipment with them
  • At least one workshop settlement somewhere
  • Improve shape and size of lighting from Subway Lights
  • Add more light sources to human occupied areas
  • Fix light bleeding through some walls through use of lightboxes
  • Connect Boston Airport Station to the collapsed section of station inside Boston Airport Ruins from "Duty and Dishonor." Lock door behind key inside of Boston Airport Ruins to prevent quest stage skipping.

Potential Plans:
  • Perhaps move concord entrance down the road a bit so it's not so tightly squeezed in.
  • South of the Sea integration patch? Find a good tunnel connection spot, add additional tunnel beyond scrap palace tunnel heading into the glowing sea connecting to SotS
  • Quests from Stationmaster Valenti?
  • Improve Lechmere Station compat, currently patch resolves conflict, add in tunnel integration.
  • Add option to hack subway announcement systems, turn off announcements or swap to radio stations. See Ashland Station for example
  • If feeling ambitious consider adding some light quests and dungeons branching off of the tunnels
  • New stations at Quincy, Salem, Hagen, Nuka-Transit(Commonwealth Side)?
  • Salem - flooded tunnel, station's top floor intact, bottom floor caved in with giant sinkhole, mirelurks + mirelurk queen

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  1. GreasyRandingo
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I would love to see way more lights in human-inhabited areas, especially in the station and tunnels under Diamond City so the guards aren't wandering around in the pitch black. It would really cool (and helpful) to see big floodlights set up as a sort of defensive perimeter. Could even expand it much more and add traders down there, etc.
    1. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      Yes, that's the plan.
  2. uwuavocado
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank both of you for this mod, it was a huge coincidence to me as I only just checked out the original mod from 2016 a few days ago and discovered it was very incompatible with my load order. Lo and behold, I see this in the hot mods section right after and crazier to imagine that it'd been exclusive until that moment. Good timing.

    I spent a good few hours traversing all of the routes and having done that am I more glad this revival exists. The tunnels are very immersive to travel through and things like there being no music or the tracks being mostly bare I think greatly contribute to that feeling. Instead of it feeling like a very guided and deliberate level that pulls your hand along an intended course, it feels more like an actual abandoned subway system that people used to take to get around Boston.

    Many times I would walk all the way down one passage only to find the end is blocked and then having to backtrack to find another way (which would also be blocked) but this was fun and not frustrating. I think the distances between stations are very good; they're not too long to where I begin to become bored, and not too short to where I start thinking people should avoid catching trains in Boston and just use their legs.

    I think the transitions between vanilla locations and the ones in this mod could be more consistent, like one door in a train will lead
    to a door in a tunnel, etc. I don't believe the tracks need much more detail, maybe patches of rubble here and there so they aren't perfectly pristine but otherwise I think overdecorating these sections of travel would be detrimental to the feeling of it being a journey and not a shooting gallery. Although, the debris could be more diverse like using concrete rubble as opposed to metal debris.

    As for enemy locations (not including synths or ghouls), they would stand to benefit from being more decorative with things like homely setups and more loot. The Diamond City guards I think should have flood lights pointing down the ways they're guarding from rather than siting in the dark. Lastly, mutants just need more fire things.

    I'm using ELFX and I like the tracks being pitch black (they sort of put you on edge as you can't see too far in front of you)  but I wish the few lights that are on would have larger radius's; they feel rather useless and they break the blackness in more of an annoying way. Otherwise the lighting is good to me.
    1. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      Glad you've enjoyed it!

      I'll definitely need to do a pass of the doors to make sure they match on both sides. I also agree re: concrete debris. The flood lights for the DC guards was my exact thought, also a turret or two as well as a lot more lighting in general + cover, probably some chairs and an eating area, etc. All of the areas will eventually be fleshed out though.

      And yes I'm also going to do a pass of most of the light sources to make sure they produce the correct amount of light. Many bits from the original weren't fully setup in that regard.
  3. rsm000rsm
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Just an FYI (if you haven't already checked into it), but Settlements Redone - Fens Way Station is the Kenmore Station. Pra renamed it upon remaking Tarsis31's Kenmore Subway Station.
    1. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      I’m aware, the way I intend on expanding and connecting it would technically be compatible with that though I suppose it should have its name changed back to Kenmore.
    2. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 192 kudos
      Is it the same station as the Fenway Park station? Pra states the name change is because the station says "Fens Way Station" on it, but that's confusing if there's another station with "Fenway" attached to it.

      Either way, I'm sure you'll get this ungainly beast worked out in the end. You conquered University Point, so what's a few subway stations by comparison? ;-)
    3. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      Ah, perhaps it would be better to rename the Fenway station added by this mod then and allow Kenmore to be Fenway, if its sign does match as mentioned. We’ll see.
  4. chrislor2882
    • BANNED
    • 242 kudos
    very promising, keep the good work!
    1. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      Thank you!
  5. kahrnivor
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Tunnels in between should have more destruction in them. Perhaps they can be shorter to compensate. No way they would be intact. Some should be flooded. I always liked the design of Metro.
    1. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      A few of them are flooded closer to the shore, and many of them have collapsed sections, but I'm definitely planning on adding more detail down the road.
  6. gotimas
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    Awesome, will be keeping up.   
    I would love to see the vault 88 integration, Quincy station, and maybe some glowing sea area.  
    Also, do you consider integration with Unique Scavs?
    1. tenhats
      • premium
      • 266 kudos
      Quincy would make sense for a station, honestly every large community could potentially have one. I definitely have interest in the glowing sea as well. Unique scavs is a maybe, I’d need to dig into it.