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About this mod

Craftable, Moddable Shields for the Player, Companion's & Settler's. As well as various NPC's wearing Shields across the Wasteland.

Permissions and credits
You may want to check out my single version for Player and Follower only. Quest based mod. No NPC's wear shields.
Just you and if you want, a follower who is with you. The Wasteland Guardian.


* Fixed issue with radiation seeping through and damaging player.
* Fixed all fire, cold ect... damage types on shield.
* Fixed duration of spells like Fire when it is on you, it is reduced.
* Adjusted a few coding errors.


Before you dive deep into gameplay after installing a new mod, ones specifically that alter player and NPC stats as well as gives perks like this one. It is suggested that you have a clean save before installing the mod. Toy around with the mod, testing it out as much as possible. Try not to go to far into the game. Do enough that you are willing to sacrifice the loss for if the mod is not what is expected. That way you can just go back to the previous fresh save without loosing to much.

Wasteland Energy Shields is a shielding system you craft and mod for yourself, companions and settlers.
Gather the shield pieces from various NPC's to craft them.
Continue reading for information on how it works, the different shields and more.

When you first load WES, you will be given 16 pieces to start out with plus the settings Holotape.
You can and should, build yourself the "Wastelander's Shield", a beginners shield at the nearest Chemistry Station.
Then you can either mod it or build your companion a shield.

This Mod Requires both Automatron and Far Harbor DLC's
======> This Also Requires HUDFramework <======

Also recommended to use Armorsmith Extended along with Armor and Weapon Keywords.
With this mod to be able to still wear your Wedding Ring along with WES.


When using WES-AE.esp... the ring uses the [U] L Arm slot. A hidden underarm slot.
When not using WES-AE.esp, is just uses the ring slot. This ESP is only if you want to wear your wedding ring.

Armor Keywords Vaultsuit and some other armors may and do use that [U] slot.
Armorsmith Extended should fix the issue and it changes some items and mostly removes [U] slots.
For example Vaultsuit is just BODY.

If shields still unequip armor and vice versa, then it is using the same slot.
Most likely using both [U] L Arm and [U] R Arm.
You will have to patch it yourself.

Any custom armor mods, you will have to change.


Information on Shields
The idea of the shields is to offer a limited time of limited immunity before actually taking full damage. These shields are not meant for you just stand there and take tons of damage surrounded by large groups. They will go down fairly fast. Even more so from higher level NPC's. As you level and get higher shields and mods, they will become more powerful and will be able to handle much more damage. Any further damage reduction from any other sources will also improve your shields durability.

These will work in Power Armor.
Please, no questions as to why you can not Unequip them in Power Armor. You should know why.
You can not "Unequip Gear" in Power Armor. Shield is a Ring. That is on your hand. That is in a big metal glove.

Each shield has four pieces that you have to find. Once you have the four pieces, you will be able to craft that shield at the Chemistry Workbench.

Once the Shield is created, you can attach mods at the Armor Workbench
Each section can be modded.
Mods listed below.

The Four Shield Sections:
- Energy Component
- Delay Component
- Recharge Component
- Rate Component

Named Shield Component's (Example):
- Scavenger Energy Component
- Scavenger Delay Component
- Scavenger Recharge Component
- Scavenger Rate Component

You will also need 1 Crystal & 1 Gold to craft each Named Shields.

Modding Component's:
These and named shield component's can be used to create mods for each shield's mod section:
- Energy Shield Energy Component
- Energy Shield Delay Component
- Energy Shield Recharge Component
- Energy Shield Rate Component

These are also used for Companion and Settler shields and mods.
Explained Further Below.

For modding you can use, for instance, "Scavenger Capacity Component" to create a capacity mod. As it can be scrapped to an "Energy Shield Capacity Component" if you drop it and scrap it. Basically, any "Capacity Component", "Delay Component" ect... can be used for creating mods and Non player shields.

How it Works
Player Shields offer different bonus's aimed for varying play styles. These bonus's are only available while the shield is active. When you put a shield on, you will receive 1 Perk.

The Shields Perk has a spell to give +500 Resist All. Incoming Damage, Fall Damage & Stagger reduced by 50%. All Limb Damage Eliminated. And any bonus effects attached to that shield.

When wearing a named shield, the perk will contain the shields bonus information.
Scavengers Example Display:
+75 Carry Weight & 15% Persuasion.

Every time you loose health, the shield absorbs the damage. Sometimes you will notice your life bar jump around some. That I can not control as well.

Shield Swapping
You can swap shields at any time. However, if the shield has depleted and
has not fully reached it's full recharge, it will place a debuf on you
if you decide to swap shields and must wait 30 seconds for it to

There really should be no reason to swap shields during combat and or when they are recharging (mostly recharge delay). That was not the intended gameplay. Let one deplete then just swap to another shield.

Shield Hits Effects
The shield has 4 color stages.
Blue => 74-100%
Green => 54-75%
Yellow => 26-50%
Red => 1-25%

Every time you are hit, you will see one of the four colors for half a second.
When not in combat, every 30 seconds, you and anyone else wearing a shield with show the shield color for 1 second. While the shield is recharging, you will see each of the colors as it recharges, depending on how low it was.

When you equip a shield on yourself or anyone else, you will see a blue field (like in photos above).
That lets you know it is running.

These can be enabled or disabled in the Settings Holotape.

Shield Sound Effects

There are also 2 sound effect.
1. When equipped or unequipped..
2. When depleted.
3. When recharged.

All of which are different Stealthboy sounds separated.

Player HUD & New Follower HUD
The HUD had has two modes of display. In Power Armor and not in Power Armor. You can position each one individually. 

Preset Positions listed below in Settings Holotape section.
Move individual shields via console commands.

neoenergyshieldshud is for Player
neoenergyshieldsfollowershud is for Follower

Set Position:
cqf neoenergyshieldshud setpos <x value> <y value>
cqf neoenergyshieldsfollowershud setpos <x value> <y value>

cqf neoenergyshieldshud setpos 10 10
Set the HUD's current X & Y posiiton to 10

Adjust Current Position:
cqf neoenergyshieldshud modpos <x or y> <value>
cqf neoenergyshieldsfollowershud modpos <x or y> <value>

cqf neoenergyshieldshud modpos x 10
Move the HUD's current X position +10 of it's current location

cqf neoenergyshieldshud modpos 10 10
Move the HUD's current X & Y positions +10 of it's current location

Set Scale:
cqf neoenergyshieldshud setscale <scale>
cqf neoenergyshieldsfollowershud setscale <scale>
Scale is 1 is default size. 0.1 - 0.99 is smaller. 1.1 + is larger

All these commands can be copied and pasted into the console.

The HUD shows the shields current health and both timers. Each timer will count down individually. So first you will see the recharge
delay count down, from say 20 to 1. Give shield some health. Then the recharge rate, say which is 8 seconds, starts counting down to 1 and
repeats until sheild is recharged.

All timers reset when you are hit or the shields looses health.

New Follower HUD
Now there is a HUD for just one follower at the moment. It has all the same exact options as the Players HUD. New options are in Settings Holotape.

cqf neoenergyshieldsfollowershud modpos x 10
cqf neoenergyshieldsfollowershud modpos y 10

Settings Holotape
Player & Follower HUD Positions:
(Direction Facing, Position)
Auto Hide HUD - (Displays for 30 seconds after equipping a ring. When in combat. While Recharging.)
Always Show HUD
Always Hide HUD (Follower Only)
Left, Top
Left, Center
Left, Above Health Bar (None Power Armor)
Right, Top
Right, Center
Right, Above Health Bar (None Power Armor)
Right, Left Side of Compass(Default None Power Armor)

Shield Modes
Enable NPC Shields
Disable NPC Shields (Default)
- Set weather NPC's wearing shields use the shield effect and abilities.

Mode 1: Players & NPC's with Crafted Shields take slight damage to health. (Default)
Mode 2: Players & NPC's with Crafted Shields take slight damage to health.
Mode 3: Only Enemy NPC's take minimal damage while shield is active.

Shield Spawning
Enable Random Named Shields Drops: Named Shields will randomly drop from NPC's instead from specific NPC's.
Disable Random Named Shields Drops: Named Shields will only drop from specific NPC's listed in Shield Info. (Default)

Low Named Drop Rate: Named shields are harder to obtain. (Default)
High Named Drop Rate: Named shields are easier to obtain.

Chance NPC's spawn with shield
10%, 25%, 50% (Default), 75%, 100%

Shield Information
Displays a list of the all available player shields, what they do and who they drop from.

Fix Shields
Fix NPC Shields
- NPC's wearing shields unequip and requip shields. Best for fixing small coding changes in their scripts.

Fix NPC's Stat's & Shields
- NPC's will disappear for a bit, then will re-appear. This just resets them in attemps to fix any broken stats. Also fixes any shields that may be bugged or outdated from an update.

Fix Equipped Shield
- Unequip's and removes your currently equipped shield and replaces it with an updated one. Then re-equip's it.

Fix all shields in Inventory
- Removes all shields equipped and in inventory. Unequip's and removes your currently equipped shield and replaces it with an updated one. Then re-equip's it.

Fix Resistances
- Resets you resistances to their defaults. Only used this if you have an issue with the shields not removing the resistances spell.

Shield Animation Options
Disable Idle Animations
Enable Idle Animations
Disable All Shield Animations
Enable All Shield Animations

Uninstalls the mod.

Player Specific (Named) Shields
There are 9 different types of shields. Pieces of each shield drop from various NPC's that will be listed to that shield.
All NPC's and Enemies will drop pieces. If a friendly dies while battling with you (or against you), they will drop some pieces.

Wastelander's Shield (Basic Player Shield - Freebee)
SE: 40
RD: 20 Seconds
RR: 1 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Scavenger's Shield (Drop From Raiders, Roaming Wastelander's & Scavenger's)
+75 Carry Weight & 10% Persuasion
SE: 45
RD: 12 Seconds
RR: 2 Energy Every 6 Seconds

Scientist's Shield (Drop From Institute Synth's & Brotherhood of Steel)
Melee attackers are knocked back and shocked & Attacks have a chance to cause targets to suffer Electrical damage for 5 seconds.
SE: 50
RD: 12 Seconds
RR: 2 Energy Every 6 Seconds

Gunslinger's (Drop From The Gunners & Minutemen)
Reload Faster & 20% Additional Accuracy while in VATS. Attacks do double shield damage.
SE: 55
RD: 14 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 6 Seconds

Gladiator's (Drop From Rust Devils)
Run 30% Further & Increase AP Regeneration
SE: 60
RD: 14 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 6 Seconds

Atomic (Drop From Children of Atom)
Radiate nearby enemies & Attacks have a chance to cause targets to suffer Radiation damage for 5 seconds.
SE: 60
RD: 16 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Combustive (The Forged)
Burn Nearby Enemies & Attacks have a chance to Burn Enemies for 5 seconds.
SE: 65
RD: 16 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Coldsnap (Drop from Robots Only - Any Robot)
Nearby Enemies suffer Cryo damage & Attacks have a chance to cause targets to suffer Cryo damage for 5 seconds.
SE: 65
RD: 16 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Damage over time for the three shields above start at 1 damage for 5 seconds and add's one additional point very 10 levels.
Max 11 damage over 5 seconds at level 100+

Nightstalker's (Drop From Trappers)
Mark Scoped Targets & Gain a Stealth Field while sneaking and standing still. Attacks do double shield damage.
SE: 70
RD: 16 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Warmonger's (Random Rare Drop - One piece can drop from anyone)
+3 All Stats, +20% Damage, +15% Critical Hit Chance, Reload Faster, Increase AP Regeneration, Mark Scoped Targets
SE: 80
RD: 20 Seconds
RR: 4 Energy Every 10 Seconds

Shielding Mods
When you add mods to items, those items are unequipped and re-equipped by the game you will hear the shield sounds when modding.

Energy Mods

(+1 Shield Component Per Increase)
- Shield Energy +8 (@ lvl 10)
- Shield Energy +16(@ lvl 20)
- Shield Energy +24 (@ lvl 30)
- Shield Energy +32 (@ lvl 40)
- Shield Energy +40 (@ lvl 50)

After reaching level 70 and you have the last Shield Capacity/Health mod attached, you will gain one additional point per level to the shields capacity. Up to max 150.

Delay Mods
(+1 Shield Component Per Increase)
- Recharge Delay Reduced by 2 (@ lvl 15)
- Recharge Delay Reduced by 3 (@ lvl 25)
- Recharge Delay Reduced by 4 (@ lvl 35)
- Recharge Delay Reduced by 5 (@ lvl 45)

Recharge Rate Mods
(+1 Shield Component Per Increase)
- Shield Recharge +1 (@ lvl 25)
- Shield Recharge +2 (@ lvl 35)
- Shield Recharge +3.5 (@ lvl 45)
- Shield Recharge +4 (@ lvl 55)

Recharge Mods
(+1 Shield Component Per Increase)
- Recharge Time Reduced by 1 (@ lvl 20)
- Recharge Time Reduced by 2 (@ lvl 30)
- Recharge Time Reduced by 3 (@ lvl 40)
- Recharge Time Reduced by 4 (@ lvl 50)


It is up to you to choose the right balance of your shields.
You do not have to upgrade them to make them UBER Shields.
Do what you think is best for you.

Companion & Settler Shields
You are able to craft various shields for your companions & settlers. Humans, Robots, Automatron Robots and any Dog Race.These are moddable and can have as many as you need on as many NPC's. You can not wear these. Equipping it tells you you can not wear it and nothing happens.

These basically have 5 Mod Slots over the 4 on the above shields:
- Energy Component
- Delay Component
- Recharge Component
- Rate Component
- Spell Component

They require the following components to build:
- 1 Energy Shield Energy Component
- 1 Energy Shield Delay Component
- 1 Energy Shield Recharge Component
- 1 Energy Shield Rate Component

No additional materials or perks required

General Stats:
SE: 30
RD: 12 Seconds
RR: 2 Energy Every 6 Seconds

Companion & Settlers Shield Spell Slots
Mods for Companions and Settlers available at various levels.
1. +100 Carry Weight (@ lvl 20)
2. +25% Movement Speed (@ lvl 15)
3. Targets Bleed from Attacks for 5 Seconds - Bleed Damage changes based on wearer's level. (@ lvl 20)
4. Melee Knock back - A Chance Melee attackers are knocked backed, shocked and damaged (based on wearer's level) while shield is active. (@ lvl 25)
5. Burn Neaby Enemies (@ lvl 30)
6. Shock Nearby Enemies (@ lvl 30)
7. Freeze Nearby Enemies (@ lvl 30)
8. 30% Increased Damage (@ lvl 35)

Sorry No Stealth.
1. Best to Stealth Solo.
2. The NPC's flickered ALL stealth field's/effect's on and off continuously. So, so buggy.

These require all of the following components to craft:
- Energy Shield Energy Component
- Energy Shield Delay Component
- Energy Shield Recharge Component
- Energy Shield Rate Component

Faction Shields (Old)
Raider's, Wastelander's & Scavenger's Shield Stats
Player Level 1-14
SE: 28
RD: 10 Seconds
RR: 1 Energy Every 4 Seconds

Minutemen Shield Stats
Player Level 1-14
SE: 30
RD: 12 Seconds
RR: 2 Energy Every 6 Seconds

Rust Devil's & Synth Shield Stats
Player Level 1-14
SE: 32
RD: 14 Seconds
RR: 2 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Brotherhood of Steel, Gunner's & Robot's Shield Stats
Player Level 1-14
SE: 34
RD: 16 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 8 Seconds

Children of Atom, The Forged & Trappers Shield Stats
SE: 36
RD: 18 Seconds
RR: 3 Energy Every 10 Seconds

Player Level 15-34
SE: +4
RD: +4
RR: +2 Energy Every +2 Seconds

Player Level 35-54
SE: +8
RD: +6
RR: +4 Energy Every +4 Seconds

Player Level 34-55+
SE: +16
RD: +8
RR: +6 Energy Every +6 Seconds

Special NPC Shield Bonuses
After reaching level 15 and every 5 levels from there on, everyone listed above that drops shields will randomly receive one of the 4 above bonus spells listed below.

1. +25% Movement Speed (@ Level 15)
2. Targets Bleed from Attacks for 5 Seconds (@ Level 20)
3. Melee Knock back (@ Level 25)
4. 30% Increased Damage (@ Level 30)

As you level it will Randomize across them all.
So at level 30, there is a chance of a an NPC gaining any one of the 4 Abilities.
While at level 15-19, they can randomly move faster.



* Fixed issue with Companion HUD not updating.

* Fix odd issue with AutoMatron Robots not being detected as a follower while in combat (?) and HUD vanish/re-appear during combat. Code moved to QuestRunning quest script away from actual shields.

* Removed some code that may have ended up with problems.

NPC/Follower shields should auto update. Just download and install.


* Fixed archive naming. Version 5 did not install properly.

* Set up player wait and sleep detection. All Follower and Equipped Player Shields will be recharged after sleeping.

* Adjustments/Fix for random issue when switching into power armor and out having two HUD's, maybe due to some sort of Lag? So added a delay. (Not sure if this was just me.)

* NPC's wearing shields tend to randomly loose the item enchant, DR Spell I set up seems to randomly 'vanish' as item enchants. Flipped back to code to use spells as AutoMatron Shields seemed fine. Added a check to see if it is active or not, then re-adds the spell if missing. (Still testing this one)

So far with Autmatron Robots, when I make a fully complete Protecton, all pieces being protectron. I can actually equip a Protectron Shield as a Ring.
Yet to be able to build and test other complete robots. Assuming they are the same. Ada only accepted the AutoMatron Shield, for now.

1. Just run Fix Shields => Fix NPC Shields
2. Unequip and Re-equip one you are wearing.
3. If you have two HUDs layered, just make a save and reload that save. No need to exit game.


* Fixed Automatron Shields. Shield was not properly removed when item removed from inventory.
* Fixed All Robot Follower Shields to have an attachment for follower abilities.
* Fixed Follower Shield Recharge. Was getting interrupted and would stop.
* Fixed Follower HUD from dissappearing or not appearing.
* Fixed various Typo's

* Code adjustments for survival mode.
* Adjusted All Follower Shields to have a legendary attachement.

* Updated Warmonger Shield, to be more... Warmonger-ish. It is also much harder to obtain now. One piece can randomly drop from anyone wearing a shield.

+3 All Stats
+20% Damage
+15% Critical Hit Chance
Reload Faster
Increase AP Regeneration
Mark Scoped Targets

* Changed Super Mutants to now drop a random named shield by default.

* Added, after reaching level 70 and you have the last Shield Capacity/Health mod attached, you will gain one additional point per level to the shields capacity. Up to max 150.
* Added option to not show Follower HUD at all.
* Added option to never show player HUD.
* Added option for enemy NPC's who are wearing the shields to actually use shields effects or not. Disabled by Default.
* Re-added option for enemy NPC's to take slight damage. Only if above enabled.
* Added a new feature to have Named Shields randomly drop from any NPC's that drop named shields. Otherwise only Named Shields drop from specific NPC's.
* Added check for Endurance changes to update your current max health for the script for both players and followers.

1. Everyone should be at full health before equipping any shield. Player and Followers. The scripting needs to know what your max health is. It does check for when health increases past the current set value and updates.

2. There will be certain instances were your health is boosted by other gear or abilities by adding HP and not Endurance, commonly from other mods. Taking those off to where your health is decreased because of removing them will make the shield think you took damage and your max health will not be corrected because of it decreasing. If your health is decreased because of taking off other items, you will need to unequip and re-equip the shield for it to update. I can only check for Endurance changes at the moment.

To update just download and overwrite files. Only thing needs to be done is have NPC's unequip and re-equip the shields.
Just run Fix Shields => Fix NPC Shields while near those wearing shields. AutoMatron Shields will have to be manually removed.

If all else fails, you can remove all attached mods from the shields and run and either repair all shields in inventory or one you are wearing.