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About this mod

D.E.C.A.Y is a pretentious non-abbreviation that is used for my awesome feral ghoul overhaul. Ghouls are now creepy and unpleasant and have lots of detail and variety. No more bland, patternless leathery old men.

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I'm back modding again. A bit late to announce but uhhh... maybe you've heard of Real.AI? It's a fun little mod I whipped together that's been making its way across what appears to be a shocking amount of news websites.


Are you tired of the same old boring feral's with the slight difference in hues who look more like purses than monsters? So am I! So I made this. Now ghouls have exposed bones, skin mold, cuts, dents, tears and missing parts. All for your entertainment. High res too, 2K textures. 

Fair warning, though. This mod is a work in progress. Expect some trial and error with the updates. Texture design is a minefield when it comes to how things are rendered. 

Also we've had a lot of skeleton deniers, who think skeletons aren't real. Now, not to get political here, but I'm a skeleton truther. I believe that my body, and even your body, has a skeleton in it. In fact I've seen it on television and also once in a woodchipper accident. But due to how the skeleton deniers keep trolling the mod, someone made a non skeleton patch. 

So for the record, while I am super thankful Pendan made this patch and how they helped out the community, I do not agree with their anti-skeleton views. Just for the record, but here's the patch in case all the bones in the loot list bothers you:


- Exposed rib-cages and kneecaps 
- Exposed skulls 
- Gunshot wounds and torn up skin
- Stitches and head injuries
- Big scars and rips on the body
- Boils an missing eye skin 
- Missing mouth skin 
- Blunt weapon trauma
- Split open mouths 
- Exposed rib-cages with muscle 
-  Cuts and red eyes   
- Exposed brain 
- New glow pattern for glowing one
- New glow maps for glowing one

These are just some examples of carnage you'll find on the feral's in this mod.

Rules for posting: 
Please refrain from troll comments, and pedophilic/sexual activity. I doubt either of these will be an issue, but I don't want my comments section to turn in to the battleground for your stupidity  


Timmy: "Hi, I'm Timmy, I'm twelve years old and my mum forgot to spike my school lunch with Ritalin. So my childlike curiosity is driving me to ask you questions."

Thumble: "Okay, Timmy. Go ahead." 

Timmy: "How do I install this mod?" 

Thumble: "Just put the texture folder in the data folder." 

Timmy: "Do you have any qualifications to make mods like this?" 

Thumble: "I made some pretty sweet face textures for New Vegas that people liked a lot." 

Timmy: "Is this mod lore friendly? Your ghouls are green, like zombies, is that allowed?" 

Thumble: "What are you, a cop? The green is mold. Mold exists in the Fallout universe. It's all above board, Timmy. You dirty narc." 

Timmy: "Why isn't it 42k resolution with 3D glasses support and covered in lens flares personally signed by JJ Abrams?"

Thumble: "Because this is an aesthetics mod, not a graphics mod. The idea is to change the atmosphere and provide immersion through creativity; not cater to the needs of graphics snobs." 

Timmy: "Why did you make this mod?" 

Thumble: "It reminds me of my wife."

Timmy: "Hahaha, that's funny mister." 

Thumble: "No! Not like that! She's a goth girl. She likes... dead things, and do the corpse makeup. She looks just fine." 

Timmy: "Oh, okay, and, why did you not clean up the unused files in your archive until your second release?" 

Thumble: "I... erm... go play with the strange men in the park, Timmy." 

Timmy: "And why do you always go inside our backyard shed with a big bottle, and then come out ten minutes later looking all dizzy?" 

Thumble: "PARK, TIMMY!" 

Timmy: "When's Pandemic II coming out?" 

Thumble: "I swear to god, Timmy, if I don't see you on a milk carton in the NEXT. FIVE. SECONDS; I'm going to feed you to the albatrosses." 

At this point Thumblesteen counts to five as a puzzled Timmy tried to figure out what is going on. He pulled a lever, and a trap door swallowed Timmy, as the furious screeching of hungry albatrosses could be heard. He looks to me and says there cannot be any witnesses, as I swiftly run to the door with my steno type machine under my arm, seconds away from being eaten by Thumblesteen's evil albatrosses. This is the last time I'll take out a Craig's list freelance stenographer ad. 

New FAQ section, since Timmy is, well, not sleeping with the fishes so much as screaming with the birds, this time we will do a prime time television interview with famous media personality Nick Frost.

Nick Frost: First of all, Thumblesteen, it's a pleasure to have you here on the show.

Thumblesteen: Why thank you Nick Frost, it's a pleasure to be here.

Nick Frost: So I'm sure the audience is aching to know. What exactly have you been up to in these last few years?

Thumblesteen: Well, I recently started work on my latest project. It's a postmodern reflection on the cultural impacts that generic brand socks have had on Florida. I call it ''Sandals without purpose.'' and it explores the inner existential angst of golfers.

Nick Frost: Fascinating. So about this recent return to D.E.C.A.Y, what exactly is that about?

Thumblesteen: Well, I think Kirkergaard articulates this circumstance so well, in how as we grow older we begin to lose our options and in many ways our potential. This can of course lead to great introspection as you begin to search for a deeper meaning as you begin to face not just your mortality, but the futility of life itself.

Nick Frost: I see, so what exactly did you change?

Thumblesteen: Well, for one thing, I believe that my previous work lacked integrity. It was in many ways the ouvre of my unrealised self, to put it in simple terms that people can understand. I felt like it had too many bones, and loot and how this in many ways reflected the lack of balance in not just gameplay, but also within myself as I struggled with my sexual identity.

Nick Frost: So the mod has more balanced loot tables now?

Thumblesteen: Exactly, and not only that, but I've come to realise that my work has a great deal of religious meaning. In fact, I sat down and spoke to the Pope about it last year during a modder's convention in Venice. He told me that Christ speaks through craftsmanship, as he was the son of a craftsman, how, in many ways, it is the divine that flows through our labours within life. As such I felt compelled to resolve this thing of my past that has been haunting me for so many years.

Nick Frost: I see, so in other words, loot tables and crafting have been rebalanced?

Thumblesteen: That's exactly right, and I hope this journey I've been on truly shows itself in my art. 

Nick Frost: I sure hope so too, and speaking of all this, is there anything you would tell the audience if they ever face their mortality? 

Thumblesteen: Well, I could always play them a fun little song. That sometimes helps. 

Nick Frost: Well alright then. Back to mine for some PCP and Mario Kart 64?

Thumblesteen: Sounds good, I'll be there.

Seriously, visit the channel, there's way more cool stuff on there.



If you're new to the Fallout franchise, having only been around for Fallout 3/4/NV, then, I'm sorry to break it to you. But there are things Bethesda revised in the lore, and you don't know enough about it. Ghouls used to be basically the Fallout version of zombies. That was the whole idea behind them. They were fleshed out on, having quantifiable degrees of sapience and so on. But all in all, they were always meant to be radiation zombies. If you play the older titles, then you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, and, if you haven't, then what are you doing arguing against it?

Just pointing this out since I'm tired of replying to the same comments on YouTube and The Nexus over and over again from people who read one single loading screen and think that they're suddenly experts on the subject.


Thumblesteen - Bulk of the mod
Bethesda - Base Textures
JMartinho - Screenshots, help, and improved skull textures
Spiffyskytrooper - New Normal Maps, Packed Files
ChemicalBR0 - Old Normal Maps
Tyrannicon - Awesome YouTube Video 

The Nexus community for feedback and ideas! 

Timmy for the FAQ and how he spent his remaining days helping Albatrosses.
