About this mod

Got a bunch of companions you downloaded from mods you don't remember downloading, just loafing around in your settlements? Turn those bums into leaders today! (ESL/ESP)

Permissions and credits
Sim Settlements - Leader Pack - Gannon's Overtly Adequate Trove

REQUIRES Sim Settlements v3.1.2+

NOTE: You DO NOT need all of the companion mods listed in the "Requirements" section.

Mod Description

A wise man once told me:

So I did just that.

This is a collection of my previously released mod companion patches, so you only need 1 esp (or esl) and not 8+. I will no longer release individual companion mod patches/collections, so go ahead and track this mod to keep up with all future leader pack updates!

NOTE: You DO NOT need all of the companion mods listed in the "Requirements" section. Sim Settlements is smart enough to ignore any leader cards for mods you do not have installed.

Featuring 50+ tested mod companions to help build your Sim Settlements cities to glory!
See the Leader Details spreadsheet for completed and developing leader details.

Change Log

See "Requirements" above, or "Credits and Thanks" below for companion mod page links.

[TBD] 4.0.0:
  • Creators of the Commonwealth update.
  • Revisiting the copious works of L0neWander3r, ModderJay, and more.
  • Sorry fellow youth, I got burned out on Fallout 4 and have no desire to continue progress on this mod, if not already apparent.
  • Pushing back this update since there are a ton of companions and want to prioritize the last of the one-offs I have.
[IN PROGRESS] 3.5.0:
  • The Melting Pot patch 5.
  • Check back soon!
[2018-05-12] 3.4.0:
  • The Melting Pot patch 4.
  • Adds 9 additional working and tested leaders!
  • Patriot A.I.
  • Brotherhood Ex-Paladin Jorge
  • Eppie
  • Cheerleader Mollie Goodweather
  • Nidaime Takahashi
  • Dead Raider companion
  • Billy Herrington
  • Ghoulified Coach Bill Belichick
  • Vermillion Frost - Go out and show a kitten some love today!
[2018-05-05] 3.3.0:
  • The Melting Pot patch 3.
  • Adds 10 additional working and tested leaders!
  • Focused on companions you can pick up around Sanctuary Hills and Red Rocket for early-game leaders.
  • Zhanna
  • General Westley
  • RoTTen VaNDal
  • Manbeast
  • From Recon Squad: Captain Hakan and Lieutenant Eva
  • Commander Wood
  • Raul
  • Aleksandr Ivonov Soviet Spy 
  • Conrad
[2018-04-28] 3.2.0:
  • The Melting Pot patch 2.
  • Adds 7 additional working and tested leaders!
  • From Duncan's Den: June Duncan! Thanks, Eldiabs, for the suggestion!
  • From The Code: Weizmann, Farnsworth, Sam Bennett
  • From LegendaryMinuteman's mods: Bub and MG-88
  • Athena 4.0
[2018-04-22] 3.1.0:
  • The Melting Pot patch 1.
  • Adds 2 additional working and tested leaders!
  • Fixes Tony's leader card to reflect he's from LW
  • From ModderJay's mods: Captain Cosmos and Nuka Girl! Thanks for the heads up, beastman905!
  • Sadly, Jangles, much like Scarlet, do not have the necessary attributes to answer the call of duty.
[2018-04-20] 3.0.0:
  • The Melting Pot update.
  • Adds 12 new tested and working leaders!
  • 06 Synth Follower! Appreciate the suggestion, BurntHostage!
  • From the Mojave Desert, Veronica! Thanks, Eldiabs, for the suggestion!
  • Wastelander Barb
  • Blood Rose
  • From L0neWander3r's mods: Sam Stone and Tony
  • From Captainoob's mods: Phoebe
  • From Dlx's mods: Revy
  • Eustace Bagge
  • F4-111 Trader Bot
  • Mandy
  • Mr. Jiggles
[2018-03-24] 2.0.0:
  • Super Beasties and Buddies update.
  • Adds 19 new tested and working leaders, including all of m150's beautiful abominations!
  • Kellogg CerealKiller. Thanks, Eldiabs, for the suggestion!
  • ED-E
  • From m150's mods: Raum and Leukothea (BirdFollowers); Gesso Kuragxa-Barnard (SquidFollower); Boarine Earcean (DolphinianFollower); Crachio, Straterra, and Paguio (MirelurtantFollowers); and Nebulimo, Sangentego, and Malfacirmi (MirelurtantFollowersFarHarbor)
  • From Dlx's mods: Skadi, Xarna, and Dogbots 007, 117, and 667
  • From VerySugoi's mods: Leyla and Sydney. Thanks, Eldiabs, for the suggestions!
[2018-03-23] 1.0.0:
  • Baby's First Birthday update.
  • Adds 22 new tested and working leaders!
  • From Fusion City Rising: Peter, Dayna, and Spike
  • From Outcasts and Remnants: Ash and Gabriel
  • Ellen the Cartographer
  • RandomPanser
  • From T-49 - Armor of the Storyteller: The Storyteller
  • From Captainoob's mods: Captain Bridget, Matilda, Raine the Raider, and Winter
  • From CCClover's mods: T0-R1, Fahrenheit, and Isabel Cruz*
  • From L0neWander3r's mods: CL4P-TP, Lara Croft, Hannah, Josie, Robert, Kate, and Ryan and Dayna.

* - Untested

Incompatible Companions

Unfortunately, I will not be able to make patches for the following companion mods.
These are still great companion mods, and I highly suggest checking them out!

Companions only dismiss to home location:
Heather Casdin
Armstrong and Duke

Companions are permanent zombies (not dismissable, not commandable):
Dr. Tesla's Biomechanical Companions
Jangles the Moon Monkey

Companions do not have workshopnpcscript:
Pizza Pete
WRVR (Casey Kessler)
Bloatfly Companion - Bee-Sting
Stephanie Andrews

Companions are not commandable in settlements (i.e. workshopnpcscript.bCommandable=False):
Brahmin Pack Mod
Grandma Mirelurk
Herbie the Hermit Crab


1. Install via NMM as per the norm
2. Download, unpack, and drop the file in your steamapps/common/Fallout4/Data/ folder. Don't forget to add this mod to your plugins.txt.


I am no longer supporting or updating this mod.

Credits and Thanks

Please check out the great people and their mods/assets below, because without them, this mod wouldn't be possible!

tg626 - for piquing my interest in Sim Settlements leader pack modding and unknowingly inception-ing the joy it has brought me, as well as for permission to use the rad Sim Settlements Leader Pack logo. 

kinggath - for creating, by far, one of the best Fallout 4 settlement mods so far, Sim Settlements.

Cpt.COOTS - for shaming me into saving myself a lot of time and headache by combining all my mod packs into one mega pack.

All of the wonderful Sim Settlements staff and fellow mod authors, who have helped me tremendously in my countless moments of stupidity.


RecluseThuggysmurf, and Formado721 - for creating Peter, Dayna and Spike from Fusion City Rising, and Ash and Gabriel from Outcasts and Remnants.
guicool - for creating the Ellen the Cartographer companion mod.
Taryl80 - for creating the RandomPanser companion mod.
Unoctium and crew - for creating the T-49 - Armor of the Storyteller mod.
Captainoob - for creating PhoebeBridgetMatildaRaine, and Winter companion mods.
CCClover - for creating FahrenheitIsabel CruzT0-R1, and Vex companion mods.
L0neWander3r - for creating Tony, Sam StoneLara CroftHannahJosieRobertKate, JunkyardNatasha/NataliaRyan and Dayna, and CL4P-TP companion mods.
SKK50 - for creating the Kellogg CerealKiller companion mod. SKK has a some great, well-scripted utility and QOL mods as well, so check them out too!
m150 - for creating your beautiful abominations. Check this guy out, there is much, MUCH more than just companion mods under his belt.
VerySugoi - for creating Leyla and Sydney companion mods.
Dlx - for creating Skadi, Xarna, Revy, and Dogbot companion mods. Super unique companions, that are really in a league of their own.
Galejero - for creating the 06 Synth Follower companion mod. Can't ever have enough pancakes.
zyd232 - for creating the Blood Rose companion mod.
MetalMonster MeddingsJack11445 - for creating the F4-111 Trading Bot companion mod.
Martin1 - for creating the Mandy companion mod.
LazyTitan56 - for creating the Mr. Jiggles companion mod.
Towdogg - for creating the Veronica companion mod. 
Netherworks - for creating the Wastelander Barb companion mod.
Dimon68 - for creating the Eustace Bagge companion mod.
ModderJay - for creating the Captain Cosmos and Nuka Girl companion mods.
EijiroTono and Purpleeni - for creating June Duncan from Duncan's Den and Farnsworth, Weizmann, and Uncle Sam from The Code.
LadyEdith - for creating the Athena 4.0 companion mod.
LegendaryMinuteman - for creating Bub from What About Bub? and MG-88 from Minuteman Mr. Gutsy companion mods.
Omaster - for creating the Zhanna companion mod.
drewsm10 - for creating the General Westley companion mod.
JmannDX - for creating the Aunty Donna inspired Manbeast companion mod.
Lokiis - for creating the RoTTen VaNDal companion mod.
obantr - for creating Captain Hakan and Lieutenant Eva from Recon Squad mod.
BigJohn563 - for creating the Enclave Commander Wood companion mod.
Ja1ine - for creating the Raul companion mod.
RapidSteve - for creating the Aleksandr Ivonov Soviet Spy companion mod.
cdo947214 - for creating the Conrad companion mod.
sgtcal10 - for creating the Jorge companion mod.
Vicyorus - for creating the Patriot AI companion mod.
vault75 - for creating the Eppie and Mollie Goodweather companion mods.
gou - for creating the Nidaime Takahashi companion mod.
Yusei0 - for creating the Dead Raider companion mod.
noloot4u - for creating the Billy Herrington companion mod.
PacoHonduras - for creating the Coach Bill companion mod.
Team Unique - for creating the Vermillion Frost companion mod.