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About this mod

Behind the success of Sim Settlements and Conqueror is Kinggath. And behind him, is a troop of gaming soldiers, who have dedicated themselves to modding and playing Fallout 4.

They all have a story to tell. How they play, what it means to them. What it means for you.

Permissions and credits
This is their story.....

For the background story of the Character and the Legend the player, WetRats, inspired, check out his writing so you can find the immersion of this story (well recommended and well written)



Character Name: Major Jonas H. Coolwater, US Army, Ret.
Character Gender: Male
Prime Motivator: Justifiable Homicide

Civil Affairs Division.
There didn't turn out to be much civility in Alaska, did there?
Not that the Canadian Pacification Program was particularly civil, either, but at least I got to do the job I was trained for.
Alaska went tits-up fast.
I was there when the ye---... when the Chinese invaded. R&R at a little hunting camp/brothel about 100 miles inland from Anchorage.
80-odd officers from 40-odd units, none of us below Major, and 100 or so support staff and another 100 or so ... hostesses.
General Fontaine was convinced that after 33 years riding a succession of ever-larger desks his moment had finally come and did his best to organize us into a behind the lines resistance and sabotage cell.
His best wasn't very good.

There were only twenty-seven of us left by the time we hooked up with the survivors of the commando team.
Their mission was spectacularly FUBARed, and they were every bit as cut off from support as we were, but Genius Jonas here decided that we could salvage their mission.
And we did. In a fashion.
Because by then I had discovered I had a gift for violence. And ruthlessness.
I could make sacrifices and still face myself in the mirror when I shaved.
So I made some sacrifices.
The goo-- the Chinese lost their supply dump, and I slunk back to the camp with three remaining commandos and the two Trixies.

The High Brass was really pleased with me at first.
There were medals, press conferences, even a photo with the President.
Then someone dug up Col. Tillerman's journals, and they learned what happened to Fontaine.
Having made me a hero, they could hardly turn around and prosecute me, so they had me diagnosed with severe battle fatigue and sent me to Parsons for "treatment."

Parsons was not fun. I'll just leave it at that.
But Alaska didn't break me, so neither did that place.
I'm not sure how she found out about me, but some hotshot young lawyer took up my case and got me released with a clean record.
Then I found out what her fee was.
Turned out she was knocked up and needed to get married in a hurry if her hopes for a political career were gonna survive.

So we settled down in Sanctuary Hills, and pretended to be a happy little family.
I was almost able to fool myself that I actually was happy. Sometimes for weeks at a time.
Then the anger would build up to the point I needed to hurt someone.
I didn't love Nora, but I was grateful to her, so I kept things away from the neighborhood, despite how much I would have loved to kick the crap out of that kid across the street.
I'd usually go somewhere in Southie to cut loose. Play drunk at some dive, wait 'til somebody tried to roll me, then take them out.
I'm not sure how long I'd have gotten away with it, but somebody pushed the big red button and I became the coldest cold case ever.

--to be continued--


This is an alternative to StartMeUp.  It is a series of saved games based around the backstory of a character from a real life person, one who is a Sim Settlements / Conqueror hard core game player, designer, contributor, or whatnot.

The scenario includes:
1)  16 random locations
2) 4 difficulty levels based on map location in Commonwealth.  Level 1 is NW, Level 2 is north and towards Diamond City, Level 3 is West and somewhat south, and Level 4 is east Boston towards Diamond City.
3) 4 levels of gear, weapons, Power Armor Suits, chems, armor... and some special perks and SPECIALs modified for the level
4) Easter eggs at each location where you "Wake Up"... make sure you loot.
5) Totally vanilla and only mods used are pictured.
6) I realize most have various character modification mods, load orders, etc... this is a loose interpretation of Major Jonas H Coolwater as played by the creator.
7) Any game play enhancements will be needed if you add enemy enhancements.  These are vanilla armors and weapons - I modified and placed in the world for you.


Check out my mod page for just the Pre-Built Conqueror Settlements Link

And my other Scenario Conqueror Games
1) Domacles - Melee Raider Link
2) Major Jonas H. Coolwater, US Army, Retired - Stealthy Gunslinger Minutemen Link

See my other mods:
Smoking Nora CBBE Body
Builder’s Delight – No XP – All Commonwealth Settlements Unlocked
Unlocked Quest Build Items – Vanilla and DLC
Heavy Gatling Weapons – Vanilla Turrets Modified 
Builder’s Delight – No XP
Small Generators with Happiness – Settlement Beds/water/power options
Major Jonas H. Coolwater US ARMY Ret. Conqueror Prebuid Scenario by Sim Settlements
Domacles -  Conqueror Prebuild Scenario by Sim Settlements
City Prebuilds - Save Games for Conqueror by Sim Settlements