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About this mod

Whiskey Smoke is a staged release lore and settlement mod. Engage in the time honored tradition of cigar and whiskey manufacturing and high sales. What business path will you take to achieve your goals? Who was the pre-war New Vegas organization known as the Desert Empire Company? Guide and Lorebook in downloads too.

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Whiskey Smoke - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion Mod Series - Deprecated

Use my redux mod, Desert Empire Company Goods, instead. Leaner, no longer requires Desperados Overhaul, etc etc.

Welcome, Player, to Whiskey Smoke
, a Dusty Dude Immersion mod of a series of mods that I think might be the first non-Quest quest mod I know of that uses otherwise standard-but-dusty or overlooked regular game mechanics to offer players a way to have RP-fun in Fallout 4. This mod has planned staged release, and each release is whole unto itself. Support for all my mods is primarily here, but also on my Discord channel.

Welcome, Investor, to the Desert Empire Company, a long closed pre-war business from New Vegas. Will you revivify this once great organization? Will you simply trade in high quality Label products for a nice profit or will you ruthlessly expand through the use of modified weapon throwables so you ensure your brand, and only your brand is the one people remember and want to buy? Perhaps you may become the new Desert Empire Company Chair. The last one died on October 23, 2077. He won't mind and there's no need for a vote.

  • v1.0 Released: Basic Hybrid Tobacco crop to get your settlements harvesting. You'll need a ready, steady supply. Guidebook/Lorebook is important, so be sure to download from the Misc files.
  • v2.0 Released: Make hybrids of the Base Tobacco crop you're settlers have been farming. Simple 5-step chart to follow in the Guidebook starts you on the process. The results of those hybrids are Bull crops best turned into Brand products that sell for much more than any vanilla cigar, but also have better Aid benefits than even those basic cigars from my other mod, Desert Inspired Foods, Drinks and Stuff. Additional content added to the Guidebook/Lorebook.
  • v2.5.1 Released: Interim patch that contains items I couldn't fit in 2.0 because of timing. Also updated the Guide and Lorebooks! They're vital and fun to your experience. Adds an optional patch for Mysterious Magnum that provides a convenient container that helps me provide some Desert Empire Company items for the player that are not-quite-related-but-close to the goings-on of strangers. Also an optional patch for a Mysterious Magnum mod.
  • v3.0 Released: Start on your Whiskey Brands in this future content through the planting and harvest of a hybrid Rye and Coyote Corn crop. You will need a ready, steady supply for this version. Be sure to keep your farmers also providing you a steady supply of the tobacco Bull crops! The Desert Empire Company products ranged from a unique Mixer Drink Brand (also a deadly poison tool) to two high end Liquor Labels (American Southwest Bourbon and Caster Rye Whiskey). Their various Mixer labels had a unique contribution to pre-war social constructs too. Ever want to drink a Baroom! Or a Vagabundo? You might now.
  • v4.+ Final Version Released: Take your Label brands to the next level. The finale of v3.0 was you choosing one of two business paths, Modern or Old World. Each has costs that make taking both paths prohibitive in both caps and supplies, and each offers something the other does not. You will have to earn caps, but what's this? A Quarter Master station with two different skins where you can put together shipments (and sell immediately/on the spot/right there without using or being cheated by a vendor)? Why yes, if you invest 500 caps into the thing., one per settlement. Big pay-offs for your settlement's willing/forced growing of your hybrid crops as old vanilla recipes are modified to better effect. Adds two patches for Commonwealth Express Courier player homes from RedRocketTV, and another patch for Brewing Shenanigans that moves all liquors from Whiskey Smoke to that brewing station (Whiskey Smoke menu>Buildables).

Desert Empire Company, LLC, A New Vegas Pre-War Enterprise

The Desert Empire Company was first founded by Guise Lilo Malone in September 1945, just a short month after that great war ended. An immigrant who served in America's army, he found new friends in Europe. Together the members of that fledgling organization, the Desert Empire Company, set up shop in a warehouse in New Vegas. The adjacent farmland was also purchased because of the now ready-irrigation by way of the new Dam. Though D.E.C. did start with tobacco and producing whiskey, that wasn't the entire perspective of their hands’ work. Those ruthless hands earned money by forcing changes in the local crime gang businesses, if you take my meaning. Fast forward to mid-decade of 2060 and the strong local company had been unbreakably stable. Their members intended to expand to Chicago, New York, Miami, and Boston by way of an offer to include additional members from smart businessmen in those cities.

As the day of the last Great War was closing, one of those new members suddenly changed their mind for other strange new interests and the company's initial assets in Boston were lost or stolen, making the Desert Empire Company members very unhappy with that Boston businessman. Despite New Vegas being spared nukes, the Desert Empire Company LLC on Sunset Boulevard was left a ruin due to inter-factional warfare, its members and employees dead.

This mod will help you, the aspiring businessperson of the Commonwealth (Desperados) desert, to engage in the growing, hybridization, manufacture and high-end sale of your products, which are specialty cigars and whiskey. How far you go will depend on your business acumen and tenacity. Are you just some Commonwealth farmer without a lick of sense or are you a daring businessperson, perhaps even cut-throat-hard and intent on ruthless expansion?

Maybe that ruthlessness will make you the next Desert Empire Company Chair.

PDF Guidebook and Lorebook ARE Important - Please Download Them

The manual download PDF files are vital to the success of your business and your imagination. Not only do they contain step-by-steps, it provides pieces of Lore to help your imagination along and info about what's coming next. Remember that each version of the mod is whole unto itself, adding to the prior version but not force stopping you to wait until the next. Reminder - it is a non-Quest quest theme. You are what makes this work.

In the event you see the opportunity to make caps in the long term you'll want to learn more of what's inside those PDFs. In game, however, find any ol' burnt book and take it to a chemistry bench, Whisky Smoke v1 menu. Keep that book in some workshop bench, safe for later.

Update 2.5 adds an optional patch for the Mysterious Magnum mod that will provide you some lore items and that Promo Book (PERK). Check it out, but it isn't necessary. You can also make normal book copies of the Promo Book as above, but you do you.

Update 4.0 adds a way to get some additional lore items. Wicked Shipping appears to be mentioned in some of the lore of the Desert Empire Company, but in 210 years who knows who might have looted the stuff from there? Maybe the neighbors might have some of it. Have you met the neighbors? They're nice people with a dirt farm.

Planned Release? Who Is This For?

By planned release I mean in very short order. Now in version 2.0+ you can start immediately and continue without pause as each new version adds to the last. In the initial release version you will find a mod file with a few things to do relating to farming and a PDF Guidebook/Lorebook. Because this relies on settlers and settlers harvesting specific crops, plus they have their own settlement needs, you have your hands full. This wouldn't be for people who dislike settlements. This would be those who like to be involved in some aspect of settlements like defense, settler needs, and crafting.

In some cases like the Prickly Pear cactus you will want to be sure your settlers food needs are met so they don't eat all of the Pear fruit they just harvested! You will need it for more than just whiskey and you can't preemptively harvest it for yourself.

Why, Dear Lord Why?

Because you are the kind of player that makes your own RP stories and your own plans and your own playthrough style based on mods, and you certainly craft your own luck like a madperson. You have plenty of other quests and mod quests to engage in while your settlers tend to your crops, and they are there to protect them against raiders, Gunners, beasts while you're doing them. However when you return to the homestead you have work to do there now too to ensure your fledgling business stays afloat and can expand. Caps, baby, caps.

Where Do You Come In?

Whether you are the last remaining survivor of a doomed vault or some random wastelander who walked up over the hills north of Sanctuary, you're not the Commonwealth kind of wastelander. By some circumstance unrelated to any Quest whatsoever, you will happen upon a burnt book that you'll slowly pry open after finding some of it still readable. That book is a Desert Empire Company promotional asset containing information on the business plan and knowledge of how to make a good start of growing tobacco and rye for the purposes of selling specialty cigars and whiskey. The book is clearly written in a way you know was meant only for one person. Will you be as ruthless and smart as the Desert Empire Company members expected of the original recipient? 

Go Read the Guidebook/Lorebook from Downloads

Read the PDF, and also in game find any burnt book, take it to the chem bench, Whiskey Smoke menu v1, Desert Empire Company Promo Book. At the moment it's just a souvenir from New Vegas. It's important later. 

Suggested Mods

I put all of my suggested mods into Desert: Modlist. Check it out.


This mod and all of my mods, to include their description, et al are my copyright all years. I maintain my exclusive and moral rights to this content as per WIPO Treaty and DMCA stipulations. I have not and will not transfer or assign any rights to my copyright to anyone, including Nexus. My usage and continued usage of this platform or other platforms does not transfer or assign my copyright. My Exclusive Right to Public Performance and Display is wholly determined by me, and I have not and will not transfer or assign that right. DMCA takedown notices for violations of my rights will be sent, and under WIPO Treaty regulations the DMCA notice will give the offender or ISP fourteen (14) days to comply with termination (read: deletion) of the the violation from servers or locations, physical or digital, by law.

User's use of my mods in Collections or Presets or other downloadable containers does not constitute transference or assignment by me to them. Their usage of my mods may terminate without notice from me, by me.