About this mod

Removes light, glowing objects, power driven objects, effects, mist, fog, steam, smoke, fire, swaps textures, alters HUD/UI elements, sound, weather, etc. ... to increase performance, atmosphere, immersion all to lay the foundation for extreme difficulty.

Permissions and credits


Inspired by Doom 3 and created out of curiosity what will happen when light sources disappear or simply have less room to play. But also because i never really understood why NPC bath in light so the player can see them from miles away, while blending themself to see literally nothing.

Many locations are highlighted via light, many rare items have a candle light environment, alot of mist glows by magic in the dark and cause an omnipresent foggy environment even years after fallout. All of this needed revision. FO4 needed to mutate into a dungeon crawler with dark and creepy locations. Simply because the engine is ideally suited for such excursions and the Creation Kit offers everything to make this possible.

Soo, what will happen if most of the immersion breaking objects are gone?

The drawbacks of trying to explore and engage in combat while in a condition of realistic darkness are part of the point; it adds to the logistics element of exploration, forcing the player to consider whether it's worthwhile to continue onward in the night-time or to seek shelter where they can rest and return in the daylight. This also encourages planning and preparation on the part of the player, to avoid being caught outdoors in the night. Unfortunately, developers nowadays shrink from using logistics in general, being unwilling to constrain players in any way, which is to the great detriment of exploration. Logistics encompasses inventory limitations, encumbrance, stamina/fatigue, need for food, need for water, need for sleep, realistic lighting, a day/night cycle, Vancian magic memorization, weapons/armor deterioration and repair, etc. and is a core aspect of RPG mechanics.
— Zed Duke of Banville @ Why are developers so afraid of making night actually *dark*?


The mod is split into various parts. Plugins you can use all together or standalone. None requires the other although i recommend to use all of them. For a visual only experience use the light/main plugin. Load order and mod compatibility in the post section.
PLUGIN: Main | Lighting

All objects that are related to light, fire, electricity have been modified, often disabled.

Many interior and exterior light sources are off, replaced, altered, disabled. Since Fallout 4 has a huge performance problem with shadow calculations, it's no secret to set fDirShadowDistance=3000/5000. This mod accommodates that as it turned out. The game runs smoother.

Godrays were modified for specific weather. Clear weather none, dusty weather yes. Same logic applies to mist and fog for these kind of weathers.

All this happens without scripts. All objects, close to 100.000 in total, were hand picked and modified, objects such as light sources, mist, glow, beam and objects tied to them.

Some objects tied to power like ceiling fans (animated) have been replaced by broken equivalents, while others were swapped with better precompressed workshop objects.

There are two types of cooking stations (fire place) one without a light, which often times got light and seperate fire effects placed by vanilla and one with all combined, attached with addon nodes. This mod disables the separate wold objects and adds in the cooking station with proper light and mist addon nodes.

Many flora/plant objects have also been modified and proper lighting and other effects are directly added to the NIF.

As of version 006 almost all 300+ interior cells are overhauled, vanilla and DLCs. Exterior cells are also very finished, yet there is still alot of untouched material.

Grab a strong light, the game may now feel ery dark!

PLUGIN: World | Loot

Many objects have been disabled, most of them directly tied to power such as fusion generators, power armor, robots, turrets, terminals, etc. Swapped by invisible replacer or detoriated equivalents.

This will also cover vehicles, flora, plants, misc items of all kind, etc.

Loot will be rare and clever crafting routines should be part of later versions.

PLUGIN: Interface

To force player char, more into situations which require better preparation and skills the HUD elements have been largely altered, swapped or disabled. Such as huge text bars, compass decoration, cartoon bobbleheads, etc.

The Pip-Boy effects, such as glow and color have been disabled also. To unifiy the HUD elements better.

The former SPECIAL book chart was swapped by a raw crushed paper background.


Various sound files are different, or have been removed. E.g. the terminal now should not play a fan sound when close, instead an HDD sound will be played when logging in, the combat sound was disabled. There are many such little tweaks and this will be extended in future versions.

Since most sounds in FO4 destroy every last bit of immersion and flare, this stuff is gone. Less sound is used more globally, some sound files have been swapped. There was applause for everything, now sound files "talk" only when needed.

Same logic applies with more progress to voices. Characters will talk less and only a few dialogues will remain.


Can be installed mid-game and should not cause large problems when uninstalling mid-game either, but its no secret that you shouldnt install such a project for the first time mid-game. If your new, install fresh, if you use an existing DC override. If any of the plugins for some reason use a new plugin name, you can rename the plugin to the old name just fine and override, proceed.


Load last to take full effect. If loaded somewhere in between your mod list, most likely fog settings and other cell specific changes will not be used properly. This is important to know since it will affect a large part of the atmosphere ofthis mod.


⬆️ Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P by Arthmoor is fully patched and must be loaded before
⬆️ Dark Commonwealth: Sound Addon
⬆️ Dark Commonwealth: World Addon
🔳 Dark Commonwealth: Main File
⬇️ Previsibines Repair Pack Stable Branch - PRP by BenRierimanu must be loaded after World, Main which will cause a conflict with the interior cell overhaul, therefore, use the Image Space Project and load the CELL plugin after PRP)
⠀⠀⬇️ Image Space Project - use the CELL plugin which is required to patch PRP
⬇️ NAC X - Legacy Edition by l00ping - patch available in the files section
⬇️ Dark Commonwealth: Interface Addon
⬇️ Extended Dialogue Interface - XDI's DialogueMenu.swf must be loaded after, e.g. override the DC in order to function. All i did was to disable the Charima Pipboy animation. It is also possible to extract the XDI SWF into "Fallout 4\Data\Interface" folder.
⬇️ Other interface mods

Technical Issues

- Glowing light bulbs (see spoiler below)
Some material swaps are hard to manage since many glowing objects are PreCombined. The easiest way is to swap the material and textures which the game uses to Pre-Combine/-Render data. Some meshes however do not have any proper material file and thus still glow, which might look disturbing. Hard examples are the CeilingLamp02, LightFixture 02/03, Candles and Construction lights. Any help on how to fix the white bulb is greatly appreciated.

I have to modify some textures, in order to force a material swap. Nothing impossible but it will take awhile. At some point i will hide the object by adding transparent textures if possible and replace it with a new mesh which uses the default textures.


- How to Remove Fog from Interior Cells by Glass1411
- Bethesda Tutorial Lights and FX by ck.uesp.net
- LightingWeathersPostProcessing by Kesta

Credits | Special Thanks | Respect

- Bethesda
- Nexus Community
- FO4Edit Team, ElminsterAU, for their invaluable tool
- Research on image space, shp, HDR, Bloom, etc: SirGreenThumb
- ousnius, for the Material Editor
- Niftools team, for nifskope
- jindrapetrik, for JPEXS
- Raxdiam, for MultiXwm
- zlostnypopolnik, everything
- Darkfox127, endless informative content
- Kesta for outstanding guides on stepmodifications.org
- Help, feedback, bug report, motivation: AlinaFaas, AsaRuth, BenRierimanu, boblimovo38, chrispy1717Cjo92, drevviken, EdwardStrange, EM117, fadingsignal, FoxiShandris, GrankNutt4, insaneplumber, masterhamper, NeinGaming, PresidentKoopaPHANTOMHATE, sakura9, Scaphism, Shiny428, the1holy, timeline67, Timmy2ww, Trazibol, willief23, Wyrnox, zed140
- Necrocytosis for Tutorial How to use AddonNodes For lights
- Topol774 for Performance optimization guide - mod list and tweaks
- DoubleYouC for Fallout 4 Default Values for All Valid INI Settings
- mm137 for Realistic Death Physics
- atlassys8 for No Sneak Indicator
- KeyC0de for Advanced AI Tweaks
- Goomashroom for How to make a custom UI by editing HUDMenu.swf
- Aizekku for Scarier Geiger Counter Sounds
- cat_woman1989 and RoNin1971 for help with transparent textures
- fadingsignal for the Dufflebag sound fix


There will be frequent updates, at least once per week. It is recommend to check the posts section and changelog per new version.

Do not hesitate to ask for mod in-/compatibility. There is also huge documentation about mods which fit the concept.


Q: Where?
A: In the posts section.