Story and Lore (1 comment)

  1. Thumblesteen
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    So as you may have noticed, there's a war going on. But what gives?

    So first I'll break down the two main factions:


    The minutemen of Obscurum are more fleshed out than the other ones. These guys call themselves the Minutemen as a tribute to Thomas Paine, America's first patriot and the man who first put the word "The United States of America" on paper.

    Thomas Paine was not very popular among the founding fathers because he had strong views on things like equality between the natives and the colonists, and the abolition of slavery. He believed that all religious faiths should be given protection under the law, and that they all had something to say about what he called the pursuit of the divine truth.

    He was also an ardent republican (in the original sense of the word), and fought in both the US and the French revolution. He was also almost assassinated by King George V because of what the crown described as acts of sedition.

    And he had a lot of crazy ideas about how freedom meant freedom from things like debt, poverty, landlords and slave owners. Which is why the Minutemen in this universe are Marxists. So that's the basis there. You're fighting for a revolutionary government in a post apocalyptic world.

    The minutemen also have subfactions. There's the Minutemen Militia, who are the guys in the blue police uniforms. There's the minutemen airforce, who are the guys in the leather jackets who fly vertibirds, and the Minutemen security forces, who are the regular soldiers you see everywhere. This is still being fleshed out, but that's the basics.

    The CSR.

    The CSR are basically the Ayn Rand faction. They want rich people and corporations to control everything. They say slavery is immoral, but they also think governments have no right to dictate morality. They believe in the old colonial system of the East India Company, where life and society exists entirely through a dominion of privately owned institutions, where the core metric of success is cold hard profits. You can learn more about their side by reading propaganda that they sometimes carry called "A Nation Restored."

    And just like the Minutemen, they also have subfactions. The structure of their army is basically a series of coalition forces represented by industrialists and corporations. Ranging from arms manufacturers, mercenary groups, and the private armies of the rich and the powerful.

    There's the insurgents, who are the people you will encounter most of the time. Run of the mill paramilitary guys with conventional weaponry.

    There's the Forlorn Heap Mercenaries, who are a foreign mercenary group that among other things, have air capabilities. Makes them quite formidable.

    There's the Deathguard, who are an unknown benefactor to the CSR, and represent some of their most dangerous technologies. Deathguards use advanced technology and orbital superweapons. They are quite rare, but also extremely dangerous. They also have access to infrastructure which makes it seem as if they may have their origins in the pre-war military, or possibly one of the many companies who were contracted by the military.

    There's the terrorists, who are basically loosely organised civilian sympathisers of the CSR. Normally dressed in ordinary clothing, lightly armed, and sparsely organised.

    The world itself is similar to Fallout 4 in how, at some point, a nuclear disaster occurred, but I haven't explored how and why yet.

    The setting is also ambiguous at this point. I like the idea of turning it into a more European setting since I'm a big fan of STALKER, but I also think it can prove difficult with all the references to US culture. I might also make it a fictional amalgamation of the two, it remains to be seen.