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Ragnarr1313 And AlanaSP

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About this mod

Show your support for the Principality of Zeon with these auto rifles.

Permissions and credits

Gundam Inspired Zeon Auto Rifle

I found this cool looking Futuristic Rifle on Sketchfab, and I decided it needed to be ported into FO4 for people to use and enjoy.

Gundam Inspired Zeon Auto Rifle does not have any special animations or upgrades, and I will not be making any for it. It is just a basic no frills weapon just the way I like them.

As stated above in red the weapon cannot be improved or changed at the Weapon Workbench, other
than having a legendary effect added to it.
You can make the rifles in 3 different calibers, .308, 5.56 and 7.62 and the rounds do physical damage as well as plasma damage.

The mod requires the Nuka World DLC for the 7.62 ammo.

The guns are craft-able at the Chem Bench and have their own listing, so it should be easy to find.
If you want to know more about the gun and it's stats, there are a couple photos in the Images tab.
The guns are safe to add or remove from your game at any point. Just make
sure you remove it from your or a companion's/followers inventory before
removing the mod.
The mod is flagged as an ESL, so it does not take up any mod slots.
The mod is what it is, and unless it is a game breaking issue, will not be revised.

Big Thanks to AlanaSP for her work with the Textures to make them look better. :)

Want more Gundam stuff in Fallout 4, other than what I have released?

Check out the following mods.

These are not my mods but I recommend them highly.

0079 - 08th MS Team - Gundam Power Armor

0080 War in a Pocket - Gundam Power Armor

NX-6 Avalon - Custom Gundam Power Armor

Full Metal Panic - Power Armors

Here's a mod I am involved with, but did not make.

500slr Weapons

If you are crashing at the Chem Bench when trying to make the weapons, go and download and enable the mod No More Legendary Screen, that mod will stop the crashing from happening. Make sure you get the correct copy of the mod for the version of the game you have.

To all the haters out there, I dedicate all my mods to all of you.
Thanks for letting me live rent free in your minds. :)

I do not claim to own or have made the model or models used in this mod. They belong to their prospective owners and are only used according to a licensing agreement that is posted on the website from whence they came. All the information about the model or models and who owns/made them is listed in the Permissions and Credits section of this mod page, like they should be. . .