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About this mod

This mod works very similar to how Damn Apocalypse's broken weapon system works, except for power armor. Not every piece of Power Armor you find off of a dead enemy will be intact. Some pieces will turn to irreparable broken scrap.

Permissions and credits
The Idea

A while back I had the idea for creating a broken power armor system that worked very similar to how DA's broken weapon system works. This is largely because in my personal playthroughs of Fallout 4 I use both Damn Apocalypse with Power Armor to the People and have a LOT of power armor mods installed. To put things lightly I ended up getting a LOT of power pieces pieces, which did not really sit well with me. Power armor is supposed to be rare, and despite turning the spawning rates down and using other mods to make PA enemies tougher, I still ended up with a stupid amount of power armor just sitting around only good for selling and becoming instantly rich.

This can throw off the balance of the game off in my opinion, specifically the economy and lore reasons. I wanted the best of both worlds: lore-Friendly power armor distribution to enemies while also making it harder to acquire power armor. So I made this to help. The idea came from Damn Apocalypse's broken weapon system and Scarcity, which disables power armor pieces once they reach zero health with scripting to permanently "break" them..

This is a proof of concept and prototype which I hope to build upon as I go along. It's definitely not a final product, so keep that in mind. I'm sure I made some mistakes, so I'm opening this up so maybe some more experienced people might point anything out to me to aid me in this quest.

What it Does

What this mod does is add NPC only versions of power armor pieces and broken junk items only good for scrap. Enemies that spawn in power armor will have a chance of having these non-playable flagged NPC only variants of power armor pieces (which the player cannot see in menus or loot, but the NPC can still equip and acts as normal power armor) and when dead, a broken junk item will be in their inventory instead. The broken junk items are only good for scrapping for components or selling (for a much lower cost compared to intact PA).

Currently there is a 1 in 3 chance of looting an intact power armor piece from a dead enemy. That seems fair, but it can be increased or decreased by going into the LLs in xEdit and adding another broken LL to the Chance LL for that specific piece.

I tried not to touch any unique or vendor LLs, to keep those intact and fun to find/buy, but let me know how it turns out in the comments.

Load Order
These patches should be loaded AFTER all PA mods and ALL Power Armor to the People Patches. They overwrite the levelled lists in PAttP to work.

Power Armor Mods
Power armor to the People.esp
All PAttP patches
BrokenPA_PAttP -
other patches
BrokenPA_PAttP_BPAO.esp - (BPAO patch should be loaded last after all other Broken PA patches)

The Plan

I have left X-01, T-60 Tesla, and other DLC PA pieces alone, as this is intended to be used with Damn Apocalypse and it already limits these sets in other ways.

Hunting down the LLs for the NPCs' power armor was a pain so I am sure that I missed some or possibly changed a levelled list that does not reference an NPC, report this in the comments.

Again, this is a WIP mod, so please keep that in mind. I will build upon it as I find the time and get the permissions from other mod authors to modify their mods.

As of now the scrap junk pieces will use the models for their intact versions, as I have no idea how to create custom models. If in the future someone with the experience wants to create custom models for the junk items, I'd be happy to accept the help and include them. Just know that it would be a lot work. At a minimum there would need to be 4 models per model of power armor (Helmet, Torso, Arms and Legs). With all the mod added power armor out there that's a lot of work so I'm not going to put that on anyone.

I'll look into making a FOMOD installer once I'm through with all the patches. It's a lot of work to manually edit all these LLs so please be patient with me. :D

Damn Apocalypse is not required but highly recommended! I think this should also work fine with Some Assembly Required.

For those who also use Power Armor to the People I also recommend using skiesbleed's PARTS patcher. With this you can carry over DA's repair component changes (such as requiring west-tek screws) and perks requirements to craft/repair power armor pieces.

I personally recommend increasing the value of power armor pieces, and using another economy tweaking mod like Complex Vendors, so that they cannot be easily bought. Combined with the Game Configuration Menu to change the buy/sell prices for the player and vendors, you can really limit the economy to make things harder.


payl0ad and friends for making Damn Apocalypse and creating the broken weapon system which gave me this idea.
spacefiddle for creating Scarcity which introduced the concept of broken power armor to me and made me want to make this.
Diakyuto for creating a great guide to follow that got me into making these and my other patches for weapons.
skiesbleed for creating Power Armor to the People
newermind43 for all his power armor mods!
unoctium and DogoothCG for their power armor mods!
3nikhey for the Classic Advanced Power Armor
EdibleGrenade12 for his power armor mods!
VISaberToothIV for the Liberty Power Armor
m150 for the Institute Power Armor
Bordraw for the Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul
captainultima for the Settler Vigilante Power Armor
assultdragon for their X-02 and X-03 All Factions paintjobs mods
YEAGER83 for his Raider Overhaul Spike and Cage fix
tumbajamba for his power armor mods!
neeher for his SE-01 power armor. Be sure to check out his other mods too. They're awesome!
C1ph3rr for their Black Devil Power Armor mod