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About this mod

This is a custom radio that allows you to place 50 music tracks of your own music into the game for you to listen to and enjoy as you journey along. Unlike my other mod this is not a static playlist. Your music will be randomized so that you never hear it in the same order.

Permissions and credits
Ver .1b


-  File names match now.  Should clear the issues people with MO were having.
-  Extended the number of files that will be tracked from 2 to 30.  This keeps more of the files in play and still keeps the randomization in play.  
-  Both versions have been cleaned and verified with xEdit.


Welcome to the Pre-War Classic Radio - Customizable mod with music shuffling for your listening pleasure!  Tired of listening to a playlist of canned music?  Rather listen to your own music while traipsing around the Commonwealth?  Well, then this mod is for you!  Follow along with the instructions and you can have your very own, personalized, radio playing YOUR music while you handle your business.  Read on to find out how to get your own music into the game for your listening enjoyment.

I created my original mod, Pre-War Classic Radio - Customizable, because I wanted to listen to the type of music I wanted without having to bounce back and forth between programs while playing the game.  What both mods do is allow you to place your own music into the game.  Where this mod differs from the older mod is that instead of having a static playlist that will eventually repeat, this mod will shuffle all 50 of the tracks so that you don't come to expect one particular song to play after another.

As with the original mod, both .wav and .xwm files will work to play music.  Even though the original .wav files I used in testing were converted to .xwm files when I created the mod, the game engine seems to ignore the extension as long as it is one or the other.  The important thing is that you MUST name the files as they are found in the ..\Data\Sound\fx\mus\Radio\PreWarClassicRadio-Shuffle.exp folder.  Those names are what the mod is looking for to play the tracks.  

Note 1:  Unlike the original mod, you have to have 50 tracks for this to work as intended.  The script randomizes the tracks based on variables placed into the mod so that it can, somewhat, keep track of what was played and keep them out of rotation for awhile.  If you don't have all 50 of the tracks available to the script I can't guarantee that your music will play correctly.  Depending on the response I get from this I may either extend the number of songs out further or, if requested, I may shorten it some.  However I think that 50 randomized songs should give most people enough variety that they will enjoy the mod as is.  I know that while I was testing it some tracks popped up more frequently.  I had to wait almost 20 minutes to verify that all 50 of the test tracks, which are at most 2 seconds long, would play.  Considering it only takes a little less than 2 minutes for all 50 of those tracks to play I'd say the shuffle function not only works but will give you some variety as well as a bit of a surprise when a song that hasn't been chosen for a long time pops into the playlist.

Note 2:  The frequency used for this mod is 95.46 just in case anyone is curious.

Note :  Almost forgot to mention.  This mod ships the 50 placeholder files as .xwm files instead of .wav files.  Makes the download significantly smaller.  Not that it was huge to begin with.

How to add your own music:

  • Convert the songs you want to have in-game to .wav or .xwm format (.xwm files are significantly smaller)
       a.  You MUST use the Microsoft signed 16-bit PCM .wav format for your audio files to work.  
  • Rename your songs exactly as you see the files in that folder named. Currently, they are 00PWC01.xwm - 00PWC50.xwm
      a.  I got tired of renaming the files manually and created the .bat script below to do it for me automatically.   Just open up Notepad on your Windows machine, Copy the text below, and then paste it into your Notepad.  Save the file as "rename.bat".  When you run the script it will prompt you for the location of the files you want to rename. 

    I create a c:\temp\music folder to hold the files while I'm working on them.  So for me, when it prompts me for the directory, I type in "c:\temp\music".  If you have any spaces in your directory path you will have to include the quotes when typing in your directory name.

    ******  WARNING  *******

    While I did my best to make the script smart enough to only rename files in the correct directory and have either the .wav or .xwm file extensions....we're talking about Windows here and running a script.  Use at your own risk.  I will not be responsible for any issues you have from running this script.  It works fine for me but I will not guarantee that for everyone else.

    REM Script Author: Riven Forest
    REM Creation Date: 22 February, 2024

    @echo off

    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set /p "folder_path=Enter the folder path: "

    REM Check if the folder exists
      if not exist "%folder_path%\" (
         echo Folder does not exist. Exiting script.
         exit /b

    pushd "%folder_path%"
    set "counter=1"
    set "renamed_count=0"

      for %%f in (*.wav *.xwm) do (
        set "extension=%%~xf"
        set "padded_counter=00!counter!"
        set "padded_counter=!padded_counter:~-2!"
        ren "%%f" "00PWC!padded_counter!!extension!"
        set /a "counter+=1"
        set /a "renamed_count+=1"

    echo Renamed !renamed_count! files.


  • Once you have renamed your files navigate to wherever you have your game installed and then go to this folder:

         ..\Fallout 4\Data\Sound\fx\mus\Radio\PreWarClassicRadio-Shuffle.esp\
  • Replace the existing files with your music.
  • Enjoy your own playlist :)

The video tutorials I've linked to should help anyone convert their music files so that they can be used.




It's been known for a while now that radio mods will quit working for no reason.  When I was working on the original mod I found the explanation, and solution, to the issue and implemented it into the mod itself.  The only issue is I never actually said that I had. I wasn't really in a good place at the time and just wanted to finish what I had started.

The fix would appear to be having a receiver that remains on at all times.  This way the script that runs the audio doesn't get buggy and fail which is what causes the radio station to go silent.  For good or bad when I implemented the fix I placed it at Drumlin Diner for reasons that I can no longer remember. I had a reason at the time I just can't figure out what it was at the moment.  That being said, if you have anything that affects the world space around Drumllin Diner place this mod AFTER that one.  This should avoid having the station quit working after a time. 

Load Order:

Anything that affects Drumlin Diner
This mod

Credits and Thanks:

♦ Elite Khajit for his youtube tutorial "Fallout 4 Creation Kit - How to Add a Radio Station - Detailed Guide"
♦ Seddon4494 for his youtube tutorial "Fallout 4 Creation Kit - Non Pipboy Radio"
♦ HeartImpaled for his youtube tutorial "Fallout 4 Creation Kit Tutorials: Create Radio Stations with Custom Music & Shuffle Scripting"
♦ Big thanks to thorplover for helping me figure out some issues with the first version.
♦ The folks over at the Fallout 4 Wiki for hosting the page:  Fallout 4 Mod Radio Frequencies 
♦ Everyone who has taken the time to download and give the original Mod a try. It's nice to know that people are enjoying something that I've worked on.

My other mods:

Pre-War Classic Radio - Customizable with Shuffle 
Pre-War Classic Radio - Customizable 
LooksMenu Face Preset - Kate
LooksMenu Face Preset - Destiny
LooksMenu Face Preset  - Jenn  
LooksMenu Face Preset  - Isabella   
LooksMenu Face Preset - Chris
TrueStorms FO4 - Fog Items Mover