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About this mod

At contrary to trees and grasses which are animated, vanilla lootable floras are plain static...
Get your hands on this mod, and you'll have also animated floras with foliages moving in the wind.
The "Floranim" mod also fixes some floras models not being updated when looted and add lights and particles effects to irradiated floras.

Permissions and credits
! BEWARE ! If you're using last version of Winter in Appalachia mod, then you don't need or even should install Flor@nim because Winter in Appalachia contains now its own version of Flor@nim, plus dedicated textures and more particles for snowflakes effects in da wind !
If you're not using Winter in Appalachia you should at least give it a try it if you never did until now... Otherwise, please, be my guest : 
Flor@nim" is animating most of the lootable floras with foliages, so these are now moving in the wind such as the game is doing for trees branches foliages and unlootable grasses.

Separately, it is also animating solid branches, when there are, however these ones can't be tied to the game engine wind system, so these are rigged to bones ( "nodes" ) and statically pre-animated with various cycles.

You also may notice some totally new models ( rhododendron, ... )and totally new textures ( razorgrain, ... )
In the files section, you'll be able to choose between 1K, 2K or 4K versions according to the textures quality you can afford or just want.
1K is identically to vanilla game, while 4K is mainly intended either for developpers or for people using 4K monitors, obviously ;
In most cases, people should prefer the 2K version over the two others as they won't notice their framerate as impacted while the result will still be much better than 1K.

In vanilla game, some floras models aren't updated when looted ( brain-mushrooms, floating-tarberries, etc... ) adding useless confusion for the player :
Some mods yet available on Nexus are yet fixing this kind of issue, however Floranim fixes it its own way ( Obviously, it's up to you to choose which mod should be loaded the last in your .ini file, overwriting previous one(s), according to what solution you prefer. )

Floranim best improvement might still be its enlighten irradiated floras, much more appealing than vanilla ones ;
Their color are now fitting the flux you can get from them ( For instance, Cranberries aren't no more violet while giving red flux... )
Also animated, the irradiated floras are now using advanced materials with simultaneously both PBR, emissive and various other effects such as environment mapping  (.bgem) ; these irradiated floras will now also be using various lights and particles effects.

It's to be noted that Bethesda was initially intending to add custom lights for each of these irradiated flora ( FO76edit shows "addon" typically created to do that but never used ) - They finally chose to not add these lights sources, while it definitely has not such an impact on performances ( I had even no impact at all untill now in usual nuked places such as Cranberry Bogs, Earl mountain or Whitespring... Maybe in other places with yet many other lights sources and a lot of floras concentrated ? Well, you tell me. )

About the particles these irradiated Floras are emitting, it really adds to the magic ;  if you're yet using another mod which adds many particles around, or if you just like these very much and want always more, you might want to level up a bit this setting in :
"My Games\Fallout 76\Fallout76Prefs.ini" :

( Vanilla iMaxDesired=750 )

When it comes to install the mod, you might now be familliar with the method... However, just in case : 
The 2 ".ba2" files you'll be downloading will go into the DATA folder of the game ( Something like :\STEAM\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data )
Then in your windows Documents, find your "My Games" folder, and in there, "Fallout 76", then inside :
Open ( or create ) the file "Fallout76Custom.ini", and add or update the [Archive] section with the names of the 2 .ba2 files you just downloaded, such as in this example :


sResourceArchiveList2=FLORANIM_M.ba2, FLORANIM_T-1K.ba2,
sResourceArchive2List=FLORANIM_M.ba2, FLORANIM_T-1K.ba2,

( Just Replace 1K by 2K or 4K according to the version you chose to download )

... My other FO76 mods so far :

ScorchBeasts But BlackVultures

► Gulpers but Daedroths

► ACAB76 - All Camps Are Beautiful 

► ACAB76 - All Corpses Are Beautiful

► USBQ - Ultracite Scorched Beast Queen :

► Explosion Water Splash :

►ACAB76 - Hunt for the Treasure Hunters

ACAB76_A Christmas After Blast_Holiday Scorched

+ Contributions to "Winter in Appalachia" ( by Rigell & Tantrano ) :

( *From me : Snow particles and animated floras revamped for winter )