There will be a lot of [ESPLite] marks in the guide... It mean that you need to add ESL flag to the ESP file in xEdit. You can do it safely on almost all patches!
Here, I will explain how to do it. 


Load the ESP in SSEEdit

When the background loader is finished, double-click on plugin to expand it. Click on File Header.

Go to Record Flags, left-click on it and select Edit.

Tick the ESL box and press OK.

Now, it should look like this.

Close SSEEdit. Make sure that plugin that you edited is the only plugin ticket in the list.

There will be also a lot of [ESPLite - C] marks in the guide... It mean that you need to Compact Form IDs before you add ESL flag to the plugin. Here, I will explain how to do it. 

WARNING! Compacting mods is the last thing that you want to do! Do it only, when you're hitting the 255 plugins limit!!!! Remember that you need to enable all patches related to compacted plugin!

WARNING2!: Previous warning doesn't matter if you're using The Northern Experience!


Load all plugins in SSEEdit. Find plugin that you want to "convert".
Right-click the plugin and select Compact FormIDs for ESL.

Click Yes in the pop-up window. After it you can add ESL flag to the header and save the file (instructions are identical to the [ESPLite]).

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