**New or changed in 2.0**

Adventurer (0/10)
Stamina regenerates <2%> faster per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <+50> carryweight. <On Level 10> All incoming Damage is reduced by <10%>

Agent (0/10)
Crafted Poisons are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Attacks against Npc's that consider you an Ally deal <200%> more Damage. <On Level 10> <2%> chance to instantly kill your target if it doesn't detect you.

Crafted Potions are <3%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Harvesting grants an extra Ingredient

Crafted Items are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Fortify Speech by <10> points

Archer (0/15)
Bows and Crossbows deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> Your arrows inflict <3> Bleed damage for <5> seconds. <On Level 10> Your Drawing Spee is <25%> faster and you move <10%> faster. <On Level 15> Attacks with Bows and Crossbows have a <20%> chance to slow down the Target.

Assassin (0/15)
While Sneaking, you become <1%> harder to detect per Class Level and Daggers have a <5%> chance to Paralyze a Target for a duration equal to the Classes Level. <On Level 5> Poisons last for <2> extra hits. <On Level 10> Attacks deal double damage if the Target isn't in combat. <On Level 15> Sneak Attacks with Poisoned Weapons deal <50%> more damage.

Axeman (0/15)
Axes and Waraxes deal <2%> more damage per Class Level but everything else deals <1%> less. <On Level 5> Axes and Waraxes deal <25%> more Crit Damage and have a <10%> Chance to stagger the Target. <On Level 10> Axes and Waraxes have a <20%> chance to destroy the Targets shield. <On Level 15> Axes and Waraxes have a <5%> Chance to disarm the Target

Bard (0/10)
Gain <2> points of Speechcraft per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain the <Mockery> Ability. <On Level 10> A target under the effect of <Mockery> has a <10%> chance to attack the player, allowing it to be killed without getting a bounty.

Berserker (0/15)
Attacks with Two-Handed Weapons deal <1%> more damage (+1% if below 50% Health) per Class Level. <On Level 5> Rage now also grants <50%> Magic Resistances. <On Level 10> Dropping below <20%> Health automatically grants you Rage. <On Level 15> For every <20%> Health you lose, you gain <10%> damage.

Blacksmith (0/5)
Item improvement is <3%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Whenever you gain an Ingot at a Smelter there is a <15%> chance to gain another one.

Blademaster (0/15)
Daggers, Swords, and Greatswords deal 2% more damage but everything else deals 1% less. <On Level 5> Daggers, Swords, and Greatswords deal <50%> more Crit Damage. <On Level 10> After Blocking an enemy's Attack with a Blade, deal <33%> more damage to him for <3> seconds. <On Level 15>You attack <20%> faster while wielding at least one Dagger, Sword or Greatsword..

Bounty Hunter (0/15)
Deal <3%> more Damage to all "Boss" Enemies per Class Level. <On Level 5> You take <20%> less damage from Boss enemies but <10%> more from everyone else. <On Level 10> Intimidation is <50%> more likely to succeed. <On Level 15> For every <5> cleared Bounty Quest while the Class is active, Light Armour provides additional <10%> Armour rating (up to 50%).

Commoner (0/5)
All regeneration is <1%> faster per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <10> points of Health, Magicka, and Stamina.

Daedra Caller (0/15)
Summoned Daedra last <2%> longer per Class Level. <On Level 5> You gain a permanent Scamp that follows you around and fights with you, who will get more powerful as you level up the Class.  <On Level 10> Daedra Summons cost <33%> less but all others cost <10%> more. <On Level 15> Gain <+1> max. Summon
Elementalist (0/15)
Choose a Primary Element: Primary Element Spells do <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> Choose a Secondary Element: Secondary Element Spells do <1%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 10> Primary Element Spells cost <25%> less to cast. <On Level 15> Grants the Ability to once per day turn into your primary Element for <60> seconds.

Enchanter (0/5)
New Enchantments are <3%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Soul Gems recharge any Item for <5%> more.

Healer (0/15)
Healing Spells are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Restoration Spells cost <20%> less to cast. <On Level 10> Restoration Spells are <25%> stronger if the target is below <10%> health. <On Level 15> While under the effect of a Healing Spell, incoming damage is reduced by <50%>
Hunter (0/5)
You deal <5%> more Damage to Animals per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain the Ability to place Hunter's Traps

Illusionist (0/15)
Illusion work on Enemies <1> level higher per Class Level. <On Level 5> Illusion targeting yourself last <100%> longer. <On Level 10> Spells are <20%> stronger against Enemies under Fear, Frenzy, or Calm Effect. <On Level 15> Grants the Mesmerize Spell.
Mauler (0/15)
Maces and Warhammers deal <2%> more damage per Class Level but everything else deals <1%> less. <On Level 5> <20%> Chance to Stagger your Target when using a Mace or a Warhammer. <On Level 10> Maces and Warhammer ignore <50%> of Targets Armour. <On Level 15> Maces and Warhammer deal <100%> more Damage to staggered Targets.

Merchant (0/5)
<2%> better prizes per Class Level. <On Level 5> You can train <2> extra times, and most training costs are reduced.

Mystic Bulwark (0/15)
Alteration Spells last <2%> longer per Class Level. <On Level 5> Magic Armour Spells provide <20%> more Armour (additional <20%> if not wearing any Armour). <On Level 10> While having an active Magic Armour Spell gain also <15%> Magic Resistances. <On Level 15> While you have a Magic Armour Spell active, there is a <2%> chance to ignore an incoming Weapon hit.

Necromancer (0/15)
Summoned Undead last <2%> longer per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <+1> max. Summon if you have at least one Undead summoned. <On Level 10> While you have at least one Undead Summon Magicka recovers <50%> faster, but it's <30%> slower if not. <On Level 15> Gain the “Necrotic Spear” Spell.

Slayer (0/15)
After Killing an Enemy Deal <2%> more Damage per Class Level for <3> seconds. <On Level 5> After Killing an Enemy: You gain <10%> Movement Speed for <12> seconds. <On Level 10> After Killing an Enemy: Power Attacks consume <30%> less Stamina for <6> secondes. <On Level 15> Power Attacks deal <10%> more Damage for each enemy you killed this Combat

Swashbuckler (0/15)
Attacks with One-Handed Weapons are <1%> stronger per Class Level (+<1%> if you haven't been hit for <5> seconds). <On Level 5> You move <20%> faster and attack <10%> faster while wielding at least one One-Handed Weapon. <On Level 10> Stamina recovers <50%> faster while in combat. <On Level 15> After not being hit for <5> seconds, your Crit Chance and Crit Damage are doubled.

Wise (0/10)
Scrolls are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> After using a Spell, Scrolls are <20%> stronger for <6> seconds. <On Level 10> Grants the Ability to create a copy of a scroll once every <6> hours.

**Standard Classes**
Barbarian (0/10)
Your attacks with Two-Handed Weapons deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> The damage critical attacks with a Two-Handed Weapons deal is doubled. <On Level 10> Grants the "Rage" Ability.

Battlemage (0/10)
Spells from the Destruction and Restoration Schools are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> While you have a Shield or Healing Spell active, casting other Spells costs <25%> less. <On Level 10> Once every <6> Hours, if you run out of Magicka, you instantly recover all Magicka.

Burglar (0/10)
Pickpocketing and Lockpicking is <2%> easier per Class Level. <On Level 5> If you have a bounty of atleast <200> Golds from non-violent crimes in this hold, prices by fences are <20%> better. <On Level 10>  Grants the "Burglar's Invisibility" Ability.

Duellist (0/10)
While your left hand is empty, you move <2%> faster per Class Level. <On Level 5>  While your left hand is empty, your One-Handed Weapons have a <33%> higher chance of dealing a critical hit. <On Level 10> While your left hand is empty, your attacks with One-Handed Weapons deal <70%> more damage.

Fighter (0/10)
Your attacks with One-Handed Weapons deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> The bonus damage critical attacks with a One-Handed Weapons deal is doubled. <On Level 10> Grants the "Adrenalin" Ability.

Knight (0/10)
Your Armour protects you <2%> more per Class Level. <On Level 5> While your Health is above <80%> you deal <20%> more damage. <On Level 10> You gain <10%> Resistances to Fire, Frost, Shock and Poison and gain <100> points of Health.

Your spells cost <1%> less per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <25> Magicka.

Mystic (0/10)
Spells from the Alteration and Illusion Schools are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> While you are out of combat, your spells last <33%> longer and are <20%> stronger. <On Level 10> Dual Casting Spells cost <33%> less.

Nightblade (0/10)
While you are sneaking and not in combat, all spells cost <2%> less to cast per Class Level. <On Level 5> While you are invisible and sneaking, your attacks will always be critical attacks. <On Level 10> Gain the Ability to summon the "Phantasmal Blade".

Occultist (0/10)
Spells from the Conjuration School are <2%> stronger per Class Level and Enchantments become <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Your attacks with Bound Weapons deal <1%> more damage for every level in Conjuration. <On Level 10> You are able to have one more summon and once per day you can recharge your equipments enchantment.      

Rogue (0/10)
You attack <2%> faster per Class Level. <On Level 5> When your Health is below <30%> you have a <20%> higher chance of landing a critical attack. <On Level 10> For every kill you restore <15> Stamina.  

Bows and Crossbows deal <2%> more damage per Class Level.and you take <2%> less damage from attacks with Bows or Crossbows per Class Level. <On Level 5> You move <20%> faster while aiming with a bow or crossbow if you have at least <3> parts of light armour equipped. <On Level 10> Gain the Ability to "Mark Enemies", marked enemies take more damage from ranged attacks.  

Spells are <2%> more powerful per Class Level if the Target is an Enemy in Melee range. <On Level 5> Shortly after casting a spell, your Melee Attacks deal <20%> more damage. <On Level 10> While you have a weapon drawn, your spells are <25%> stronger.

You move <2%> faster per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <25> Stamina

Warrior (0/5)
Your attacks deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <25> Health.

**Priest Tree**
Cleric (0/10)
You gain 10% more experience in the Restoration and gain <5% more experience in the One-Handed Skills.
Spells from Restoration School are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Your attacks with One-Handed Weapons deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. While you have an active Blessing you gain <5%> more experience and your Restoration Spells are <10%> stronger when used against Undeads. <On Level 10> While having an active Blessing, your One-Handed Weapons deal <25%> more damage, and Spells from the Restoration School are <25%> powerful.

Inquisitor (0/10)
Staves and Weapon Enchantment deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> Choose either Fire, Ice, or Shock you gain <20%> Resistance against the chosen Element. <On Level 10> Spells are <25%> stronger when used against Bandits, Daedras, and Undeads.

Priest (0/5)
You take <5%> less damage by Daedra and Undeads per Class Level. <On Level 5> Gain <100%> Disease Resistance.

Paladin (0/10)
Your Weapon attacks against Bandits, Daedra, and Undeads deal <2%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> Once per day: For <30> seconds, your allies in a <30 ft> radius around you, gain <100> Armour rating and deal <10%> more damage. <On Level 10> Gain Divine Aura: Once per day, for <60> seconds you deal <50%> more damage, also can cause Fear in Enemies in Melee range.

Undead Hunter (0/10)
Your attacks with ranged Weapons against Undead Targets deal <1%> more damage per Class Level and you gain the "Sun Damage Rune" Spell. <On Level 5> You can cast one additional rune and runes cost <10%> less to cast. <On Level 10>  Once per day: For <20> seconds your attacks with ranged weapons do additional sun damage.

Zealot (0/10)
Your melee attacks against Undead and Daedras are <1%> stronger and against Summoner are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Your Restoration Spells are <10%> stronger. <On Level 10> Gain the "Smite" Ability, for <30> seconds all your physical attacks deal <10> extra Damage. Smites power is <200%> stronger when used against Undeads.

** Community Pack 02**

Blood Knight (0/15)
Your armour protects you <1%> better and your attacks deal <1%> more damage per Class Level. <On Level 5> If you are a Vampire: Your Power Attacks absorb <10> points of Health and Stamina from living Targets. <On Level 10> If you are a Vampire: Every kill restores <50> points of Health. <On Level 15> Gain the "Feral Assault" Ability (You attack <50%> faster, but you take <20%> more damage for <30> seconds)

Brawler (0/10)
Your unarmed attacks are <2%> stronger per Class Level. <On Level 5> Your unarmed attacks ignore <5%> of the target's armour per Class Level. <On Level 10> Your unarmed power attacks have a <25%> chance of knocking the target down.

Hero of Old (0/15)
You gain a <1%> chance to absorb incoming spells per Class Level. <On Level 5> Your Frost Spells and Enchantments are <10%> stronger and cost <15%> less. <On Level 10> Wearing armour sets under the Iron, Steel, or Steel Plate category provide a <10%> bonus to armor rating. Wearing full set of "Ancient Nord" armour grants a <50%> bonus to armour rating. <On Level 15> Once per day: If your shout cooldown time is above <180> seconds, you heal yourself based on cooldown value. If the cooldown is below <180> seconds your next shout doesn't cause any cooldown.

Vampiric Inquisitor (0/15)
During Nighttime: Spells from the Illusion school last <5%> longer per Class Level. <On Level 5> You gain <50> points of Magicka and another <25> if you are a Vampire. <On Level 10> You gain <5> points of Health for every "Vampire Lord" Perk Point you have earned. <On Level 15> If you are a vampire: You gain the Ability to teleport forward <3> ft at the cost of <40> points of Health.

**Prestige Classes**
Your Magicka regenerates <100%> faster. You gain a <10%> Chance that casting a spell will not consume any Magicka. Gain the Ability to, once per day, steal your target Magicka.

The Dragonborn
Your Shouts are <25%> more powerful. Shouts Cooldown is reduced by <50%>. You take <20>% less Damage from Dragons.

The Harbinger
You deal <50>% more damage against creature enemies. Your unarmed Damage is doubled. Gain the Ability to, once per day, become invulnerable for <3> seconds.

The Listener
Your attacks with Daggers deal <2> Bleed Damage for <10> seconds after hitting a target. You are permanently "muffled" and are <25%> harder to detect. You deal 20% more Damage against Enemies, while you have at least <2000> Gold Bounty at their Crime Faction (Crime Factions that this works on are: Eastmarch, Falkreath, Haafingar, Hjaalmarch, Orcs, Pale, Raven Rock, Reach, Rift, Whiterun, and Winterhold).

The Nightingale
Spells from the Illusion Schools are are <50%> stronger, if the target doesn't detect you.  During Nighttime: You are <20%> harder to detect and lockpicking is <20%> easier. During Daytime: You gain <20> points of Speechcraft and pickpocketing is <20%> easier. Once per day: Become Ethereal for <60> seconds.

The Telvanni Wizard
You have a <20%> chance that any Spell you cast effectiveness is doubled. While wielding a Staff your Spells are <33>% more powerful. Staves are <100>% more powerful while you don't wield any non-Staff Weapon.

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