Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

This mod adds nine new dragon types across the leveled lists and reunites my previous combat mods in one!. All the dragons have custom models made by me; expect to find dragons spitting sand, poison, electricity, infectious substance, lifedraining blood, and a few really scary high level dragons! Their breath and melee attacks will be devastating.

Permissions and credits


¿Ever felt vanilla skyrim is lacking in the dragon variety department? There are only fire and frost dragons; and a very limited number of them (only 8!). It is very easy to get your fire, frost, or magic resistance going and become basically inmune to their attacks. And also, why not say it: they can be underwhelming and small.

This mod adds nine new huge dragon types across the leveled lists; making up for a total of 41 new dragons. All the dragons added have custom breath effects by yours truly (sand, venom, lightning, sickness, blood...)

Most of the dragons can be found at all levels, but 4 of them ,the really powerful ones, will start appearing only after a certain point. All the dragons have high poly and HD custom models made by me (like the ones you can find here) ; expect to find dragons spitting sand, poison, electricity, infectious substance, lifedraining blood, and a few really scary high level dragons!

This mod also reunites my previous combat mods (better dragon breath and better dragon melee) all in one!. Their breath and melee attacks will be devastating; dealing aoe explosive damage and leaving elemental surfaces in the ground. Also, the dragons will be able to sweep the battleground with their wing and tail attacks.

Lastly, if you install Majestic Dragons your dragons will be more varied, stronger, and also larger and with better proportions.


  • Essentially; better dragon breath added 20 ft AoE to all dragon breath attacks, and gave them explosive visuals and sounds. It gave the "ball" attacks a much larger area of effect. It also made dragon breath generate a lot of elemental surfaces corresponding to the breath type, filling the battlefield with fire, frost, poison...

  • Regarding better dragon melee: The dragon melee attacks covered wider angles and dealt AOE, the bite attack staggered and the wing and tail attacks could stagger you and knock down NPCs. All attacks had more bloody vfx and the wing and tail attacks generated lots of dust. This mod also made dragons faster and more agile in the ground, as well as protected them from NPC attacks by giving the dragons extra resistance to them.

Now, to the new dragons!

THE COMMON DRAGONS: You will find them across all levels

ARDENT DRAGON (Added in 1.1)

This dragon breathes fire with a very explosive effect. The breath itself will do less damage, but the explosions will add to it. The explosive damage will go through your magical wards. Their explosive breath will also send many NPCs flying (never you however, because you are the dovahkiin!). Their bites will also do aditional firey damage. Fire and magical resistance Will come in handy against theese foes.


This dragon is one of the most common ones, and you will find it rather often. It appears at any level. It's sand attack generates a lot of dust, staggering and interrupting visibility, but it won't generate surfaces. It's breath attack deals physical damage; that means you can't resist it with resist magic potions or enchantments, but a good armor will protect you. This dragon has a unique combat style: he will land often and heavily favor melee combat, as it is sturdy and robust and will resist 50% of physical damage.


It's colorful skin is indicative of it's dangerous poison; The venomous dragon will deal poisonous damage to your health and stamina, and can only be resisted with resist poison enchantments or potions. It's breath will leave nasty poisonous surfaces in the ground that deal a lot of damage overtime, and last for quite a bit. Lastly, it's bite is more dangerous than that of most dragons, as it will deal extra poison damage. This dragon will be resistent to poison.

The vile appereance of the infectious dragon is very fitting; this dragon will spit a disgusting and highly infective disease breath, which can only be resisted with disease resistance, and can make you feel sick. The breath will also drain your stamina. The surfaces it leaves in the ground will deal a nasty amount of damage overtime, similarly to the venomous dragon. This dragon is inmune to disease.


The electric dragon will breath high voltage electricity at you. It will generate small shockwaves that will deal a bit extra damage, (The explosive damage will go through your magical wards!) and drain your magicka. It's breath will leave lots of electrical surfaces in the ground. This dragon is resistant to shock attacks.

THE HIGH TIER DRAGONS: You will only find them at high levels.


Made purely by the bones of a former living dragon, this abomination holds it's body together, moves, and flies, thanks to the life essence he drains from it's victims. It's life draining breath counts as physical damage, only armor can protect you from it. It is also able to deal devastating frost damage, in which case, frost and magic resistances help. Lastly, it uses a shout that reduces all health, stamina, and magicka of the targets. This dragon also inmune to poison and disease, and resistant to frost damage.


The legendary and wicked red dragon was one of the most revered dragons in Tamriel back in the day. It's bite deals extra firey damage and it's flames can't be resisted with fire resistance perks. It is resistant to fire damage. This dragon has a unique combat style: it favors breath attacks, flyby attacks, and divebombs. Magical attacks might help you bring down this beast.


The legendary white dragon was one of the most revered dragons in Tamriel back in the day. It's bite deals extra frost damage, it is resistant to disease, poison, and frost damage and emanates a cold aura that deals damage overtime to those close to it. It's frozen breath can't be resistend with cold resistance perks.


Only second to Alduin, the Black Dragon is a force to be reckoned. It is extremely rare and powerful. Not only it deals more physical damage than usual, it's bite and tail attacks also deal firey damage. It's flames can't be resisted by conventional means and fire resistance perks. It is resistant to firey damage. But what makes this monstruosity truly be formidable it's it's insane resistance to magic, as it is able to resist 75% of a spell's effect. It's posible the best way to end this dragon is a big sword, if you are brave and heroic enough to get close and personal.


  • Op1: Use mod manager option and install it with your mod manager (vortex or mod organizer, I use mod organizer)
  • Op 2: Paste the content of the 7zip in game's data directory in the game's installation folder.


I don't recommend any other dragon combat mod; they could have conflicts and make the dragons way too overpowered (though if you want that, it's up to you!)
Confirmed compatible with:
  • Diverse dragons collection.
  • Dragon combat overhaul.
  • Serio's enhanced dragons.
  • It will work with Game of Thrones dragons, as theese custom models I made will be only for the dragons added by the mod.

The mod is lightweight, with only one very simple script and in ESL format, meaning it won't take a plugin slot.
It has great sinergy with all my other mods, no exception.
It is SAFE to add migdame. (Tested)


Very strongly recommended:
My Mods:
  • Majestic Dragons - If you want larger and better proportioned dragons
  • Majestic Dragon Models - If you want similar dragon models to the ones added by this mod for the rest of the game's dragons.

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