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About this mod

Requiem for a Knave is a compilation of gameplay tweaks for Requiem 5.4.5, with its own collection of custom patches.

Permissions and credits
Requiem for a Knave is a comprehensive overhaul for Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul.

This is a collection of mechanical, gameplay, and verisimilitude tweaks I have made over many years of playing Requiem.
If you have played Requiem in the past, and liked the general idea of an unleveled world and more lethal combat, but found the mod's obtuseness and lack of polish off-putting, then Requiem for a Knave may interest you. In no uncertain terms, this does make Requiem easier - it is not intended as a challenge mod for min-maxers or powergamers.


Note on the 4.0 release, and future of this mod:

I apologize for being years late on this, but the majority of work on the latest 4.0 version of Requiem for a Knave was done prior to the release of Requiem 5.2, when Manuel took over as lead Requiem developer from Ogerboss. A lot of my edits to Requiem mechanics are very "hacky", and I only felt comfortable doing things this way as Requiem itself had been stagnant for some time. With Requiem now back under "active" development, I feel there is little need to continue with this project, at least in the form it has taken up until this point.

As such, 4.0 will almost certainly be the final "major release" of Requiem for a Knave. Of course I will endeavour to fix any major bugs or issues that arise (and I'm sure there are a few!) and tweak any egregious balance issues but please do not anticipate any major new additions or features from here onward.

I feel that my modding time from here onward would be better spent contributing fixes to Requiem directly (as Manuel has graciously opened Requiem development to outside contributions via GitHub) and/or breaking off certain components from Knave as standalone Requiem addons. In addition there are several non-Requiem-related mods I've been tinkering with for some time that have had to take a back-burner while this project used up most of my time.

But I do want to thank everyone for the kind words and encouragement I have received over the years! I genuinely did not think this mod would be as popular as it was. I hope this version scratches at least a few itches.

Note on 4.1 release:

Okay, so I may have lied a bit. lol. Still, don't expect too much more new content going forward.


Another note: this should go without saying, but due to the extensive changes this mod makes to Requiem's content and mechanics, I would ask that any users experiencing issues report these here only, via the Bugs or Posts tab, and do NOT bother Manuel at the main Requiem mod page. If you're using this mod and having an issue, it's probably my fault lol.


Gameplay-related tweaks

"Mortal Enemies"-style movement (player and NPC), "no NPC AI ninja dodge", and "infinite block fix"-style tweaks incorporated.

Health, Magicka, and Stamina Regeneration in combat standardized at a 50% penalty. Standard Requiem baseline Health Regeneration penalty is still in place, but only active for NPCs when they are not in combat, and for the player at all times.

Melee Combat

Numerous overall balance tweaks to weapons and armor, and many of Requiem's "unique armor effects" removed - See the chart for specific details.

Following Requiem's lead, a number of new weapon assets have been added (for Falmer, Forsworn, and Alik'r), along with a large amount of enchanted variations for these and other vanilla armor and weapons which were previously missing. These have been added to NPCs and loot lists where appropriate.

Most poisons, diseases, and enchantment effects can be blocked with shields or weapons, although certain attacks like creature spitballs require blocking with a shield.

All once-per-day powers in the Heavy Armor and Evasion trees replaced with passive abilities. "Dodge" perk in Evasion tree removed - felt this was not needed with the Mortal Enemies-style movement (i.e. you can dodge most melee attacks right from the start if you pay attention).


Almost all Requiem-added archery mechanics removed. Bows can no longer be broken (characters are staggered instead if hit while drawing a bow), no distinction between "light" and "heavy" bows - bows simply follow the material progression of other weapons and, as in vanilla, draw slower the heavier they are. Up to around Ebony-Daedric tier, most bows should draw faster than in Requiem.

Crossbows have high base damage and always ignore 30% of armor, but are heavy and no longer silent to operate (stealth archers should use bows). All crossbows reload at Requiem's old "heavy" crossbow speed. Also highly recommended to use Non-Exploitable Crossbow Reloading along with Make Non-Exploitable Crossbow Reloading Slow Again for Requiem - see the Installation, Load Order, and Requirements section below for more information.

Low-level ammunition deals significantly less damage. Armored (even light-armored) characters should almost never be one-shot by an enemy archer of appropriate tier. Still generally high enough to kill an unarmored character (with no mage armor, etc.) and enable one-shot stealth kills against Robes/LA enemies by the player.

Magic General

Many new spells have been added, filling out some gaps in the spell lists from various schools. These are largely inspired by Mysticism and Requiem - Magic Redone (from which a few assets have been used with permission - thanks Noxcrab!)

Player magic scaling has been heavily reduced, with player and NPCs now following the same rules. The perks in each magic school for Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master give a stacking 20% increase to magnitude/duration of spells (+100% at Master level).

Requiem's "free spells from perks" removed, with the exception of Novice-level, and only if you are level 1. The idea being that you can use this system to set your "starting spells" but any new spell schools you perk into afterward will require acquiring spells the normal way.

Projectiles from damaging spells (mostly Destruction) are affected by gravity. Fire spells affected the most (Fireball is a bit more akin to lobbing a grenade); ice spells less so. Lightning spells are still effectively "hitscan", but have lower max range than others (NPC AI does account for this when casting).

Almost all spells have longer cast times. Utility and self-cast spells generally keep to 0.5 seconds (regardless of tier), but direct damage or offensive spells have longer cast times at higher tiers (i.e., Firebolt casts faster than Fireball, which casts faster than Fire Strike (Incinerate)). Any spell that uses ritual-cast animations is reverted to vanilla's 3-second cast time (down from Requiem's 4.5).

Rune spells do significant damage but use ritual-cast animations, to prevent abuse while in combat.

All spell absorption effects now work as you would expect from the description (i.e., flat % of incoming spell's base Magicka gets restored). Thanks to the script from Spell Absorption as Described.

Scrolls and staves for all relevant spells have been created and added to appropriate loot lists, etc.

Many magic effect descriptions edited to provide hard numbers or less ambiguous descriptions. All descriptions use vanilla/USSEP style conventions (i.e., "points" is not omitted, actor values like "Health" or "Stamina" are capitalized).

Paralysis enchantments (on weapons) have no RNG component, but do have a 15 sec. "cooldown" before the effect can be applied again (also applies to paralysis effects from spider/Falmer poison).


New variations of telekinetic push spells to stagger/knock down enemies. "On target" variations of Mage Armor/Stonefist (Transmute Muscles) removed - area effect of these spells on allies now activated by a perk in the Alteration tree. Detect spells moved to Illusion. Teleport/Mark & Recall spells from Conjuration moved to Alteration.

New full spell list:


Mage Armor (Rank I)
Telekinetic Push (Rank I)

Mage Armor (Rank II)
Open Lock (Rank I)
Stonefist (Rank I)

Dispel on Self
Mage Armor (Rank III)
Open Lock (Rank II)
Telekineses (Rank I)
Telekinteic Push (Rank II)
Whirlwind Cloak

Ash Cloud
Ash Rune
Mage Armor (Rank IV)
Mark & Recall
Stonefist (Rank II)
Telekinteic Disarm
Telekinetic Pulse

Ash Nova
Dispel on Target
Etherealize on Self
Etherealize on Target
Lightning Speed
Mage Armor (Rank V)
Open Lock (Rank III)
Skip Heart
Telekinesis (Rank II)
Telekinetic Nova
Telekinetic Push (Rank III)
Transmute Ore


More varieties of spirit animal and necromancy summons, as well as bound weapons.

New full spell list:


Bound Dagger
Bound Mace
Bound Sword
Bound War Axe
Raise Dead (Rank I)
Summon Skeletal Soldier
Summon Spirit Hound
Summon Spirit Mudcrab
Summon Spirit Skeever
Summon Spirit Wolf
Summon Swarm (Rank I)

Bound Battleaxe
Bound Greatsword
Bound Warhammer
Necromantic Healing Hand on Self
Necromantic Healing Hand on Target
Raise Dead (Rank II)
Soul Trap
Summon Boneman (* Soul Cairn only)
Summon Skeletal Archer
Summon Skeletal Hero
Summon Skeletal Warlock
Summon Boneman
Summon Spectral Warhound
Summon Spirit Bear
Summon Spirit Frostbite Spider (* world drop/placed only)

Banish Daedra (Rank I)
Bound Bow
Necromantic Healing on Self
Necromantic Healing on Target
Raise Dead (Rank III)
Summon Corrupted Archer (* world drop/placed only)
Summon Corrupted Warrior (* world drop/placed only)
Summon Ash Spawn (* Solstheim only)
Summon Flame Atronach
Summon Mistman (* Soul Cairn only)
Summon Spectral Archer
Summon Spectral Warrior
Summon Spirit Chaurus (* world drop/placed only)
Summon Spirit Horker
Summon Spirit Sabrecat
Summon Spriggan (Rank I)
Summon Swarm (Rank II)

Banish Daedra (Rank II)
Command Daedra
Grand Necromantic Healing
Raise Dead (Rank IV)
Summon Ash Guardian (* Solstheim only)
Summon Frost Atronach
Summon Storm Atronach
Summon Wrathman (* Soul Cairn only)
Summon Ice Spirit
Summon Spirit Troll
Summon Spriggan (Rank II)

Raise Dead (Rank V)
Summon Corrupted Mage (* world drop/placed only)
Summon Dremora Archmage
Summon Dremora Huntsman
Summon Dremora Lord
Summon Flame Thrall
Summon Frost Thrall
Summon Storm Thrall
Summon Ghostly Dragonpriest
Summon Giant Frostbite Spider
Summon Seeker (* Solstheim only)
Summon Spirit Mammoth
Summon Spirit Steed
Summon Spirit Werewolf
Summon Spriggan (Rank III)


A few "missing" spells added to fill out the damage type/delivery type spectrum. Poison spells moved to Restoration. Absorb/drain-type spells moved to Destruction, with their own perks in the Destruction tree.

New full spell list:


Absorb Essence
Lightning Sparks

Absorbing Bolt
Absorbing Pool
Absorbing Rune (Rank I)
Fire Pool
Fire Rune (Rank I)
Ice Spike
Ice Pool
Ice Rune (Rank I)
Lightning Bolt
Lighting Pool
Lightning Rune (Rank I)

Absorbing Blast
Absorbing Cloak
Absorbing Sphere
Fire Cloak
Fire Sphere
Ice Blast
Ice Cloak
Ice Sphere
Lightning Chain
Lightning Cloak
Lightning Sphere

Absorbing Pulse
Absorbing Rune (Rank II)
Absorbing Strike
Absorbing Wall
Fire Pulse
Fire Rune (Rank II)
Fire Strike
Fire Wall
Ice Pulse
Ice Rune (Rank II)
Ice Lance
Ice Wall
Lightning Pulse
Lightning Rune (Rank II)
Lightning Strike
Lightning Wall

Absorbing Nova
Fire Nova
Fire Storm
Ice Storm
Icy Blizzard
Lightning Barrage
Lightning Storm


Complete overhaul of Requiem's Illusion School. All traces of Requiem's upkeep and failure check mechanics removed. All Illusion spells just use vanilla-type effects now. Most secondary effects removed; unless otherwise noted in the spell description, empowering usually just improves duration. Perks unlocked in Illusion tree allow use of Illusion spells on higher-level enemies. Several new spell types such as "Command" and "Silence" added.

Detect spells from Alteration moved to Illusion.

New full spell list:


Arcane Distraction

Muffle on Self
Muffle on Target

Detect Life
Emboldening Blast
Emboldening Rune
Frenzying Blast
Frenzying Rune
Invisibility on Self (Rank I)
Invisibility on Target (Rank II)

Calming Blast
Calming Rune
Charming Aura
Detect Death
Fearing Blast
Fearing Rune
Invisibility on Self (Rank II)
Invisibility on Target (Rank II)
Silencing Blast
Silencing Rune
Slowing Blast
Slowing Rune

Calming Nova
Commanding Blast
Commanding Rune
Detect Aura
Emboldening Nova
Fearing Nova
Frenzying Nova
Invisibility on Self (Rank III)
Invisibility on Target (Rank III)
Paralyzing Blast
Paralyzing Rune
Silencing Nova
Slowing Nova
Whisper of Death


Many healing spells renamed to make the delivery mechanism more apparent, and fire-and-forget healing spells are now heal-over-time (like potions) - these won't stack with each other, but will stack with potions and other healing sources. As per the precedent set by Dragonborn DLC, all poison spells moved from Destruction to Restoration school. Poison spells generally deal around 50% more damage than an equivalent Destruction spell, but over 10 seconds. Poison and Sun spells have their own perks in the Restoration tree.

New full spell list:


Arcane Ward (Rank I)
Healing Hands on Self
Healing Hands on Target
Poison Spray
Sun Beam

Arcane Ward (Rank II)
Cure Poison on Self
Cure Poison on Target
Heal Self (Rank I)
Heal Target (Rank I)
Poison Bolt
Poison Pool
Poison Rune (Rank I)
Sun Pool
Sun Rune (Rank I)
Turn Undead (Rank I)

Arcane Ward (Rank III)
Cure Disease
Heal Self (Rank II)
Heal Target (Rank II)
Poison Blast
Poison Cloak
Poison Pulse
Poison Sphere
Repel Undead (Rank I)
Sunfire Cloak
Sun Sphere
Turn Undead (Rank II)

Arcane Ward (Rank IV)
Circle of Protection
Grand Healing
Poison Pulse
Poison Strike
Poison Wall
Repel Undead (Rank II)
Sun Pulse
Sun Rune (Rank II)
Sune Strike
Sun Wall
Turn Undead (Rank III)

Circle of Sanctity
Circle of Vitality
Poison Nova
Repel Undead Nova
Sun Nova


A massive overhaul of nearly every enemy and ally NPC in the game.

Level ranges (used for souls, as well as Illusion/Banish/Turn Dead spell effects) broadly as follows. Note that bosses from each enemy type are usually in the tier above:


Petty (1~3):

Lesser (4~15):
Spider (S)

Common (16~27):
Spider (L)

Greater (28~37)

Grand (38~49):
Spider (Giant)

End-Game Boss (50+):
Faction Leaders
Dragon Priests

Regenerating enemies (trolls, spriggans, dwemer spheres, dragon priests) have regen nerfed significantly, and regen can always be stopped completely with the right lingering magic effect.

Civil War NPCs have distinct archer, light infantry, heavy infantry, champion/berserker and mage variants for both sides.

Forsworn overhaul for a little more challenging and varied than base Requiem, but still nothing like the insanity of Minor Arcana.

Vigilants of Stendarr have two distinct sub-types, a paladin (heavy armor, only low-tier spells) and a cleric (robes, more magic-focused).

Thalmor templates have a little more variety (although by their nature these NPCs are fairly same-y).

Generic vampire NPCs have more distinct fighter/caster sub-types and bosses. Generic vampires can now be male, and bosses can be female.

Generic Dawnguard NPCs have distinct heavy melee/marksman/caster sub-types.

Major overhaul of warlock faction NPCs. Overall warlocks will usually have low HP, but have a wider variety of spells, which should also be more consistent to their archetypes.

Overhaul of Alik'r. Yes, even though there's basically only one combat encounter with them in the game. They have archers and wizards now too (these templates actually existed in vanilla Skyrim, just unused).

All the NPC factions mentioned above now use Requiem's "Actor Variations" function to pull from all of that faction's appearance templates, so you should see much more variety in the appearance of these NPCs. The Reqtificator patching process may take a little longer though, depending on your system.

Astrid and DB Assassins have "paralyzing strike" effect removed. It's a gimmicky mechanic and they are formidable enough encounters without it. All DB assassins now have a proper perk loadout suitable to their skills. DB assassin wilderness encounters also use their original outfits (sorry, I always thought the Requiem "disguises" were silly).

Thief encounter wilderness event NPC buffed, but not to the absurd degree of Minor Arcana.

Old Orc NPC buffed, but also not to the absurd degree of Minor Arcana.

The Silver Hand is now more of an organized faction, with better (but still somewhat randomized) gear and stats. A small number of Silver Hand mages (Adept-Expert level Destruction) have been hand-placed in the relevant Companions questline dungeons. HA wearers will use the new "Silver Hand" (CC) armor from Requiem if present.

All "Civil War"-adjacent friendly NPCs (jarls and their housecarls, court wizards, etc.) have proper static level and unique perk/gear loadout suitable to their skills and station (Requiem had just copy-pasted the same perk loadout on to all of them...)

Hagravens slightly buffed, cast some Expert-level spells now.

Falmer template adjustments. Expect a wider visual variety of Falmer.

Dwarven constructs are less resistant to frost, in addition to shock magic.

Adjustments to Draugr templates. Weaker draugr should be somewhat tougher, more likely to see 2H/archers.

Curalmil, Warlord Gathrik, Red Eagle, and Olaf One-Eye draugr bosses now have unique appearances and abilities.

End-dungeon non-named draugr bosses in general should always be "bosses" now (Death Overlords, in vanilla Skyrim parlance). They are now named "Draugr Crypt Lord" to differentiate them from standard draugr. Fodder draugr will still be any level from lowest to Deathlord.



Requiem-added Werewolf buffs/debuffs while in human form are removed (other than the vanilla Disease Resist). The point of lycanthropy is to use the beast mode. Instead, in human form you have access to Night Eye and will not be attacked by wolves.

Werewolves (beast mode) start with +500 Health (half of Requiem's), with each rank of Bestial Strength perks adding more HP, armor, MR, and damage. Feeding on non-human mortal creatures is active from the start (in the perk tree, this is replaced by an ability which increases HP regen after feeding instead). This means you start out a little squishier than in Requiem, but become much more powerful/resilient when fully perked.


A whole suite of changes/fixes to Vampirism totally ripped off from inspired by the amazing LS Revamps.

Vampires start at +200 Health and Stamina, but this increases to +300/400/500 at 10/25/50 Necks Bitten.

Vampire stage progression reverted to once per 24 hours as in vanilla Skyrim, but all of Requiem's extra "feeding" mechanics are removed. Consider Vampire Feeding Tweaks a soft requirement if you want to play as a vampire.

The Health and Stamina from Vampirism no longer has any conditions (i.e., will not suddenly disappear in daylight). This does make surviving as a vampire in daylight much easier, but as regen is still halted completely it is not advisable to seek out fights, and you cannot rely on wildlife to sate your thirst. Also, rather than damaging Max Health, the penalty for being in sun is now ticking damage that is stronger at higher Vampirism levels.

Night Eye effect removed from "Vampiric Urge". You have Night Eye on tap as a vampire at all stages anyway.

Requiem's "Feed Penalty" Max Health penalty on bite victims reduced to 50 points (from 125) and duration reduced to 1 hour (from 3 days). Among other things, this will prevent targets for the "New Allegiances" quest from dying when being fed on.

Crafting Skills


A handful of new effects: Waterwalking, Featherfall, Night Eye. Apothecaries may occasionally sell these potions as well.

Alchemy perk tree reverted to something close to vanilla.

All fortify potions now last 5 minutes (300 seconds), except for Fortify Carry Weight and Health Regeneration, which are 600 seconds as in base Requiem.

Lingering poisons all standardized at 20 second durations, "damage max" and "weakness to" poisons at 30.

Stamina and Magicka poisons significantly more effective, so you may actually want to use these against certain enemies.

Reading certain books and potion/poison recipes will teach you those effects.

Various alchemy-related effects and values changed. Created potions should not be significantly stronger or weaker than purchasable/lootable versions at a comparable skill level.

Most alchemical yields also reverted to vanilla (one per plant, etc.). Adjusted XP rates as per the previous point - Alchemy should still be a pain, but less of a grind.

Alchemy is still nowhere near perfect, and tbh I don't think this system can ever be fully "balanced" within the vanilla game's parameters. Should hopefully be better now, at any rate. If you identify particular problem effects (giving way too much value/xp, etc.), please let me know.


General tweaks for consistency and balance across many enchantments.

"Scroll of Soul Gem Evocation" removed. It's 2023 - use Honed Metal or something instead.

Requiem's original staff-crafting system has been removed, replaced by a "full" integration of the system introduced by the Dragonborn DLC. Perks in the Enchanting tree will unlock higher tiers of staffs (you also need to know the spell). Nordic-themed staff enchanters (using modders' resources) have been added to wizard quarters in all major cities.


Major changes to Smithing progression, mostly to match overall armor and weapon rebalancing. Even with the requisite perks, many recipes have secondary requirements. E.g., creating Orcish gear ALSO requires being an Orc OR being Orc-Kin, Dwarven gear requires finishing the Unfathomable Depths quest. More details on the sheet.

Other Perks

All perk descriptions rewritten to describe what the perk actually does with no fluff, and with numbers where possible.

All skill level 100 perks which have two "lead-in" nodes (e.g. Block or Marksman) now only require one of the preceding nodes in order to be taken (restored vanilla functionality). Perks are at such a premium in Requiem, so this additional requirement felt too punitive.

Once-per-day powers all replaced with passive abilities.


All once-per-day powers replaced with passives (this means NPCs benefit from them, too).
General rebalancing of stats - all races' starting Health, Magicka, and Stamina should tally to 300. Carry Weight standardized at 100.


Heath: 100, Magicka: 90, Stamina: 110
Argonian Resistance: 50% Resist Disease
Histskin: 0.2% Health Regen/Second, 50 Natural Armor
10% XP boost: Light Armor, Lockpicking, 5% XP boost: Pickpocket, Sneak, Alteration, Restoration
Waterbreathing, Strong Stomach
Can sneak and create potions without perks.

Health: 90, Magicka: 120, Stamina:90
Breton Blood: 20% Resist Magic
Dragonskin: 20% Absorb Magicka
Direnni Legacy: 5% reduced Magicka cost for all spells
10% increased power attack Stamina cost, 10% XP boost: Conjuration, 5% XP boost all other magic skills
Can create potions and recharge enchanted weapons without perks.

Dark Elf:
Health: 100, Magicka: 100, Stamina: 100
Dunmer Blood: 50% Resist Fire
Ancestors' Wrath: 10% increased Destruction spell power, increased to 20% when under 30% Health
Ancestral Knowledge: 10% reduced Destruction spell cost.
10% XP boost: One-Handed, Destruction, 3% XP boost all other skills
Can sneak, create potions, and recharge enchanted weapons without perks.

High Elf:
Health: 90, Magicka: 130, Stamina: 80
Highborn: 50% Magicka Regeneration
Syrabane's Boon: 5% increased spell power and duration
Dampening: 50% Resist Shock
10% increased power attack Stamina cost, 10% XP boost all magic skills.
Can create potions and recharge enchanted weapons without perks.

Health: 100, Magicka: 80, Stamina: 120
Imperial Discipline: 50% Stamina Regeneration
Imperial Rhetoric: 15% Barter
Imperial Piety: 10% reduced cost Restoration spells
20% reduced power attack Stamina cost, 10% XP boost: Speech, Restoration, 5% XP boost: Destruction, Block, One-Handed, Heavy Armor

Health: 90, Magicka: 90, Stamina: 120
Khajiit Agility: 10% movement speed, 2x jump height, 50% reduced fall damage
Khajiit Claws: 25 unarmed damage
Night Eye: See in the dark at will
10% XP boost: Light Armor, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak, Alchemy, Speech
Strong Stomach
Can sneak, pick pockets, and pick Novice-level locks without perks.

Health: 120, Magicka: 70, Stamina: 110
Nordic Fortitude: 50% Resist Frost
Last Stand: 20% weapon damage and 20 unarmed damage when under 30% Health
Sky Above: 10% reduced Shout cooldown
25% reduced power attack Stamina cost, 10% XP boost: Smithing, Two-Handed, 5% XP boost: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Block, One-Handed

Health: 130, Magicka: 60, Stamina: 110
Berserker Strength: 5% damage with melee weapons
Battle Hardened: 50 natural armor, 10% Resist Magic
35% reduced power attack Stamina cost, 10% XP boost: Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Block, Smithing
Strong Stomach

Health: 110, Magicka: 70, Stamina: 120
Redguard Resilience: 50% Resist Poison
Adrenaline Rush: 50% Stamina Regeneration
Desert Wind: 10% increased weapon speed
20% reduced power attack Stamina cost, 15% XP boost: One-Handed, 5% XP boost: Block, Marksman, Smithing, Destruction, Alteration

Wood Elf:
Health: 80, Magicka: 100, Stamina: 120
Bosmer Blood: 50% Resist Disease, 50% Resist Poison
Bosmer Marksmanship: 5% damage with ranged weapons
15% increased power attack Stamina cost, 15% XP boost: Marksman, 5% XP boost: Sneak, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Light Armor, Alchemy
Strong Stomach
Can sneak and create potions without perks.

Standing Stones

Some overall tweaks and rebalancing.
Once-per-day power standing stones have some extra benefits in an attempt to keep them relevant. I hate once-per-day powers, but these ones were too well-established in lore (both in vanilla Skyrim and Requiem) to do away with completely.


Stone of the Apprentice: Increases Magicka Regeneration by 200%, but all spells are 20% less powerful.

Stone of the Atronach: Increases Magicka by 350 points, and you absorb 100% of the Magicka from incoming hostile spells, but nullifies passive Magicka regeneration, halves the efficacy of Magicka potions and negates any Magicka-related benefits of food.

Stone of the Lady: Increases Health by 50 points, and Restoration spells cost 20% less Magicka to cast.

Stone of the Lord: Increases Armor Rating by 120 points and Magic Resistance by 15%.

Stone of the Lover: Increases Speech skill by 20 points, and Pickpocket skill by 10 points.

Stone of the Mage: Increases skill gain for all Mage skills by 10% and increases Magicka by 100 points.

Stone of the Ritual: Once per day, raise all dead in a 75-foot radius to fight for you for 200 seconds. Also allows control of one additional summoned entity at all times.

Stone of the Serpent: Once per day, the Bite of the Serpent can paralyze an opponent for 5 seconds, and deal 25 damage to Health per second for 30 seconds. Also grants immunity to poison and paralysis effects.

Stone of the Shadow: Once per day, become invisible and inaudible for 300 seconds. Sneak skill is increased by 20 points and movement sounds muffled by 50% at all times.

Stone of the Steed: Increases Stamina by 100 points, and movement speed by 2.5%.

Stone of the Thief: Increases skill gain for all Thief skills by 10%, and Sneak, Lockpicking, and Pickpocketing are 5% more effective. Speech skill is improved by 5 points.

Stone of the Tower: Increases Carry Weight by 20 points and can attempt to pick locks of one level higher than you would otherwise be capable. Any effortless lock can be picked in plain sight with nobody noticing, creating a wax-molded copy of the key, if one exists.

Stone of the Warrior: Increases skill gain for all Warrior skills by 10%, and damage from one-handed, two-handed and marksman weapons by 5%.

Food Buffs

Meal/snack system, like a bunch of other mods have done.


"Meal" items are things like stews or big chunks of meat; they provide a large buff that lasts for (usually) 1800 secs. The buffs from only one meal can be active at a time, eating another meal will always overwrite the previous one (regardless of magnitude).

"Snack" items are all smaller food items. Their buffs will stack with meal buffs, and multiple different snack buffs can be active at the same time. Another snack buff for the same attribute (i.e. Stamina) will always overwrite the old one, however. Snack buffs usually last for 300-600 secs.

Meat, cheese, etc. (protein-rich foods), provide buffs to Health.
Bread, vegetables, etc. (starches and carbs), provide buffs to Stamina.
Sweets, and foods containing certain mushrooms provide buffs to Magicka.

Buffs from similar items are usually the same; i.e., there is functionally no difference between a Beef Stew and a Venison Stew. Eat what you think your character would like!

Restore attribute effects from food are slightly nerfed from base Requiem, but the buffs from a meal and snacks can usually be combined to reach the same level.

E.g.: All of the following can be active at the same time:
Venison Stew (Meal): Fortify Health +25, Stamina Regeneration +25% for 1800 sec.
Baked Potato (Snack): Stamina Regeneration +25% for 600 sec.
Salmon Steak (Snack): Health Regeneration +25% for 600 sec.

Total: Fortify Health +25, Stamina Regeneration +50%, Health Regeneration +25%

Bestial stews removed. Beast races already have an advantage by being able to eat raw food for full benefits.

Characters under the influence of the Atronach Stone cannot benefit from Fortify Magicka/Restore Magicka food buffs. Health and Stamina food buffs will work as usual. Vampires and the undead will not benefit from food buffs at all.

Requiem's "Bottled Water" item has been removed.

Several recipes edited, to remove the bottled water requirement as mentioned above, as well as various other changes to make them feel a little more varied or realistic. Frost Mirriam (looks like parsley?), Elves Ear (looks like sage? or maybe bay leaves?), and chicken eggs are used in certain cooking recipes. Produce vendors will occasionally sell these.

A handful of new recipes added, including variants of vanilla recipes allowing you to, for example, make apple-cabbage stew, apple pies, and apple dumplings with either red or green apples, or Elsweyr Fondue from various combinations of partial Eidar cheese wheels or slices.

Some items now effectively have "multiple charges". E.g., eating a whole bread loaf will return a half bread loaf. Eating a whole wheel of cheese returns several slices (similar to CACO).

Talen-Jei will teach you the recipes to his signature drinks if you complete his quest (although finding the ingredients may be a bit tricky).

Requiem's alcohol system largely removed/reworked. One alcohol buff can be present at a time, but the "hangover" debuff will continue to stack whenever the present buff runs out. Note that the debuff part of the alcohol effect will not be active while the positive buff is up. This does mean you can keep drinking to keep the buzz going - but the hangover will be worse afterward.

Healing Poultices entirely removed. Food is used for Health Regen buffs instead.

Merchants and Economy

Broad changes to vendor stock lists.

Hireling cost: 5000g -> 2500g

Horse cost: 6000g -> 3000g (slightly less than a house seems reasonable to me, especially with the economy edits mentioned further below).


Stocks available at each inn and apothecary should better match the availability of certain food and ingredients in that part of the world, while still being pseudo-randomized (base Requiem has a bad habit of just placing X number of Y item in vendor containers, rather than properly using lists to randomize).

Standard blacksmiths will almost never have weapons or armour above "steel" quality, and will only rarely sell enchanted items (because... they're blacksmiths, not wizards). Orc smiths will still sell (randomized) Orcish weapons and armour. More exotic weapons and armor can still be found occasionally at general vendors and Khajiit caravans.

Blacksmiths will sell a few tempered items.

Civil war faction quartermasters have only basic weapons and armour for sale, weighted toward gear that is actually used by that faction.

All vendors have significantly less gold available for bartering. They're trying to make money from you, not the other way around. This change will limit your influx of gold in the early game; I recommend a mod like Missives to give low-level characters more to do and make some money the honest way. This also makes the Investor perk more valuable.

Divine Blessings

Mostly inspired by Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings, but in execution ended up closer to the system in 3Tweaks.

Receiving a blessing at a shrine still cures diseases, but does not purge other magic effects on the player. I've refactored the various spell/magic effects the blessings use so this brute-force method introduced by Requiem is no longer needed. So you can eat a meal and then go pray.

When attempting to acquire a blessing at a shrine, if you do not meet any of the conditions a dummy magic effect will appear in your Magic Effects menu to give you a hint as to why (i.e., carrying a Daedric item, committed too many criminal acts, etc.).

Following the commandments of the Divines and wearing their respective amulets can grant powerful buffs. Wearing an amulet of one of the divines will grant a small blessing, mostly the same as in the base game/vanilla Requiem. This is then doubled if the respective Divine's blessing is acquired from a shrine. Note that amulet buffs will now also disappear if Divine Law is transgressed! While a Divine's blessing is active, performing certain feats in their name will grant a stacking "boon". All boons have three levels. Each Divine will also grant a "Champion" bonus for completing a specific, special task. The "Boon" and "Champion" buffs will be updated/refreshed when praying at a shrine, and do require you to be wearing the amulet of that Divine.

The "Painful Regrets" perk still incurs a permanent 5% decrease to XP gain, but has lost all the other penalties it incurred in base Requiem. It now simply resets your Lifetime Bounty, Items Stolen, and Murders stats to zero. A one-time do-over in the eyes of the Divines (shout out to 3Tweaks, from which I shamelessly stole this idea).

The Divines' Law is as follows. These conditions apply to blessings/amulet enchants of all Divines:

Must not have a currently active bounty.
Must have a total lifetime bounty of less than 10,000, stolen less than 25 items, committed less than 5 murders (these are significantly less strict than base Requiem, murder in particular. Skyrim is a violent place - the Divines know this is a blurry line.)
Must not have joined the Dark Brotherhood, or pledged your soul to Nocturnal (simply joining the Thieves Guild does not disable blessings - but actually stealing things eventually will. Joining an unambiguous guild of assassins is crossing a line, however.)
Must not be a vampire or a werewolf.
Must not be in possession of any Daedric weapons, armor, or artifacts, or the Necromancer's Amulet.

Unlike Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings, you will never be actively punished/cursed for breaking these conditions, but you will not be able to receive blessings until they are rectified (if they can be).

Specific blessing information:


Amulet: Magicka Regeneration +25/50%
Blessing: Fire Resist +30%
Boon: Dragons Slain, Fortify Health, Magicka, and Stamina 20/35/50 points at 5/10/25 Dragon Souls Collected.
Champion: Defeat Alduin, +100% Health Regeneration, +20% damage to dragons.

Amulet: Fortify Health 15/30 points.
Blessing: 15% reduced damage from undead.
Boon: Fortify Health 20/35/50 points at 50/100/250 Undead Slain.
Champion: Defeat Potema, Fortify Health 20 points, +20% damage to undead.

Amulet: Fortify Speech (skill) 10/20 points.
Blessing: Fortify Sneak (skill) 15 points.
Boon: Fortify Illusion (spell cost reduction) 20/35/50% at 5/10/25 Successful Persuasions.
Champion: Complete Sybil quest from Markath and Bard's College, 100% movement noise muffle.

Amulet: Fortify Magicka 15/30 points.
Blessing: Fortify Magicka Regeneration 30%.
Boon: Fortify Magicka 20/35/50 points at 20/50/100 Spells Learned.
Champion: Complete College of Winterhold questline, Fortify Magicka 20 points, +10% power/duration spells all schools.

Amulet: Fortify Stamina 15/30 points.
Blessing: Fortify Stamina Regeneration 30%.
Boon: Fortify Stamina 20/35/50 points at 50/100/250 Locations Discovered.
Champion: Restore Gildegreen, Fortify Stamina 20 points, +100% Poison and Disease Resistance.

Amulet: Fortify Restoration (spell cost reduction) 10/20%
Blessing: Frost Resist +30%
Boon: Magic Resist +5% for each of: being married, owning at least one home, adopting a child.
Champion: Complete Erandur quest (without killing Erandur, obviously), Fortify Magicka 50 points, Mara's Healing Aura (constantly heals all allied NPCs within 10 feet by 2 Health/sec).

Amulet: Fortify Block 15/30%.
Blessing: 15% reduced damage from Daedra.
Boon: Fortify Stamina 20/35/50 points at 5/10/25 Daedra Slain.
Champion: "Fail" House of Horrors quest by killing Logrolf before he can return to the shrine, Fortify Health 25 points, +20% damage to Daedra.

Amulet: Fortify Shouts (reduced cooldown) 10/20%.
Blessing: +15% damage with axes and swords.
Boon: Fortify Health 20/35/50 points at 3/5/7 Civil War quests completed.
Champion: Defy and fight a Thalmor patrol, Fortify Stamina 25 points, +20% Damage to mer.

Amulet: Fortify Barter 15/30%.
Blessing: +15% damage with maces and warhammers.
Boon: Fortify Carry Weight 20/35/50 points at 5/10/25 Stores Invested In.
Champion: Smith 100 weapons or armor, create 100 enchants, or 250 potions, Fortify Stamina 25 points, Alchemy/Smithing/Enchanting 10% more powerful.

Also covers the following other deities represented in the base game/Requiem:

As one aspect of Akatosh, Auriel follows the same commandments as the other Nine Divines.
Blessing: +15% damage with bows and crossbows.
Boon: Dragons Slain, Fortify Health, Magicka, and Stamina 20/35/50 points at 5/10/25 Dragon Souls Collected.
Champion: Complete Dawnguard "Touching the Sky" quest, Fortify Health Regeneration 100%, +20% damage to Nords.

Nocturnal has no significant conditions on her blessing (but becoming a Nightingale will lock you out of all other blessings - pledging your soul to a Daedric Lord is kind of a big deal).
Blessing: Fortify Sneak (skill): 10 points, 20 points if completed Darkness Returns.
Boon: Fortify Carry Weight 20/35/50 points at 50/100/250 Pockets Picked.
Champion: Complete "Darkness Returns", +10% movement speed between 7PM-5AM

Azura does not care if her disciples are criminals, but will not bless vampires or werewolves, those who have pledged their soul to Nocturnal, or those who have corrupted her artifact, Azura's Star.
Blessing: Magic Resist +10%, 20% if in possession of Azura's Star.
Boon: Fortify Magicka 20/35/50 points at 20/50/100 Souls Trapped.
Champion: Cleanse Azura's Star, Fortify Magicka Regeneration 50%, Alteration, Conjuration, and Illusion spells last 30% longer.

Boethiah does not care if her disciples are criminals, but will not bless vampires or werewolves, those who have pledged their soul to
Nocturnal, or those carrying any artifact of her nemesis Molag Bal.
Blessing: Fortify One-Handed Armor Penetration 10%, 20% if completed "Boethiah's Culling".
Boon: Fortify Health 20/35/50 points at 20/50/100 Backstabs.
Champion: Complete Boethiah's Culling, poisons created are 50% more powerful.

Mephala does not care if her disciples are criminals, but will not bless vampires or werewolves, or those who have pledged their soul to
Blessing: Fortify Illusion (spell cost reduction) 15%, 30% if completed "Whispering Door".
Boon: Fortify Barter 5/15/30% at 5/10/25 Murders.
Champion: Complete "The Whispering Door", 75% spell cost reduction for mind-affecting Illusion spells (Fear, Frenzy, Charm, etc.)

A shrine to Boethiah can be found at the Sacellum of Boethiah.
A shrine to Azura can be found at... the Shrine of Azura (who would have guessed?)
A shrine to Mephala can be found behind the whispering door.
Shrines to all three of the above Reclamation Daedric Lords can be found upstairs in the New Gnisis Cornerclub.

An additional shrine to Auriel can be found in the Thalmor headquarters in Solitude (this is actually placed there by Requiem - I just bring it up since I suspect a lot of people don't know about it).


Wandering necromancers wilderness event no longer occurs until Black Star quest is complete.

"Missing in Action" lead-in quest will not trigger until player has chosen a side in the civil war.

"Dark Brotherhood Forever" quests moved to "Misc" quests menu.

Rewards at each "rank" of the "Liberation/Reunification of Skyrim" main CW quest have been made a bit more impressive and logical in terms of progression (i.e., you no longer get a kick-arse sword right at the start, then nothing but junk thereafter).

To achieve the above changes, the quests "CW", "CW02A" and "CW02B" had to be edited in the plugin (scripts themselves are untouched though). If you use other mods that edit these quests (other than USSEP) too, they are likely incompatible. I don't use any myself, but I would guess this may include mods such as Civil War Overhaul or Open Civil War.


Various kinds of animals, draugr, etc. will no longer be able to report you for crimes.

Traps do much less damage, but still dangerous compared to vanilla Skyrim (similar to Minor Arcana).

Rune Traps: No longer have a hidden extra non-elemental damage (this is probably why you kept getting one-shotted by them despite your elemental resistances being high).

Pressure plate traps are no longer invisible. Same as Requiem - Visible Traps.

All 1st person messages reverted to 2nd person as in the vanilla game. Same as: Requiem - No 1st-Person Messages.

Many load screens edited to provide some (hopefully) useful reminders, instead of just repeating the same few lines over and over again as in Requiem.

Physical vendor containers moved back out of playable worldspaces.

Walk speed increased roughly 20% (I like RP walking - don't worry, from my tests I'm pretty sure this doesn't break any quests or anything).

Several outfits changed by Requiem removed/reverted to something a little less outlandish - notably Irileth, Galmar, and Ulfric.

Almost all "hand-placed" loot from Requiem removed. No meta-gaming for you.

Recent Requiem change to Redbelly Mine reverted. I know this is apparently a contentious topic but I agree with USSEP; from dialogue in-game it's clearly supposed to be an iron mine - with a single quicksilver vein at the bottom. Nearby Northwind Mine is ALSO an iron mine. Ebony is an end-game material and you'll need to try a bit harder to get your grubby hands on it.

Dragonborn Integration

Dragonborn DLC has kinda been integrated. Note that Requiem for a Knave is not compatible with the Fozar's Dragonborn patch. My own integration is certainly not quite as thorough, but all the basic content from Solstheim should work. Difficulty wise, it is about equivalent to the mainland (i.e., Reavers are Bandits, Ash Spawn are Draugr, Solstheim's Dragon Priests are Dragon Priests).

Disclaimer: I haven't actually fought Miraak yet myself.

"Free CC" Integration

Let it be known that I am not a fan of this stuff, but Requiem now requires it so anyone who wants to play Requiem is kinda stuck with it.

CC Fishing rewards have been covered by Requiem, so I haven't made any changes here (may do with a bit more play-testing).

If you wish to use CC Survival Mode, I recommend Survival Mode Improved - SKSE. A patch for this mod is included in the Patch Compendium installer.

Rare Curios has been left disabled (from Requiem) - with the exception of Bonemold Bolts, which have been restored and may be crafted at a forge with the requisite conditions (including enchanted variations).

Saints & Seducers: Whew, boy... well, I did some basic "balancing" of the various weapons and armors, NPCs etc. to fit within the Requiem for a Knave progression. But I'll be honest - I despise this addon. I highly recommend using Saints and Seducers Begone (or my own Saints and Seducer Begone Redux!) to effectively remove it from the game entirely.

"Full CC" integration

I have provided a patch for the items covered by Requiem - Creation Club.esp. I will grudgingly admit some of the armors look OK.

Most other CC addons are not patched, and will probably be massively unbalanced. I highly recommend using a mod manager utility such as Creation Organizer or Curation Club to disable any of the CC addons not directly required by Requiem - Creation Club.esp or one of my patches in the Patch Compendium installer.



The current version of Requiem for a Knave is made for Requiem 5.4.5. This means it also requires the 4 free CC addons which are requirements for Requiem.esp. Please don't complain to me about this - I can't do anything about it.

This mod should be considered incompatible with other Requiem overhauls like 3Tweaks, Minor Arcana, etc. Doing so possibly won't cause your game to crash, but will no doubt create a consistency nightmare.

Other Requiem expansions such as Requiem - Expanded Grimoire or Requiem - Magic Redone (and the rest of the "Noxcrab suite") are also most likely incompatible.

Feel free to edit my files to pick and choose the bits you like.


Installation, Load Order, and Requirements

The only strict requirement for Requiem for a Knave is Requiem.esp (and therefore its requirements, e.g. USSEP and the 4 free CC addons).

However, there are a few other mods I consider "soft" requirements, as follows:

Powerofthree's Tweaks: The Featherfall spell and Khajiit/Werewolf racial abilities confer a jump height bonus. po3's Tweaks is required for this to function correctly (there is a way to achieve the same via Papyrus scripts, but I found it somewhat unreliable).

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM: My mod contains several textures for food items which are aligned for SMIM meshes. The mismatch is only slight on vanilla meshes however; you may not even notice it.

Non-Exploitable Crossbow Reloading along with Make Non-Exploitable Crossbow Reloading Slow Again for Requiem - again, not required but highly recommended. Remove any Requiem patch .esp file from either mod (they will not be compatible with my Marksman tree changes), but set the Stamina Drain value to 1.0 in the NECR MCM in-game. Requires running Nemesis.

Vampire Feeding Tweaks: Due to changes to Vampire feeding mechanics, it is highly recommended to use this mod along with Requiem for a Knave (the Requiem patch available on that page is not needed - Knave makes the same edit).

A Note on WACCF (and ACE): Despite being the author of the Requiem patches for these mods, as of Requiem for a Knave 4.2 I no longer recommend using these with a Requiem-based game. If you wish to continue using the ACE mods for its amazing robes, I have provided a "pseudo-replacer" patch (that still requires the assets from the original mods) that will incorporate these items into the game without requiring the WACCF/ACE plugins. Please see the Patches article for details on installation (it's a bit more complicated than just plug-and-play, in this case).

After installing Requiem for a Knave.esp and any patches you need (see sample load order below), you will need to run the Reqtificator (installed with Requiem). Note that Requiem for a Knave overwrites several Reqtificator files from the Requiem install (i.e., in the left pane of MO2 make sure it is winning any file conflicts). When patching with the Reqtificator, I recommend turning ON "Merge Leveled Lists" (my patches are generally made assuming this is the case).

Load Order

Load order should look something like:

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
(other content mods)
(other Requiem patches)
Requiem for a Knave.esp
(other Requiem for a Knave patches)
(lighting and water mods, anything else that needs to be dead last for w/e reason)
Requiem for the Indifferent.esp


Patches for the following mods are available from the FOMOD installer in the Optional Files tab.
Please see the article for more information on these.

Requiem Creation Club Integration
Creation Club Open Helmets

Project ja-Kha'Jay - Khajiit Diversity Overhaul
RS Children Overhaul
High Poly Head Vampire Fix

Audio Overhaul for Skyrim *4.0+ Sound Record Distributor versions only.
Immersive Sounds Compendium - Sound Record Distributor...ded

Survival Mode Improved - SKSE
SunHelm Survival
The Frozen North - Cold Standalone

Creation Club Camping
CC Camping Expansion
Creation Club Adventurer's Backpack

Knapsack Backpacks

Knapsack Enhanced

Cloaks and Capes
Winter is Coming SSE - Cloaks

Press H to Horse
Simplest Horses
Craftable Horse Barding

Ancient Nord Armo(u)ry EXTREME SE
Bond of Matrimony
Bonemold and Chitin Weapons - Morrowind Armory - Remade
Bosmer Armor Pack (also requires Bosmer Armor Pack Fixed and Rebalanced)
Common Clothes and Armors
Draugr Equip Armor
Extended Gemling Queen Jewelry
Facemasks of Skyrim
Falmer Equip Armor
Imperial Fine Clothes
Improved Closefaced Helmets
JS Unique Utopia - Daggers
JS Unique Utopia - Rings
Gilded Doublet
Khajiiti Apex Armory Reforged (also requires Khajiiti Apex Armory -awg's tweaks)
Lunar Guard Armor and Lunar Guard Battleaxe
Masque of Clavicus Vile
Moon Monk's Robes
Red Eagle's Blade *LE mod
Visage of Mzund

Additional Dremora Faces
AI Overhaul SSE
At Your Own Pace - Companions
Book Covers Skyrim
Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library
Constructible Object Custom Keyword System (C.O.C.K.S.)
Cooking Categories Improvements
Dino's Spell Discovery
Dirt and Blood
Rustic Soulgems
Unique Stros M'Kai Rum
USSEP Frost and Fire Dragon Correction
Wearable Lanterns

JK's Skyrim
Solitude Docks Updated
Run of the Mill Inn

Non-Knave Requiem patches which will work as-is (and are recommended)

(Disclaimer: several of these are also made by me :p)

Requiem - Timing is Everything - from Requiem Patch Central
Requiem - Violens - from Requiem Patch Central
Requiem - GIST Patch for GIST - Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap SE
Requiem - Headhunter for Headhunter and Missives
Requiem - Nether's Follower Framework for Nether's Follower Framework
Requiem - Unique Barbas for Unique Barbas Retexture



A big thanks to all the modders who inspired this and directly or indirectly made it all happen!

This mod was inspired by many other Requiem overhauls over the years: Minor Arcana, Behind the Curtain, LS Revamps, AZ Tweaks, and more recently 3(BF...J?)Tweaks. All of these mods contained many great ideas, but either have not been updated to work with more modern versions of the base Requiem mod, or contained other changes that I was not personally interested in for my own Requiem games.

Xarrian, Ogerboss, Manuel, and the rest of the Requiem Team for Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul, naturally.
SNBCJ for his whole series of old-school Requiem patches.
LSofACO for LS Revamps, the Requiem overhaul that finally convinced me I needed to do one of these myself.
Applesaucez for AZ Tweaks and its spiritual successor 3Tweaks by ANoobInDisguise, for showing me how to actually pull some of this stuff off on a technical level.
Noxcrab for allowing me to use some meshes from Requiem - Magic Redone.

Miguick for Spell Absorption as Described, whose script I copied for spell absorption effects.
Tueffel for Modular Crafting Table, the resources used to create the Nordic-themed Staff Enchanters.
Kosorsomesaykosm for Arcanum - A New Age of Magic, from which I have used a few ice meshes.
Simonmagus for all his awesome mods, several of which directly inspired changes additions here, and in particular for several food item meshes from Gourmet - A Cooking Overhaul.
PrivateEye for Heavy Armory. Several of these assets are already included in Requiem, so I've added several more in the same vein.
747823 for Weapons of the Third Era, and TateTaylorOH for Pirates Wield Cutlasses, the source of the "new" cutlass meshes and inspiration for their implementation.

quilb for his rad soup retextures, and releasing a big modders' resource texture pack.
Borgiak of BRG the Gourmet, Iraito of High Quality Food and Ingredients, and Sticz of Dog Meat -Cooked- for more food item texture resources!

Deydranos, OrneryOchreOcelotl, and LordMithro for Lunar Guard Armor, its retexture and standalone implementation, which I have used in the Requiem for a Knave - Khajiit Armor and Weapons combined patch.

And all the other modders whose works I'm using in my game!