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About this mod

NPCs dynamic level scaling. Level Multiplier calculated based on the NPC stats, its RACE and its SIZE.

Permissions and credits

This is a set of xEdit scripts that will:
  • Create or populate an ESL flagged patch with winning overrides of all the ECZNs (encounter zones), NPCs and RACEs.
  • Uncap encounter zones, so that npcs everywhere can lvl down or up to your needs.
  • Boost RACE's stats, based on its own starting stats and size.
  • Change size of some races based on a keyword/value list.
  • Calculate and set a level multiplier to every NPC record based on stats, RACE stats and weighting in its SIZE.

What you can expect from the scaling: (this are approximates so you can speculate, results will vary)

Small creatures such as rabbits, skeevers, etc. can get mults as low as 0.01
Medium sized creatures such as most humanoids will range widely from 0.5 to 1.5. 
This is all very relative to each NPC nature (Bosses have higher stats = higher mult).
Large enemies like snow bears, werewolves, trolls, etc. will likely be around the 2.0 and probably above that too.
Extra large creatures such as dragons will most likely hit the limit (can be changed in the script), which is 2.5 atm.

Note: Results may vary since the formula calculates not only size and race, but also weights in each NPC stats (HMS).


ALL mods are compatible.

Except: Requiem is NOT compatible.

INSTALL: You need SSEEdit, and basic knowledge on how to use it.

  • Download and put the scripts into you sseedit/Edit Scripts folder
  • You MUST have mte.Functions in there so make sure it is, or else download it from Requirements link.

IMPORTANT: Your modlist must be COMPLETE and in proper ORDER.

1. Filter:
a) Open your SSEEdit and load all your mods.
b) Right click anywhere and select Apply Filter.
c) Untick the two "by conflict ..." options, and tick "by Record Signature", look for and enable ECZN, NPC_ and RACE.
d) Click filter.

2. Copying records:

a) Select all the mods filtered -> right click -> Apply Script
b) Find and use DLS_Setup_ESL
A window will pop up so you can choose your file. Create a new one (recomended) or pick your patch.
c) Make a backup.
Save the new esl by exiting xEdit and copy it somewhere to keep as backup.

3. Apply scripts:
a) Select the new file.
b) Select Encounter Zones -> right click -> Apply Script: DLS_ECZN_Uncap
c) Select Races -> right click -> Apply Script: DLS_RACE_Boost
d) Select Non-Player Character (Actor) -> right click -> Apply Script: DLS_NPC_Scaling

Thats it. But please read the readme bellow to make sure everything is working.


There is some fine tunning available for those who dare read some pascal code.

FILE_NAME = in Setup_ESL script there's a const to set the file name, if you wish to change this.

MAX_LEVEL_MULTIPLIER = in NPC_Scaling you can change this to the maximun multiplier you whish to apply to NPCs. If you go nuts with this value you'll encounter some enemies that go way above and beyond your level.
Default is 2500. This is turned into a multiplier, meaning x2.5. So default max means highest NPC you find will be x2.5 times your current level.

The RACE_Boost script contains a list of keywords and values that it uses to set races sizes. You can easily change this list to suit your needs, it wont affect the actual sizes of NPCs in game, its just a number in the records that has no apparent use. But NPC_Scaling script weights in this size parameter in its math to calculate the final value, which makes it more interesting if races have different sizes. 
You can add/remove or modify this list. Just stick to the syntax and you're good.


xEdit Version:
The scripts require the latest version of xEdit because it uses some functions that changed and wont work in previous versions.

File Version: 1.710000
If you have an older version of the game you might want to change the file version to 1.70000. Otherwise the mod wont work.
You can do this in xEdit:
Click the mod, check the Header -> Version -> Edit to 1.700000


Late loader. The load order you see when you filtered your mods as instructions. The new patch goes last.

It needs to win-override of every NPC, Encounter zone and/or race to work. So it should be as low as possible.

Source Code just in case.