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About this mod

A follower based on the Daggerfall version of Azura.

Permissions and credits
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This is a follower requested by a patron who wanted Daggerfall's Azura to be brought to life in Skyrim. This is nothing fancy - there are no quests, no custom voice etc - just a generic standalone follower for those who enjoy that.

You can find the Avatar of Azura at her shrine, wearing simple robes until you equip her with something more fitting. She is essential, marriable and starts at level 30 and will level with you indefinitely. She is a strong sorceress who is adept in all elements of destruction - as well as the other schools of magic.


"Molag Bal wanted my mind, Boethiah wanted my arms, and Nocturnal perhaps my curiosity. Azura wants all of that, and our love above all. Not our abject slavering, but our honest and genuine caring in all its forms. It is important to her that our emotions be engaged in her worship. And our love must also be directed inward. If we love her and hate ourselves, she feels our pain. I will, for all time, have no other mistress."
                                                                                                                                       — Sigillah Parate, Invocation of Azura

This mod should be compatible with everything. If you have a mod that edits Azura's Shrine there could be a conflict - if that's the case, let me know.

The mod comes in a FOMOD installer so I highly recommend installing this with a mod manager of your choice - manual installation is not recommended unless you know what you're doing. 
Not required but highly recommended: Relationship Dialogue Overhaul and a follower framework mod to get the most out of your followers.

Q: She has a blue swirly effect all the time.
A: This mod will fix that!

Q: She doesn't look the same as in your pictures!
A: Your ENB, weather and lighting mods will affect the appearance of NPCs. My screenshots were taken with a tweaked Rudy ENB with NLVA for LE.

Q: Can you add/change/remove something?
A: Not unless there is an actual problem with my mod. This is my vision and I'm happy with it. I will absolutely not make any special versions for strangers on the internet. 

Q: What is she wearing in the screenshots?
A: SC - Dragon's Whisper Gown by ShinglesCat

Q: Preset?
A: I can't share any presets right now but I will in the future.

Q: Can I request something?
A: I'm currently not taking any more commissions but I will announce on discord when I open up requests again.

RaceMenu by expired
Expressive Facegen Morphs by niroku
KS Hairdos Renewal by kalilies, stealthic khaos & shocky
Female Makeup Suite by domainwolf
Vanilla Makeup HD by domainwolf
Wolfpaint Facepaint Collection by domainwolf
Kalilies Brows by kalilies
Eyes of Beauty by lograam
Pocky's 4k Human Female Makeup by pockypunk
UNP body by dimon99
CBBE body by ousnius & caliente
Fair Skin Complexion by hhaley
Real Girls Realistic Skin Texture by zonzai & seren4xx
CBBE adaptation of above skin by drunkenmojo 

Please support these amazing modders by downloading and endorsing their work!

A huge thank you to these awesome people:

Ben Henley
Novi Suleski
Riddim Garbage
Von Fiction
Kevin Morris
Wes Anderson

and to my other patrons for their amazing support and kindness. 

Read all about my mod permissions on my profile.