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About this mod

Adds two sentient spells, Dissolving Light and Dark Corruption. Dissolving Light is a Magelight spell that dissolves humanoid or troll corpses revealing their skulls. Dark Corruption corrupts imperfect vessels (e.g. pristine skulls, white soul gems) into the perfect vessel, the black soul gem. Both spells consume your health and can kill you.

Permissions and credits
Sentient Spells
This ESL  mod adds two powerful sentient and dangerous restoration spells, Dissolving Light and Dark Corruption. 

While powerful, they still need a host from which to draw their energy.  Only one host at a time may ever know of their existence.  They will stay with that host as long as it survives and or maintains its sanity.
Should the host survive long enough to welcome madness; it will be compelled to write both a farewell and a welcome message to its successor.

Such has passed, and the tome written.

A New Host   
You have been chosen. 

The tome has materialized into your inventory along with their spell books.

Read the tome, and meet the spells.

Dark Corruption
Dark Corruption gives you the power to corrupt imperfect vessels (e.g. pristine skulls, white soul gems) into perfect vessels,
the black soul gem.  The reward is high, but so are the risks as each cast consumes the hosts Health, Magicka and Stamina.

Dark Corruption begins as a slow draining concentration spell.  Time passes as it probes the vessel of focus, searching for its every weakness and imperfections.  Health and Stamina feed this effort.  Once all flaws have been discovered, in exaltation Dark Corruption demands a final burst of Health from its host to power the explosive transformation into the perfect vessel, the black soul gem. 

Warning: If the you get caught up in the euphoria and fail to stop the spell in time, you will be killed.

Dissolving Light

Dissolving Light aids you in acquiring pristine skulls by dissolving humanoid or troll corpses in front of your very eyes.  Sometimes the heart, flesh and bloody rags survive the dissolving process.  These remnants may be cooked separately or together to create blood potions.  Dissolving Light has no taste for  creatures, Falmer nor undead.

Dissolving Light is initially cast as a Magelight spell.  However, when it strikes its target corpse it rips payment of Health, Magicka and Stamina from its
host.  Casting this spell with less than 100 Health will kill you.

Terrifying Magic
The laws of magical entropy state the creation of perfection in one space results in a releasing of a greater abomination in another. Simply stated, these spells are terrifying to onlookers.  Once seen, they cannot be unseen.  Be careful of who you cast these in front of.

Survivability Training  
Due to the difficulty of surviving these spells, and the great inconvenience of having to locate a suitable host, Dissolving Light and Dark Corruption offer ‘Survivability Training’.  You will be automatically signed up into the program.

Use the Meditative Concentration Method (MCM) and meditate on “Black Soul Gem Harvesting”.  Read about the 'Benefits and Protections' offered, and decide if you wish to keep your signature on 'The Contract'.  All you have to do is to agree to use your soul as collateral, until all debt is paid in full.

They will whisper to you any change in your soul lien status.  You may meditate on 'Soul Financing' to check your balance.

Meditating on 'Host Etiquette' will summarize your ongoing relationship with Dissolving Light and Dark Corruption.

***NEW*** Offensive Capability Revealed
Dissolving Light can now be forced to create a Deathlink between caster and target.  This creates a Damage Over Time (DOT) effect on both caster and target that will not stop until, either the caster or target die, the target surrenders, the Deathlink link expires, or boredom (e.g. you are hidden and the target gives up looking for you). 

Survivability Training will not help you here.  Should you start the duel, a death must be paid in full.


Some thoughts:
  • All versions are .esp  marked as Light Plugins.   Neither uses a full slot.
  • Save your game before your first cast of Dark Corruption.  There is a learning curve.  It still gets me too on my level one character.
  • If you are doing a new run, I highly recommend pick the first Restoration Perk as soon as you can, as this will allow you to cast Dark Corruption more often and with less down time.  For the first time ever in any of my play throughs my Restoration was my first skill to reach legendary!
  • The MCM allows you to change just about all the parameters, but I recommend leave everything as is, and enjoy ‘The Contract’ experience.
  • ‘The Contract’ is signed by default, but it is not executed until the first otherwise would be lethal casting of either spell.
  • Use Telekinesis to bring the skull to you and keep your hands clean.
  • Outdoors, if the body needs to be looted, do that first before dissolving it, as sometimes the gooey remains will immediately despawn, leaving just the pristine skull.
  • Body Drops have the stolen flag, however no crime will be reported if you are seen "cleaning up" the carnage.  In fact, I imagine the onlookers would feel quite grateful to have that crime scene purged.  However, when arrested for other 'misunderstandings' all body drops in your possession marked as stolen will be confiscated.
  • Training is designed to keep you alive at the beginning levels, and keep the danger going at the medium levels as you begin paying down your debt by adding extra health to each cast.
  • In this mod, I used the prefix dw02 for all variables and scripts.
  • This mod uses four scripts.  I have 100 plus hours play testing these.
  • The in-game MCM (Mod Configuration menu) has 13 tabs... for 2 spells.  You can alter and track just about everything of these two spells.

Deathlink Thoughts:
  • Deathlink is triggered when striking a hostile target.  You can use the MCM to mark all as hostile (there may be role play reasons to do this), but I don't recommend it as it can  break boss fights with post battle dialogues. 
  • The Deathlink duel ends with either 1) death of the target; 2) death of the caster; 3) the target surrenders  (e.g. an essential boss has the IsInCombat set to false),  4) the maximum cycle count is reached (default is 600 cycles with 0.1 second duration/cycle = 60 seconds), or 5) You are hiding and the target gives up looking for you.
  • You can have multiple Deathlinks on one target or multiple targets at the same time.
  • Dissolving Corruption can now be cast (see image 35).

Updating Thoughts:
Version 4.00x is here!  Game Saves with previous versions are NOT compatible.  A Clean Game Save is Required. 

The 4.00x update 'All Races Drop Skulls' by Sp0ckrates ready.
All Races Drop Skulls SSE by Sp0ckrates is NOT compatible with this mod.
If you want to use awesome skulls from All Races Drop Skulls SSE then you have to install the NIFs and DDS yourself.  It is easy to do.

Instructions To Add NIFs and DDS files:
0) Download but don't install All Races Drop Skulls by Sp0ckrates.  This gives the creators credit.  Feel free to delete this too.
1) Download and install the mod All Races Drop Skulls SSE, which was ported by a different modder.  This process of bringing in the NIFs and DDS files works best with this ported version.  Again, this mod IS NOT Compatible with my mod.  We only want the folders meshes and textures.
2) Use your MOD organizer to open the All Races Drop Skulls SSE mod in windows explorer by  right clicking on it (see image 31)
3) Delete    (see image 32):
       script folder

    Keep:     (see image 33)
       meshes folder
       textures folder

4) Activate the modified  mod (in image 31All Races Drop Skulls SSE is activated).   I recommend placing it right above Dissolving Light and Dark Corruption - Black Soul Gem Harvesting.
5) Enter game, go to the MCM Black Soul Gem Harvesting, navigate to 'All Races Drop Skulls' tab and activate 'All races have skulls' (see image 34)

That's it!

The Prometheus - Beast Skeletons version is done.  It uses the its Argonian, Elf, Khajiit and Orc skulls, and is ready to use all the other 'All Races Drop Skulls'.  You have to load these NIFs.

The Immersive Creatures version is done and is also 'All Races Drop Skulls' ready.  However, I noticed some of the added Immersive Creatures (e.g. Falmer) do not dissolve.   They are using custom races, where as my code is expecting "FalmerRace".  The vanilla falmer dissolve fine. 

Original Change Log:

This is change log is no longer used.  See actual Changelog
The 4.000 update:
  • Requires a clean install
  • Bugfix: Fixes the issue with player who have no natural health regeneration (those playing on survival or those using modded vampires with no health regen in day light).
  • Bugfix: Increases the concentration damage as the players natural healing increases 

The 3.003 update:
  • Requires a clean install.  The Main version is no longer a light Master.  It is now an esp marked as a light plugin (so it doesn't take up a full slot).
  • Human Hearts  can now be corrupted into black soul gems (requested by Esotek)
  • Fixed a typo

The 3.002 update:
  • Fixes the bug of no skulls dropping when on the dissolving light page you only select "Drops: Skull [x]" and unselect all the other drops.  Thank you to bonechilll for finding and reporting the issue.
  • There is only one script change.  Should be safe to install over and replace the previous version 2.x or 3.001 using your mod organizer.  If you are updating from versions 1.x, a clean install will be required.
  • There is a new Optional version that uses Immersive Creatures which contains the beast skulls from Prometheus -Beast Skeletons Revised.  The change was made with SSEdit.  I have an article about how I update this mod.  It is the same process I use for the Prometheus - Beast Skeletons Revised version.

The 3.001 update applies to original and Beast Skeleton version.
  • You can now speed up the Dark Corruption cast with the MCM (see images: 30).  You may now use as much Health Regeneration as you desire, and the Dark Corruption will still trigger reasonably quick.  The default value will prevent long cast times.  See new image (30) with Dark Corruption / High Health Regeneration Hijinks / Maximum Cycles Allowed.
  • Maximum Cycles Allowed : sets the maximum Dark Corruption Cycles needed to complete cast.  Priorthe Dark Corruption needed a net damage drop (at Default) of 100.  Now, which ever condition is reached first (cycles reached (default 80), or net damage (default 100)) will trigger the vessel conversion into a black soul gem.
  • Randomness will decrease randomly the cycle ceiling with each cast as  Maximum Cycles Allowed - Rnd Value. 
  • Receive Cycle Count will give you a whisper of what the cycle count is for the cast.
  • Bone Hands will now despawn when the cell unloads.  Note: Bone Hands that were placed prior to updating to 3.001 are unaffected. 
  • Corrected another typo
  • Script source files are now in Scripts/Source

The 2.003 Update only applies  to the  Prometheus - Beast Skeletons Revised version.  It makes the following changes:
  • Adds missing textures/dw02/books/images/dw02TheWilling.png.  Sorry about that.

The 2.002 Update only applies  to the  Prometheus - Beast Skeletons Revised version.  It makes the following changes:
  • Uses all the beast skulls as opposed to making copies of them.  Thanks to megapotato for not only asking for this version, but also instructing me how to properly set other esp files as masters.
  • The MCM splash screen now also has the Prometheus - Beast Skeleton Revised v 1.0.4 credit
  • Converts the esp into a light plugin, which does not use a full load order slot.
  • All the scripts are identical to v 2 001

The 2.001 update does the following:
  •  Adds an optional version to use Prometheus - Beast Skeletons Revised.  Beast Skeletons Revised must be install to use the Optional DwabBlackSoulGems_wPBSR version. 
  • Gelatinous Remains now evaporate when an area is unloaded
  • Adds a note of research about Evaporation Rates
  • Fixes some typos
  • Requires a clean game save to install
  • Swapping from DwabBlackSoulGems.esl to DwabBlackSoulGems_wPBSR.esl or vice versa requires A Clean Game Save.

The 1.003 update does the following:
  • Improves the Dark Corruption Casting Visual
  • Adds a cinder to the Dissolving Light cast to prevent multiple dissolving triggers on a target.
  • Cinder is an alchemy ingredient
  • Corrects a few typos

The 1.002 update does the following:
  • Adds DeathLink to Dissolving Light
  • Corrects a few Typos
  • Changes some initial values to now match the default values.

If you wish to keep your current Soul Financing and Host Etiquette history when updating to the newest version, do the following:
  • Before updating screenshot both the MCM Soul Financing and Host Etiquette pages
  • Update the values in the included bat file (dw02BSGHistory.txt)
  • Install update
  • In game, open console and type: bat dw02BSGHistory 
Or if you don't want to bother, just role play that your discovery of Deathlink so befuddled Dissolving Light that all memory of debt was lost.  

Some Thanks:
When I asked questions in the forums, these kind souls gave answers:

Thank you to those whose comments helped me to make this a better mod:
tecfalcon                <<< creating the Legacy of the Dragonborn patch: LotD craftloot additions for DWab
jedp1 and Onichu  <<< Adding offensive capabilities to Dissolving Light which became Deathlink
Esotek                    <<< Despawning Gelatinous Remains on cell unloading and spelling it correctly
megapotato          <<< Adding a version to use skull designs provided by Prometheus - Beast Skeletons Revised
FnordLightbringer <<< Adding ability to speed up Dark Corruption cast time which naturally increased as a players health and health regeneration increase
bonechill                <<< Finding the bug when you select the only drop to be a skull, you don't get a skull.
Nirahiel                  <<< Adding Dissolving Corruption

My Other Mods:
My Leaky Basement   <<< Adds a shared basement to 23 player homes and guild halls.  Has Optional Insta-Travel feature.  Fully customizable.
Master Perks Available at Skill Level 90 esl  <<< Works great with Legendary 90 by AlwaysAPrice for unlimited leveling with use of your Master Perks! 
A milk drinker like you
  <<< Adds dialogue to start combat when an adventurer challenges you with "What's a milk drinker like you doing out here?"
Werewolf Unlimited Perks From Consuming Hearts << Werewolves gain additional powers from consuming hearts that the Dovahkiin in human form will also enjoy.