Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

With this you can control the outfits of Player and NPC's making change themselves under specific scenarios like on at rain, swim, sleep, in city, at home, work, on a player house and more.
Compatible with all the custom and vanilla outfits, allow you make your own outfits.
If you are looking for more immersion and roll play, this is your

Permissions and credits

I made a new Mod that I'm calling "Outfits Manager". I'm been wishing a mod like this since I start to use custom armor's, but none of the Mods I tried fullfil all my needs.

Outfits Manager: Takes the best qualities of all the wardrobes and outfits related Mods i know and give you the opportunity of control the wardrobe of the Player and NPC's in more ways than I can imagine. 

Outfit Manager have more or less compatibility issues with any other Mod that try to do the same but usually is enough with disable the outfit system of those Mods or don't include the affected actor on the Outfit Manager Behaviors.
Some custom followers come with her/his own outfit system (wardrobe) and should be disabled before be added to the Outfit Manager Behaviors or use the Reset option on the Advanced Behavior of the actor to get it automatically disabled (for now the automatic function just work with Vilja and Serana).
Outfit Manager can detect or tag the equippable items that are forbidden for strip, so is compatible with Wigs, body Devices and any other item that should remain equipped

Knowns issues:
1. Outfit Manager comes flagged as ESL to spare you plugins slots but also have a MCM and some user's report issues with the MCM not showing in which case add it the ESM flag or fully remove the ESL and ESM flag's from the plugin together with move it upper on the load list can solve the problem.

2. Some times the custom names and description of some outfits can disappear after load the game. This seems so internal bug of the PapyrusUtil and doesn't affect the behavior of the Mod but is annoying so I made it import those values from missing values from the Exported JSON files when the outfits list are being sorted so you can change the name of any outfit and the lists will be sorted and fixed on the background 3 second after leave the MCM and continue the game. (version 20240122 or above)

Setup and Update:
To install the mod, follow the common steps for your Mod Manager or just uncompress it directly on the Data folder of Skyrim.

Avoid the bottom of the plugins load order. Depending of your installed Mods that can break the Outfit Manager MCM startup.

If you are using a Mod Manager like Vortex or MO2, is recommended to keep the exported JSON files on a independent folder to prevent accidents with next version updates.

To update the Mod is usually enough with overwrite the Mod files and open the game. But is good idea if you save the configuration and advanced behaviors before the update. The update usually go without issues but in some cases of CTD or some MCM problem, place the "OutfitManager.esp" (by preference without the ESL flag) up on the load order. 

WARNING: If you want to switch between the ESL and the ESM flagged versions; first make sure of use a Saved Game free from the Outfit Manager. The usual Clean Save procedure: Uninstall or at least Disable the "OutfitManager.esp" on the plugins list; then load the saved game and save it to make sure that outfit manager is not longer in the saved game file.
* The Outfit Manager files always keep the same name for compatibility reasons and when it's flag is changed, the FormIDs also change; so Skyrim have problems to deal with the changes on the FormIDs unless you clean the saved game file first.

Want Outfit Manager does?
  • Allow you change the vanilla default and sleep outfits defined on the NPC, for any of the outfits on the supported list.
  • Allow you to support almost any outfit of any Mod
  • Allow you to make your own Custom Outfits with any equippable item on the Player Inventory. And they can be saved into a JSON file.
  • Include my own version of the Sleep Tight function that force the change of dress on sleeping NPC's. By the way, is optional and come disabled by default because I also use the last version of "Go to Bed" and that Mod come with very similar function included and I'm not sure if his function can be disabled. I think my function is a bit better!
  • Allow you set Advanced Dress Behaviors on any of the unique NPC's. (This version can support more than 100 actors with the Advanced Behaviors and my final  goal is to support all the unique NPC's of the game)
  • Allow you save your settings and all your outfits (custom or imported) into JSON files. That way you can keep your configuration in a new game and even share it with your friends.
  • Allow you edit any location or cell and that way avoid the need for patches in case the location don't be using the right set of keywords or properties.
The Advanced Behaviors allow you choose the outfit that will be equipped and under what conditions aside that each actor come with his own strip options for each outfit type. 

All the strip options come configured as default with the most common values for the selected scenario outfit.

Together all those options make possible almost any wished behavior.

The current scenarios are:
  • Default
  • Sleeping: Safe
  • Sleeping: Wild
  • Actor Home
  • Player Home
  • Actor Work
  • City Location
  • Town Location
  • Wild Location
  • Swimming: Public
  • Swimming: Home
  • Combat
  • Weather: None
  • Weather: Pleasant
  • Weather: Cloudy
  • Weather: Rainy
  • Weather: Snow
  • Weather: Ash Storm
  • Sneaking: Wild
Plus 12 Custom scenarios where you can specify locations, time period and more.

Recommended Mods:
SPID Dress Up of Matashina because in addition to saving us a lot of work, the outfits in the patches can be imported  into the Supported Outfits list.
Common Clothes and Armors  because the alternative clothes and armors there allow us make Advanced Behaviors where the actor seems to be removing or adding just a part of it. (Of course is just a illusion but add a lot of immersion)
FurArmorSet because is perfect for the snow. The Coat and Poncho fit well over many armor's and dresses plus have the right warm and coverage values for the FrostFall. Isn't lore friendly because comes with Tigger texture's but I got a patch for that from another author and tweak the names and recipes of my version to make it lore friendly and include the texture of the Vale Saber Cat of the Dawnguard that is even better than a Tigger .
Papyrus Tweak NG from Nightfallstorm because his Thread Tweak increase the speed of all the scripts.
Barbarian Skirts from nerad137 because I love the skimpy outfits like anyone but sometimes better be more covered and those skirt allow me conviene the armor's (after few tweaks of course)
Deze Armor Set from ralfetas because allow you very good effect if is used right with the outfit manager 

PS: Don't forget to endorse and make suggestions. Together, those two actions make the difference between a great mod and a dead mod.
     Q. How to...
     A. Check the Articles on this page or the Tutorials and if you don't find you answer there you can always ask me on the forum of this Mod.