About this mod

Aura's Inventory Tweaks (AIT) is a project whose goal is to improve Skyrim's inventory and related menus, with a specific focus on quality of life. AIT improves inventory sorting, types, icons, column information, and more.

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SkyUI is an excellent mod that improves Skyrim's inventory menu and other interfaces. It is a great baseline that was the first mod I ever downloaded, and I would recommend to everyone. However, SkyUI was created in a time where the Dragonborn DLC didn't exist, and there are a few things I didn't love about it. So, I've gone on a long journey of learning how to improve Skyrim's inventories to make them easier to use and look at. Aura's Inventory Tweaks is the culmination of my efforts.

Aura's Inventory Tweaks (or AIT) uses powerful tools and resources such as Inventory Interface Information Injector (I4), Keyword Item Distributer (KID), Object Categorization Framework (OCF), and The Handy Icon Collection Collective (THICC) to make SkyUI inventories prettier and more organized then ever before.

Classification Expansion (Items)

Using keywords from Object Categorization Framework, as well as some additional I4 rules, AIT expands the range and specificity of item classification based on common types of items found in both vanilla and mods.

Using these new carefully crafted categories, AIT distributes data such as Icons, Icon Colors, and Types to items in SkyUI inventories. These can be used to more easily identify items at a glance.

Object Categorization Framework's vast mod support means many of your favorite mods will already have new types and icons the first time you install AIT. However, there are tens of thousands of mods out there, with more being released every day. I will not have been able to patch every single item in every single mod. If you find an item I have not yet handled, let me know what mod it's from here, and I will put that mod on my todo list.

Classification Expansion (Spells)

Just like items, AIT uses OCF and I4 rules to expand the range and specificity of spell classification.

Spells are handled a little differently then items. In base SkyUI, spells were split by school, then in the case of destruction spells, by resistance. This method may have worked fine for vanilla Skyrim, but with the hundreds of popular spell mods out there adding completely new elements and styles, spells deserved an even greater expansion.

AIT adds 2 brand new columns to your spellbook: Type and Class.

Type denotes the basic element or function of a spell, such as Fire, Heal, Shield, Paralyze, Fear, Invisibility, Sun, Blood, Poison, Divination, Reanimate, (conjure) Daedra, (conjure) Undead, Enhance, Teleport, etc.

Type can be used to get a basic idea of what the spell will do.

Fire spells will channel the element of fire to damage your enemies, such as Flames or Fireball.
Reanimate spells will raise the dead, such as Raise Zombie or Revenant.
Daedra spells will conjure a daedra from Oblivion to do your bidding, such as Conjure Flame Atronach or Conjure Dremora Lord.
Enhance spells will improve an attribute or bestow a new ability, such as Waterbreathing or Feather.

Class denotes the style or alignment of a spell, such as Fire, Ash, Druid, Eldritch, Earth, Holy, Astral, Shadow, Mind, Mystic, Bard, etc.

Class can be used to get an idea of what kind of spellcasters would commonly use a spell. Class can be used as an aid to roleplay a specific playstyle, such as only using Fire spells, Mind spells, or Holy spells.

The Fire class will be heavily used by Pyromancers, but is also commonly used by most any spellcaster. Examples of spells in this class would be Flames, Conjure Flame Atronach, and Weakness to Fire.
The Necromancy class will almost exclusively be used by evil spellcasters such as Necromancers or Vampires. Examples of spells in this class would be Raise Zombie, Conjure Skeleton, and Heal Undead.
The Druid class will be mostly used by Druids, Forsworn, and Bosmer, or worshipers of nature gods like Kynareth, Hircine, or Y'ffre. Examples of spells in this class would be Call Spriggan, Bug Swarm, and Oak Heart.
The Mystic class is kind of a catch all for spells that would be used by almost any spellcaster, regardless of style or alignment. Examples of spells in this class would be Healing, Ironflesh, and Magelight.

Some spells may fit into more than one class, such as Suggestion from Triumvirate being both a Holy spell and a Mind spell. If this happens, I try to apply whatever class makes the most sense to take priority. In this case Suggestion gets the Holy class, as that is more important to its identity than Mind.

Keep in mind that I consider spell classifications a beta feature. Currently, the only spells currently fully supported are vanilla spells, CC spells, Mysticism (may be outdated), and Darenii's spell packs (may be outdated), but I will include more support in the future. Please refrain from suggesting spell mods for me to support at the moment, as I'm still working out my systems to be able to properly support the majority of spell mods. I'm still polishing things up, but I'll take suggestions and patch requests now.

New Icons

AIT expands the variety of icons used to represent items and spells, with over 100 new icons used, provided by The Handy Icon Collection Collective and B.O.O.B.I.E.S. (aka Immersive Icons).

There are too many icons to list, but you can see screenshots of some of the new icons in the images here, and on THICC's and BOOBIES' pages.

Sorting Overhaul

AIT takes inspiration from the improvements on sorting posed by mods like Better SkyUI ConfigEquipped Items on Top, and SkyUI AIO Survival, but takes it a step further.

AIT sorts items and spell in a specific, curated way, to make finding the best and most important items easier than ever. Generally, stuff is sorted using type, strength/stats, and ease of access. For a deeper look at how items and spells are sorted, open the spoiler.

All Items are first sorted by tab. This means that in view with multiple item types, Weapons will be first, followed by Armor, Potions, Scrolls, Food, Ingredients, Books, Keys, and finally Misc. Items.

Weapons are first sorted by weapon classes and types. This means that 1H Knives will come first (default Daggers, then Claws, Tableware, Tantos, etc.), followed by 1H Blades (default Swords, then Katanas, Rapiers, Scimitars, etc.), 1H Axes (default War Axes, then Pickaxes, Sickles, Woodaxes, etc.), 1H Blunt (default Maces, then Clubs, Fishing Rods, Whips, etc.), 1H Polearms (Spears, Pikes, etc. then Halberds, Glaives, etc.), 2H Blades (default Greatswords, then Dai-Katanas, Twinblades, etc.), 2H Axes (default Battleaxes, then Scythes, etc.), 2H Blunt (default Warhammers, then Greatclubs, Quarterstaves, etc.), 2H Polearms (Spears, Pikes, etc. then Halberds, Glaives, etc.), 1H Ranged (Guns, Hand-Crossbows, etc.), 2H Ranged (Bows, Crossbows, Guns, etc.), and finally 1H Staves.

Weapons are then sorted by stats. They're sorted strongest to weakest in this order: Damage, Base Damage, Speed, Reach, Stagger, and finally Enchanted.

Armor is sorted by type. This means that shields will come first, followed by default head gear, default body gear, default hand gear, default foot gear, then additional head gear, additional body gear, additional hand gear, additional foot gear, then additional accessories.

Armor is then sorted by stats. They're sorted strongest to weakest in this order: Armor, Base Armor, Warmth (CC/Frostfall), Coverage (Frostfall), and finally Enchanted.

Potions are sorted by type. Health potions come first, followed by Stamina potions, Magicka potions, Cure potions, Resist potions, General potions, Fortify potions, and finally Poisons.

Potions are then sorted by stats. They're sorted strongest to weakest in this order: Magnitude, Duration.

Scrolls are sorted by type.

Scrolls are then sorted by stats. They're sorted strongest to weakest in this order: Magnitude, Duration.

Food is sorted by type.

Food is then sorted by stats. They're sorted strongest to weakest in this order: Hunger (CC/SunHelm), Thirst (SunHelm), Restore Cold (CC), Fortify Warmth (SunHelm), Magnitude, and finally Duration.

Ingredients are sorted by type.

Books are sorted by type.

Keys are sorted by type.

Misc. Items are first sorted by usability. This means that items that do something when you click on them are sorted on top.

Misc. Items are then sorted by type.

Soul Gems are then sorted by stats. They're sorted highest to lowest in this order: Gem Size, Black, Soul Size.

Finally, all Items are sorted by name (A-Z).

How to benefit from AIT's sorting:

For those who have used Better SkyUI Config, AIT's method of sorting should be somewhat familiar. AIT's curated sorting is only active when the arrow above the icon column is selected.

Of course, the ever popular feature of Equipped Items Sorted on Top is also available in AIT. However, I know this is not a feature that everyone wants, so I have implemented it in a way that makes it available to everyone, but only the default for those who want it.

Equipped Items on Top has been implemented as a toggleable feature. When the icon column arrow is selected and pointing up, equipped items will NOT be put on top or given any special sorting treatment. When the icon column arrow is selected and pointing down, equipped items will be put on top.

Additionally, when equipped items are put on top, unread books will also be put on top.

The direction the icon arrow points to by default, and thereby whether equipped items and unread books are sorted on top, will depend on which option you choose when installing the FOMOD. "Default Off" will make the arrow point up by default, meaning that equipped items and unread books will NOT be put on top. "Default On" will make the arrow point down by default, meaning that equipped items and unread books WILL be put on top

New Columns

AIT adds new columns to help you get more info about items and spells. Just like in default SkyUI, columns can be toggled on and off with the gear button to the right of the search bar. Some columns are not enabled by default and must be enabled manually if you want them to show up.

Some columns don't have native support in AIT and require their data to be set in a SWF file to show any information. In AIT I have not included any SWF files, so columns marked with [R] will require you to have SWF files that include the necessary code to make those columns display anything. Dear Diary and Dear Diary Dark Mode based inventories include the code to make some of these columns work. SkyUI AIO Survival includes code to make even more of these columns work. I will be working to make these all of these columns easily accessible to everyone (hopefully by utilizing Infinity UI for compatibility), but that may take some time. For the meantime, you can install the optional mod(s) in step 4 of Installation that support your main UI mod to get the majority of new columns to work.

New Item Columns

[R] Total Value - The total value of all items in a stack.
[R] Total Weight - The total weight of all items in a stack.

New Weapon Columns

Equip - How you equip a weapon, whether that be 1-handed, 2-handed, ammo, or instant use.
[R] Base Damage - How much damage a weapon would do without any skill or other modifiers.
[R] Speed - How fast the weapon swings.
[R] Reach - How far the weapon reaches.
[R] Stagger - How hard the weapon hits or how likely it is to stagger an opponent.

New Armor Columns

[R] Slots - What bodyparts slots armor uses.
[R] Base Armor - How much defense armor would give without any skill or other modifiers.
[R] (CC) Warmth - When using CC Survival Mode, how much heat protection armor gives.
[R] (SH) Warmth - When using SunHelm, how much heat protection armor gives.
[R] (FF) Warmth - When using FrostFall, how much heat protection armor gives.
[R] (FF) Coverage - When using FrostFall, how much rain protection armor gives.
I will be working to support more survival mods, so stay tuned for that.

New Food Columns

Green Pact - Whether eating food would uphold the code of the Bosmeri Green Pact. Provided for roleplaying.
(CC) Hunger - When using CC Survival Mode, how much hunger food restores.
(CC) Restore Cold - When using CC Survival Mode, how much heat food restores.
(CC) Fortify Warmth - When using CC Survival Mode, how much temperature fortification food gives.
(SH) Hunger - When using SunHelm, how much hunger food restores.
(SH) Thirst - When using SunHelm, how much thirst food restores.
(SH) Fortify Warmth - When using SunHelm, how much temperature fortification food gives.
I will be working to support more survival mods, so stay tuned for that.

New Ingredient Columns

Green Pact - Whether eating ingredients would uphold the code of the Bosmeri Green Pact. Provided for roleplaying.

New Spell Columns

Type - The main function or element of a spell.
Class - The main style or alignment of a spell. Provided for roleplaying.

New Power Columns

Level - The level of the power, whether that be Lesser (at-will), Greater (1/day), or Grand (limited use).

Translation Support

AIT only has native support for English, but others have made translations for other languages. If you would like to translate AIT feel free, permissions are open. Also feel free to contact me through Discord and I'll keep you updated when I add new strings and answer questions about how I use strings.

Install AIT like any other mod, with MO2 or another mod manager.


Make sure to keep these mods updated as new features and fixes that are introduced may be quickly utilized by AIT (sometimes even without AIT itself needing an update). Check AIT's changelog and file summary for specific version requirements.

Optional Requirements

  • MCM Helper - Recommended as this makes SkyUI's MCM options actually persist, which can help if your item card or model preview offsets get messed up.
  • SkyUI AIO Survival (SAS) - Some of the info columns included in AIT don't work on their own, and require specific code in some files to enable that functionality. SAS is currently the mod that provides that best. However, there are many known issues with this mod in its current state (Skyrim version support, UI overhaul support, etc.), and I intend to work on a new mod to provide this functionality to AIT, as an alternative to SAS.

Mod Order (Mods View)

Load AIT after every other mod that it has file conflicts with, unless noted otherwise in this mod's Compatibility section, or in those mods' descriptions.

Plugin Order (Plugins View)

I4 loads and applies its configs based on the load order of plugins that have the same name as those configs (eg I4IconAddon.esp/I4IconAddon.json, AIT.esp/AIT.json). This means that the order that these plugins are in determines which icons, colors, and subtypes are displayed in-game.

The following plugins should load before AIT.esp:

The following plugins should load after AIT.esp:

Example Plugin Order:

Diseases - I4.esp
Racial Abilities - I4.esp
Standing Stones - I4.esp


These UI overhaul mods are compatible with the correct AIT installer options and mod/plugin order.

These icon mods are compatible with the correct mod/plugin order.

Obsolete/Included/Included Similar Functionality:

These mods are replaced by and redundant when using AIT. Uninstall them for the best experience.


All or some of these mods' inventory features will not work when using AIT. I may or may not offer support for these in the future.

These mods or mod series are overhauls that work very similarly to AIT. Chose either AIT or mods in this list. I am not likely to offer support for these mods here, but I may integrate some functionality from them.

B.O.O.B.I.E.S. and Addons

Kome's Inventory Tweaks

  • Kome's Inventory Tweaks (aka K.I.T.) (WIP unreleased mod)


These mods have not been widely tested with AIT so I don't know if/how their inventory features will work when using AIT. Such features are likely very mod/plugin order dependant. I may or may not offer support for these in the future if they don't work.

I've spent a lot of time looking at UI mods, so here are some other cool inventory mods I've found that should work fine with AIT.

For all their mods, tools, and other contributions that resulted in AIT being what it is today.
