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About this mod

This mod removes the quests tied to all Alternate Armors and instead distributes both enchanted and unenchanted versions of the armors directly through leveled lists at appropriate levels.

Permissions and credits
I really enjoy the Alternative Armor mods for the fresh designs and variations on the vanilla armors we've all come to know and love. However, the quests associated with these new armors are often extremely limited and poorly done, basically amounting to unvoiced fetch quests. On top of this, the armors are distributed through leveled lists at significantly earlier levels than comparable vanilla options, as well as the only enchanted variants coming from the previously mentioned mediocre quests. This implementation leads to poorly balanced and rather boring loot, so I wanted to change that and allow for a smoother integration of some really nice armors.

  • Removes all quests associated with the 15 Alternative Armor Creation Club products
  • Creates enchanted variants for every piece of Alternative Armor 
  • Manually distributes both enchanted and unenchanted versions of the armor throughout leveled lists, per Thaumaturgy's conventions
  • Removes quest-locked crafting requirements on any armors that had them

This mod requires a fresh save in order to stop the CC quests from starting the associated quests and leveled list distribution. I do not recommend uninstalling this mod at any point during a playthrough, and will be unable to provide troubleshooting assistance if you decide to do so.

This mod makes rather comprehensive changes to a drastic amount of leveled lists throughout the base game, Dragonborn, and small changes to Dawnguard. It is extremely likely that it will conflict with any mod that adds enchanted or unenchanted armors to leveled lists.

I did my best to use the most easily approachable framework I could to allow for adding modded armors to leveled lists. Each tier of gear has separate Sublist entries that contain both the original vanilla armor and the new CC variant.

For example, the SublistElvenCuirassVariants entry replaces the vast majority of instances where you would find the vanilla Elven Armor. This Sublist contains both the vanilla Elven Armor and the CC Elven Hunter Armor, allowing for either one to appear. So, if you wanted to add a new version of an Elven cuirass, all you need to do is add that new armor to the SublistElvenCuirassVariants entry. That new armor now has a chance of appearing in dozens of leveled lists in any situation where you would have originally found the vanilla Elven Armor.

With enchanted variants of armors, the process is slightly more complex. The vanilla system requires that you add each piece of armor directly to the appropriate leveled list that corresponds to the armor and the enchantment strength.

For example, if you want to add a new Ebony tier armor with a 4th rank enchantment, you will need to find the SublistEnchArmorEbonyCuirass04 entry and add the new enchanted item directly to that list.

Optional Files:
The "CC AA Unique Items Distribution" file allows players to obtain some unique items from the Daedric Mail and Dragonplate Insulated creations that would otherwise be unavailable without their quests.
  • The unique Falmer War Axe, Namira's Itch, can be found in Frostflow Abyss
  • The unique Falmer Helmet, Dismal Visage, can be found in Mzinchaleft
  • The unique Forsworn War Axe, Tyrant's Bane, can be found in Druadach Redoubt
  • The unique Forsworn Sword, one without a unique enchantment but with higher base damage, can be found in Lost Valley Redoubt
  • The Dragonbone Mail can be found on the corpse of Krosulhah, the dragon that attacks after clearing Nchardak during the Dragonborn expansion (requires SPID)
  • The Ring of Masser is carried by Ri'saad (requires SPID)

The "CC AA AVL Patch" file adds all of the variants included in aMidianBorn Armor Variants Lite to the appropriate sublists. This can also serve as a hands-on example for how to patch for new armors by yourself.

Possible Questions:
  • Why require Thaumaturgy? Will you support Vanilla?
I do plan to provide a Vanilla option in the future, but as I was a co-author of Thaumaturgy and love it to bits, this version took precedence for me.

  • The CC armors have higher stats than the vanilla armors, won't this be imbalanced?
Without a rebalancing mod for the armors, yes, you will definitely encounter some wonky balance. At the risk of arrogance, I would highly suggest my rebalancing mod to bring the new armors in line with, in my opinion, their closest matched vanilla counterparts.

  • Will you provide a patch for <insert mod here>?
Outside of just overwhelming and unavoidable community desire for some super popular mod, no, I will not be providing compatibility patches. I included the AVL patch both because I love the mod and use it myself, so I had the patch done already, and also as an example of how to patch for yourself. I hope that my earlier section on patching can help you patch everything that you want to have in your list, but the work required for numerous mod patches is just way too much for me.

Bethesda's Creation Club team and all modders involved in the making of these creations.
powerofthree for the amazing SPID.
Umgak for the fantastic aMidianBorn Armor Variants Lite.
SimonMagus616 and our whole team involved in the creation of Thaumaturgy.