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About this mod

This patch solves the problem of CGO dodge roll animations occasionally getting stack.

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This file is a Nemesis patch to add CGO dodge animation information to animationsetdatasinglefile.txt. Installing this patch prevents dodge animation stacks.
Stacking of dodge animations rarely occur when the game does not differ much from vanilla, but when many animations have been added, dodge animations may stack at the start of the game, for example.

The data in animationsetdatasinglefile.txt appears to be necessary for easy access to the relevant behavior data when the behavior does not have full control over the animation and the engine needs to participate.
A detailed explanation of what animationsetdatasinglefile.txt is can be found in the document published by fore.

Install this file and run Nemesis with the CGO patch enabled; if the CGO patch is enabled, this patch will also be applied.

DServant for Combat Gameplay Overhaul SE
fore for his document
tktk for his document
shikyokira for HKX Extractor