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Real Armies diversifies Civil War unit types. Soldiers will no longer all be both melee infantry and archers. Emphasis has been placed on staying lore friendly and relatively balanced while still making the game reasonably more difficult. ESPFE

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If you've ever felt like the soldiers of the Civil War questline are lackluster, unrealistic and too boring or easy to fight, look no further. Real Armies is a straightforward, highly compatible overhaul of Imperial and Stormcloak Soldiers giving each side five distinct new units with the goal of adding variety and reasonably increased difficulty to your Civil War experience. It will be much more difficult to solo large groups of enemy soldiers, and battles are balanced around having followers and/or allied soldiers at your side. 


Imperial Auxiliary
The Legion does not care for wealth, only blood and loyalty. 

Description: The most common class of soldier of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim, Auxiliaries are mostly local recruits. Some have enlisted for the prospect of becoming a professional Legionnaire, while others have signed on to defend their homes against traitorous Stormcloaks. Equipped with Imperial Studded Armor and armed with a sword and light shield, these soldiers are a capable if inexperienced fighting force able to hold their own in battle. Auxiliaries have a small chance of fleeing from battle in the event that their side is badly losing. 


Armor: Imperial Studded Armor and Light Shield.  
Weapons: Imperial Sword and Dagger.*
Primary Skills: Block, One-Handed, Light Armor.
Spawn Rate: 40%

*With Diverse Skyrim Patch, Orc Auxiliaries will carry War Axes and Maces instead.

Imperial Archer
A bow is a fine thing, but a bow in service of the Empire is a fine-tuned engine of death. 

Description: The tacticians of the Legion fully understand the importance of archery in warfare. As a result, Imperial Archers undergo a specialized training regimen to hone the art of the death-from-afar. Equipped in light armor and armed with only a bow and a shortsword as backup, Imperial Archers are adept at harassing the enemy while they are bogged down in combat with the heavy infantry. However, if their side should falter, these Archers stand little chance outnumbered in melee, and will likely run. 


Armor: Imperial Light Armor.  
Weapons: Imperial Bow with Steel Arrows and Shortsword.
Primary Skills: Archery, One-Handed, Light Armor.
Unique Traits: Legion Archers can fire arrows 20% faster.
Spawn Rate: 25%

Imperial Legionary
The backbone of the Legion, these men will fight and die in defense of the Emperor. 

Description: Composed of soldiers who have served in the Legion for some time, proper Legionaries are disciplined and hardened infantrymen. Equipped in Imperial Heavy Armor and armed with a sword and heavy shield, Legionaries are capable of bringing the charge of even the strongest foes to a grinding halt. Well-trained Legionaries under the command of a capable officer are a fighting force enviable the world around, and even in its weakened state the Empire devotes all the necessary resources to ensure that its Legionaries are up to standard. 


Armor: Imperial Heavy Armor and Shield.  
Weapons: Imperial Sword and Dagger.*
Primary Skills: One-Handed, Block, Heavy Armor.
Spawn Rate: 20%

*With Diverse Skyrim Patch, Orc Legionaries will spawn with Battleaxes or Warhammers.

Imperial Veteran
These men have seen it, killed it, and lived to fight again, on many prior occasions. 

Description: All Legionaries are effective soldiers, and Veterans are doubly so. Imperial Veterans are those Legionaries who have served faithfully for over twenty-five years and have chosen to remain soldiers of the Legion, many of them serving as lesser officers leading squads and patrols. Veterans are proficient in all manner of melee weapons, and their experience in battle is a weapon in it's own right. Striking with the force of the legendary demigod Morihaus, they are primarily deployed as shock infantry, the hammer to the Legion's anvil. Veterans are distinguished by their plumed helmets, a badge of honor and distinction. 


Armor: Imperial Heavy Armor with Plumed Helmet.  
Weapons: Any Imperial melee weapon (and shield if one-handed).*
Primary Skills: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, Block.
Unique Traits: Veterans' movement speed is unaffected by wearing Heavy Armor and have reduced stagger.
Spawn Rate: 10%

*With Diverse Skyrim Patch, Orc Veterans will spawn with any Orcish melee weapon. 

Imperial Battlemage
Battlemages carry the flame of the Dragon Empire to distant lands, often literally. 

Description: The Imperial Battlemages are an order of spellcasters with a history stretching back as far as the Alessian Empire. Though the prestige of the Imperial Battlemages has fallen in recent centuries, the organization is still a force to be reckoned with. Lightly equipped and trained in the various schools of magic, Battlemages are capable of fighting with both spell and sword. While typically fighting side by side with the Legion, a cornered Battlemage is quite vulnerable, and the Stormcloaks are certain to show no mercy to an enemy magic-wielder. 


Armor: Imperial Light Armor with Battlemage's Hood.  
Weapons: Shortsword, War Axe, or Mace.
Spells: Flames/Sparks, Firebolt/Lightning Bolt, Oakflesh, Lesser Ward, Fast Healing, Turn Lesser Undead.
Primary Skills: Destruction, Alteration, One-Handed.
Unique Traits: Can spawn with scrolls which they sometimes use in combat.
Spawn Rate: 3%

Imperial Centurion
Only the most reliable and courageous men are trusted to lead soldiers of the Legion. 

Description: Centurions are field officers, highly skilled and experienced soldiers who lead by courageous example on the battlefield and should never be taken lightly as opponents. Adorned in the armor of an Imperial Officer and often wielding an enchanted sword, they fight as defensive warriors, unbreakable walls standing the between the Emperor and his enemies, A Centurion also possesses the ability to let loose a Rallying Cry in battle which bolsters their soldiers' defenses and prevents them from being affected by fear. 


Armor: Imperial Officer's Heavy Armor and Shield.  
Weapons: Leveled Sword up to Elven quality, sometimes enchanted.*
Primary Skills: One-Handed, Heavy Armor, Block.
Unique Traits: Centurions move at full speed in heavy armor, can run while blocking, and take less elemental damage while blocking.
Special Ability: Centurions possess a Rallying Cry ability which grants Courage and Fortifies the armor rating of nearby Legion soldiers. 
Spawn Rate: 2%

*With Diverse Skyrim Patch, Orc Centurions will spawn with a leveled, sometimes enchanted hammer up to Elven quality. 


Legion Notes:
With the Heavy Armory version, Imperial Soldiers who spawn with Swords may spawn with shortspears instead.


Stormcloak Unblooded
The newest warriors are also the most eager to prove themselves in battle. 

Description: The most common Stormcloak Soldier is the Unblooded, a militiaman drawn from the towns and villages of Skyrim and unproven in battle. While often poorly trained and inexperienced, they make up for what they lack in discipline with their devotion to the idea of an independent Skyrim and their faith in mighty Talos. A cuirass is provided to each Stormcloak recruit, but soldiers of the cause provide their own additional armor and weaponry, and Unblooded may carry one- or two-handed weapons of varying quality. As many Unblooded are young recruits, a few may choose the cowardly path and run from battle if their side is losing badly. 


Armor: Light Stormcloak Armor.  
Weapons: Any Iron or Steel melee weapon (with shield if one-handed) and a dagger.
Primary Skills: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Light Armor.
Spawn Rate: 40%

Stormcloak Archer
What can be used to hunt prey can also be used to hunt man. 

Description: While archery is still viewed as an honorable craft, the average Nord views melee as the most proper way to do battle. As such, the role of archer is often relegated to the poorest men who cannot afford full gear and the infirm. However, Stormcloak Archers are by no means unskilled, as most rural Nords are raised hunting in the wilds of Skyrim, and the step from hunting to archery is not a difficult one. Stormcloak Archers wear light armor and wield longbows and hunting bows, sometimes tipping their arrows in Frostbite Venom to give their shots an extra kick. Most cannot afford a helmet and wear a cap or cowl instead. Stormcloak Archers are vulnerable in melee and may flee if surrounded. 


Armor: Light Stormcloak Armor with no helmet.  
Weapons: Long Bow or Hunting Bow with Steel Arrows, Iron Sword/War Axe/Dagger.
Primary Skills: Archery, One-Handed, Light Armor.
Unique Traits: Stormcloak Archers have a 33% chance to inflict Frostbite venom upon hit with an arrow.
Spawn Rate: 25%

Stormcloak Companion
Brothers and sisters in arms, unflinching and loyal to the last. 

Description: Calling back to the tradition established by the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor, Companions are the Stormcloaks' answer to Legion heavy infantry, fighting to free Skyrim of the influence of elves and weak men just as their spiritual forebears. Companions are primarily Thanes, disgruntled Legion veterans, and proven Unblooded, and thus can afford better equipment than lesser soldiers. These battle-tested warriors are capable of fighting both in shieldwall formation and in single combat, carrying blunt weapons intended to crush through heavy Legion armor. 


Armor: Stormcloak Iron or Steel Armor.*
Weapons: Blunt Steel weapons and backup Dagger.
Primary Skills: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, Block.
Unique Traits: Stormcloak Companions have 20% armor pierce while wielding axes, maces, or hammers.
Spawn Rate: 20%

*With Sons of Skyrim Patch, Companions will instead spawn with higher quality Light Armor with a heavy Shield.

Stormcloak Berserker
These men were terrifying long before the mushroom told its tale.

Description: Howling at their enemies like feral beasts, Berserkers are warriors selected from the lower ranks of the Stormcloaks for their rage and ferocity in battle. Wielding a weapon in each hand and dressed in armor crafted in the traditional Nordic style, Berserkers fight with the strength of the bear whose head adorns their helmet. As devotees of the dead god Tsun and the traditional Nordic pantheon they enter battle in a trance-like state, often under the influence of various substances, and can easily overwhelm an unprepared foe. 


Armor: Stormcloak Berserker Armor.  
Weapons: Dual-Wield/Two Handed, Steel or Ancient Nord weapons.
Primary Skills: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor.
Unique Traits: Berserkers' movement speed is unaffected by wearing Heavy Armor, and have increased attack speed.
Spawn Rate: 10%

Stormcloak Wizard
Wise men may turn the frigid land itself against the invader. 

Description: Although wizards and magic have rarely ever been popular among the Nords, there are still those Nords who practice the old ways of Jhunal. Ulfric, though unwavering in his beliefs is a pragmatic recruiter, allowing Wizards who believe in his cause to find a place among the Stormcloaks. Stormcloak Wizards are adepts of frost, and possess the capability to chill a foe to the marrow. They are lightly armored and nimble, distinguished by a long cowl. Wizards may also carry scrolls to the battlefield, and will not hesitate to use them if need be. 


Armor: Light Stormcloak Armor with Wizard's Cowl.  
Weapons: Iron Sword, War Axe, or Mace.
Spells: Frostbite/Sparks, Ice Spike/Lightning Bolt, Oakflesh, Lesser Ward, Fast Healing, Turn Lesser Undead.
Primary Skills: Destruction, Alteration, One-Handed.
Unique Traits: Can spawn with scrolls which they sometimes use in battle.
Spawn Rate: 3%

Stormcloak Hersir
Strong warriors will only suffer a stronger warrior to lead them.

Description: In Nordic legend, a Hersir was a man or women who led the ancient heroes into battle, and the greatest of all Hersirs was Shor, who led the Nords to victory against the evil Elves. A Stormcloak Hersir is a man or woman who has proven their strength countless times over and has been personally selected by Ulfric Stormcloak for battlefield leadership. This unstoppable force charges into battle with a massive blade while wearing only lightweight yet durable armor, greeting the enemy head on. A Stormcloak Hersir's Battle Cry empowers the attacks of nearby Stormcloaks and may strike fear in the heart of nearby foes. 


Armor: Stormcloak Officer's Armor.*
Weapons: Leveled Battleaxe up to Nordic quality, sometimes enchanted.
Primary Skills: Two-Handed, Light Armor, Block.
Unique Traits: Hersir can run while blocking, take reduced stagger, and can disarm opponents with a bash.* 
Spawn Rate: 2%

*With Sons of Skyrim Patch, Hersirs will spawn with Heavy Officer armor instead. 
*Disarm Bash has a 25% chance, and can be negated with Paarthurnax's Force Without Effort buff, or Tower of Strength/Wind Walker perks, or simply by blocking the bash.


Additional notes:
Each soldier type has its own combat style, with the skill of the AI scaling with soldier type. This also means that soldiers shouldn't pick up the "wrong" weapon type off the ground, i.e. archers picking up a greatsword or Legionaries picking up a bow. Also, unlike vanilla soldiers using bows who slowly advance towards the enemy until in melee range, archers in Real Armies will actively try to keep their distance and only switch to melee as a last resort. 

Officer type units for either side will not spawn normally in camps or forts (they do spawn during fort battles), but Fort Commanders and Camp officers have had their stats and equipment brought in line with their new officer type. Officers are meant to be minibosses of equal or higher difficulty to dungeon bosses, so make sure to isolate them from allies before trying to duel them.

Future Plans:
At present, my plans for the future of this mod primarily involves more diverse face templates for each soldier type, and further balance tweaks.

  • Mods which edit the Civil War - Mostly Compatible.  Any mod will be compatible with Real Armies as long as they don't edit generic soldier NPC records, which most civil war mods do not. If they do they may require a simple patch for both to mods to fully implement NPC changes as intended.
  • Named Civil War NPC Face/Gameplay mods - Fully compatible. I did not touch any named NPCs for the sake of compatibility.
  • Legion Armor replacer mods - Depends. I used vanilla Imperial armor leveled lists, so in theory a thorough Imperial armor replacer mod should be compatible, but some that I have tested have not been fully integrated. 
  • Stormcloak Armor replacer mods - Partially compatible, will require patch to replace all armors. Patched mods include 
  • Guard overhauls - Fully compatible. Real Armies doesn't touch guards whatsoever, even those of cities under occupation.
  • Open Civil War - Compatible. No patch needed, just load my mod lower in your load order. 
  • Diverse Skyrim - Compatibility patch included. 
  • Animated Armory DAR Version Integration patch included to integrate Halberds, Spear, and Rapiers. 
  • Immersive Patrols II - Integration patch included to make patrol soldiers use Real Armies templates
  • Skyrim Realistic Conquering All in One - Integration patch included to make Real Armies soldiers appear at SRC locations
  • Extra Encounters Reborn SE - Compatibility patch included.
  • Any Mod which makes similar changes to this one - Incompatible, of course. Though a patch may be possible.

Compatibility Notes:
The vast majority of mods will be fully compatible with this one, including civil war overhauls, with at most "soft" incompatibilities (meaning not game breaking). However, many mods use their own Imperial and Stormcloak Soldier templates, so my unit types won't appear in those mods without a patch.

If you want me to make a patch, ask in Posts and I'll consider the request.

If you load this mod in xEdit with USSEP you'll notice there are some "conflicts." I forwarded all changes made by USSEP to civil war soldiers without adding USSEP as a master. Any "conflicts" are intentional and won't cause any issues in your game, and my mods changes will be prioritized because it will always be lower in your load order. 


RonnieMagnum - General Tullius' Dagger

gearshout - Black Bear Ancient Nord Armor (Gauntlets, Boots, Bear Helm, and Hood)

PrivateEye - Heavy Armory (Imperial Weapons)

QwibQwibMods - Varied Guard Armor (Steel, Iron, and Imperial chestplates)

Be sure to check out their mods if you like this one!


Civil War Lines Expansion by jayserpa - For Dialogue diversity.

More Painful Death Sounds SE by RumblestrutPig/XxTWDxX - For more brutal sounding battles.

Serious Civil War Finale Sieges by Enodoc - For what it says in the title.

True Soldiers by DanielUA - Increases stats of vanilla Civil War armor.

Longer Lasting (and increased number of) Dead Bodies and Corpses by paradoxnrt - For more grisly battlefields. 

Immersive Aggressive Opponents - Makes soldiers of the opposing faction hostile if you wear their enemy's armor.