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About this mod

Uses the magical power of Base Object Swapper to randomly scale most plants in the game.

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Using the magical voodoo powers of the fantastic Base Object Swapper, this simple _SWAP.ini file allows for most of the plants in the game to have a slight adjustment to their scaled size.

That's it. Yes really, it's just an .ini file to tell the game to change your plants. For the most part, the changes should be pretty subtle and you may not even notice it most of the time, but the added variety in sizing should just further your immersion.

The .ini file lists almost every plant in the game, excluding trees. Most people use a tree mod anyway, and scaling trees often causes problems with too many other things so I've intentionally excluded them. Below, explains the scales and rotations so you can adjust as desired.

"scale(0.75/1.10)" changes the plant scale. 0.75 is the lower limit (how much they can shrink) while 1.10 is the upper limit (how much they can grow). It can be adjusted as needed though I wouldn't recommend going too much smaller or larger than I have it currently set. With the way I have it set, there's a greater chance of shrinkage, but it is still completely random.

"rotR(0,0,0/360)" randomly adjusts rotation of the plant. I only have this active on the farm plants as it's really the only spot you would notice it happening.

"chanceR(90)" is the percentage chance of a swap occurring. It can be set to any percentage you want, but for greatest variety I have it set at 90, leaving a small 10% chance of a plant being untouched.

The "rotR" and "chanceR" sections have an "R" at the end which causes the swaps to happen anytime the game is loaded. Alternatively, you can change the "R" to an "S" to make the swaps be persistent throughout an entire save.

Any lines can be completely disabled by either deleting it, or just setting a ";" before it. I would say to just set the ";" so you can always enable it later if you so choose.

I created this for myself to go along with the "Cathedral 3D" series of mods, which is why there's the noted separation, but should work with a Vanilla game or anything that maintains the Vanilla naming structure.

Should be compatible with just about any BOS mod. Most that I've seen do not make use of the [Transforms] function of BOS, and simply swap one object for another. For example, I personally use Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers - Base Object Swapper and Happy Little Shrubs - Base Object Swapper Version among several others. These mods are just swapping the model and do not include any [Transforms] options. My file, is only [Transforms] options, so they work just fine together.

**Additional notes**

If you really want to fine tune things even further, you can double up on the swaps. So for example, our trusted cabbage can be further expanded upon with an extra parameter line:


In this example, I've made 2 different swap possibilities for the cabbage. The first set makes it a 25% chance of shrinking a random value between 0.75 and 1, and a random rotation. While the second swap is a 50% chance of growing a random value between 1 and 1.10. There's still also a chance that a plant would just be completely untouched. This would be similar to how I have the settings already, but would reduce the chance of shrinking plants.

If you happen to find something that's getting scaled way out of wack, and are using More Informative Console (which you really should use btw), you can click the offending plant and look for the "EditorID". Then open my _SWAP.ini file and adjust the appropriate plant. The game already uses it's own scaling on several plants, so combining my scale adjustments could lead to some wacky plants. I just don't have the ability to check them all or account for the random nature of how this works.

And that's it! I hope you enjoy the new randomly changing plants in your game.

For even more world variety, check out some of my other mods:
Static Swaps Variety - AIO
Plant Size Variety
Meats, Meals, and More - Food Additions