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About this mod

A continuation and NextGen compatibility update for the great W3EE (5.03). Versions for both NextGen and OldGen. Includes a new toxicity system, dozens of new enchantments, updated skills and alchemy items, reworked witcher gear and relic swords, new set bonuses, and many small balance changes.

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A gameplay guide to help you get started with the mod

Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition Redux Documentation


Next-Gen Support
- Fixes compatibility issues between EE v5.03 and the Next-Gen update. 

- Complete overhaul of enchantments. 20 Runewords and 18 Glyphwords, each with 3 tiers.
- All enchantments also have a secondary passive bonus.
- Removing an enchantment returns its component runes and glyphs.
- Full list of enchantments can be found here: link

Runes & Glyphs
- Rather than each rune having one attribute that scales per tier, lesser runes and glyphs have their own unique attributes in the same vein.
- For instance, the Chernobog rune: lesser increases injury chance, normal increases critical damage, and greater increases critical chance.
- Removing upgrades from an item will not destroy them.
- Full list of runes and glyphs can be found here: link

Alchemy - Toxicity System
- Toxicity System reworked. Similar in concept to the great Lazarus system, but attempts to keep the simplicity of the W3EE system.
- Potions do not add toxicity immediately, but over their duration. 
- Toxicity Fever is not random, but occurs when you hit maximum Toxicity. It does not end until you fall below 90% of maximum Toxicity.
- Toxicity gained while already at maximum Toxicity deals heavy poison damage, reduced by skills and poison resistance.

Alchemy - Other
- Bombs now have a fuse time and don't explode on impact, but after a delay. By holding a bomb you can reduce this delay to 0, once again exploding on impact. Fire damage will immediately detonate a bomb.
- Updated many Decoctions effects
- Necrophage restores 10% of missing vitality regardless of vitality level
- Ogroid also prevents poisebreak and increases stagger resist
- Cursed has more buffs at night, and during a full moon will revive you at 50% health
- Elemental also reduces enemy elemental resistances when hit by elemental damage
- Spectre also increases physical resistance and grants graze damage immunity
- Relict now has mirrored buffs: vigor regen at dawn and stamina regen at dusk, sign intensity at high health and armor pierce at low health
- Hybrid also allows you to substitute vigor and stamina for each other when calculating penalties
- Insectoid reduces your toxicity by 1 when applying poison to enemies
- Added superior potion effects to the remaining potions that lacked them
- Black Blood: Damage returned also lowers morale
- Cat: Immune to stagger while dodging
- Full Moon: At night, received damage cannot be more than 1/6 max vitality. During a full moon, 1/8 max vitality.
- Golden Oriole: When imbibed, heals Vitality percent equal to Toxicity percent
- Swallow: Duration doesn't decrease while Vitality is full
- Tiara: Immune to stagger while parrying
- White Honey: Delays the removal of Potion Effects by 10 seconds
- White Raffard: When imbibed, heals 30% of missing Vitality
- Rescaled potion, oil, and bomb effects and added several new ones
- Golden Oriole can now contain secondary substances.
- Veil oil blocks enemy special abilities like dimeritium bombs.
- Flammable oil has burn chance.
- Moon Dust bombs also deal silver damage.
- Mutagens
- Rearranged and replaced many Mutagen bonuses
- Full list here: link 
- Lesser colored mutagens can be made with standard ingredients
- Regular colored mutagens have double the yield

Witcher Gear
- Reworked stats and set bonuses of all Witcher Gear, trying to give each a concise identity.

- Cat focuses on evasion, flanks, and injuries. 
Set Bonus: For each set piece equipped, attacks have +10% flanking attack power and injury chance for 5 seconds after a dodge, and dodges have +10% stamina efficiency and graze damage reduction for 5 seconds after an attack.
Grandmaster: Injuries you inflict reduce enemy speed and damage by 5%.

- Griffin focuses on signs, vigor, and resistances. It is now Heavy Armor.
Set Bonus: For each set piece equipped, 0.5% of the Ethereal damage you deal permanently lowers enemy force, frost, fire, shock, and mental resistances. Can break damage immunities, but not status.
Grandmaster: While inside a Yrden circle you have +10% increased time slow, +20% Vigor regeneration, and +20% Intensity for other Signs.

- Bear focuses on armor, parries, and poise.
Set Bonus: For each set piece equipped, perfect parries deal 10% more poise damage, poise-breaking an enemy restores 5 Stamina, and poise-break attacks deal 5% more damage.
Grandmaster: Each point of current poise reduces enemy armor piercing by 0.2% and damage taken through blocks by 0.3%. Each point of missing poise increases attack speed by 0.2% and poise damage by 0.3%. Poise does not regenerate unless blocking or standing still.

- Wolf focuses on stamina, adrenaline, and bleeding.
Set Bonus: For each set piece equipped, applying bleeding generates 0.25 Adrenaline, and Adrenaline gained over 100 restores 1 Vitality and 0.1 Stamina.
Grandmaster: Maximum adrenaline is increased to 150. Bleed stacks reduce enemy force and frost resistance by 5%.

- Viper focuses on oils, poison, and criticals. The swords have been expanded to 5-tiers like other sets.
Set Bonus: critical chance is increased by 0.25% per poison stack on the target, and Axii applies 1 poison stack on a successful cast.
Grandmaster: An additional oil can be applied, and potency loss from additional oils is reduced by 50%. Each oil applied increases bonus oil potency on critical hits by 25%.

- Manticore focuses on toxicity, ranged damage, and critical effects. A crossbow has been added to the set. The schematic is found alongside the gloves.
Set Bonus: For each set piece equipped, +6% ranged damage (including bombs) and +4% attack power per status effect on the target.
Grandmaster: Effects that scale with Toxicity percent scale with flat Toxicity instead. +0.2% attack power and +0.3 Vitality regeneration per point of active Toxicity.

- Forgotten Wolf tries to keep the Wolf Set's focus on Adrenaline while expanding it to encompass a more well-rounded playstyle.
Set Bonus: For each set piece equipped: 0.25% of Adrenaline gained also restores Vigor and while at full Vigor, 1000% of Vigor regeneration is added to Stamina regeneration.
Grandmaster: Casting Signs generates 10 Adrenaline. Potions imbibed with no other potions active have their effects increased by 50%. Decoction passive effects are increased by 100%.

- Full gear stats can be found here: link 

New Set Bonuses
- Added set bonuses to the Temerian, Nilfgaardian, Undvik, Ofieri, New Moon, Tesham Mutnam, Hen Gaidth, Dol Blathanna, and White Tiger sets.

- Moved the Temerian, Nilfgaardian, Undvik, New Moon, Dol Blathanna, and White Tiger items.

- Temerian
Set Bonus: Critical damage is increased up to 50% the more armor the target has. After 5 seconds without attacking, your next attack has 20% increased critical chance and armor piercing.
Location: Reward for completing 'Eye for an Eye' (either outcome).

- Nilfgaardian
Set Bonus: Your counters cost 50% less poise. Hitting an enemy with less poise than you restores up to half the stamina cost of the attack.
Location: Found in pieces when dealing with Nilfgaardians throughout Velen, racing Morvran, or purchased from Quartermaster Eggebracht.

- Undvik
Set Bonus: Enemies hitting you in melee may be chilled. When attacking with a two-handed secondary weapon, you deal 35% more damage and are immune to stagger.
Location: Reward for completing 'Master Armorers' and 'Lord of Undvik'.

- Ofieri
Set Bonus: Increases the passive secondary bonuses of Enchantments by 2 tiers.
Location: Unchanged. Crafted from schematics given during 'From Ofieri's Distant Shores'.

- New Moon
Set Bonus: Throwing knives stun opponents during their attacks. At night, total speed is increased by 10% and dodge windows are lengthened.
Location: Given during 'Open Seasame!'. You will no longer find uncommon or rare versions of the armor out in the world.

- Tesham Mutna
Set Bonus: Enemies damaging you in melee have a chance to bleed. Enemies slain in melee restore your Vitality by 200 per bleed stack.
Location: Unchanged. Found during 'La Cage au Fou'.

- Hen Gaidth
Set Bonus: Enemies damaging you in melee have a chance to be confused or charmed. Axii removes all bleeding from the target to restore your Vitality by 500 per bleed stack.
Location: Unchanged. Found in the Unseen Elder's lair during 'What Lies Unseen'.

- Dol Blathanna
Set Bonus (4): Ranged attacks have +10% critical chance and deal +50% poise damage. Dodges do not impede poise regen.
Set Bonus (6): Random herbs are found on slain enemies. Poise cannot be lowered for 3 seconds after a dodge, roll, or long distance attack.
Location: Found in various elven ruins or when dealing with elves.

- White Tiger of the West
Set Bonus (4): When you reduce an enemy's physical resistance, their armor piercing is reduced by the same amount. At Dusk your Stamina, Poise, and Vigor regeneration are increased by 25%.
Set Bonus (6): The Riving Blasts skill is not limited to the first bomb. While Albedo dominance is in effect, oils lose charge and equipment loses durability 50% slower.
Location: Found in spoils of war around Skellige.

- 'Improved' Kaer Morhen schematics have been added for the full set. When improved, they count towards the first Wolf set bonus.

- The Gothic, Meteorite, and Dimeritium now require only a Master armorer to craft. Additionally, Hattori will sell the Gothic schematics, Yoana will sell the Meteorite schematics, and Dulla will sell the Dimeritium schematics.

- Full gear stats can be found here: link 

Relic Swords
- Rebalanced and generally stronger, ideally you'll never find an artifact and think "why would I ever use this, let alone craft it?"
- Many abilities rearranged for more thematic flavor. "Greatest Fire" in elder speech and a sword named after the dragon of Zerrikania should probably be your fire swords.
- Changed where artifacts are found. Rather than hundreds of chests with a minute chance of an artifact, there are 31 containers that will always have a random artifact.
- When entering an area with an artifact, your medallion with react and Geralt will comment.
- Aerondight is once again a silver sword.
- Full list of changed relics can be found here: link
- Location list of artifact containers (SPOILERS): link

- Reworked many skills and perks.
- Alternate Signs are available without skill investment.
- Arrows can be redirected without skill investment.
- Alchemy path progress is increased by the quality of item being created.
- Finding mutagens grants Mutation EXP, and contracting Toxicity Fever grants Trials EXP.
- Mutagen slots are unlocked at 1/5/10/15 spent Mutation skill points (4th column in alchemy tree) rather than 15/30/60/90 total skill points.
- Full skill list can be found here: link 

- Reworked injury effects for better balance between player vs enemy injuries and longterm vs immediate effects.
- Receiving an injury staggers, causes bleeding, and drains some stamina.
- Injuries can only be removed by bandages, Swallow, or meditating at full health.
- Head injuries cause blindness, debuff stamina and vigor regen, and taking damage may cause additional blindness.
- Torso injuries debuff bleed resist and defense efficiency and may stagger you when parrying.
- Arm injuries debuff attack speed and efficiency and may stagger you when attacking.
- Leg injuries debuff move speed and efficiency and may stagger you when dodging.
- Some enemy special attacks do reduced damage but have very high chance to inflict specific injuries.
- Scream attacks inflict head injuries, stomp attacks inflict leg injuries.

Difficulty Settings
- New difficulty settings that affect many different aspects of gameplay rather than only enemy health (which can already be adjusted).

- Dog (Easy)
"No one wants to suffer. But yet it is our lot."
For those seeking to enjoy the mod without as great a challenge.

- Wolf (Normal)
"If I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."
For those looking for a well-balanced difficulty. This is the intended way to play the game.

- White Wolf (Hard)
"When you know how to fight something it stops being so threatening."
For those looking to extend the challenge of what the mod typically offers.

- Dire Wolf (Very Hard)
"The only thing that everyone is destined for is death."
For those looking to push themselves to the absolute limit. Not intended for newcomers.

Difficulty Settings:   Dog  |Wolf |WWolf|DWolf
Enemy Health           0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Enemy Damage           0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Enemy Resists          0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Enemy Poise            0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Enemy Aggressiveness   0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Enemy Dodge Chance     0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Enemy Parry Chance     0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Player DoT Damage      0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Player Tox Drain       1.25x|1.00x|0.80x|0.66x
Player XP Gain         1.25x|1.00x|0.80x|0.66x
Item Degradation       0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Buy Price              0.75x|1.00x|1.25x|1.50x
Sell Price             1.25x|1.00x|0.80x|0.66x
Crafting Requirements  1.00x|1.00x|2.00x|3.00x

Tweaks - Gameplay
- Base Vitality increased from 6000 to 10000. With default W3EE presets, there's no real change other than flat vs % vitality modifiers.
- Removed Vitality % received damage scaling for both the player and enemies. Net nerf to the player.
- Lowered base Stamina Regen from 12.5 to 10
- Stamina Regen now pauses during actions, separate from regen delays.
- Increased base Critical Hit Damage Bonus from +20% to +50%
- Critical Hits increase armor penetration and oil effects by 50%
- Sign skills no longer increase sign intensity, and stacking sign intensity is less effective.
- Reworked bleed and poison. Bleed is more damage focused, poison more debuff focused.
- They stack to 10, and any stacks applied over the cap deal their full potential damage immediately.
- Reduced the base chance to apply bleeding.
- Altered the burnout mechanic. Each burn reduces further burn chance by 10% to a minimum of 50%. Previous values were 33% to a minimum of 0%.
- Attacking a target affected by Axii makes them 25% more resistant to further Axii attempts. Resets after a failed cast.
- Restored most advertised effects of Adrenaline. Improves Stamina Regen (up to 20%), Stamina Efficiency (up to 20%), Vigor Regen (up to 20%), Damage (up to 20%), and Speed Offset (up to 30% at low health)
- Adrenaline generation is increased when fighting multiple enemies.
- Removed light, medium, heavy matched armor set bonuses. Most effects were redistributed.
- Adjusted the Armor vs Armor Pierce formula to be more intuitive. Net result should be that light armor takes slightly more damage vs high-AP enemies, and heavy armor takes slightly more damage vs low-AP enemies.
- Removed Dodge Exhaustion, but significantly increased Dodge regen delay. Dodging while at high poise has reduced cost and delays.
- Overexertion (emptying your stamina bar) is less punishing. No actions are blocked, but your speed and damage is reduced, you take additional poise damage, and your dodges have less effective damage reduction.
- Made several other changes to the Safe Dodge Angle and Graze calculation to make dodging more attractive.
- Improved slash counter behavior (thanks to Aeltoth)
- Slash counters now ignore armor and apply 2 bleed stacks rather than dealing inconsistent bonus damage.
- Fast attack poise-breaks inflict 5 bleed stacks and an injury instead of 12 bleed stacks.
- Increased strong attack and Sign damage bonus vs poise-broken enemies.
- Poise-broken enemies drop their shields.
- Enemy resistances can now be negative for purposes of direct damage calculations (they already could for DoT and status)
- Increased Inner Strength Sign cost from 25 to 35 stamina
- The Viper swords found in White Orchard now have similar attributes to the HoS Viper swords
- Reduced Chilling Bolt chill chance from 100% to 40%
- Glyphwords and Runewords confer the bonuses of their ingredient parts
- Poise regen delays are halved while standing still
- Evade speed has been expanded to movement speed and now affects sprint speed.

Tweaks - Quality of Life
- Partially re-implemented chest stashes. Weapons and armor placed in these chests will not encumber Roach, and are hidden unless interacting with another chest stash.
- Meditating doubles Vitality regeneration.
- Buffed food and drink to offset higher Vitality, and make Tier 3 food items more desirable.
- Rescaled the Well-Rested buff: takes 6 hours, lasts 18 hours.
- Bandages are made in bundles of 5, and don't come with a free bottle.
- Swimming with Quen cancels the shield but is no longer fatal.
- You can use a Razor to shave while meditating at a fire.
- Raised the drop rate of Erynia mutagens.
- Added several quality of life settings in the W3EE Inventory Options: 'Show Internal Item Names', 'Drop Quest Items', and 'Delete Items on Drop'
- Added a mod option to adjust the number of set pieces required to activate set bonuses.
- Added a mod option in the 'Finishers' section to disable finisher interaction with poise-broken enemies
- Added a mod option in the 'Exploration' section to return Witcher Sense to a hold rather than a toggle
- Added a mod option in the 'Visuals' section to disable some special sword fx
- Added two 'Stamina & Speed' options: 'Stamina Costs - Global' & 'Stamina Regen - Global'
- Added two additional presets to the 'Stamina & Speed' options: 'Dynamic', which features higher costs but even higher regen, and 'Strategic', which features lower costs, lower regen, and harsher penalties for running out of Stamina.
- Added Redux presets to several W3EE Options Menus: Stamina & Speed, Large Monsters, Small Monsters, Alchemy, Toxicity, Health Modifiers, Damage Modifiers.
- Significantly updated the Detailed Character Stats screen.

Enemies & AI
- New 'Aggression - Behavior' mod option that adjusts the AI's delay between choosing combat actions.
- Expanded the effects of W3EE's weather effects and added a few more: link
- Humanoids: Archers are less accurate over long distances.
- Leshen: removed burn critical immunity and reduced melee attack hitboxes.
- Golem: charge attack has reduced target tracking, increased speed, and knocks back.
- Troll: charge attack has reduced target tracking.
- Cyclops: charge attack has reduced target tracking and knocks back throughout the attack.
- Wraith: combo attack reworked. Lantern hits (1st and 3rd) are unparriable and stagger but do little damage. Sword hit (2nd) does increased damage but is parriable.
- Noonwraiths et al.: When corporeal, passively slow and drain the life of targets near them. Blocked by Quen, Moondust, Silverburn, Negation Glyphword.
- Ghouls: increased target tracking.
- Necrophages: smoothed poison resistance. All are highly resistant
- Arachnomorph: web attack prevents parrying
- Arachas: Poison spray damage reduced, web attack duration increased
- Werewolves: Immune to knockdown, sped up some animations, and reduced delay between actions
- All Vampires: gain lifesteal on attacks based on the target's bleed stacks.
- Katakans: Sped up some animations
- Bruxa: removed burn critical immunity and poison immunity. Neck bite attack significantly buffed.
- Garkains: removed poison immunity.
- Wyverns: no longer immune to Chilled and Frozen effects
- Wights, Hags, Foglets: Increased poise and resists.
- Warriors of the Wild Hunt are no longer immune to poison, and their poison resistance has been lowered. 
- Monster variants 'Drowned Dead', 'Mucknixer', 'Erynia', 'Ekhidna', have increased stats.
- Living Statues: the mages in the quest 'Extreme Cosplay' have reduced speed and health.
- All: adjusted status effect proc chance individually. Previously all monsters that could apply status did so at the same rate.
- Added further bleed chance to the following monsters: Ekimmara, Katakan, Werewolf, Harpy, Forktail, Wyvern, Griffin, Slyzard, Alp, Bruxa
- Added poison chance to the following monsters: Ghoul, Alghoul, Drowner, Drowned Dead, Rotfiend, Scurver, Endrega Worker, Arachnomorph, Toad Prince (Tongue), Slyzard (Tail), Archespore (Melee), Centipede (Melee)

Controller Support
- Added Aeltoth's Standalone Attack Bending mod as an optional "Hybrid Targeting" system, designed to ease playing the mod with a controller.
- Additional tips and documentation for using a controller can be found here.

- Fixed armor piercing applying to non-physical damage types.
- Fixed Flammable Oil having no effect whatsoever.
- Fixed Quen Active Shield not draining stamina with the Inner Strength perk.
- Fixed secondary damage types on swords applying their damage twice (perun runes).
- Fixed the 'Silver Burn' from Argentia Oil not doing any damage.
- Fixed the Viper Set stamina drain not working.
- Fixed Corrosive Oil not reducing your own sword durability.
- Fixed disappearing repair buffs on silver swords.
- Fixed animation and mechanical inconsistency with knocking flying monsters out of the air.
- Fixed being unable to complete 'Coast of Wrecks' minor quest.
- Fixed being unable to complete the secondary paintball game during 'Man from Cintra'.

Addons: 'Gaunter Mode'
- An optional soft-permadeath/challenge mode where you gain access to the 'Second Life' mutation, but each revival drains your skills, damages your attributes, and degrades your equipment.
- More info here: link

Addons: 'Seasoned Witcher Mode'
- Optional mode that condenses player power progression even further than W3EE. You start the game stronger, but end the game weaker.
- Can only be activated by entering the console command SeasonedWitcherMode() during the introductory Kaer Morhen dream sequence.
- You start the game with a number of skills maxed, but further XP gain is reduced by 90%. Additionally your starting gear is the Improved version.

The NextGen version of the mod includes W3EE v5.03, but requires you install the NextGen version of Community Patch - Shared Imports

OldGen requires you to download and install W3EE v5.02+ separately but has no other requirements.

Should be compatible with most mods W3EE is compatible with, unless they explicitly modify W3EE (like Lazarus). I'm currently using Gwent Redux and Random Encounters Reworked, and there are no issues merging with this mod.

Extract to your main Witcher 3 directory. Take the input.settings file and copy it into your Documents\The Witcher 3 folder.

Navigate to The Witcher 3\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc and open dx12filelist.txt (or 11 if you use that). Add the following lines to the file:


If using Script Merger or manually adjusting your mod load order via My Documents\Witcher 3\mods.settings, be sure that modReduxW3EE has priority over modW3EE.

When you start up the game, you'll want to update W3EE's mod options. You can go through each options page and compare between W3EE ('Default') or Redux to see which you prefer, or you can type DefaultReduxSettings() into console which will update all settings to their Redux defaults.

A new game is recommended after installing this mod, but if you want to keep going with your current save, I advise the following:
1. Back up your save
2. Unequip all gear
3. Drink a Potion of Clearance
4. Save your game
5. Install this mod
6. Type DefaultReduxSettings() into console. 
7. Drink another Potion of Clearance
8. Redistribute skills, proceed, and hopefully enjoy

Extract to your main Witcher 3 directory. Take the input.settings file and copy it into your Documents\The Witcher 3 folder.

If using Script Merger or manually adjusting your mod load order via My Documents\Witcher 3\mods.settings, be sure that modReduxW3EE has priority over modW3EE.

When you start up the game, you'll want to update W3EE's mod options. You can go through each options page and compare between W3EE ('Default') or Redux to see which you prefer, or you can type DefaultReduxSettings() into console which will update all settings to their Redux defaults.

A new game is recommended after installing this mod, but if you want to keep going with your current save, I advise the following:
1. Back up your save
2. Unequip all gear
3. Drink a Potion of Clearance
4. Save your game
5. Install this mod
6. Type DefaultReduxSettings() into console. 
7. Drink another Potion of Clearance
8. Redistribute skills, proceed, and hopefully enjoy

This mod is currently only fully translated in English, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Czech, Korean, and Chinese are partially translated. When using other languages, all edited strings will appear in English. I've included the raw .csv files in the mod. If you'd like to translate the mod into your language, I will gladly include it in the mod officially.

If you want to discuss the mod, I'm active on:

Wolven Workshop server > kolaris-collections channel
Gudmods server > w3-enahnced-edition channel

Reaperrz, Corvah, The Dedicated W3EE Modding Team™, Charon, falki
plasticmetal for the mutagen sorter, bugfixes, and much help with the NextGen update
Ryan Hank for the fix for load-screen blur and broken animations over long play sessions
Aeltoth for the Standalone Attack Bending setting and improved slash counter behavior from his Combat Skills mod
Ferroxius and JonasG for the gameplay guide
Nebojsa986 for the hand-picked artifact sword locations
c0ba1tum for the .w2ent updates to 4.04
RainbowBrejnev for the Woodland Beast quest fix
Russian translation: kyryllbereza and Sly
Czech translation and testing: Lord Mazour and fufec,  Correction: PredatorV
Polish translation: smartykoi
Korean translation: parachute on discord
Simplified Chinese translation: pengquan1998 on nexus (OldGen), cccClyde on discord (NextGen)
Turkish translation: Tasarruflu Fare
Spanish translation: Sete