Goodbyes From Listeners: Phil Mariage Phil Mariage has been doing contracting work with his father since the 1960s. These days, at age 85, his dad is a bit unsteady on the ladder, but he's still working hard. Yet the promise of a final farewell looms.

Goodbyes From Listeners: Phil Mariage

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OK, here's another interesting story. It's an essay from one of our listeners, Phil Mariage, on saying goodbye.

Mr. PHIL MARIAGE (Listener): I haven't said my most memorable goodbye yet, but I know it could be at any time. I've been painting and doing contracting work with my dad since I was a kid. He's still going strong but every New Year's Eve, I find myself wondering if this year might be the year I lose him. We began working together back in 1967 and still do, even though I have to yell out the dimensions now and try to keep him off the ladder. I know the last goodbye is coming. I just hope it happens someday on the job as he puts the finishing touches on one of our projects. That's the way he'd want it. He's still a pretty good painter but an even greater dad.

BRAND: That's one of our listeners, Phil Mariage, talking about his dad, Ray. He's 85 years old and still working in Hot Springs, Arkansas. We have more listener goodbyes at our Web site,


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