
Pakistan Forces Gun Down 9 Terrorists In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Commanders Najeeb alias Abdur Rahman and Ashfaq alias Muayvia were among the seven terrorists eliminated in the Tirah valley operation in the Khyber tribal district.

Pakistan Forces Gun Down 9 Terrorists In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Security forces gunned down nine terrorists, including key commanders, of a banned outfit in two operations in northwest Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on Monday, Pak army's media wing said.

The operations were conducted in Lakki Marwat and Khyber districts.

Commanders Najeeb alias Abdur Rahman and Ashfaq alias Muayvia were among the seven terrorists eliminated in the Tirah valley operation in the Khyber tribal district.

In the Lakki Marwat operation, two terrorists were assassinated as the forces targeted a terrorist compound in the area.

The slain terrorists were wanted by the forces for various terror activities, including attacks on the forces' convoys. Sizeable arms and ammunition were seized from possession of the terrorists.





