The Question of God

So that you can share your views and questions with other thoughtful individuals, online Discussion Forums are available related to themes and topics covered on this Web site and in The Question of God programs.

About the Program and Web Site

Do you have general comments or questions about the Question of God programs or Web site that you'd like to share with others?

The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis

Freud and Lewis were profound thinkers and prolific writers who became, respectively, perhaps the 20th century's greatest spokesmen for scientific skepticism and religious belief — the opposing worldviews that form the basis of The Question of God. We invite you to share your thoughts about the lives and work of both.

Other Voices

Be they philosophers or comedians, missionaries or neuroscientists, people from every walk of life confront the question of God at various times and in different ways. These 12 readings present an array of insights on issues and themes dealt with in the Question of God programs, from perspectives that widen the circle of voices in this enduring human exchange. We invite you to share your thoughts on any or all of these provocative pieces.

Transcendent Experience

What do we mean when we talk about transcendent experience? Is the desire for God an innate human drive? Is such an experience proof of God's existence?

Science or Revelation?

Is the scientific method our only accurate source of knowledge about reality, or is subjective experience a valid basis for belief?

The Exalted Father

Are our ideas about God merely a projection of our own inner needs and our early experiences with our parents? Or does the existence of those needs possibly prove that something exists beyond to fulfill them? Is parenting one way we act out our experience of God's relationship with us? How do you find faith as an adult?

Why Believe?

Does having faith in God need to be an emotional decision, or can it be purely an intellectual one? What difference does faith make in your everyday life?


Are extraordinary events evidence of God's existence? Did the miracles recorded in the Bible and other religious scriptures really happen as described? Have you yourself experienced something miraculous? Is it necessary to believe in miracles to hold a spiritual worldview?

Love Thy Neighbor

What does loving your neighbor really mean? Where does the impulse to love your enemies come from? Is it actually possible? If so, what outcome does it produce? Do you need to love God in order to love your neighbor? Do you need to love your neighbor to know the love of God?

The Human Condition

All religions that affirm that God is good must also explain the existence of evil. How do you come to terms with the existence of evil in the world? Is evil required for us to know good?

Moral Law

Where do our concepts of right and wrong come from? Do humans share a moral law that transcends time and culture?

Suffering and Death

Is the suffering we experience in the world evidence for or against God? What do you believe happens after death? How does belief or lack of belief in an afterlife affect your understanding of life?
