Removable batteries should never come back, despite what everyone says

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Arena Master
• 6mo ago

I survived for many years without a removable battery so I'm okay without it. I guess it's a nice option for others.

The main reason I don't want a removable battery is it can compromise and weaken the water resistance especially when you drop your phone.

Arena Apprentice
• 6mo agoedited
↵ilia.t said:

Ever since all flagship smartphones ditched the removable batteries, a very loud part of the tech community has been railing against this decision. Their main argument is that sealed phones limit the longevity of smartphones by not allowing users to change their batteries on their own. However compelling this may sound, it is nonsense.

According to Counterpoint Research data, most people say they change their phones due to battery issues, followed by broken displays. However, this data is from back in 2017 when phones and their batteries were quite different.

Today’s top flagships have longer-lasting batteries that can provide about three years of use without losing a significant portion of their capacity. This aligns with the consumer habit of changing smartphones every three years.

But even if someone doesn’t want to change their whole phone, they can easily visit a service provider and get their battery replaced. Of course, doing this at home would be easier and probably cheaper, but it is a viable solution. This option could solve the potential battery issues of older devices, but it won’t change the fact that 3-year-old smartphones are usually not great devices anyway.

You could argue that the latest Galaxies and Pixels have seven years of software support, including OS updates. However, none of these updates will include all new features after three or four years, and the reason will be the hardware, not the battery. The hardware is also the main reason budget smartphones don’t perform well after a few software updates. By the time their phone’s battery becomes unusable, most people will be drawn to the newer features and better performance of a new smartphone.

Adding removable batteries to most modern smartphones would require drastic design changes that won’t make users happy. I hope we never see the metal and glass combo being changed back to creaky plastic covers because the removable battery dream is simply pointless.

The concept of a "Fairphone" established an entire company so people could swap out parts such as the battery. I'd 100% go back to a plastic back if it meant swappable batteries. Most people don't care what their phone is made of since they put a plastic case on it anyway. Corporate greed is why we don't get swappable batteries or even a charger in the box. Imagine that, Apple and Samsung convinced the world they can sell us $1k phones and we just figure out how to power it ourselves. Wait until laptop manufacturers do the same. Did we help save the planet by getting rid of chargers? No? Okay then we'll just be forced to eat crickets. You just wait, we'll be forced to eat crickets because "they" said it will save the planet and be better for us. All the while, they just want to make more money.

Arena Apprentice
• 6mo ago

Phonearena writes really are a clueless bunch huh?

This post also confirms they should be kept away from tech in all aspects. Yikes.

• 6mo ago
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Arena Apprentice
• 6mo ago

I totally agrees with all of you that removable battery outweigh non removable in many ways.

If this non removable novelty is going to stay, all future electronic devices and automotive will follow suit.

Good working batteries on faulty phones will be discarded and affects the environment too.

Not forgetting some other issues.

Arena Apprentice
• 6mo ago

Yack, old Apple has glass back and removable battery, so what is a problem? The problem are manufactures, selfish and arogance, DONT BUY NEW PHONES, AND WILLL SEE, WHAT THEY WILL DOING! 👺

Arena Apprentice
• 6mo ago

wow,your article makes NO SENSE what so ever, with everything from over 3 years your battery wont loose a significant portion to 3 year old smartphones are not that my friend are the reason why people are so closed walled about the way forward.

Arena Apprentice
• 6mo ago

on the other hand, you'd make a fantastic politician

Arena Apprentice
• 6mo ago

Designed obsolescence is horrible in most things but especially in something produced by the millions+. Especially vile considering the materials in each phone. Waste of money & resources at best.

Arena Master
• 6mo ago
↵Jason2k13 said:

I survived for many years without a removable battery so I'm okay without it. I guess it's a nice option for others.

The main reason I don't want a removable battery is it can compromise and weaken the water resistance especially when you drop your phone.

How does that science work? The sealing is the same, no matter which side of the body the battery is.

Physics says a removable battery makes a phone less likely to get damaged from a drop. Think, old Nokia phones popping apart when hitting concrete.

The only good argument for non-removable components is stock value of the seller and their repair partners in crime. Everybody else lose.

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