Convention plenaries and keynotes

Convention plenaries and keynotes

As an added member benefit, APS is offering post-convention video packages to those who could not attend. APS members now have access to recordings from the most popular sessions at the APS Conventions.

Access to these videos is limited to members and to those who registered to attend these events.


2024 APS Annual Convention

This video package includes six recordings from APS 2024 and is available to APS members and convention registrants. This package is nontransferable and sharing the recordings is prohibited. View APS’s code of conduct for more information.

See full video package >

2023 APS Annual Convention

This video package includes seven recordings from APS 2023. This package is nontransferable and sharing the recordings is prohibited. View APS’s code of conduct for more information.

  • Plenary Session: Aging Minds: Challenges and Opportunities

    Smaller families and advances in the extension of health and life mean that there are fewer children and young people and many more elders than in the past, a demographic change that will only intensify in coming decades. What will the psychological consequences be?

See full video package >

ICPS 2023

This video package includes recordings of three Keynote Addresses and six Integrative Science Symposia from ICPS 2023. This package is nontransferable and sharing the recordings is prohibited. View APS’s code of conduct for more information.

See full video package >
