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Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree progression route

Here is the perfect area order for the Elden Ring DLC

An establishing shot of the Ancient Ruins Of Rauh region in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with Enir-Ilim visible in the distance.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Looking for a good progression route for Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree? The Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC introduces you to the Realm Of Shadow, a staggeringly large map for a mere DLC, and one with a huge emphasis on verticality and hidden paths to new areas. From the first region alone you can visit half a dozen different places, including two legacy dungeons. Just like the base Elden Ring map, the open world can be quite overwhelming, and the path forward is not always clear.

In Shadow Of The Erdtree, your character progression is dictated less by your character level and more by your Shadow Realm Blessing and your Scadutree Blessing Level. So when it comes to picking the right area order and progress route through the Realm Of Shadow, you also have to factor in how many Scadutree Fragments are available to pick up in each region, to figure out how powerful you're meant to become before tackling the next area.

In this progression route guide, we'll walk you through the ideal area order in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, starting from your opening moments in the Gravesite Plain and working all the way to the final legacy dungeon of the DLC, which is home to the expansion's fiendish final boss. You can peruse our progression route map below for a quick overview of our recommended area order, or read our in-depth guide further down to learn about the dangers of each individual region in Shadow Of The Erdtree.

Note: spoilers for the Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC follow! If you're looking for a progression route guide for the main game, check out our Elden Ring area order walkthrough.

Shadow Of The Erdtree progression route map

Follow this annotated map for the ideal progression route through every region of the Realm Of Shadow in the Elden Ring DLC. Each area is colour-coded and numbered with our recommended area order, and using the key on the side of the map you can also find our recommended Scadutree Blessing level for each region.

A full map of the Realm Of Shadow in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC, with each area colour-coded and numbered based on a recommended area order through which to traverse the map. On the right-hand side is a key which shows the names of all the numbered regions.
Use this progression route map to guide your journey through Shadow Of The Erdtree. Click to view at full resolution! | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Below we'll break down each of these regions one by one, along with important information such as important item pickups and which boss fights are better left until later on when you're more levelled up.

Shadow Of The Erdtree area order

This table details our recommended area order for each of the regions in the Elden Ring DLC, along with our recommendations for your Scadutree Blessing level within each region.

Order Area Scadutree Blessing Level
1 Gravesite Plain 0-2
2 Belurat, Tower Settlement 2-3
3 Ellac River 2-3
4 Cerulean Coast 3-4
5 Castle Ensis 4-5
6 Scadu Altus 5-6
7 Finger Ruins Of Rhia 4-5
8 Foot Of The Jagged Peak 5-6
9 Charo's Hidden Grave 6-8
10 Jagged Peak 7-9
11 Rauh Base 7-10
12 Stone Coffin Fissure 10-13
13 Shadow Keep 12-15
14 Scadutree Base 13-15
15 Scaduview 14-15
16 Hinterland 13-14
17 Ancient Ruins Of Rauh 15-16
18 Castle Watering Hole 10-12
19 Recluses' River 12-14
20 Abyssal Woods 15-16
21 Rest Of The Dread Dragon 17-18
22 Enir-Ilim 19-20

Unlike the base game, it isn't terribly important what your character's level is, as long as it's above Level 120 or so. It's also a given that you will need to upgrade your weapons to maximum level (or near maximum) in order to deal significant damage against enemies within Shadow Of The Erdtree.

1. Gravesite Plain

An establishing shot of the region of the Gravesite Plain in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 0-2
Key Items: Backhand Blade, Deflecting Hardtear, Great Katana
Bosses to watch out for: Furnace Golem, Blackgaol Knight, Ghostflame Dragon

When you first begin the Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC, you will spawn inside the Gravesite Plain, a large and surprisingly vertical region which leads to several different areas of the map. Don't be complacent; despite being the lowest-level area in the DLC, you can still die very quickly to most enemies without adequate Shadow Realm Blessings.

From the Gravesite Plain you can enter Belurat to the northwest, Castle Ensis to the northeast, the Foot Of The Jagged Peak via the Dragon's Pit, and the Cerulean Coast via Ellac River. That's a whole lot of places to explore.

2. Belurat, Tower Settlement

An establishing shot of the region of Belurat, Tower Settlement in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 2-3
Key Items: Storeroom Key, Well Depths Key, Divine Beast Head
Bosses to watch out for: Divine Beast Dancing Lion, Fire Knight Queelign

Belurat, Tower Settlement is located to the northwest of the Gravesite Plain, and it's likely the first legacy dungeon you'll explore in Shadow Of The Erdtree. Filled with Spider-Scorpions, Shadow Undead, and Horned Warriors, it's also home to a number of surprises, including a poison swamp, an invasion from Fire Knight Queelign, and an entire side-quest revolving around the Hornsent Grandam NPC inside the Storeroom.

In general the dungeon shouldn't be too difficult, although you may find that the main boss, the Divine Beast Dancing Lion, is too tough for you at first, and you may want to save defeating it until a little later on.

3. Ellac River

An establishing shot of the region of Ellac River in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 2-3
Key Items: Lightning Perfume Bottle, Horned Bairn
Bosses to watch out for: Ulcerated Tree Spirit, Furnace Golem

The Ellac River lies beneath the Gravesite Plain, and you can only access it by following the path of lowest elevation east of the Castle Front Site Of Grace. Once you reach the small river beside Castle Ensis, you can head into the cave beyond the giant Miranda Flower and into Ellac River.

There's not much of note inside Ellac River besides the Rivermouth Cave to the northwest. Its main purpose is to guide you south towards the gorgeous Cerulean Coast region - but mind the Furnace Golem guarding the region entrance.

4. Cerulean Coast

An establishing shot of the region of the Cerulean Coast in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 3-4
Key Items: Dancing Blade Of Ranah, Star-Lined Sword
Bosses to watch out for: Ghostflame Dragon, Dancer Of Ranah

The Cerulean Coast is only a small step up in difficulty from the Gravesite Plain, so it's safe to explore fairly early on in your progress route. It's also a spectacularly gorgeous place, despite only having a couple of key areas to visit.

From the Cerulean Coast, you can access the Stone Coffin Fissure in the southern peninsula, as well as the Finger Ruins Of Rhia via the beach (both of which we'll get to later). You can also fight the Dancer Of Ranah on the island to the west by using the cave from the nearby shore. Just don't waste time trying to get to the upper levels (Charo's Hidden Grave); that comes a bit later.

5. Castle Ensis

An establishing shot of the region of Castle Ensis in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 4-5
Key Items: Milady, Wing Stance, Rellana's Cameo, Spelldrake Talisman +3
Bosses to watch out for: Rellana Twin Moon Knight, Moonrithyll Carian Knight

The second legacy dungeon, Castle Ensis, is a step up in difficulty from Belurat. That's why we recommend a thorough exploration of the Gravesite Plain and Cerulean Coast first, to beef you up with Scadutree Fragments before taking on Remembrance boss Rellana in her home turf. It's not a terribly large legacy dungeon, but expect heavy resistance in the form of Carian Nobles and Glintstone Sorcerers.

Rellana herself can be really nasty depending on your build and playstyle. I'd recommend at least Scadutree Blessing Level 5 before taking her on. You may wish to return to her a little later, because you can reach Scadu Altus via an alternative path (via the Spiritspring below the Fort Of Reprimand in Ellac River).

6. Scadu Altus

An establishing shot of the region of Scadu Altus in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 5-6
Key Items: Prayer Room Key, Night Set, O Mother Gesture
Bosses to watch out for: Ralva The Great Red Bear, Furnace Golem

Scadu Altus is a massive, wide-open area that rivals the Gravesite Plain in size. It's split largely into two by the Recluses' River (which you'll explore later), and the eastern half is accessible only by dropping down the hole in Moorth Ruins and following the path through Bonny Village. While you're there, you should look north of Bonny Village and pick up the O Mother Gesture, as it's required for visiting a later region on the list.

Scadu Altus is home to a fair few interesting locations, including the Cathedral Of Manus Metyr - home to Ymir's questline - as well as the Church Of The Crusade, the Ruined Forge Of Starfall Past, and the Fort Of Reprimand.

7. Finger Ruins Of Rhia

An establishing shot of the region of the Finger Ruins Of Rhia in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 4-5
Key Items: Crimson Seed Talisman +1, Finger-Weaver's Cookbook [1]
Bosses to watch out for: None

The Finger Ruins Of Rhia are the first location you need to visit for Count Ymir, and it's largely empty of reasons to visit apart from the Crimson Seed Talisman +1 that you get for sounding the Hanging Bell at the centre of the ruins. There are no bosses, just tonnes of Fingercreepers and Lamprey. You can access it via the sandy shore in in the Cerulean Coast.

8. Foot Of The Jagged Peak

An establishing shot of the region of the Foot Of The Jagged Peak in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 5-6
Key Items: Grand Altar Of Dragon Communion, Dragon Heart
Bosses to watch out for: Jagged Peak Drake

The Foot Of The Jagged Peak is a gateway region which contains one important location: the Grand Altar Of Dragon Communion. There you can meet the Dragon Communion Priestess, and learn about the Dread Dragon, Bayle.

The Foot Of The Jagged Peak doesn't have much in the way of enemies besides one Jagged Peak Drake near the entrance. You can get to this region by completing the Dragon's Pit dungeon in the Gravesite Plain, and exiting out the other side. From here, you can continue east to the Jagged Peak itself, or climb over the giant dragon's corpse to reach Charo's Hidden Grave.

9. Charo's Hidden Grave

An establishing shot of the region of Charo's Hidden Grave in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 6-8
Key Items: Spirit Glaive, Spirit Sword, Lamenter's Mask
Bosses to watch out for: Death Rite Bird, Hippopotamus, Furnace Golem

Charo's Hidden Grave is a well-hidden region that's just as jaw-droppingly beautiful as the Cerulean Coast below it. The only way you can reach it is via the Foot Of The Jagged Peak, and it feels like a decent step up in overall difficulty when compared to earlier regions in this list. Prime among the dangers here is the Death Rite Bird which appears only at night, in the middle of the lake surrounded by Gravebirds.

You can also cross to the north side of Charo's Hidden Grave over the ravine, and enter the Lamenter's Gaol, a very easily missed dungeon which gives you some interesting items as a reward for defeating its rather unique boss.

10. Jagged Peak

An establishing shot of the region of the Jagged Peak in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 7-9
Key Items: Igon's Greatbow, Rock Heart, Dragon Heart x2
Bosses to watch out for: Ancient Dragon Senessax

The vast majority of the Jagged Peak is actually not too difficult, despite its very intimidating nature. There are only really three fights in this region: one against a pair of Dragons early on; then a somewhat harder fight against Ancient Dragon Senessax near the summit; and then finally the main boss at the summit itself, which I highly recommend you leave until much later on.

11. Rauh Base

An establishing shot of the region of the Rauh Base in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 7-10
Key Items: Smithscript Greathammer, Death Knight's Longhaft Axe
Bosses to watch out for: Rugalea The Great Red Bear, Death Knight

Rauh Base can be accessed as soon as you unlock Scadu Altus. Simply head into the cave in the river north of Moorth Ruins, and you can follow that path all the way to the Rauh Base region. Entering Rauh Base at this point in the progress route makes the most sense, as it's quite clearly separated from the considerably harder Ancient Ruins Of Rauh area above it, and the difficulty provides a good preparation for the next region: the Stone Coffin Fissure.

12. Stone Coffin Fissure

An establishing shot of the region of the Stone Coffin Fissure in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 10-13
Key Items: Velvet Sword Of St. Trina, St. Trina's Smile, St. Trina's Blossom
Bosses to watch out for: Putrescent Knight

The Stone Coffin Fissure is located at the bottommost point of the Cerulean Coast, and the entrance is blocked by a seal that only lifts once Miquella's Great Rune is broken. This happens only once you've reached Rauh Base, Shadow Keep, or the eastern section of Scadu Altus for the first time.

The Stone Coffin Fissure is home to a number of Bloodfiends, Gravebirds, and Skeletons, none of which should give you much trouble at this point. There's also a Misbegotten Crusader enemy, which may take a couple of attempts. But the real test of your ability comes at the very bottom, in the Garden Of Deep Purple, where the dangerous Putrescent Knight defends St. Trina herself.

13. Shadow Keep

An establishing shot of the region of the Shadow Keep in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 12-15
Key Items: Messmer's Kindling, Queelign's Greatsword, Iris Of Grace
Bosses to watch out for: Messmer The Impaler, Golden Hippopotamus

The Shadow Keep is the largest legacy dungeon in the Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC, and placing it here in the progression route comes with a couple of caveats. First: the main boss, Messmer The Impaler, can wait until a little later if you wish. He's a tough one, as you might imagine, and it's completely fine to wait until after you've done pretty much everything else in the game (aside from Enir-Ilim) before defeating him.

Second - Shadow Keep is split into two major sections, one of which is the Church District to the east. This Church District is accessible via eastern Scadu Altus, and it's a good idea to tackle this area second (after beating everything in the main Shadow Keep area) for the most natural progression through the dungeon.

14. Scadutree Base

An establishing shot of the region of the Scadutree Base in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 13-15
Key Items: Miquella's Great Rune
Bosses to watch out for: Scadutree Avatar

The Scadutree Base is a small area (basically just a boss arena) which is connected to the Shadow Keep Church District via the Tree-Worship Passage. Once you've drained the district you can follow the path through the double doors at the end of the church to reach this sub-region, where the fascinating and somewhat terrifying Scadutree Avatar Remembrance boss awaits you.

15. Scaduview

An establishing shot of the region of Scaduview in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 14-15
Key Items: Scadutree Fragment x5, Gaius's Greaves
Bosses to watch out for: Commander Gaius

Scaduview is a small region located to the north of the Shadow Keep, and it is accessible only via the Shadow Keep Back Gate. Just outside this gate, however, you immediately confront the main danger of the region: Commander Gaius, a powerful mounted Remembrance boss that nearly rivals Messmer himself in difficulty.

It's well worth the effort of defeating him though, because beyond the back gate and in Scaduview itself, you'll be able to pick up an easy 5 Scadutree Fragments at the Scadutree Chalice.

16. Hinterland

An establishing shot of the Hinterland region in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree: a landscape of cliffs, trees, and brightly coloured flowers. Superimposed over the image is the word "Hinterland".
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 13-14
Key Items: Golden Braid, Fingercreeper Ashes, Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
Bosses to watch out for: Tree Sentinel x2, Fallingstar Beast

The Hinterland is a surprisingly large area in the north of the Realm Of Shadow, which is gatekept behind a very specific action: performing the O Mother Gesture in front of the Marika Statue by the Shadow Keep Back Gate. The O Mother Gesture, as you might recall, can be found to the north of Bonny Village in Scadu Altus.

There's not much in the way of extreme dangers here; the biggest difficulties are the two Tree Sentinels early on in the Hinterland, and the Fallingstar Beast at the northern crater. Otherwise, the main point of coming here (besides the fascinating lore of Shaman Village) is to reach the Finger Ruins Of Dheo for Ymir's quest.

17. Ancient Ruins Of Rauh

An establishing shot of the region of the Ancient Ruins Of Rauh in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 15-16
Key Items: Devonia's Hammer, Divine Beast Tornado, Mottled Necklace +2
Bosses to watch out for: Romina Saint Of The Bud, Divine Beast Dancing Lion

The Ancient Ruins Of Rauh found high above the Rauh Base can only be reached by crossing the long bridge west from the Shadow Keep. Many would recommend completing the Ancient Ruins Of Rauh last (before Enir-Ilim), because it is this region which provides you with the path to reach the endgame dungeon. However, I find it much better to tackle the Ancient Ruins Of Rauh slightly earlier on, because it doesn't actually provide a huge challenge, and it's best enjoyed before you're over levelled ready for the endgame.

The main boss of the region, Romina, is an absolute pushover and by far the easiest Remembrance boss in the DLC (and probably Elden Ring as a whole). On the other hand, there's a second Divine Beast Dancing Lion in this region, and it's considerably tougher than the one you fought in Belurat, so this boss may end up being your biggest trouble in the Ancient Ruins Of Rauh.

18. Castle Watering Hole

An establishing shot of the region of the Castle Watering Hole in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 10-12
Key Items: Altar Of Light And Dark, Bloodsucking Cracked Tear, Oil-Soaked Tear
Bosses to watch out for: Furnace Golem x2

The Castle Watering Hole is a hard-to-reach sub-region of Scadu Altus which itself doesn't contain that many threats (aside from 2 Furnace Golems), but it makes sense to explore it at this point in your journey as you slowly make your way towards the Abyssal Woods.

The most important thing you'll find in the Castle Watering Hole (aside from a path into the Recluses' River) is the Ruins Of Unte, which holds an Altar Of Light And Dark inside that you can use to obtain the Sword Of Light and the Sword Of Darkness.

19. Recluses' River

An establishing shot of the region of Recluses' River in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 12-14
Key Items: Dryleaf Set, Rakshasa's Great Katana, Barbed Staff-Spear
Bosses to watch out for: Rakshasa, Jori Elder Inquisitor

The Recluses' River again is not terribly challenging - I'd say it's between Scadu Altus and the Shadow Keep in terms of difficulty - but it is a required part of your progression route in order to reach the final major region of the Realm Of Shadow, the Abyssal Woods. The Recluses' River is not straightforward to traverse, so you need to stay alert while fighting the bands of Man-Flies that defend this area.

Within the Recluses' River there are three key areas to watch out for. The first is the Village Of Flies, the home of the Man-Flies (and an errant Curseblade). The second is the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum, which contains the boss Rakshasa and his singular set of armour (as well as Rakshasa's Great Katana). And finally, at the very bottom of the river you'll find the Darklight Catacombs, the gateway to the next region.

20. Abyssal Woods

An establishing shot of the landscape of the Abyssal Woods region in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree. The words "Abyssal Woods" are superimposed over the top.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 15-16
Key Items: Aged One's Exultation, Madding Hand
Bosses to watch out for: Midra Lord Of Frenzied Flame

The haunting Abyssal Woods are reached via the Darklight Catacombs in the Recluses' River, and is unique thanks to its main enemies, the Aging Untouchable (also known as Winter Lanterns), which are unkillable except by parrying them.

The real reason to leave the Abyssal Woods until this late in your progression route, however, is Midra's Manse - a dungeon at the very bottom of the Abyssal Woods which is home to Remembrance boss Midra, Lord Of Frenzied Flame. I've heard some people say they found Midra easier than expected; good for them. It's a challenging fight to many others, it seems, and I'd advise only fighting him once you've reached around Scadutree Blessing Level 15 or so.

21. Rest Of The Dread Dragon

An establishing shot of the region of the Rest Of The Dread Dragon in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 17-18
Key Items: Bayle's Heart
Bosses to watch out for: Bayle The Dread

Before you progress to the endgame region of Enir-Ilim, remember that you still need to defeat Bayle The Dread at the very top of the Jagged Peak. Despite technically not being a Remembrance boss, I class him as a main boss in our Shadow Of The Erdtree boss order guide because of his sheer difficulty. Even with the help of fan-favourite NPC summon Igon, Bayle is an extremely challenging fight, and I'd recommend only fighting him once you've collected almost all the Scadutree Fragments that the Realm Of Shadow has to offer.

22. Enir-Ilim

An establishing shot of the region of Enir-Ilim in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, with the region's name emblazoned across the screenshot.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Recommended Scadutree Blessing Level: 19-20
Key Items: Euporia, Leda's Sword, Thiollier's Hidden Needle
Bosses to watch out for: Promised Consort Radahn, Needle Knight Leda

The final region of the game, the legacy dungeon Enir-Ilim is reached only by burning the sealing tree at the end of the Ancient Ruins Of Rauh using Messmer's Kindling. Obviously, it's a very challenging area, filled mainly with Inquisitors (which aren't actually that hard, but in numbers they can be very annoying), and some exceptionally challenging Horned Warrior elites.

These challenges can be overcome with a fairly high Scadutree Blessing Level, but the two main boss fights are a different matter. The fight against our former comrade Leda can be extremely challenging or fairly easy depending on who you have as enemies and allies. It all depends on your choices in the different NPCs' questlines. But when it comes to the final boss fight against Promised Consort Radahn, you'd better be at pretty much the maximum possible Scadutree Blessing Level in order to stand a chance of defeating him.

That's every single area of the Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC in Elden Ring covered in order, so hopefully you've found a good progression route to follow here. To make sure you're as prepared as possible for all the Shadow Realm's dangers, have a peruse through our Elden Ring DLC weapons guide, and our list of the best weapons in Shadow Of The Erdtree. You can also consult our Shadow Of The Erdtree boss locations guide to make sure you don't miss a single boss encounter.

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