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All Palworld breeding combos: Full list

Here are all the best breeding combos in Palworld

Screenshot of two Pals breeding together in Palworld
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

Want a full list of the best Palworld breeding combos? Whilst Palworld is a creature capture game at its heart, it is possible to breed all 137 Pals in the game instead of battling them. To do so, you'll need a list of the best breeding combos.

Below we've provided just that, along with a breeding calculator so you can work out the chances for specific Pal offspring. We've also gone through how to breed in Palworld, explained the chance of getting specific genders and listed which Pals we recommend breeding first. To take a look at this ultimate breeding guide for yourself, read on!

In this guide:

Take a look at the Palworld early access trailer here, if you're one of the handful on Earth who hasn't yet played it.Watch on YouTube

How to breed Pals in Palworld

To breed in Palworld, you will need a Breeding Farm. The Breeding Farm is unlocked at level 19, and you can craft one out of Wood, Stone, and Fiber. The exact amounts are listed below:

  • 100x Wood
  • 20x Stone
  • 50x Fiber

Once built, you will need a female Pal, male Pal, and Cake to get the Pals to breed together. If you need help with the latter, check out our handy guide on how to make Cake in Palworld!

Place the Cake inside the Breeding Farm Chest to the right of the entrance. Then place your two Pal parents into your base via the Palbox, pick them up, and launch them towards the Breeding Farm to assign them to it.

Now, all you need to do is sit back and wait for the Egg to be created. Once you have the Egg, place it inside an Egg Incubator and wait for it to hatch.

Unique Palworld breeding combos

In most cases when breeding in Palworld, the species of the offspring is determined by a calculation based on the two parents' Breeding Power Values (see more below). But there are a few unique Palworld breeding combos that ignore this calculation.

These breeding combos are important, because they are the only way that you can breed any of the below Pals. Most of them are for subspecies with particular elemental suffixes: "Ignis", "Noct", "Cryst", and so on. At the end of the list, you'll also see that there are 5 rare Pals that can only be bred by combining two of that same Pal species, so you'll need to find two of that species if you want more!

Here is the full list of all unique Palworld breeding combos:

Child Parent 1 Parent 2
Blazehowl Noct Blazehowl Felbat
Broncherry Aqua Broncherry Fuack
Dinossom Lux Dinossom Rayhound
Eikthyrdeer Terra Eikthyrdeer Hangyu
Elphidran Aqua Elphidran Surfent
Faleris Anubis Vanwyrm
Frostallion Noct Frostallion Helzephyr
Gobfin Ignis Gobfin Rooby
Grizzbolt Mossanda Rayhound
Hangyu Cryst Hangyu Swee
Incineram Noct Incineram Maraith
Jolthog Cryst Jolthog Pengullet
Kingpaca Cryst Kingpaca Reindrix
Leezpunk Ignis Leezpunk Flambelle
Lyleen Mossanda Petallia
Lyleen Noct Lyleen Menasting
Mammorest Cryst Mammorest Wumpo
Mau Cryst Mau Pengullet
Mossanda Lux Mossanda Grizzbolt
Orserk Grizzbolt Relaxaurus
Pyrin Noct Pyrin Katress
Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Sparkit
Reptyro Cryst Reptyro Foxcicle
Robinquill Terra Robinquill Fuddler
Shadowbeak Astegon Kitsun
Surfent Terra Surfent Dumud
Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Jormuntide
Vanwyrm Cryst Vanwyrm Foxcicle
Frostallion Frostallion Frostallion
Jetragon Jetragon Jetragon
Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis
Necromus Necromus Necromus
Paladius Paladius Paladius

If you need help finding any of these Pals in order to start off the breeding process, check out our Palworld Pal locations guide!

Screenshot of two Pals successfully breeding together in Palworld
Once breeding is successful, a blue light will appear on your screen and an egg will appear within the Breeding Farm | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

Palworld Breeding Calculator

All Pals have a hidden Breeding Power Value (BPV), which is used to calculate the species of the child when two Pals breed. Unlike the gender, there's no randomness involved with the Breeding Power Values. Once you understand the simple formula that is used behind the scenes, you'll see that no matter how many times you breed a specific pair of Pals, you'll always end up with the same species of offspring.

Every Pal's Breeding Power Value is a number between 10 and 1500, with lower values being rarer and stronger. You can work out exactly which Pal you'll end up with if you breed two specific Pals by using the following calculation:


Or, to put it more simply:

  1. Add the male parent's BPV to the female parent's BPV.
  2. Add 1 to your answer, and then divide it all by 2.
  3. Round the answer down to the nearest whole number.
  4. Find the Pal in the table below with the nearest BVP to your answer.
  5. If there's a tie, then pick the Pal with the lowest Tie-Break Order.
Pal Breeding Power Value Tie-Break Order
Chikipi 1500 62
Teafant 1490 14
Mau 1480 4
Lamball 1470 27
Cattiva 1460 46
Cremis 1455 135
Vixy 1450 79
Mau Cryst 1440 5
Lifmunk 1430 7
Hangyu Cryst 1422 32
Hangyu 1420 31
Sparkit 1410 65
Flambelle 1405 137
Foxparks 1400 20
Hoocrates 1390 82
Depresso 1380 47
Jolthog 1370 17
Jolthog Cryst 1360 18
Pengullet 1350 23
Tocotoco 1340 8
Fuack 1330 59
Bristla 1320 21
Ribunny 1310 117
Swee 1300 114
Killamari 1290 85
Flopie 1280 91
Kelpsea Ignis 1270 84
Kelpsea 1260 83
Tanzee 1250 107
Gumoss 1240 112
Gumoss (Special) 1240 113
Daedream 1230 106
Fuddler 1220 101
Dazzi 1210 24
Woolipop 1190 39
Nox 1180 121
Wixen 1160 80
Rooby 1155 138
Maraith 1150 51
Leezpunk Ignis 1140 58
Rushoar 1130 6
Leezpunk 1120 57
Lunaris 1110 22
Gobfin Ignis 1100 26
Gobfin 1090 25
Cawgnito 1080 44
Beegarde 1070 95
Direhowl 1060 15
Vaelet 1050 89
Gorirat 1040 16
Galeclaw 1030 12
Robinquill 1020 52
Felbat 1010 70
Robinquill Terra 1000 53
Verdash 990 103
Fenglope 980 48
Loupmoon 950 30
Lovander 940 81
Caprity 930 75
Eikthyrdeer 920 9
Mozzarina 910 86
Eikthyrdeer Terra 900 10
Dumud 895 136
Melpaca 890 41
Reindrix 880 76
Celaray 870 128
Broncherry 860 71
Digtoise 850 11
Broncherry Aqua 840 72
Kitsun 830 56
Dinossom 820 63
Dinossom Lux 810 64
Chillet 800 123
Arsox 790 99
Petallia 780 130
Foxcicle 760 104
Tombat 750 96
Rayhound 740 100
Blazehowl 710 108
Katress 700 116
Univolt 680 19
Blazehowl Noct 670 109
Vanwyrm 660 60
Bushi 640 127
Vanwyrm Cryst 620 61
Incineram 590 2
Incineram Noct 580 3
Anubis 570 1
Surfent 560 42
Surfent Terra 550 43
Elphidran 540 37
Elphidran Aqua 530 38
Penking 520 122
Grintale 510 131
Azurobe 500 45
Cinnamoth 490 132
Wumpo Botan 480 88
Kingpaca 470 110
Wumpo 460 87
Sibelyx 450 78
Kingpaca Cryst 440 111
Mossanda 430 97
Nitewing 420 90
Sweepa 410 115
Mossanda Lux 390 98
Ragnahawk 380 126
Faleris 370 73
Pyrin 360 35
Quivern 350 124
Warsect 340 119
Elizabee 330 94
Reptyro 320 49
Jormuntide Ignis 315 29
Jormuntide 310 28
Mammorest 300 68
Mammorest Cryst 290 69
Relaxaurus 280 54
Relaxaurus Lux 270 55
Menasting 260 133
Lyleen 250 92
Pyrin Noct 240 36
Reptyro Cryst 230 50
Beakon 220 118
Lyleen Noct 210 93
Grizzbolt 200 13
Helzephyr 190 125
Astegon 150 102
Orserk 140 134
Cryolinx 130 40
Frostallion 120 66
Frostallion Noct 100 67
Jetragon 90 105
Paladius 80 120
Necromus 70 129
Shadowbeak 60 77
Suzaku 50 33
Suzaku Aqua 30 34
Blazamut 10 74

Pal Genders explained

Screenshot of the Pal menu in Palworld showing a Pal's gender
A Pal's gender can be seen on their profile within a Palbox | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

You need to have one male parent and one female parent to start breeding in Palworld. But if you want the offspring Pal to be a particular gender, then things are slightly more complicated and chance-based.

Almost all Pals have a 50% chance to be male or female when they are born. But there are exceptions to this rule. The following 10 Pals have a skewed chance of being male or female when bred in Palworld:

Pal Male Female
Kingpaca 90% 10%
Kingpaca Cryst 90% 10%
Warsect 85% 15%
Lovander 30% 70%
Lyleen 30% 70%
Lyleen Noct 30% 70%
Dazzi 20% 80%
Mozzarina 20% 80%
Beegarde 10% 90%
Elizabee 10% 90%

There's nothing you can do to influence whether the offspring Pal will be male or female when breeding. You just have to keep trying until you get the gender you require.

Palworld best breeding combos

Because of Palworld's hidden Breeding Power Values, there's a huge number of possible breeding combos - in fact, there is a grand total of 19,044 breeding combos in the game.

That's obviously too many to list, and far too many to be useful anyway. So instead, we've compiled a list of the top 1-3 best breeding combos for each Pal species in Palworld below, to help you breed the Pals you want as quickly as possible.

See our full list of the best breeding combos for each Pal below. This list is in alphabetical order rather than Paldeck number.

How to breed Anubis:

  • Penking + Bushi
  • Celaray + Relaxaurus
  • Arsox + Pyrin

How to breed Arsox:

  • Frostallion + Lamball
  • Gumoss + Elizabee
  • Gobfin + Cinnamoth

How to breed Astegon:

  • Elizabee + Blazamut
  • Relaxaurus + Blazamut
  • Menasting + Suzaku

How to breed Azurobe:

  • Penking + Cinnamoth
  • Mossanda + Surfent
  • Nitewing + Incineram

How to breed Beakon:

  • Elizabee + Cryolinx
  • Mossanda + Blazamut
  • Pyrin + Suzaku

How to breed Beegarde:

  • Cattiva + Univolt
  • Tanzee + Melpaca
  • Tanzee + Dumud

How to breed Blazamut:

  • Blazamut + Blazamut
  • Blazamut + Suzaku Aqua

How to breed Blazehowl:

  • Penking + Mozzarina
  • Lifmunk + Blazamut
  • Celaray + Surfent

How to breed Blazehowl Noct:

  • Blazehowl + Felbat

How to breed Bristla:

  • Lamball + Nox
  • Foxparks + Tanzee
  • Chikipi + Rushoar

How to breed Broncherry:

  • Foxparks + Elizabee
  • Rooby + Surfent
  • Gumoss + Cinnamoth

How to breed Broncherry Aqua:

  • Broncherry + Fuack

How to breed Bushi:

  • Mozzarina + Pyrin
  • Mossanda + Kitsun
  • Caprity + Elizabee

How to breed Caprity:

  • Cattiva + Sweepa
  • Lifmunk + Mossanda
  • Pengullet + Penking

How to breed Cattiva:

  • Lamball + Vixy
  • Lifmunk + Teafant
  • Lamball + Cremis

How to breed Cawgnito:

  • Tanzee + Mozzarina
  • Foxparks + Foxcicle
  • Gumoss + Mozzarina

How to breed Celaray:

  • Fuack + Sweepa
  • Rooby + Incineram
  • Bristla + Nitewing

How to breed Chikipi:

  • Chikipi + Chikipi

How to breed Chillet:

  • Penking + Gobfin
  • Gumoss + Pyrin
  • Nox + Mossanda

How to breed Cinnamoth:

  • Nitewing + Surfent
  • Foxcicle + Beakon
  • Grintale + Kingpaca

How to breed Cremis:

  • Cattiva + Vixy
  • Lifmunk + Mau
  • Chikipi + Sparkit

How to breed Cryolinx:

  • Beakon + Blazamut
  • Blazamut + Helzephyr
  • Helzephyr + Suzaku

How to breed Daedream:

  • Lifmunk + Galeclaw
  • Tanzee + Fuddler
  • Jolthog + Gobfin

How to breed Dazzi:

  • Lamball + Caprity
  • Tanzee + Rooby
  • Pengullet + Direhowl

How to breed Depresso:

  • Lamball + Killamari
  • Lifmunk + Fuack
  • Jolthog + Hoocrates

How to breed Digtoise:

  • Foxparks + Relaxaurus
  • Foxparks + Mammorest
  • Pengullet + Elizabee

How to breed Dinossom:

  • Rooby + Cinnamoth
  • Rushoar + Cinnamoth
  • Flopie + Pyrin

How to breed Dinossom Lux:

  • Dinossom + Rayhound

How to breed Direhowl:

  • Lifmunk + Univolt
  • Tanzee + Celaray
  • Fuack + Arsox

How to breed Dumud:

  • Lifmunk + Pyrin
  • Jolthog + Mossanda
  • Depresso + Nitewing

How to breed Eikthyrdeer:

  • Chikipi + Elizabee
  • Foxparks + Mossanda
  • Pengullet + Cinnamoth

How to breed Eikthyrdeer Terra:

  • Eikthyrdeer + Hangyu

How to breed Elizabee:

  • Pyrin + Mammorest
  • Beakon + Sibelyx
  • Elphidran + Cryolinx

How to breed Elphidran:

  • Penking + Surfent
  • Celaray + Beakon
  • Incineram + Cinnamoth

How to breed Elphidran Aqua:

  • Elphidran + Surfent

How to breed Faleris:

  • Vanwyrm + Anubis

How to breed Felbat:

  • Rooby + Celaray
  • Penking + Mau
  • Chikipi + Penking

How to breed Fenglope:

  • Lamball + Cinnamoth
  • Lifmunk + Penking
  • Rooby + Arsox

How to breed Flambelle:

  • Lamball + Tocotoco
  • Cattiva + Pengullet
  • Foxparks + Sparkit

How to breed Flopie:

  • Lamball + Gobfin
  • Foxparks + Rooby
  • Sparkit + Rooby

How to breed Foxcicle:

  • Rooby + Pyrin
  • Penking + Robinquill
  • Gumoss + Relaxaurus

How to breed Foxparks:

  • Lamball + Fuack
  • Cattiva + Fuack
  • Lifmunk + Jolthog

How to breed Frostallion:

  • Frostallion + Frostallion

How to breed Frostallion Noct:

  • Frostallion + Helzephyr

How to breed Fuack:

  • Chikipi + Rooby
  • Sparkit + Tanzee
  • Lamball + Woolipop

How to breed Fuddler:

  • Rooby + Flopie
  • Foxparks + Gorirat
  • Depresso + Direhowl

How to breed Galeclaw:

  • Lamball + Incineram
  • Rooby + Mozzarina
  • Gumoss + Kitsun

How to breed Gobfin:

  • Tanzee + Caprity
  • Rooby + Galeclaw
  • Lifmunk + Foxcicle

How to breed Gobfin Ignis:

  • Gobfin + Rooby

How to breed Gorirat:

  • Chikipi + Incineram
  • Rooby + Caprity
  • Teafant + Incineram

How to breed Grintale:

  • Mossanda + Incineram
  • Chillet + Beakon
  • Pyrin + Vanwyrm

How to breed Grizzbolt:

  • Mossanda + Rayhound

How to breed Gumoss:

  • Fuack + Rooby
  • Cattiva + Robinquill
  • Hoocrates + Gobfin

How to breed Gumoss (Special):

  • Gumoss (Special) + Gumoss (Special)

How to breed Hangyu:

  • Lifmunk + Foxparks
  • Chikipi + Fuack
  • Lifmunk + Sparkit

How to breed Hangyu Cryst:

  • Hangyu + Swee

How to breed Helzephyr:

  • Pyrin + Blazamut
  • Beakon + Cryolinx
  • Ragnahawk + Blazamut

How to breed Hoocrates:

  • Lamball + Ribunny
  • Chikipi + Flopie
  • Lifmunk + Pengullet

How to breed Incineram:

  • Penking + Univolt
  • Rooby + Blazamut
  • Celaray + Elizabee

How to breed Incineram Noct:

  • Incineram + Maraith

How to breed Jetragon:

  • Jetragon + Jetragon

How to breed Jolthog:

  • Lamball + Tanzee
  • Chikipi + Tanzee
  • Foxparks + Fuack

How to breed Jolthog Cryst:

  • Jolthog + Pengullet

How to breed Jormuntide:

  • Elizabee + Relaxaurus
  • Sweepa + Beakon
  • Nitewing + Helzephyr

How to breed Jormuntide Ignis:

  • Jormuntide Ignis + Jormuntide Ignis

How to breed Katress:

  • Penking + Celaray
  • Direhowl + Elizabee
  • Gobfin + Mammorest

How to breed Kelpsea:

  • Lamball + Direhowl
  • Lifmunk + Gobfin
  • Tanzee + Flopie

How to breed Kelpsea Ignis:

  • Cattiva + Gobfin
  • Fuack + Fuddler
  • Tanzee + Killamari

How to breed Killamari:

  • Lifmunk + Rooby
  • Cattiva + Rushoar
  • Fuack + Tanzee

How to breed Kingpaca:

  • Penking + Nitewing
  • Caprity + Blazamut
  • Incineram Noct + Pyrin

How to breed Kingpaca Cryst:

  • Kingpaca + Reindrix

How to breed Kitsun:

  • Fuack + Elizabee
  • Tanzee + Nitewing
  • Rooby + Penking

How to breed Lamball:

  • Lamball + Cattiva
  • Chikipi + Lifmunk
  • Vixy + Teafant

How to breed Leezpunk:

  • Fuack + Mozzarina
  • Jolthog + Celaray
  • Cremis + Arsox

How to breed Leezpunk Ignis:

  • Leezpunk + Flambelle

How to breed Lifmunk:

  • Lamball + Foxparks
  • Cattiva + Foxparks
  • Chikipi + Pengullet

How to breed Loupmoon:

  • Lamball + Mossanda
  • Lifmunk + Cinnamoth
  • Foxparks + Penking

How to breed Lovander:

  • Lamball + Sweepa
  • Gumoss + Bushi
  • Hoocrates + Cinnamoth

How to breed Lunaris:

  • Fuack + Celaray
  • Pengullet + Celaray
  • Lamball + Foxcicle

How to breed Lyleen:

  • Mossanda + Petallia

How to breed Lyleen Noct:

  • Lyleen + Menasting

How to breed Mammorest:

  • Incineram + Blazamut
  • Elizabee + Menasting
  • Beakon + Ragnahawk

How to breed Mammorest Cryst:

  • Mammorest + Wumpo

How to breed Maraith:

  • Lifmunk + Celaray
  • Rooby + Rushoar
  • Foxparks + Melpaca

How to breed Mau:

  • Lamball + Chikipi
  • Cattiva + Chikipi
  • Lamball + Teafant

How to breed Mau Cryst:

  • Mau + Pengullet

How to breed Melpaca:

  • Tanzee + Penking
  • Pengullet + Mossanda
  • Lamball + Mammorest

How to breed Menasting:

  • Penking + Blazamut
  • Elizabee + Helzephyr
  • Pyrin + Cryolinx

How to breed Mossanda:

  • Grintale + Pyrin
  • Bushi + Beakon
  • Nitewing + Sibelyx

How to breed Mossanda Lux:

  • Mossanda + Grizzbolt

How to breed Mozzarina:

  • Cattiva + Pyrin
  • Fuack + Cinnamoth
  • Penking + Killamari

How to breed Necromus:

  • Necromus + Necromus

How to breed Nitewing:

  • Penking + Elizabee
  • Elizabee + Grintale
  • Arsox + Suzaku

How to breed Nox:

  • Lamball + Melpaca
  • Vixy + Mozzarina
  • Cattiva + Melpaca

How to breed Orserk:

  • Grizzbolt + Relaxaurus

How to breed Paladius:

  • Paladius + Paladius

How to breed Pengullet:

  • Lamball + Gumoss
  • Cattiva + Tanzee
  • Fuack + Jolthog

How to breed Penking:

  • Cinnamoth + Surfent
  • Mozzarina + Cryolinx
  • Cinnamoth + Elphidran

How to breed Petallia:

  • Rooby + Sweepa
  • Daedream + Elizabee
  • Rushoar + Mossanda

How to breed Pyrin:

  • Penking + Beakon
  • Elizabee + Sweepa
  • Mossanda + Relaxaurus

How to breed Pyrin Noct:

  • Pyrin + Katress

How to breed Quivern:

  • Nitewing + Relaxaurus
  • Grintale + Helzephyr
  • Ragnahawk + Reptyro

How to breed Ragnahawk:

  • Mossanda + Elizabee
  • Nitewing + Elizabee
  • Cinnamoth + Relaxaurus

How to breed Rayhound:

  • Lamball + Blazamut
  • Rooby + Elizabee
  • Penking + Caprity

How to breed Reindrix:

  • Lifmunk + Elizabee
  • Lamball + Relaxaurus
  • Fuack + Mossanda

How to breed Relaxaurus:

  • Nitewing + Cryolinx
  • Elizabee + Beakon
  • Penking + Suzaku

How to breed Relaxaurus Lux:

  • Relaxaurus + Sparkit

How to breed Reptyro:

  • Penking + Cryolinx
  • Mossanda + Beakon
  • Pyrin + Relaxaurus

How to breed Reptyro Cryst:

  • Reptyro + Foxcicle

How to breed Ribunny:

  • Lamball + Rooby
  • Cattiva + Rooby
  • Tanzee + Jolthog

How to breed Robinquill:

  • Lamball + Surfent
  • Tanzee + Arsox
  • Rooby + Melpaca

How to breed Robinquill Terra:

  • Robinquill + Fuddler

How to breed Rooby:

  • Foxparks + Mozzarina
  • Tanzee + Direhowl
  • Rushoar + Nox

How to breed Rushoar:

  • Lamball + Arsox
  • Foxparks + Celaray
  • Fuack + Caprity

How to breed Shadowbeak:

  • Kitsun + Astegon

How to breed Sibelyx:

  • Penking + Pyrin
  • Nitewing + Cinnamoth
  • Elizabee + Surfent

How to breed Sparkit:

  • Lamball + Pengullet
  • Lifmunk + Hoocrates
  • Fuack + Teafant

How to breed Surfent:

  • Penking + Incineram
  • Mossanda + Univolt
  • Arsox + Elizabee

How to breed Surfent Terra:

  • Surfent + Dumud

How to breed Suzaku:

  • Cryolinx + Blazamut
  • Blazamut + Astegon
  • Blazamut + Orserk

How to breed Suzaku Aqua:

  • Suzaku + Jormuntide

How to breed Swee:

  • Lamball + Rushoar
  • Lifmunk + Nox
  • Fuack + Flopie

How to breed Sweepa:

  • Penking + Relaxaurus
  • Mossanda + Pyrin
  • Cinnamoth + Elizabee

How to breed Tanzee:

  • Lamball + Galeclaw
  • Foxparks + Gobfin
  • Tanzee + Gumoss

How to breed Teafant:

  • Chikipi + Mau
  • Chikipi + Teafant
  • Teafant + Teafant

How to breed Tocotoco:

  • Cattiva + Daedream
  • Lamball + Fuddler
  • Lifmunk + Tanzee

How to breed Tombat:

  • Penking + Verdash
  • Nox + Elizabee
  • Direhowl + Mossanda

How to breed Univolt:

  • Penking + Kitsun
  • Fuack + Blazamut
  • Celaray + Cinnamoth

How to breed Vaelet:

  • Cattiva + Bushi
  • Daedream + Celaray
  • Direhowl + Gorirat

How to breed Vanwyrm:

  • Celaray + Mossanda
  • Rushoar + Helzephyr
  • Penking + Arsox

How to breed Vanwyrm Cryst:

  • Vanwyrm + Foxcicle

How to breed Verdash:

  • Lamball + Penking
  • Chikipi + Cinnamoth
  • Cattiva + Penking

How to breed Vixy:

  • Lamball + Lifmunk
  • Cattiva + Lifmunk
  • Chikipi + Foxparks

How to breed Warsect:

  • Mossanda + Menasting
  • Beakon + Wumpo
  • Elizabee + Pyrin

How to breed Wixen:

  • Lamball + Celaray
  • Lifmunk + Mozzarina
  • Cattiva + Celaray

How to breed Woolipop:

  • Lamball + Mozzarina
  • Rooby + Daedream
  • Chikipi + Celaray

How to breed Wumpo:

  • Penking + Sweepa
  • Incineram + Elizabee
  • Mossanda + Cinnamoth

How to breed Wumpo Botan:

  • Wumpo + Cinnamoth
  • Penking + Mossanda
  • Incineram + Pyrin

Best Pals to breed first in Palworld

Screenshot of two Pals breeding together in Palworld
Pals can breed multiple times when you have a good supply of Cake | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

The following list contains all the Pals to prioritise and breed first in Palworld. We've chosen them due to various factors like effectiveness in combat, Partner Skill, Skill proficiencies and more. We've also selected Pals that are otherwise rare and hard to obtain through exploration. Therefore, breeding can offer you a shortcut to getting the best Pals in Palworld.

Pal Pal parents Reason to breed
Anubis Penking + Bushi
Celaray + Relaxaurus
Arsox + Pyrin
Handiwork Level 4
Powerful Ground attacks
Side dodge move
Astegon Elizabee + Blazamut
Relaxaurus + Blazamut
Menasting + Suzaku
Mining Level 4
An otherwise rare flying mount
Dark and Dragon attacks
Grizzbolt Mossanda + Rayhound Transporting Level 3
Generating Electricity Level 3
Otherwise rare to obtain
Can be mounted
Can wield a minigun
Jormuntide Elizabee + Relaxaurus
Sweepa + Beakon
Nitewing + Helzephyr
Watering Level 4
One of the fastest mounts
Water, Electric and Dragon attacks
Lovander Lamball + Sweepa
Gumoss + Bushi
Hoocrates + Cinnamoth
Heart Drain skill can restore HP
Four skill proficiencies
Neutral, Water and Dark attacks
Lyleen Mossanda + Petallia Four different skill proficiencies
Harvest Goddess skill can restore HP
Otherwise rare to obtain
The best Pal for Planting and Medicine Production
Orserk Grizzbolt + Relaxaurus Generating Electricity Level 4
Kerauno skill, capable of 100 power
Otherwise rare to obtain
Shadowbeak Kitsun + Astegon Otherwise rare to obtain
Flying mount
Powerful Dark attacks
Sibelyx Penking + Pyrin
Nitewing + Cinnamoth
Elizabee + Surfent
Ice, Dark and Water attacks
Silk Maker skill unleashes a Blizzard Spike attack
Can produce High Quality Cloth at a ranch
Verdash Lamball + Penking
Chikipi + Cinnamoth
Cattiva + Penking
Five different skill proficiencies
Otherwise rare to obtain
A strong base Pal for Gathering

That rounds off our guide to breeding in Palworld and the best breeding combos for each Pal. For more tips and tricks, see our list of the best Pals in Palworld which includes the best flying mounts, regular mounts, best Pals for combat and more, across all elements. Alternatively, see our full Pal list which includes more information on every single Pal in the current Paldeck.

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